SEPTEMBER 1860 – 1911
Sunday Sept 9th 1860
My dear Philip.
The concert which has been engrossing everyone’s
attention is coming off on Tuesday evening.
They had a rehearsal last night in the assembly room. Mrs Langshaw is going to take the soprano
solos, and Caroline Holland the contralto, and “the Knutsford young ladies” the
choruses. It ought to be a grand success for everyone has taken so much trouble
about it. Tickets to the amount of more
than £27 have been taken already! The
ladies are to be dressed in white high dresses. The basses and tenors had white
cotton gloves given them, and Mark Alcock asked Susan Mammatt if there was any thing else white they must come in. Did he mean white ties ? Everyone is having visitors. Mr & Mrs J Fletcher at Grandmamas. The
Greens and Mr Sharpe at the Deanes. The Watkins Lucy Hollins Anne Brandreth and
Mr Arnold at Grove House. Mr Arnold is
conducting most kindly. He is to be
presented with an ivory baton mounted with silver. Poor Catherine is in great anxiety whether
she will be able to go to the concert for she has a swelling and inflammation
in her nose and under her eyes. At
first they were afraid it was erysipelas* but Mr Merriman says it is not now. He said today that if it became no worse it
wd do her no harm to go and I think she will go but her beauty is much
spoiled. The Longs are going to
Llandudno on Friday next, for a fortnight. They very much want Grandmama to go
with them but at present she will not hear of it. They will come back in time for the 30th
when Mr Channing is coming to preach the Charity Sermon. He will stay with us,
and we are looking forward to his visit with great pleasure. He is courteous
and fascinating at present this is what I care for more than anything
else. We have been feasting on Green […….] of which there is an unusual
supply. Are ‘Mangos’ more juicy I wonder
? We long for your first letter from
Bombay. There is a grand cricket match
tomorrow. Cheshire gentlemen against the
Club. Brandreth and Mr V Hall were at
Allostock shooting on Saturday. They
only saw two partridges one of which Mr H shot.
They say they were all drowned in spring. Mama has written to ask Florence
Gaskell to go with us to the concert. Mrs Gaskell and Meta and Miss Effie Wedgwood
were asked to stay with Miss Holland but the Gs had other visitors whom they
could not leave. We have quite grown to
admire your photograph we cannot think how we could ever have not liked it.
Everyone who sees it thinks it excellent.
I hope you are not growing to think I am like the one you have of me. Sometime
I shall send another by Lamport & Hold when the braces come &c. Tell me please, should you be scandalized if
it was a flower pattern they were worked with?
We have been reading “Scarsdale” by Sir J Kay Shuttleworth. It is interesting but the story is utterly
unconnected. It is about strikes and
machine breaking and it enters into such minute particulars about the curing of
fainting fits. Nearly everyone in the
book has green tea, “their temples
bathed with eau de cologne” it is quite absurd. We are all exceedingly busy
today (Monday) it is five o’clock and A & E are gone already to the
rehearsal of the concert. Emily has been
having a cold and bilious attack, she is much better today and quite intends to
go tomorrow. We all send our love to you dear Philip.
me most affectionately
Ref Box 1/27
local febrile disease accompanied by diffused inflammation fo the skin: often
called St.Anthony’s fire, or ‘the rose’.]
Heathfield Oct 24th 1860
dear Philip
Annie came home on Monday from Liverpool she and
Aunt Anna have been staying ten days at the Miss Yates’s. They have had a very
pleasant visit. The New Free Library
which has been built by Mr Wm. Brown was opened and presented to the town while
they were there. There was a grand
procession of Rifle Corps, Artillery, the crews of several ships and Liverpool
gentlemen. The day was very wet,
but nevertheless they seem to have admired the show. They watched if from Mrs Steinthal’s
windows. In the evening there was a
banquet in St George’s Hall, but the Miss Y’s had declined going and of course
Aunt A & Annie wd not have gone in any case. They went to tea on Sunday last at the
Thornely’s, John was at home and wanted to hear of you. There were some of Charles’s paintings there
which they admire very much. His picture
is sold which was in the Royal Academy. There is report abroad that M A Gaskell
is engaged to Mr Hy Bright. Several people have seen it in the newspaper, and
say it is the new fashion for such things to be announced in newspapers, very
absurd I think it is for private people.
We have heard nothing of it from the Gaskells themselves yet so we do
not know how true it may be. We shall be
able to tell you by the next mail probably. What shd you think of Emily and
Annie going Paris wards in the Winter holidays ? We are talking of it, and I fancy it really
will be fixed so. Ellen and I think it
wd be great fun staying at home and having all the visits that may turn up
&c to ourselves. If they go they will be in Paris for a month going before
New Year’s Day. Emily wants to go often to the theatre. We had a wedding in the
Chapel yesterday which we all sallied forth to see, Sarah Wood, Wm Wood’s
daughter was the bride she is married to a Mr Cash, a nephew of Mr Frank
Hollands of Manst or Bowdon a cousin of some sort to the Hollands
here, so it is a very nice marriage for her.
It was a very pretty wedding. The
bride very lovely and natural & merry. Did we tell you that we had begun to have
meetings for reading Shakespere again, they are on rather an extended scale,
Susan Mammatt Mr E Long and several of the girls being added to our family
party. I think it is a decided improvement. We have read Hamlet and Julius
Caesar & shall read Macbeth next. I
was Ophelia in the first and M Antony in the second so in the next play I must
be content with something inferior.
Brandreth is still going to Owen’s College. He has to leave home every morning
at 7.15 rather early is it not now the mornings are growing dark ? He likes Mr Roscoe very much indeed. Do you know that Mr Christie is going to be
married to Miss Helen Fletcher, a daughter of Mr Sam Fletcher. She is very rich but …… nearly blind! How peculiar your dinner costume must be. Why
do not you suggest white waistcoats it would be such a very great improvement
& wd prevent your looking so like cooks.
We are very sorry to hear that Mr Broadbent is not improving. He and
Miss Harvey are going to Southport for the winter & they hope the fresh
change will do him good. I think we must
have told you that we have Elsie Rathbone here, we like her very much. She is
only eight but so alive and agreeable other people (in Liverpool) seem
to think it very nice to have her. The
Miss Catlows are at Grove House, I was with them yesterday they seem to me to
be particularly pleasant.
My very best love to you I send and am yr very
affectionate sister
Ref Box 1/28
Heathfield Feb 10th 1861
My dear Philip
I do not know how much Emily told of our Paris
adventures. We became acquainted through Mrs Lawford with M & Mdme Delbrück
the latter was a Mifs Acland then Mrs Russel Taylor of the Manchester Guardian
as perhaps you know. They live in the Rue de Rivole close to the Louvre. They
are both of them very pleasant people and were very kind & professed
pleasure in our company. They asked us
to go to a ball at the Hotel de Ville with them. It was so tantalizing we were
obliged to leave Paris three days before it came off. We met a Mr & Mrs
Harvey one evening at Madame Mohl’s & the sister of Mrs H. They have been travelling in Syria Circassia
&c Mr Harvey found he shd be able to
give help to some Christians who were in danger in Syria. He asked Mrs Harvey if she dared be
left alone in the yacht. She said she dare, so he & his crew went on shore.
She was left for three days with her sister and two children without a single
man! They had bought many splendid ‘gold
cls’ at Damascus & Athens and other places.
Chiefly solid gold trimming. It cannot be got any where else. Mrs H had some silk trappings for her ponies
which she expects to make a sensation this spring in ‘London Parks’ They were very grand mannered people
but very nice. We Knutsford ‘Ladies’
wish some of the overplus gentlemen at Bombay Balls would come to some
here. I have not been to a dance this
year. It is very economical I find but I mean to make up for it next
winter. Emily and I stayed a few days at
the Jacksons on our way through London.
They were very pleasant. Mr Jackson is wonderfully improved since the
time he used to come to the sessions here.
They say they miss you very much & so does Mr M Martineau in his
letter this morning. I am sure we do.
Louisa & Catherine have been staying at the Ralph Fletcher’s, there was a dance there & one at Clifton.
The ‘girls’ came last Monday there will be twelve at present for L Venning has
been ill in the holidays & is to live at the sea-side. This is provoking but cannot be helped. We must hope for two more at Easter. E &
I went to tea at the Taylers. Mr & Mrs are tolerably well but very old. I
had never seen them before so cannot judge whether they are altered. Mr Jackson
talked of asking Mr R Potter to dinner on Sunday but it fell through. Ellen saw
him at Hyde as I dare say you heard. We
went one night with Madame Mohl to the Gymnase and saw ‘La famille de Puimence’ it was the first time it had been
acted, and the actors were in spirits apparently We had Lafontaine & Bose
Cherie. They are great favourites of Mdme M’s and certainly their acting was
not like acting it was so natural. We saw ‘La Consideration’ afterwards at the
francais. We had heard it was very good but we were very much disappointed. It had been played more than 100 times, and
perhaps the actors were tired, they looked so.
Mdme M says people ought to go to the theatre every night! She is very fond of it. She told us she had
left a theatre once for she could not bear it.
Charles I was to be beheaded she says “there was the scaffold, & the
poor man walked in exactly like a Vandyke out of a frame, & we could not
bear it”. So they came out! A man told
them for comfort “They will not really
cut his head off Madame”!!!!! We saw
Madame Laplle at Mdme M’s. She was a Miss Chapman an American, a
daughter of the Anti S Mrs Chapman. She
is so lovely and delightful. I talked a good deal to her. Emily thinks you knew her brother at
Heidelberg Did you? Dear Philip it seems
much stranger now than at first for you to be so far away.
Believe me yr ever affect sister
Isabella Green
JRL Ref Box
January 18th
My dear Lillabel
I think you shd make haste about Miss Channing. She is coming to dine here on Tuesday &
may be making any number of other engagements.
She is most sweet & lovely.
She was dining at Mr Henry Booths last night with us & Frank was
there too. I think he is very beautiful but
alas! I am sorry to add
“effeminate”!! We played at publishing
after dinner & I was far away from her & so we had no talk at all
together but I mean to manage better when she comes here. Frank is doubtful whether he will be able to
come here as he should go back to Oxford on Monday or Tuesday.
I feel as if I had been here all my life – I am very
happy & not troubled at all with my usual qualms. I shall do very well
without the muslin petticoat. I wore my high white dress last night &
Annie’s plain black coronet & the little bunch of roses, & I flatter
myself I looked very nice. In the
publishing game (which they call quartell) I was very successful, I (so to
speak) rather the fashion. People got it into their heads that if ever
they wanted a 4th card they had only to ask me for it – I was lucky in
making shots for unknown cards, which rather electrified them all. I hope you do not think I am writing in
Caroline Hollands style – love to my darling little Nan. I wish she & all
of you could come here too – though perhaps part of the amusement is the
novelty of strangers.
to me 17 Croxteth Road Liverpool
yr affect sister
JRL Ref Box 2/1
Oct 7th 1862
My dear Isabella
It was very kind of you sending me such a nice note
last night – it gave me such pleasure, thank you very much for it and for all
the good wishes contained in it. It does
seem to have all come very suddenly upon me, and upon everyone else too I
think. I am very happy and as to
the leaving England, I have not begun to think about that yet, indeed I have no
idea when it will be, and no one has yet. I am so glad you know about it – I
have felt so strange and unnatural the last 2 Sundays, feeling that so much had
happened to me and yet that you had no idea of it all. It does add so much to my
happiness feeling that all our friends are glad, there has not been a
single drawback, it has all been perfect happiness and will be always I am
Isabella from your affect friend
E Long
[Feb 5th 1863 William Gaskell Harvey, general merchant ,
32, Croxteth Rd L'pool Father Thomas Harvey, solicitor married Mary
Esther Long, 21, Woodlands, Knutsford; father Henry Long gent at Brook
Street, Chapel Knutsford.]
JRL Ref Box 2/6
Saturday Jan 24th [1863]
My dear Mr Green
Thank you very much indeed for the book you have sent me,
and for the very kind note accompanying it.
It is very pleasant to me to feel that I have the sympathy & good
wishes of all my friends now. I do not
know the book you have given me, at all, but I am sure from the little I have
seen in looking into it, that I shall like much to read it, and I shall value
it also as being a present from you.
Again, thanking you for it, and for all your good
wishes to me.
I am dear Mr Green
Yours very sincerely
Mary E Long
JRL Ref Box 2/6
Heathfield September 5th
I sent you Julia’s letter which arrived this
morning. I have looked in the dictionary
& cannot find the word, & do not in the least know what it means,
unless it is some quality peculiar to the people of Lorraine as a litigious man
is “un Normand”, a boaster “un Garcon”.
Will you answer Julia’s letter. We can quite do without you till
Tuesday. Mamma has just talked of taking that day for her Manchester
business & thereby bringing in a peep at Florence’s wedding, but she has
decided against it, not feeling quite inclined nor that it wd be pleasant just
now that Aunt is so ill. We are expecting Philip’s letter this
afternoon. Last night Papa & Ellen
went to the At Home at the Deanes. It seems to have been a pleasant party of
everybody only Ellen was quite tired with the loud, screaming talking & she
& Miss Holland fraternised on the subject.
Strethile Wright, Arthur Deane
Margt & Miss L Holland acted a charade which was very amusing. Mamma got home safely last night a little
tired, but no worse for her expedition.
It is so pleasant having accounts of you so often & so delightful
darling Annie is so much more comfortable. I cannot send you any account of
Aunt for we have none of us seen her today. I think she has written for
Caroline Twyford’s nurse so I hope that will soon be settled for it will be a
great relief. Mamma has had a letter
this morning from Mrs Thos Worthington in reply to her letter of
condolence. They all seem very much
grieved with Mrs A W’s death, the little girl is a year & a half old &
is a great comfort. We are rather in
dismay for Papa brings word from Mr Siddeley that he has only received eleven
names as subscribers to the new book society.
Perhaps it is rather soon yet; but we do so want some books. I hope it
will soon be in action.
I send the shoulder straps to the flannel-body that
is without, also some waxed silk to sew them on with. We are going on very well & pleasantly;
the girls say how glad they shall be to see you at home & we all agree how
we miss you. Ellen’s alpaca dress is
come home from Miss Spencers. It looks greatly improved, only Miss S has put a
sort of satchel […] similar of Louisa’s.
I am glad she has it if the weather means to continue cold & wet. I have
nothing else to tell you so farewell darling jewels.
ever affect sister
heard last night that 22 names have been given in & Mr Siddeley is in very
great hopes.
JRL Ref: Box 2/1
From a letter written by Elizabeth Gaskell to Mary
November 1863
My dear Mary,
We are all so very glad to hear of your
grandson* and of dear Annie’s well doing. Mary Holland brought the news last
night; and Emily’s letter confirms it this morning and brings a little later
intelligence of the dear Mother & son.
Pray give our best love & congratu1ations to Annie, and best regards
to Mr. Falcon indeed I think all the Aunts ought to have letters of
congratulation. However they will be
there in our own persons tomorrow night. I do hope the new little one may be a
great comfort to you all, dear Mary
affectionate friend Elizabeth’
[Published in the ‘Further
Letters of Mrs Gaskell’ edited by John Chapple & Alan Shelston]
*[17 November 1863 Maxwell
Gordon Falcon son of Charles and Anne was born]
89 Oxford
Terrace, Hyde Park
20th April 1864
My dear Isabella
Shall you think me, the most
changeable person of your acquaintance, if I ask you if you will mind coming to
us on Monday the 23rd instead of Friday the 20th ?
The reason is this, I
intended to have gone to Manchester last week, but Papa’s unexpected return to
England upset all my plans, I had kept that week clear of engagements, and now
I am so complicated with various engagements, that I cannot possibly get away
before the 13th . Now you
understand my difficulty. If it is in
the least inconvenient to you, please tell me, and I will try and manage some
other way. It will be so pleasant having
you dear Isabella, only I feel very much afraid of my hostess capabilities, and
that you will find it dull. Can’t Mrs Green come to, it would be such a great
pleasure to us both if she could. I am almost afraid that she will not like to
leave Mrs Brandreth but I am sure the change would be so good for her after all
her anxiety and sorrow. Please dear Mrs
Green think of this plan, you should be as quiet as ever you liked, and I would
try my best to make it pleasant for you.
I hope you will all make this your town house, and treat it as if it
were “The Crompton Arms”, write and order your beds and the time you would like
dinner etc etc.
I want to know if you will
bring up your “Illustrated Hymns in Prose”, I have heard so much about them,
and I should so like to see them.
Our doctor is a nephew of
Mrs […]
London is a great hurry and
bustle just now, and we are out nearly every evening, which is rather hard
work. Tomorrow there is to be a
grand breakfast at the Reform Club, given to Garibaldi*. Mama and Meta had 5 o’clock tea with him
yesterday at Mr Seeleys. I was very sorry I was unable to go, but I had another
I hope Julia’s back is
better and that she is not going to be troubled with a weak back like some
members of the family.
Please excuse this untidy
note, written in a great hurry.
And believe me with much love
Yours affectionately
F E Crompton
Blundell Librarian at the Reform Club emailed “The event was in fact a
breakfast held by the club to honour Garibaldi on his trip to London in 1864.
It was held on the morning of 21st April”]
JRL Box 2/7
Ref Box 2/6
in black 89
Oxford Terrace June 2nd [*1864]
My dear Philip
I came here about a week ago and I am having a very
pleasant visit. It is much easier staying with friends than being in lodgings.
We have been to the Academy and the Old Water Colour Ex. I think they are both
very good. There are some very beautiful
paintings of Burtons in the Old Water Colour. I wonder if you remember any of
his, I never saw any till two years ago. One is of a Knight parting from a lady
on a turret stair. The idea is taken
from an old Norse ballad and there are some beautiful landscapes of A W Hunts
so sunny and bright. On Friday we went
to a party at Sir John Romillys and Mrs James was there I thought she was very
pleasant and pretty. She asked after you and she said Mr James would be very
glad to hear of you. We were just going
away when Florence introduced me to her, which I was sorry for, as I only
talked to her for a minute or two. We
only stayed a very short time. On Saturday we went to Her Majesty’s to hear
Faust, Titiens Guigline Gassier Santley
&c It was very beautiful and Titiens acted Margaret’s character most
wonderfully. She had completely
transformed herself and looked exactly like Ary Scheffers pictures of
Margt. On Sunday afternoon Mr Rupert
Alton called, and was so old and doleful. He has taken a place in Scotland,
somewhere near Oban or Glen – I cannot remember the name and 60 miles from a
station. He did not know the direction,
thought they could not get there, and when they were there could never get away
that there would no one to speak to,
they should find it very dull, thought very likely there would be no game. All
this amplified and said in monotonous voice, you will know what it was
like. The only cheerful thing was that
there was no doctor within 9 miles, but there they never needed a doctor. Florence said he is a teetotaller & when
he has any one to dinner he has some claret for them, he does not like to give
what is left to the servants, so throws it out at the window! Then the Judge and Lady Crompton called, I
like them both very much, but he is a model old man. He has just been
choosing the South Wales circuit because there was no crime in the Assize
papers and since he has decided to hear these there have been two murders so he
is very much disappointed. Then a Mr Bullock called, a barrister on the Norfolk
Circuit, who wants to be made revising
barrister and lives in Gloucester Crescent. Then Mr Harry Crompton came
to tea, and we had a long talk on a multitude of subjects Buckle – and Hull - and education and what
ought to be taught at Public Schools and the Universities, and a great deal
more. It was very pleasant because we agreed well enough not to quarrel, and
yet disagreed enough to make it lively.
Then on Monday we went to some shops in the evening Miss Crompton &
Mrs H Crompton came in to dinner. On Tuesday we went to a party at the
Cunningham’s who consist of Mr & Mrs Cunningham a brother and sister, Mrs C
wrote “[…………]” and one or two other books they are friends of the Gaskells as
well as the Cromptons. One of the
sisters is married to Mr Steven one of the barristers who defended Messrs
Williams and Wilson before […] Lustington.
They were there and she was very pleasant. Mr Milman was there too the
son of the Dean of St Pauls but I did not talk to him. Last night Florence and Miss Crompton and I
went to some private theatricals at Mrs Surmans. It was dreadfully hot and
stupid. They acted a burlesque on Cinderella and “The Turkish bath”. Mr
Crompton could not go as he was going to ‘introduce the July set’ at the
Hardwick which is a debating society – is it not? He is going to be called on Monday and is
very busy this week clearing off his special pleaders work that is done for
10/6 which I suppose he cannot do when he is called. If you read the deaths in The Times you will
see Mrs Greenhows death. It is so sad Mr Greenhow was gone to the Derby and Mrs
Greenhow and her nurse and baby went down to the Esher station to meet him
coming back. While they were waiting the
Express train came past and Mrs Greenhow fell and was killed by it. Many people say it was not an accident but
that seems too dreadful to be true unless as is said there is insanity in her
I have just seen Lizzie Jackson but not Mr Jackson
yet who I think is the better half. They have just removed to 7 Oxford Sq and
seem to be flourishing. Mr Crompton says
that Mr Jackson has just made a greater push than any barrister at the Chancery
Bar. It was in some case in Liverpool which he managed extremely well. I called
on Mrs Marshall Hall who is living or rather lodging close to here. Her rooms
look very comfortless and wretched, and she seems to be getting nervous and
paralised with Mr M Hall’s queer ways.
You know she used to behave so wonderfully with him. He is I think worse
than ever, and is grown so fat and disagreeable looking. This house is so
prettily furnished and looks so fresh and bright. Mr Crompton and Florence and
Miss Crompton are going tomorrow to the Cambridge Ball*. The prince and princess of Wales are to be
there, and Nevils Court is to be roofed in and the ball
held there.
Marianne Gaskell will meet them at Cambridge and then will come back
here to stay. The ball is to be a very grand affair, and it seems almost
impossible to get beds now. We are going to a dance at the Philip Martineau’s
on Monday evening, and if Florence feels inclined when the time comes we are to
go first to an At Home at the James Martineaus.
It is such fun being here. How I
wish you were in London again. Is it
unkind to say so ? and does it make you want to be back here more ? We are I hope going some night to the House
of Commons. I have always wanted to go
there very much. I should like it very
much even if there was nothing particularly interesting going on. What an excitement we shall all be in about
the elections in the autumn. It seems such a long time since there has been a
general election. Brandreth was in
London on Tuesday night on his way to Switzerland with Ellis Grundy, but of
course I did not see him. I am very glad
he is going. They were all to have gone
this summer with dear Aunt Long. You will hear home news from home so I will
not try to tell you any. We have not
received the little packet from [The page was then torn]
[…..]John Thornely
[….] Mr Cleveland [….]hoping you keep better and that Mahableshwar is doing you good
remain yr ever affect sister
*[The Prince and Princess of Wales visited Cambridge
when the Prince received his honorary degree. The visit took place over several
days, but the ball at Trinity, when Neville's Court sported a huge marquee, was
on Friday 3rd June 1864. The Fellow who spoke with the Princess was Adam
Sedgwick, Professor of Geology. Information from Jonathan Smith, Library at
Trinity College. This letter has jy 61 in blue crayon under the date which was presumably
added later – however this cannot be correct as Florence Gaskell did not marry
Charles Crompton until 8 September 1863 and the ball at Cambridge took place in 1864]
[This sheet
was with the letter above also edged in black with date 2.6 in blue that had
been added later – but it does not follow on with the above letter, and Isabel
mentions the Ball at Cambridge in much more detail – I think it more likely it
was part of a letter she wrote shortly afterwards on her return to
Knutsford, of which part is now
barrister. I like the Cromptons very
much. The Judge so charming, such a kind
nice old man, but odd withall.
There is a society called the E.R.A. which means Early Rising
Association, of which Miss Crompton is president, M A Gaskell vice.p and Mrs
Harvey Crompton secretary. You have to be completely dressed by 8 o’clock –
doubtless very late for your ideas – you pay a penny fine if you are late the
fines increasing as the lateness increases till after 12 is 10/-d and on Sunday
double. There are 56 members. At the end
of the year the fines and entrance money
is all divided into three prizes for the 3 best members. The first prize is expected to be about £20
& you are to get what you like with it. Miss C thinks a clock would be
appropriate but I do not fancy that. I went to lunch at the Cromptons the last
day I was in London and I was enchanted
into the society how I do not
know. I am sure they used magic, for I
had always rather laughed at it, & Florence & Mr Crompton are very late
in the mornings & hate the E.R.A. and were always abusing it. Now I am very proud of it. We wear a badge a
little Algerian coin hung on a purple ribbon and we pay a fine if we are ever
seen in public without it. The E.R.A. is
the subject of conversations in a more confined circle than that which
talks about painting. Mrs Frank Medpood is
[…..] and has gone [….] in less than a month. The Cromptons went to Cambridge
for a night while I was there to the ball given at Trin.Col to the Prince &
Princess of Wales by the fellows.
Neville Court was roofed in and made very lovely with flowers and
decorations. It sounds very pleasant,
and of course they saw the P
& P very well and a great many friends besides people to look at. F was close to the Princess, who was talking to Prof. Scotwick.
He said something about the geology of the Isle of Wight, and she said “Geology must be a very pretty
science”! The Prince was enjoying himself very much and danced a great deal and
said to one young lady “well Miss Eleanor are not you going to give me a dance”
of course “Miss Eleanor” was only too happy.
I dined a
the Jacksons who wanted to hear about you. Ellen and
I have been at Forest Hey for a day or two and Annie had two little parties
while we were there. Though there are not many people about there that Annie
Ref Box 1/30 [Ref: JA/IG/11/1864]
Black edged 1
July [1864]
The White Hart Sevenoaks
My dear Isabella
I have been intending to write to you ever since you
left London, to tell you how shocked and grieved
I was, to hear that after all my good advice &
warning you had joined the E.R.A.
Well all I can say is that I hope you will have plenty of fines to pay –
though I think you will soon find the society punish-ment enough. Have you repented yet, of your what shall I
say act of folly Charlie and I
were astonished to hear you had joined, I could hardly believe it until I heard
it form you. I thought you disliked it nearly as much as I did.
Carry and I came down here yesterday, and we all go home
on Monday, it is very pleasant getting out of London for a few days. We have had to give up all our parties on
account of the death of Lady Crompton’s Aunt.
The two garden parties were the two parties I wanted to go to more than
any this year, it is a pity. I saw Mama
at Hampstead yesterday, I don’t think she is looking well. I am glad Thomas found you a carriage with
ladies, he is always very good about managing those sort of things. This is such a charming place. I don’t know
if you know it at all. I never saw such
splendid tress as there are in the Parks near.
Please don’t forget that I am to have one of your photographs.
With love to Mrs Green and Emily
Believe me
Yours affctely
F E Crompton
Friday Evening
July 1st
2/7 [JA/FC/2/1864]

The White Hart Sevenoaks 2009
Let me hear a line every day Wednesday
[summer 1864*]
Dearest Isabel
Today we have been quite
overcome with the heat we went to call on the Fletchers & found them out
& intended to go again this afternoon but we shall see how we feel. Dear Annie is not very well, I fancy
we were both out rather too much yesterday, as for Max he is never ill & he
looks so very well & jolly he is greatly delighted with every thing he sees
& his perambulator makes him supremely happy. We went to get him a hat yesterday & we
were amused at his behaviour & pleasure in having hats tried on. He looked quite waggish & amused &
not at all shy or self-conscious. When
we came in we found cards of the Guos Julins’s Mr & Mrs & the Misses – this
morning Mrs Alfred Higginson called & was very pleasant. She says she felt
very sorry to condemn […] [….] but she feels it was quite right to say as she
did. She likes her much as a person but
does not think her a good teacher. She
was so kind & pleasant. Mr Higginson
is very far from well. What say dear
Emily to coming to us. Mrs H was going
to see Mrs Huse or had been, she
praised her so much. I dare say it would only be a hustle for Emily to come.
Ann Mardon (tell Ellen)
wondered if E Powell** would do for the Grundy’s, I thought not decidedly, but
when I saw the advertisement without a word of chaperoning I thought she might
be very likely and I wrote to her but now I am sure she would not be likely
& she would be happier in another kind of family, besides I had forgotten
what a cold place Bury is. I am so sorry
about Sophie Mackie I hope she is better what was she doing ? My dearest mother is I hope better too – tell
me truly if she misses me much ? & give her my dearest love. We should like
to know where Mrs Haughton will be but Annie says she is […] to come here in
the morning. Will you tell Beswick that
there will be no order from Mrs Falcon this week. How is Papa going on & every body ?
[..] dear love to you all
Ever your affec
Mary Green
*[Annie Green married Charles Falcon in February
1863 and their son Maxwell Gordon was born in November 1863 Maxwell died in
April 1865.
**[Presumably Emily Powell, daughter of Henry Green’s sister Emily and therefore
Isabella’s cousin, who was admitted to
an asylum in 1867 where she remained until her death in the 1920s.]
[Ref: JA/MEG/3/1863]
April 27 1865
My dearest Isabel
I am grieved & horrified
at the tidings you send me*. How
terrible it is & how can the loss be
to his country? For himself it may be looked upon as a glorious
martyrdom I cannot […] the fact surely the assassin must have been some poor
insane creature. It is impossible yet to
think it can be true God grant it may not be so – but I fear greatly.
After you left us we had Dr
Longton but I felt very poorly & as Mrs Jones, Fanny & dear Annie were
all in the house I though it was better to rest a little & I faint easily
seeing the dressing, so I lay down on my bed & tried to read Fabiola.
The dear little fellow did
not cry much Dr Longton certainly is much pleased & […..] with the dear child.
Mrs Hilsher called but Annie
went to her, she brought him a dog with puppies that opens its mouth &
shows its red tongue when it barks - & a cock that crows – both of which
please him – the drumming woman frightens him.
We think his spirits are not equal to it and Annie has given it to
little Bertie who is much pleased with it. The musical thing is a real soothing
delight & he lies listening to it for a long time.
When evening came I was very
good for nothing aching all over to & with sharp pain in the bowels. I went
quite early to bed with a foot pan full of nice warm water some delicious water
gruel with ginger in it, an extra blanket & a night quite undisturbed I am
well this morning I am thankful to say.
Mary came back last night poor Humphreys has all but acknowledged her
condition. Mr Falcon is coming today. I believe he is much out of spirits. If
dear Annie can keep up all will go well & I think she seems to be
doing. **Baby’s discomfort is most
from his teeth, one more is through, & we think the other two are on the
very point. His left hand is badly
scalded from what Dr L says it will be a month at least before it is well but I
think when the teeth come & he can be dressed he will get on fast. He is a dear little fellow – I dare say they
were all glad to see you at home & now with L & C at home dear
Grandmamma will have more company. I
hope she enjoyed the shrimps. I wish I had asked you to look for a dress for me
in L’pool did you see anything for darling Emily ? How did you find her looking & do send me
word how you like your drawing lesson & whether you think Mr Ayling promising. Dr Langton has been again dressing the wound
again – all is going on well. He has also lanced the gum & we are hoping
that now he will have a more long sleep & awake refreshed.
My dear love to you all
Ever your affec Mother
Mary Green
*[American President Lincoln was assassinated].
** [Despite the hopeful tone of this letter Maxwell
Falcon died on the 30th April 1865 and was buried at Brook Street
Chapel on 3 May - In a letter from Elizabeth Gaskell to Anne
Robson (her sister) dated 10 May 1865 she said : ‘Have you heard of the sad
death of Annie (Green) Falcon’s little boy of 17 months old, who got into his
bath, full of hot boiling water, while his nurse was away fetching cold water,
was scalded, poor little fellow! And just when they thought he was getting over
it, he sank quite suddenly last Sunday week – she is expecting another in
autumn – but it can never be like the one she has lost’ The Letters of Mrs
Gaskell J.A.V.Chapple and Arthur Pollard p.761]
[Ref: JA/MEG/1865]
89 Oxford
Terrace, Hyde Park
Wednesday May 3rd [1865]
My dear Isabel
Only this morning have we
heard of your dear little nephew’s death*.
I am so very sorry for you all – it must be such a terrible loss. We heard sometime ago (from Manchester) that
he had scalded himself badly, but then we heard that he was so much better, and
that it was not as bad as you had at first feared it would be Was it from the effects of the scald that he
died or was he ill in some other way?
When you can and will, I shall so like to hear from you, anything you
will tell me, you know how interested I shall be to hear it. I don’t even know
when he died. Poor Annie she will hardly be able to realize her sad loss yet.
Is she still at Southport or had they come home? It must be such hard work going on with the
lesson in the midst of all your sorrow.
You were at Southport for some time were you not? Dear Isabel don’t feel obliged to write until
you are quite inclined.
Ever with much love to you all
Yours affectionately
Florence Crompton
JRL Box 2/7 [JAFC/3/1865]
May 17th [1865]
My dear Isabel
Thank you so much for your
letter telling me all about your little darling’s illness. Poor dear Annie it must be such a terrible
blank for her. I cannot tell you how
very very glad I was to hear from Ellen’s letter to Mama that there is another
little one coming it will be such a great comfort to her and Mr Falcon. They
will almost feel as if Max’s spirit had come back to them in another form. I am so glad to think that the trial of going
home is over and that she has become a little used to the quietness of the
house. What has become of the poor
nurse? I feel so terribly sorry for her
for however careless she may, indeed must have been, yet the dreadful remorse
must be an awful punishment and she can never forget the sad end of her
I am glad the little boy is buried at Knutsford.
Ever yours very affectionately
May I have Emily and Ellen’s photographs?
JRL Box 2/7
Monday afternoon[*1865]
Dearest Isabel
I know you will be “pining” for a more exact account
of our goings on than any that has been penned since I came or before
either. Both Saturday & Sunday were
wet & stormy so we could not go out much, but today has been charming
though the wind is rather strong (a sou’wester)
We have been all round the Great Brines
We took it very quietly resting very often
& did not find it nearly so formidable an expedition as we had expected.
However now that we are at home we find we are rather tired & glad to lie
down. I have revived again & shall be all the better for the walk.
Yesterday Alfred Holt went round the Gt Head & a regular hurricane came on.
He saw ferns torn up by the roots on level ground! We fell in with the Holts in the afternoon,
Mr F was not with us then & went a short walk with them & then Alfred
came here for a good long call & was very pleasant. He went away this morning & the George
Holts are probably coming either today or soon.
I have had one lesson in the filling up of my lace & I think it
looks promising. I mean to go in again
tomorrow. We had a dreadful fit of
“qualms” yesterday & so wrote anxious letters but I wrote another this
morning which I hope Papa would receive this afternoon. You cannot think how very difficult it is to
write letters in the state we are in. I
hope you can manage pretty well without me. It feels very selfish to be away.
Mrs Holt is a dear kind thing! She wonders
whether Emily will be coming. I dare say she thinks we let Emily do all
the work! Sweet darling Emily - it must not be so long. Was it not queer Aunt Anna to leave us but
she will soon come back I think. I am so sorry for her.
We find the piano a charming amusement in the long
evenings, we have brought plenty of music.
Our cheerful pretty drawing room is the envy of all our friends. We like the lodgings extremely. So you see we are going on happily in many
ways. I cannot imagine how Annie could
have got through this time if she had been at home – nothing could have been more
fortunate than the coming to stay here.
Annie & I have to go out to buy tea cakes &c for we have asked
the Fletchers to come tonight. We dine
at six every day, to my great satisfaction.
I like it so much better as at this time of the year one cannot go out
in the evening so it saves time. Nan’s hat looks so pretty & mine too.
I am actually wearing your white feather it looks
quite “lively”!
My jacket does very well too so my foolish
dissatisfied mind is not wearing itself out with regrets on that trivial
Mr Falcon has hundreds of relations. Two brothers
Michael & Maxwell. The latter is the celebrated Commander now Captain &
lives in Scotland. I think Mr Michael F is a South American merchant. His wife
& children are at Dresden.
best love.
I am yr very loving sister
[*Due to reference to Annie think this was probably
written after the baby died]
[Ref: JA/MEG/1865]
Letter to
Henry Green from his sister Elizabeth
2 Rocky Hill Terrace
July 11 1865
My dear Henry
In answer to your letter of yesterday I have to
inform you that the probate of my mothers’ will is at Mr Ellis’s profession and
if you want to see it, it can of course,
be forwarded by post. With regard to my
father’s will I have no recollection respecting it, and cannot therefore afford
you any information. He died March 11th
1854. My Mother died July 2nd 1859.
it is possible that Louisa may know something of my Father’s Will, but I
do not call to mind that she has ever spoken of it to me. I will send your letter on to Louisa by this
nights post, and ask her to send you any further information of which she may
be possessed relating to this subject.
Louisa has had a letter from your wife and we are to
see her here on Thursday but she is to
go over to Otham for the night. We are
in a great state of excitement today with the nomination of candidates for the
Borough and we are expecting a sharp contest tomorrow though our hopes are very
great of returning Messrs Lee & Whatman.
If any business should call you to London we hope to
see you at Rocky Hill. I suppose you are
nearly a hermit just now as the ladies of your family have deserted you. Mr Ellis desires his kind regards and with my
love believe me
Yours affectionately
edged 10 November [1865]
89 Oxford
Terrace Hyde Park W
My Dear Isabel
Thank you for your kind
note. It has been indeed a terrible loss
to us all* and though we had known for some time that he could not recover, yet
the blow was none the less severe. It
was all so quiet and peaceful at the end, that even Mr Aikin hardly knew when
it was all over. Yet I cannot realize,
that we shall never again see his dear face and almost expect to see him come
He is buried at Willesden
one of the few really country church yards left near London. It was a place he
was so fond of, and often used to go there with Lady Crompton. It is such a blessing that he had no pain and
that his sons were able to nurse him to the end, more tender or devoted nurses
I never saw. Dear Lady Crompton is
wonderfully well, and so calm and good, thinking always of other’s loss, before
her own.
Ever with love,
Yours very affectionately
Florence Crompton
November 10th
*Florence’s father-in-law Lord Crompton died
JRL Box 2/7
Heathfield Dec 3rd
(65 added in blue pencil)
dearest Philip.
We were so glad to have your pleasant account of
Vota & to hear that you had really gone there. Sarah Merriman seems to
think that John would very likely be at Vota while you were as he was to be
there for a day or two about that time.
There have been a variety of cousins staying at the Merrimens lately.
Alice Fletcher, Ralph & Fanny Watkins & Emma Pooley. The two latter are there still & are
making a long visit. They came here to
tea on Friday and we think they are both very pleasant. Henry Pooley (the eldest) has just been
getting a law studentship at Cambridge of £150 a year for four years which is
nice to say the least. Mother and Ellen
went on Monday to see the Gaskells*.
They saw Marianne & Julia who seemed pretty well & to like
talking of their dear Mother. They say
her death was caused by the breaking of the medulla oblougata which is the
upper part of the spinal chord and it becomes very brittle in people who have
gout, as you know, she had several times. Meta is very well but she will be the
one to feel the loss most I think, she and Mrs Gaskell were so constantly
together. Florence came to Manchester
with them but went back last week she is very much upset. She had felt Mr
Justice Crompton’s death [30 October 1865] very much indeed and had not in the
least got over that when this greater sorrow came. They had not intended to go to live at Alton now
as Mr Gaskell could not leave Manchester for two or three years but they were
getting it ready & it was to be
let. Mrs Gaskell said to Julia “I
don’t expect ever to come & live here, but it will be ready for all of you”
and early this year she said to Mrs Deane that she did not expect to live thro’
the year. But then people often have presentiments like this, which are
forgotten when they don’t come true. We
are reading a History of the Commonwealth of Florence by Adolphus Trollope, it
is very interesting but in four thick volumes.
Mr Trollope lives in Florence. It
is a most curious state of society described in the 13th century
which is as far as I have got and in which the Ghibelline party seems to come
to an end – Alfred & Catherine are to go into their house at the beginning
of next week when a few rooms are to be ready for them, & they think their presence
will expedite matters – Catherine has been to Greenock to christen a ship and stayed with the Scotts there, a large
family, & friends of Alfred’s. It is post time. So adieu with dearest love
I remain as ever yr affect sister Isabel Green
sends his respects
Gaskell died 2 November 1865]
JRL Box 1/32
Black edged 84
Plymouth Grove
My dearest Isabel
I feel so guilty as if I had
written a cross letter, which was far from my intention – forgive me if I
seemed so. I am only writing a line to
tell you how grieved I am to think that I wrote in the way I did. I was feeling rather overdone & at the
same rime rather “low” and also I feel now that I shall be doing my duty by
getting rid of them papers I have had such numbers and what am I to do with
them ? all the ladies in Manchester have
had them sent. I think I shall send all
my superfluous copies to gentlemen, they want their lectures just as much. I am getting up a rival set after theirs are
finished for the higher education of “men” the committee being Miss J B Gaskell
Mrs & Professor Jack - I forgot we are to have only ladies on our
committee. Will you do you feel able to
give a lecture No.4 on “the application of the sewing machine in conjunction
with the other branches of domestic management”
to […..]
really why shd not men be
taught something useful – the introductory lecture on the laws of cooking
household management will be given by Meta.
Excuse the nonsense I am
writing but I have written already (and I am thankful to say this is the last)
about 30 letters – the lecture next Wednesday Mrs Glyn
says will “be very good”.
Dearest love to you all
JBG [Julia
[This letter is undated but it was probably written
sometime after her mother’s death]
JRL Box 2/8
Heathfield June 3rd
(66 ? added
in blue pencil)
dearest Philip
You will be very nearly if not quite at the end of
your stay at Matherace. I hope you feel
better for it. I don’t fancy you are
very well not as well as you were the first time you went to Bombay. Do not let anything make your stay too long
so that you would be never very well when you come home. Your account of shares
does not sound very cheerful & by now you will know what a crash there has been here. Mr Higgin (at Forest Hey) has failed &
also Mrs Higgins brother in law, and some others have been very anxious but
have managed to get through. Ellen came
back from Forest Hey a week ago, & she and Mother are probably going to
London at the end of this week. Mother does not like to leave Grandmama for
long and we think a week in London would be more refreshing to her than a week
anywhere else, & they are going to consult some doctor about Ellen. She is better than she was but not well &
Emily has been so wonderfully better for her London doctoring that we think it
is a pity not to try the same for Ellen, especially as she does not like Mr
Merriman. He asked her every time he came nearly “how the pain in the back of
her head was” & she never had any pain in the back of her head & told
him so every time! Then Emily &
Ellen go to Ireland & I to Warwick to the Fields or perhaps for a day or
two to Birmingham to the Cliffords. No new girls have turned up yet & the
bad times are against us but I feel in
such unaccountably good quiet spirits and cant feel anxious yet but it
would be a great comfort to know anyone to talk our affairs over with, like Mrs
Gaskell who could take an outside view of the case. The garden is looking very pretty and the
rhododendrums are in full flower, looking very gorgeous. The Deanes & the H Longs are going to
Switzerland in a week or two, not altogether.
Catherine is staying at G House & Alfred is there today. They are going to stay with the Smiths in London
soon & perhaps for a little while with Louisa to an hotel first. But this
fact is not settled. I saw Mr Acland’s name among the passengers who arrived at
Marseilles, but I did not see the
other people you said were coming. They may have stopped at Alexandria. Mr Lawford [he had a school at Knutsford] has
been very ill in a new nervous way, so that he could not bear to hear himself
speak. He and Minna are gone to
Morecombe but the accounts of him are no better yet. They are feeling very
anxious about him, but Mr Merriman hopes he may now get over it.
With dear love to you
I remain yr affect sister
JRL Box 1/33
[Ref: JA/IG/14/1866]
Black edged Sept 21st 1866
My dearest Isabel
Thank you so very much for
remembering yr promise about the photograph,
which I think is charming. I do
so like it, don’t you ? thank you for it is so very much. You ask me for mine,
but I am sorry I can’t send you one. I have not been taken again except by Fred
Schwabe and though he took 13 of me they are none of them good, or else I wd
send you one. I think I never shall take well, but I think some time I shall be
tempted to try “Bibo” his always seem so satisfactory, and there is a new mode
now of taking photographs called […..] (at least that is what it sounded to me
like) which makes it look as if done from a picture. I want somebody to try it,
and see if it answers. I believe there
is a man in Regent Street who does those sort.
You can’t think how very
glad we were to hear that you had a better account of Ellen, I do hope so much
that she will go on improving. We feel already Manchester air making us feel
stifled, it always seems so heavy and unhealthy, it makes one feel so
sleepy. I think we shall be at home for
some time, but we have been asked to go to Pendyffreyn
and Glyn Garth, but I don’t think we shall, we have only just come from Wales, which was so lovely that it has
made us feel “out of sorts” with Manchester.
I suppose Manchester will be very busy with the Social Science, which
begins on Wednesday week. Is Mr Green coming over for it ? or any of you ? Marianne was so sorry to miss seeing more of
you she and Thurstan left us on Thursday and go today to Dumbleton. We thought they were both of them looking so
well, it seems so odd Meta and I being the only two at home, we seem somehow
very busy having been away from home for sometime, and also then being so
few. I have taken Marianne’s lecture on which makes me busy. We went to the pictures here the other day,
seeing a very good account of them in “the Guardian” but we were much
disappointed with them. There were very few good ones and what there were, were
mixed with some such horrid ones.
Are not the Totnes
revelations shameful ? we are so sorry for Mrs Pender,
I think she will feel it so very much people seem to think that Mr Pender will
very likely be imprisoned.
Did you see that Miss Agnes
Crum was dead, she died at Malvern, she has been delicate for so long but it
must be so lonely for Miss Polly Crum now.
Miss Louisa Fletcher is much worse as perhaps you have heard, it must be
so sad for Miss Fletcher and indeed for also her sisters poor Lady Crompton it
seems as if she had had so much sorrow lately.
We are very full of a […] dog that is coming to us next week […] by name
and from all accounts the most charming little thing. I had the offer of a most beautiful dog, but
it was a very large one and we thought it was better not to have a large one in
a town. We did so enjoy Barmouth it was quite lovely, we had a
charming little house with a lovely view from it, and by just going round the
corner a lovely view of […] and all the hills near Dolgelly. I don’t now if
you know that part of Wales it is so beautiful.
We had great fun coaching, we went from Carnarvon to Barmouth and from
Dolgelly to Beddgelert and onto Corwin on the outside getting wet through and
through tremendous showers but the
lights in the hills between them was lovely.
I saw Jessie Mackies
marriage in the paper, do you know where they are going to ? I can’t fancy Jessie married can you ? She is going to live very near here I believe.
I am afraid I have written a
long letter but I wish you […] all of you could know how I love
[…] [..] does seem so sad
news. I think that each day is worse
than the one before, I can now begin to realize everything, which before
somehow I did not do fully, but though each day is sad it is such a comfort
that time does really go and that each day is one day nearer Mama, it does feel
as if one cannot go on living without her.
I am sorry to have written this to you but if you knew what it was to be
or to seem to be always cheerful […]
know how one does want somebody to vent
all ones [..] to: for I can’t bear to add to their grief, which is indeed
almost more than we can bear.
Ever dear dear Isabel
Yr loving
J B G [Julia
JRL Box 2/8
Black edged Oct 7th
My dearest Isabel
Thank you so very much for
your letter I was so very much obliged to you for it dear Isabel. We have been so busy or else I should have
answered your letter before, however though late, they are none the less
hearty. We have been so busy with the
Social Science, we have gone every day and heard all but one, we feel so
tired, we set off from here at 9 and
sometimes did not get back until nearly 6, some of the papers were so very
interesting. I enjoyed Mr Roundels on
“Jamaica” and Sir Samuel Shuttleworthes address the most I think. Madame Bodiclions paper on “Female
Sufferage” was also very good if you took her side. I daresay you will have heard all about it
from the Longs, and about Dr Marie Walker the little American who wore a
bloomer costume. I thought she was
horridly indecent and I disliked her so very much. The Courts looked splendid
so lovely full of flowers and bright people, and was so glad that Alfred
Waterhouse and Mr Theodore & Mr Waterhouse were all there when the Courts
were so much praised, it was so sad to see Mr Faucete feeling them as much as
he could, it is wonderful how quickly he knows people. We were talking to him and he said “is Mrs
Crompton there”. Florence and Mary
stayed here and Miss Julia Smith came for one night, she is aunt of Madame
Bodichon* & Miss Florence Nightingale and a charming little old lady.
Madame Bodichon is a great friend of Mrs Lewes and she told Madame Bodichon the
other day that Shakespeare heroines were mere trumpery after the heroines she
had been reading about (in the Greek plays).
We saw some such pleasant people that came here, and some such odd ones,
we saw a good deal of several strong minded ones Miss B Parkes, Mrs Knox
[..]Miss Emily Davies and we also saw a great deal of Dr Elizabeth […] she is
so charming we quite fell in love with her she is so perfectly feminine with it
all. Florence left today to join
Charlie. We have very good accounts of
Marianne she and Thurstan are at Dumbleton they go to London on or about the 22nd. Meta and I are going away on Monday with Mrs
Shuttleworth to Aberystwith, it will be so odd going back there so soon, but
our drains are going to be done when we are away. I don’t know if we shall stay long at
Aberystwith or whether we shall travel about, after a week or 10 days we shall
leave Mrs Shuttleworths and we shall go on to Oxford to stay with Dr & Mrs
Pattison, he is rector of Lincoln, and the essays […..]. and perhaps I shd think
we may go on to the Brodies, then we are coming home for some time I
Our new little dog [..] is
such fun, he is a constant subject of fun, but we are getting so very fond of
him. I do so hope that Ellen is
better. Papa has gone down tonight to Owens
College. We went the other day to hear
Mr Wards speech he is the new professor & such a clever person, he writes
some of the historical reviews in the “Saturday”.
Meta said I was to ask you
if you ever could give us any cuttings of that little rose that grows before
the drawing room window a very pretty red one, we do so want to try & make
roses do here. I am almost afraid its
Are not you sorry about Mr
Ruskin, I am very ante [..] and the papers on Jamaica the talk afterwards the
other day only strengthened me. I wished
to have heard Mr Roundels paper it was so very good, and clear he was strongly
against ……………
I have today had such a
number of French photographs sent me of various people we knew in Paris, some
of them I like so much, but the others are not [..] ones. I have amongst the ………….
I am so sleepy I must stop.
Ever with much dear love to you all
Yr loving & affectionate
Julia B Gaskell
*[ Madam Bodichon nee Barbara Leigh Smith 1827-91 a
campaigner for women’s rights.]
JRL Box 2/8
Black edged December 14th [1866]
Plymouth Grove
My dearest Isabel
Papa brought us today the
sad news of the Long’s terrible loss*. I
am so very very sorry for you all. It seems too terrible to be true and one
cannot realize that it is. I saw him and Mr Long only last week on my way down
here and he looked so bright and well. Dearest Isabel I do so wish I could do
anything for any of you at these times one feels so sadly useless – but I do so
think of you all. One’s words seem so poor & inexpressive, but you have
never been out of my thoughts since I heard of it. We have only heard the bare fact and do not
even know when it was. I am so very very sorry.
Please believe how I feel for you though I cannot say it.
Ever dear Isabel
Yours very affectionately
Florence Crompton
KNUTSFORD – On Wednesday evening last, between five and six o’clock, John
Brandreth Long, Esq. The only son of John Long, Esq. of the Grove House,
Knutsford, met his death at the Railway Station of that town, under very
distressing circumstances. It appears
that Mr Long had gone to the station between five and six o’clock, and on the
approach to the platform of the luggage train from Northwich, had jumped on to
the rails on the opposite side to cross over to speak to the engine driver – at
which moment unperceived two luggage vans came up, knocked him down, passed
over his body, and in a moment deprived him of life. The deepest grief at once spread over the
town. Mr Long had but just been seen by
many in full health, and it was difficult to induce the belief that he was no
more. Carefully educated, and with the prospect of possessing ample means, and
with the prospect of possessing ample means, and with a disposition to do good,
his loss to the town will be deeply felt. An inquest on the body was held on
Thursday afternoon at the Court House, Knutsford, before W. R. Dunstan, Esq.
The Coroner, when a verdict of accidentally killed was returned.
Macclesfield Courier 15 December 1866 [CRO Ref: MF 312/11]
[Dec 17 1866 John
Brandreth Long, only son of John Long, Grove House, Knutsford
died 12 Dec age
22 years ( Killed on the railway at Knutsford Station) was buried at The
Black edged Sunday December 30th [1866]
My dear Isabel
You are all of you so much
in our thoughts, that it seems the natural thing to write to you. We do hope Mrs Green will not write before
she feels inclined, letters are I know, at such times so difficult to write, in
fact almost impossible. It must be so
difficult to believe that it is true, and not some terrible dream.
I do so hope that Mr & Mrs Alfred Holt
will be able to stay for some time at Grove House or at any rate that she will
stay. It does as you say seem such a
large house for only Mr Long and Louisa.
I do hope dear Annie is not worse for the sad news, and that it has not
undone the good of the change at Bournemouth.
Had she left before the accident ?
How very glad you must be, to be at liberty, and
able to go to Grove House often*.
Ever dear Isabel
Your affecate
F E Cromtpon
84 Plymouth Grove
*[The Green girls had by this date given up the
school at Heathfield]
JRL Box 2/7
Manchester Jan 5th
Black edged 46
Plymouth Grove
My dear Isabel
It will be quite right about the money, I am going up to
town on Thursday, and will take it to Florence. I am so sorry that I shall miss
your coming here, I wished very much that you could have come before I go, but
every day next week is quite full, with various engagements etc indeed I don’t
know how I am to get through all I have to do before leaving home. I am so glad that Annie is looking better
than when she left. I am so glad that
baby remembered her.
I think that I never felt
anything like this dreadful weather, its quite wonderful if anybody is well.
Florence went up this
morning when we got down to the station yesterday (Friday*) morning it was so
dark with a thick fog that the man advised her not to go, so we came back again
– this morning was quite clear & bright.
We feel such a small party now, after having F & C so long with us
and I am afraid that it will be lonely for Meta next week. I hope that when I
come back she will go to London for some time. We had a great temptation in
another invitation to Oxford which it would have been charming to have accepted
but we are not going now, but I hope may go sometime soon. I hope so much that Mr & Miss Long are
pretty well, you can’t think how often we think of you all, I think that each
day their sorrow must become worse, as they get to realize it. I do so hope
that Mrs Green is better indeed that you all are. I believe that Mr Green will be here
tomorrow, only unfortunately we shall not see him, as we are going out to
lunch. Are you as much as interested as
I am (which without yr knowing how much I am so is difficult for you to tell)
in Jamaica ?
I don’t know what I can do
on Wednesday evening as we are going to the Grundys and Fred Grundy was out in
Jamaica at the time in Colonel Robb’s regiment and takes for **Eyres side!
Herbert Thompson (a brother of Isabel & Annabel Thompsons) went out to
Jamaica just after with his regiment and he is the only person, only officer I
mean, that I have heard speak properly about it. I am so sorry to think that I shall miss Mr
Green’s visit here next week. Papa was
so sorry to hear that he could not come tomorrow though of course he could so
well understand the cause. I have been
so busy with my kitchen bringing out the new report, and I was in great fear
lest I should not get through the winter, however now I shall quite.
I am always so glad to hear
from you if ever you feel inclined to write letters.
I don’t know if you hate
writing them as much as I do. I suppose you don’t think of coming over to Mr
Goldwin Smith’s lectures. I must be
home for the two last.
Ever with much dear love to
you all from
Yrs affectionately
Julia B Gaskell
*[1867 was the only year with Friday 4th
**[Eyre, Edward John
1815–1901, British colonial administrator. In Australia (1833–45) he was a
magistrate, explorer, and writer on Australian geography, and had a reputation
for sympathy for the aborigines. After terms as lieutenant governor of New
Zealand (1846–53) and governor of St. Vincent (1854–60), he became (1864)
governor of Jamaica. He was recalled in 1866 after suppressing a black uprising
the year before in which more than four hundred Jamaicans were executed. Eyre
was accused of brutality and illegal acts, especially in the execution of
George Gordon, a black member of the Jamaican legislature who had contravened
the martial law imposed during the emergency. He was recalled in 1866. Several
attempts, promoted by John Stuart Mill, Goldwin Smith, and Herbert Spencer, to
try him for murder were forestalled by a committee of admirers, which included
John Ruskin, Alfred Tennyson, Thomas Carlyle, and Charles Kingsley. An English
grand jury declined to indict him, and a royal commission exonerated him, while
criticizing his "unnecessary rigour." The episode contributed to the
fall of the government of Lord John Russell in 1866.]
JRL Box 2/8
Letter from Henry Green to his cousin John Barcham Green Heathfield, Knutsford Feb 19 1867
My dear sir
For a certain literary purpose of mind I am wanting a ream of 4to
[Quarto] of large bank post extra thin and a ream 4to of of small bank post extra thin - but I do not
find in Manchester any which would suit me so well as the bank post of your
make, which bears ink so well. If the sheets be othewise perfect a little size
stain would be of no detriment for my purpose should it not be troublesome to
execute so small an order I shall be much obiged if you will forward me the
above by rail, form Euston Square London (North Western line) via Chelford .
I conclude you received from London the copy of the Whitney
Reprint for which you paid me, and I hope, though the subject is old and odd
and quaint you find it a satisfactory example of the early emblem literature. I
had had several applications for the work from America, and I believe there are
not above 40 copies now in the publishers’ hands. As you have doubtless observed the printing
and illustration of the work have caused considerable expense, but I believe I
shall not incur any lose.
I shall be glad to have a good account of your health and that of
your wife and family.
We have had a very heavy affliction in our family circle this
winter, in the instanteneous death by a railway carriage of our nephew
Brandreth Long, a very promising young man of 22 years of age.
My brother Charles yesterday began an engagement with the Wrigleys
of Bury, Lancashire, and I am hopeful it will be a permanent one.
With kind regards, believe me
Very sincerely yours
Henry Green
HMA 1867 7/2/168
Letter from Henry Green to John Barcham Ggreen
Heathfield Knutsford
Feb 23rd 1867
My dear Sir
I am much obliged to you for attending so promptly to my request.
Whether blue or cream wove is of no consequence but on trial with the pink I
find it will not suit my purpose so well as the others. I like best, both as to size & thinness and colour,
the paper like the half sheet which I now return. I prefer it remaining of the
full size, medium I think it is, the edges should not be cut simply the sheet
and with the quarto size. It
would be a considerable convenience to me to have both the thick & thin
quarto by the end of next week.
I wish you all health & in your new abode and remain
Very truly yours
Henry Green
J Barcham Green Esq
You will understand that a little size stain, or default of that
kind will be no objection, but in all respects the sample I return enclosed
will suite my purpose. I wish both reams to be of the same size &
thickness, or thinness whichever you call it.
HMA1867 7/2/168

edged February
24th [1867]
Sunday Evening
My dearest Isabel
I am quite ashamed to have been so long in answering
your letter – but the days seem to slip away so fast, that I have hardly time
for anything. Julia was here for sometime and I missed her dreadfully when she
left. I am expecting Meta on Wednesday,
which I am looking forward to very much it is so long since she has been
here, at present she is with Marianne. I have not yet got over my disappointment at
the G J Hollands not living in this neighbourhood, as I had hoped they would,
it is quite a journey to get down to Wimbledon from here – if it were only on
the Great Western line that would be much better. I envy you having heard Goldwin Smith’s*
lectures – I should so like to have heard him deliver them, though there was a
great deal in them that I disliked so much.
I suppose we shall be coming to Manchester in about
a fortnight, and I believe Marianne is going to Church House about the same
time. I wonder if you have made many
changes at Heathfield, now that you have the house to yourselves – have you
still your same bed-rooms? I envy you have so much space, we are so cramped in
this tiny house. I suppose you have hung your curtains. I thought they were so
very beautiful.
I went about three weeks ago to see the designs for
the new Law Courts and am sorry to say I like Scotts so much better than Mr
Waterhouse’s. It was very awkward we met Mrs Waterhouse there, and of course
she would ask what we thought of all the designs which was a most difficult
question to answer. Everyone says
however, that the interior of Mr Waterhouse’s design is much better than any of
the others and I fancy he will get it – though he himself thinks not. We went to see the Reform Demonstration** on
the 11th which was most tawdry affair I ever saw and very inferior
to the former one. I believe even the most ardent Reformers consider the last
to have been a complete failure. By way of a different sight, I went the week
before to see the Queen open Parliament, which was a grand show. We had a
window close to Westminster and saw the procession capitally. As the Queen came back there was a distinct
hiss and I never saw her so badly received.
Poor Sir Richard […] was regularly hissed whenever he rode past which
was very hard on him, as he is a great Liberal, and disliked so very much the
part he had to take in the Hyde Park riots – but of course was obliged to obey
his orders, and now has to bear a great deal of the odium of it. Please forgive
this dull letter, but I feel very stupid this evening.
love to you all.
yr very affectionate
G Crompton
*[Goldwin Smith was an
English publicist and historian. He was born in 1823 at Reading and died in
1910. Educated at Eton and Magdalen College, Oxford, he won several university prizes and became a
fellow of University College in 1847, and though called to the bar in the same
year never practised. He was closely identified with the reform of university
education at Oxford, and became regius professor of history there in 1858,
resigning in 1866, in 1868 he was appointed professor of English and
constitutional history at Cornell , USA and in 1871 he settled in Toronto where
he married a wealthy Canadian and lived the rest of his life. A renowned
reformer, Goldwin Smith spent his whole life engaged in combating clericalism,
militarism and imperialism and advocated independence for Canada and
subsequently amalgamation with the USA].
* *[The mass reform demonstration, held in London on
February 11, 1867, was organised by the Reform League jointly with the London
Trades Council and other London workers’ organisations. Nearly 25,000 people
took part in the demonstration, most of them workers. The demonstration ended
with a number of meetings which adopted resolutions protesting against the
partial reform bill moved by the Conservative Government.]
JRL Box 2/7
Letter from Henry Green to his cousin John Barcham Green
Knutsford March 8th 1867
I am in full sympathy with you to the coughing - for the weather
has very wintry and I had to go from home for two days and have come back with
a bad cold.
Thank you for the touble you are taking, the paper of which I
received a sample today (Blenavon Iron Company Limited) will suit my purpose
very well and I will promise (in due time) to use it myself. Will you therefore
have the kindness as soon as you can to send me the two reams of 4to of which you speak with edges
If it had suited your plans I should have been very glad to have
received a call from you on your recent journey
Your very sincerely
Henry Green
HMA 7/2/167
Letter from Henry Green to his cousin John Barcham Green 15
March 1867
dear Sir
The 2 reams of Medium Bank were delivered here yesterday and will
suit me exceedingly well for the purpose for which I need them – thank you for
letting me have them – for at the price I could get nothing at all equal. I enclose a P O Order for the amount and will
thank you to return the bill with a receipt.
Today I had a letter from Bombay, in which my son tells me that in
a case in which he was counsel the trial had lasted three entire days on the
two first from ten in the morning to 8 in the evening, and on the third day to
finish the matter from 10 in the morning to ¼ past 10 at night, with an
interval of only 20 minutes. I think
benevolent people should get a 10 hours bill to protect the lawyers from over
kind regards to all your circle
remain my dear Sir
sincerely yours
HMA 7/2/167
Black edged Sunday 21 July [1867]
1 Sunnyside
My dear Isabel
I hope the
petticoat came all rightly, and was what you wanted. As I was away from town, I
was not able to choose it myself and so do not quite know what patterns they still
have. I could not remember if yours had
one or two flounces, but told them to send Annie’s with two. I believe the price is 5/9 at least that is
what I paid for mine. I am beginning to be in despair about my dress as I
cannot get them to send it home and they have had it eight weeks and all my
repeated letters, seem to make no impression on her. If I had known how long she would have been I
should not have bought my dress until I came home in the autumn. I was so glad to hear of Catherine Holt’s little
girl. I went to the breakfast to Mr
Garrison and enjoyed some of the speeches very much particularly Mills, which I
though was quite beautiful. Mr Garrison’s I disliked very much, it was so full
of puns and little jokes, which were quite unsuited to such a serious
What a very odd mistake it was of the Inquirer to
say that Mr Beesley was not Mr Beesley for it was at Exeter Hall he seems very
proud of that performance and delighted with all the notice he has had. Did you see Mr Harrison’s letter about it the
Pall Mall [The Pall
Mall Gazette, an evening newspaper,
was founded in February, 1865 by Frederick Greenwood and George Smith]
Have you heard any thing
more about Emily Aspland’s engagement*.
I was very much interested to hear of it. I am sure you cannot wish half
so much as I do that I were with in reach of your strawberries. They sound most tempting. I have been down
here for the last week, while Charlie has been off at Durham and Newcastle but
leave Wimbledon tomorrow. It seems very
odd being here, for never having slept here before. I have never quite realized
that Marianne has a house of her own. We have not seen very much of the
Volunteers owing to the bad weather but one day we managed to get to the camp.
You have no idea what a pretty sight it is, and so different to everything else
which of course made one think it looked foreign. The place was swarming with Belgians.
Yesterday we saw far away in the distance a man with a fez on a white horse,
who we were told was the Sultan so I suppose we can say we have seen him but
that is all. I am going to Chaley for a
few days next week before joining Charlie at Manchester. Then Papa, Meta, Julia and I are going to
Pen.y.gwryd at the top of the pass of Llanberris for a few weeks. What Charlie and I shall do afterwards I have
not an idea. I wonder if you have heard
how Philip likes the plate. Or is it too soon. I hope Mrs Brandreth is better
than she was when you wrote and that you are less anxious about her. Will you
remind Annie that she promised me a photograph of Emma.
With love
Believe me dear Isabel
Yours affecly
Florence Crompton
Sunday July 21st [Only Sunday 21 during that period 1867]
*[Emily Aspland married Samuel Lang in the March
quarter of 1868 however the reference to John Philip liking the plate could
date it later as there was a letter from Mary Green regarding silver for his
wedding present to Theresa in Dec 1868 which would make this letter 1869]
JRL Box 2/7
Black edged [week of the 4th November
My dearest Isabel
Thank you so much for your
letter. I am so sorry that you will not be able to come over, I should have
liked it so much but I know how difficult it is to form plans beforehand. I
think that as that’s the case that I had better give up coming to you for the
ball as I am afraid I can’t fix so please fill up my place. I didn’t go down to
the Fenian trials*, ladies did go and James Mellor is one of the marshals, but
didn’t dare to go down and hear it. I hate [..] a sight of the thing, I think
another trial is different, things morally I object to giving way though my
practice is quite contrary. I have had a
great many discussions about these Fenians with many people. I can’t quite make
out my own mind - I am trying to reason out for myself the real truth, the
philosophy of it – it’s so difficult not to take up a thing via party
spirit. I do feel very strongly about it
– though I think the Fenian movement
itself a fearful mistake yet I admire the people (however mistaken I think them
and their cause) who are willing to give up their liberty and lives for the
sake of what they believe to be the right way of helping Ireland. What are
those uneducated people to do? They
can’t alter the land laws or the church grievances and yet whatever one says
one sees the arguments on the other side - my sympathies are all for the
Fenians and Ireland generally – not that they are synonymous - but my sense I condemn this movement. I have had such battles. When every
argument and in answer on both sides, and yet I am puzzled. Mr Jack with whom I chiefly talk and write on
such subjects and who though […] I think
against Ireland owing to his being Scotch says and says truly I think that
“seriously I disagreed with Mr Bright and his petitioners most heartily (I
J.G.G. didn’t) I believe Ireland has been shamefully used – she has still great
wrongs and every legal power of remedy is open to her. But if I catch people
attempting a hopefulness rebellion in even a modestly just cause – wickedly working all the blasting lightenings of
civil war on their country, for no end
but to make dis-peace – especially if I catch a good ringleader, I shall have
no hesitation about shooting or hanging.
He may be a most honourable man – but he has committed an offence worthy
of death. And if another person shoots
down an innocent Policeman I (calling
myself the law in a [….]) have no choice and should not hesitate – The [….]
against whom I have no moral indignation, has committed a crime which (as the
law) I should never dream of not punishing --- that’s what he thinks I trust
that I have modified his view somewhat since then. The case against McGuire
seems to me extremely weak how the jury cd convict him on that evidence is
surprising. I think however that there
is such a very strong feeling that his alibi was a true one that he’s almost
sure to receive a pardon. I am afraid I
may have bored you. I didn’t know if it’s a subject that you feel very deeply
about, if it is – you may have cared for this, if not – well it can’t be helped
I have been reading lately
one or two such interesting books. I
wish that one had more time for reading. I haven’t often had so many callers
and calls as in the last month or so and that does take up so much time. Lucy Roscoe and I are having German lessons
together, and are working hard at that, I am afraid that we shall find it
rather difficult to be regular with it, but our present intention is to let
nothing come in the way. I am very low […] at present. I have a debt of 23£ to
begin the winter with. I see that that’s
what I have overdrawn my banker’s book for and of course winter is the very
time that the dinners at the kitchen are most needed. I am going to write an
urgent appeal to the Guardian. I have
such an objection to people giving to a charity either that they don’t approve
of – (and some people don’t do so of the kitchen), or else from a sense of it
being the polite thing to do. Meta
sounds so very happy in London she will be away until sometime longer and as
that’s the case I cant fix my plans etc so I consider I have quite given up the
Knutsford Ball. I hope it will go off
very well and that you write saying – I am sorry that you can’t come over.
You don’t feel inclined for
3 historical lectures on Germany “Germany before 1815” – “The German
Confederation” and the “German Federal States” – they are to begin next
**Wednesday the 13th at 3 o’clock, 3s for all 3 not much, they are
going to be given by Professor Ward, one of the Professors here, and will be, I
shd think very able – he writes all the German reviews in the Saturday and [..]
German better than any English man. His
father is the Ambassador out at Hamburg [1860-70] they are not to be the [….] Education of women or of
men (the higher education I mean of men) and no examinations either.
If you wd like them I will get you tickets “The money to
go to some Manchester Charity”. Alice Winkworth was over here the other day she
sounded to have enjoyed being at Forest Hey very much. Have you seen the Saint Pauls some of the
articles particularly in the first number stuck me as good. The trades union
one and the “leap in the dark”. The 2d
number I thought poor. I really must
stop I have written in a great hurry as I ought to go out. Papa the last day or two has not been well I
am sorry to say, nothing serious but its so wretched for a man to be unwell.
I am feeling very stupid as
I have been all day at the “Clothing”, acting shoperson and its very tiring
work. I had the calico and very hard
work I found it. Lucy Roscoe had
stockings which I thought much nicer as she hadn’t to add up 13 ¼ yds at 5¾ or
whatever it was. So I feel stupid. Do
write to me I do so want letters as I feel so lonely at times, at any rate at
anytime ones glad of them
In haste with love
JBG [Julia Gaskell]
*[On September 18, 1867, the
Fenians made an armed attack on a prison van in an attempt to liberate Kelly
and Deasy, two of their leaders. The latter managed to escape but a policeman
was killed during the clash. Five Irishmen (Maguire, Condon, Larkin, Allen and
O'Brien) were charged with murder and brought to trial. Although there was no
direct evidence, they were sentenced to death. Maguire was subsequently
pardoned, and Condon, as an American citizen, had his sentence commuted to life
imprisonment. The others were executed].
**[ November was the only
month with Wednesday 13th in 1867 post the Fenian attack]
JRL Ref Box
Forest Hey 29 April [1868]
Thank you for your letter. I am so sorry we cannot come earlier on
Wednesday to go to the lecture but I hope certainly on Saturday we shall
go. I am very glad you like your drawing
lessons. Do you think I can get a muslin body to wear with my move skirt when I
come to London, also a petticoat body? I
am going to Manchester on Monday & would much rather not get them there if
I am likely to know where I get them in London.
I want to get a coat for Emma & hats for myself & both children
so I shall have a little shopping to do.
Charles says he cannot get an order for the Temple
Church & hopes you will get one from H. Powell. By all means call him Charles. He told me he thought it showed a very friendly
spirit in you. We had a perfect success in our dinner party last night. The
party consisted of Mr & Mrs Stanhope Mr & Mrs Woodhouse & Mr &
Mrs Fox. Conversation & viands were
a perfect success and even I enjoyed it.
Burgess helped to wait & Mr Woodhouse brought his butler, who seemed
very track able & useful. Burgess
brought me some exquisite flowers which looked lovely in the silver glass &
the Heathfield 4 candlesticks closer round.
The lamp on the cupboard & another on the other chimneypiece &
two candles besides. We were obliged to
have a good light, because we came out of the drawing room in day light.
Emma* came in before dinner & behaved
beautifully & admired me greatly before the guests arrived. I came down early on purpose.
Are the bedrooms very light? I can sleep through
noise if the room is dark & a piece of common thick green
calico I shall indulge in, if they are.
I am so glad you like your rooms – you will be gone
perhaps to the lecture when we arrive – we shall be able to unpack.
Is it warmer than it is here? Today is delightful a
high warm wind. I did so long for all my
family last night it was such a “comfortable” party.
I hope Mamma will not find the children troublesome.
**Baby has one of her two teeth come through yesterday. She will have an eye
tooth through any day. These were what
Emma was so ill with.
Give my love to Papa & Emily & believe me
your affectionate sister
L Falcon
hope I may be allowed to wear a small crinoline in London.
E (Emma) Falcon was born December ¼ 1865]
MAUD Falcon was born in the June ¼ 1867 so this letter was probably written
1868 They were listed as 5 and 3 and
their brother Charles G aged 1 in the 1871 census.]
Ref: Box 2/4
Saturday Evening [April 1868]
I find I have forgotten or missed putting in all the
blue coats & Masters and his wife are going to Knutsford on Monday &
are taking it (a very small parcel) to leave at Mr Davey’s (Old Sarah’s)
will you let James call for it. There
are also 2 pairs of scissors (nursery) which I should be very much obliged if
you would let go to be sharpened at Woods.
I do wish we were nearer some shops.
I am going to write to Katharine this evening if I have time. I hope she will be a comfort & easy in
the house.
Today I said to Charles “I wish I was a little girl
again, I wish I was Emma”. She was
looking so calm & comfortable without a care. She looked up at me & in
the most heartfelt way said “Emma wishes she was her dear dolly”.
I am glad you have Philip at last, will he go away
for long this time? I can fancy what a
nice quiet time you will have together.
Let me hear when Caroline gets her baby hats. These children have only 2
between them. Baby is too big for the
small size. We took Emma to the flower
show yesterday (Friday) she was delighted with the music which was very good.
Will you tell me how Emily’s muslin dress sleeves
are made. I must have mine done directly – I suppose it right to be made
long. I think Miss Lloyd must do it – are frills the best to trim it with. I
think of having it made square at the front & fuller in below the square.
I hope Catherine is better. To my explanation of Mrs Ballard &c
satisfactory ? from my experience I should certainly wish to have her
again. I have heard nothing from Mrs Jackson
I thought she would have written.
Sunday. I am
so grieved to hear about Dora Fletcher* Ralph will feel it very much & it
will be very sad for him to think Dora suffered so much. I should be very sorry
to give up Katharine as I think she is what I want, only I do not want to have
anyone constantly wanting higher wages as nurse did till she had £16. Though
£14 was what she asked when she came & instead of raising it £1 a year we
raised it £2. I think I have written a very nice long full letter to Katharine
& I hope it will tell her what she wants to know. I still hear nothing of
nurse from Mrs Jackson & she is the only person I can hear how nurse is
going on from.
We are going on very well, things are easier today
& yesterday. Baby slept much better last night & she only wears a night
dress & jacket now.
I never saw such an energetic little thing, so full
of fun. She can actually crawl up stairs the whole way alone. I mean without
the least help. I wish she had not such a fertile imagination, she is so
disappointed if she cannot do what her mind wants.
I am so sorry Catherine’s baby has still its
cold. I hope it is not anything like
bronchitis, if it is there is I am sure nothing so good as constant linseed
poultices day & night for two or three days. The stain of the linseed will not wash out of
the clothes, but some thing can be put between.
The children are out with Eliz & Martha. Charles
is gone to church, so I am enjoying a little quiet. I am afraid I did not in my hurry express to
you what I meant about K’s letter. I was
only afraid of her coming so far & wanting more wages, but I have written a
very nice letter I am sure.
Do you think it would be well to ask Mrs C Beard
what kind of ill health K has. I think
it would be well to know. You have Mrs B’s letter & address. If you will
let me have it, I think I will write after I have heard again from K. I have told her the railway will be opened all
the way to this year & I will let her go over there to
chapel. I shall be so sorry if she
thinks this will not do, for I have taken a great fancy to her.
I hope you will let me hear how C’s baby is going
If you could put the pinafore & Mrs B’s letter
in a small parcel & leave it at Mr Davey’s I will ask Masters to ask for a
parcel or the letter by post & never mind the pinafore, we do not want it directly. Emma is still Aunt Ellen’s little thrush.
Love to you & Philip
Ever your affect
Annie L Falcon.
Fletcher aged 27 died in the June quarter of 1868]
Ref: Box 2/4


Pen y gwryd Hotel
Llanberis c2009
black edged [1868]
Hotel Llanberis North Wales
My dearest Isabel
You can’t think how glad we
were to get your letter particularly glad in this place, one feels to depend a
good deal on your letters. We are so
happy here the only drawback is that one can’t quite forget that one has to go
back to Manchester and people.
It is so wild and grand, we
are quite up in the middle of the hills, we feel to be quite in the heart of
them – we are just at the point where the road from Capel Curig, Beddgelert and Llanberis meet, Snowdon is
quite close. We have got now very fond of this little inn, at first our rooms
seemed tiny as if we could hardly turn round, now that we have got used to them
they seem quite spacious – one of the sitting rooms has two windows, from both
of which you have a perfect view it makes one very lazy, for one is very much
tempted to do nothing but look out of them.
Writing is difficult for another reason, we have only two little tables
the larger of which is covered with books, so we have to write on our [..] now
on two chairs. We meant to get so much
reading done, and thought we should have so much time, but somehow we have
hardly done anything, for one thing we are out nearly all day and though one
does take a book out, one does not read much.
I suppose you have read Carlyles absurd article in Macmillan I wonder if
you have read Mr Sidgmund’s in that, a much better one I think, its so
extremely clever I think, and I am so glad that it cuts up Mathew Arnolds
lecture on Culture that was in the Cornhill. His view is so elastic, it seems
to hold so many people, though nearly every night they have to turn a great
number – nearly every night there are people on the coffee room floor. Its most
amusing watching all the people one gets to feel so interested in them. There have been a good many people here we
know. The Crompton boys and a friend of
theirs who are on a walking tour have been here – and perhaps come back
today. The people that come are young
men who come to fish and sketch, its rather I think too rough (or thought to be
for ladies to come) it reminds us very much of a little Swiss mountain inn. There is nearly always a car or coach going
past and its most amusing watching the people.
Wales always seems to swarm with brides & bridegrooms. The Owens the people to whom the inn belongs
are such nice people, they have 8 children (one “Owen Owen” and down to the
youngest boy but one are all so useful, that boy (the youngest but one ) who is
only five cleans down the carriages and sees after the horses, its most amusing
to watch him. They have such welsh names
his “Griffiths”. I think that we shall
stay here until the beginning of Sept when we shall probably go home – after a
little Meta will go to Wimbledon and I shall stay with Papa at Manchester. Its so hard for Charlie being at Liverpool
we hope that he and a friend of his a barrister will come over here for next
Sunday but it seems such a long way to come just for the one day. I wonder how yr picture has gone on – it must
be very difficult to sit in the sun, Meta has been drawing a good deal here.
I am quite dreading leaving
this place, if you should want any more information about the lectures I shall
be so glad to be of any use. I don’t
know who they will have for political economy, perhaps I shd think Mr Fawcett
he’s so much in favour of woman’s rights that I shd think he wd be willing to
come and make them worthy to have a vote by improving them. Florence had a letter from Annie, I was so
glad to hear a better account of Emma. I should like to see the photograph of
her very much. Annie mentioned that
Emily was perhaps going with Cousin Mary into Wales. I hope if she does go she will be as
fortunate as we are in our choice of place.
Are you going away anywhere? Papa
has just gone off fishing, he does so enjoy it, and I think it does him a great
deal of good. Have you ever read ………in that there is a long account of this
place and the inn and Owens – he wrote a long piece of poetry to Tom Taylor
& Mr […] in the visitors book and some one has taken them, it does seem
such a shame. Meta has written to him
for them and he has promised to send them .
We went the other night to
the theatre when Miss Kate Terry, Mrs Wates, Tom Taylor, […] Du Maurier, Mark
Lemon, Hal Power and a great many more of the Punch staff acted for the family
of Bennett, it was such a capital performance.
I did so enjoy it.
We are going out a long
drive this afternoon which will be very pleasant.
Does Emily Aspland* seem
very happy, how young they both are to
be married, particularly Mr Long he’s only 23, is he ? Papa is going soon to stay with Rupert Potter
[Beatrix Potter’s father] who has taken a Rectory in Derbyshire – I envy him
rather the going to Derbyshire it is so lovely.
Meta and I have been there twice this summer, the second time to see […]
and the country about there is so pretty.
Ever with much love to you
Yr aff
[Julia Gaskell]
*[Emily Aspland married Samuel Lang in the March quarter 1868.They appear in the
1871 census at Clifton Bristol with two children, however in a letter dated
just July from Florence Crompton she says “what do you think of Emily Aspland’s
engagement”. Emily Lang died aged
27 30 May 1874 at Clifton and her death
is mentioned in a letter from Mary Ellen to Isabella the next day.]
JRL Ref Box
June 23 1868
Dearest Isabel
You can’t think how glad I
was to see yr writing this morning, and to find a good long letter from you,
and such a charming one too. The
elections are extremely exciting to look forward to. I am not much interested in our local one –
Ernest Jones means to get it, and so does Jacob Bright – and Mr Mathew Arnold
does not seem to have crusted our “butter
spoiled” i.e. no Bagley. I was
amused with the Beehive idea of an examination. I have had such a quantity of
liberal talk lately that I have got rather satiated. I don’t know whether you heard of Meta and my
going to Oxford? We were there just 3
weeks. I don’t know when I have enjoyed
anything more. It was quite ideal, everything perfect of its kind and I never
saw Oxford looking so lovely, all the roses out and the trees so green and
fresh and the colleges a more tender gray than I recollected. There were nightingales and all sorts of
delightful things. Then May is the time
there – one got almost too much agreeable talk, one wanted to get hold of some
stupid person who you need not think when you talked to. On the Saturday numbers of people came down
from London, numbering M.Ps. We used to
have such long days, lectures in the mornings, a great many of the professors
now allow ladies to attend the lectures, in the afternoons we used to go out
great boating parties, coming home to go off to the boat races which were going
on during the time we were there, they were most exciting, and it was so pretty
as a sight, all the banks of the rivers covered with crowds that race along the
side of the boats and on the barge any amount of smartly dressed people, and
each barge with its flag flying.
We used to go out most
evenings we went to some most pleasant parties at Balliol, one of Mr Jowells
was particularly pleasant. I never saw
such a collection of “somebodies”, even the undergraduates were sons of
somebody great. Browning, Mr Lowe, some too pleasant people, and all the nicest
Oxford ones too, the Grant Daffs, and Leslie Stephens and Miss
Thackeray were down there a good deal.
We had a great many pleasant college parties, which are so unlike
anything else, and its so quaint going through the heads in evening dress, and
then up little narrow staircases, where only one can go up at the same
time. We came in for some very pleasant
lectures which Goldwin Smith’s giving the Brodies and Liddeles. We had some of them in the garden, they were
most enjoyable, he was so brilliant over them and so epigrammatical they were
perfect of their kind, then we heard him give another [“…….”] a sort of fourth “English Statesman” series.
I came straight home from Oxford and Manchester did look
so dirty and colourless after it.
We stayed with the Brodies
all the time, their house is perfectly lovely, they have built a new drawing
room, without exception the most beautiful room I ever saw, one side is one
large window looking right over the Ch.Ch.
meadows and Oxford. I can’t tell you the
pleasure it was, there seemed nothing hardly to wish for. They wanted us to stay for Commem but we
could not. I hope we shall go there soon
again. I am so glad that you had so good
a time in London, it must have been most pleasant. I am going up there at the beginning of July
for a month to Florence and perhaps the
Waterhomes. I hope so much that Mrs
Brandreth is better. I did so want to
have some more talk with Mr Green the other night but it seemed such a
rush. The Nortons our American friends
are coming over here in July. How
charming Americans are! are not they. I
liked W Beleons very much though he was not quite American enough
for me. I am glad your concert went off
well, did you pay your debt ?
I hope you will enjoy your
visit to Wales, I didn’t think her (cousin Lucy’s) part nearly so pretty as our
part - Pennygwyd but then I like a very wild place and she does not. I wonder
if you will have much coaching its such a pleasant way of travelling I think,
don’t you ? I am sorry that Mr &
Miss Long have been obliged to miss Italy, but hope so much that it may do them
good. I shall be so glad to hear from you again. I go to F E’s on the 1st I
think, I don’t know if you will write
there or not I always hate writing to the sisters and to her to it is such a
mental squint. […] about the waitress,
we have heard of one, a Moravian!
With best and dearest love
to you all
Ever yours affectionately
Julia B Gaskell
P.S. You will no doubt of heard of Albert
Crompton’s* engagement to the 2nd Miss Aiken, I hope she is worthy
of him, he’s such a charming lad – we have got a waitress now, I have left this
letter some time, but haven’t had time to direct an envelope.
*[Albert Crompton married
Elinor Elizabeth Aiken Sept ¼ 1869 in Kensington]
JRL Ref Box
Heathfield Knutsford
18 August 1868
We have just received your letter this afternoon
& are very glad of it as we feel to know very little of what you are doing
having only had one letter before. The
Irish post used to be very tiresome when we were at Belfast I remember. Uncle
Long was here yesterday evening & read us a letter from Louisa giving not a
good account of Jennie but you do not mention her so I hope she is better. Ellen went to Chelford to meet Philip last
night. The train was very late but they
got here safely about half past nine. He is looking very well again & has
quite lost his headaches. Last Friday he
went down to Worthing had lunch with Tom Brandreth & called on Mrs
Ullathorne & one or two other friends & on Anna Jackson. He says Arthur & his wife are staying at
Rugby, Dr Temple having left him in full possession of house servants &c
& he writes asking his mother to pack up & despatch his belongings
including linen, china &c for his new house for he is not “in an atmosphere
at all suited to thoughts on such matters” so she feels to have plenty on her
hands before 17th of September. He is going to Calcutta this time
but does not know yet what appointment he will get. He is sure of something
pretty good, knowing Sir John Lawrence as well as he does & Mrs A B’s uncle
being senior member of the Council. There were 32 friends at the wedding breakfast
& Miss Lawrence was one of the bridesmaids.
Philip seems to have been pleased with what he saw of Worthing & to
have had a pleasant day. He was rather
amused when he called on A Jackson for he did not know whom to ask for not exactly
what office she now holds so he mentioned her name & the sister said it was
contrary to the role of the order for them to know each other’s previous names
or histories. He left his card & said he wd call again. He went with Mr T Brandreth & said she
was looking very well & lively. The
Athletic sports went on very well indeed & Ellen who had never seen them
before was much amused. Papa had gone on the deputation to Tabley & mother
did not wish to go as it was the day of E
Langshaw’s funeral so Ellen & I joined Mr & Mrs Spackman &
the three Miss Spackmans & had a very pleasant afternoon. Plenty of people were there as far as numbers
go but of our set of friends nearly every one is from home. There was a man from Northwich named Litiler
who did some splendid running high jumping. It was rather dreadful to see how
exhausted some of them looked after some of the longer races especially the two
mile walking match. There were three in
the race & for the whole two miles they were never more than a yard apart
so the effort must have been very constant.
I do not think anything is settled except that Philip thinks towards the
end of next week wd be a good time to start. I wish you would tell us what you
do each day in some degree & what you have been doing in Dublin & how
long you will be staying. Grandmamma is
going on very well & I think & hope Mamma will feel able to leave her
when the time comes. There is no doubt Mother must go, she really needs a
change. The H Longs are coming back on
Friday. How unfortunate you have been in
weather! Our turn is coming now for cold
& dullness but on Sunday & before we had beautiful weather. Sarah Merriman called on Sunday. She was to
go to Liverpool today to be ready to sail to Cork direct. I am afraid she will have a rough passage.
Mrs Merriman was to come back from Lancaster yesterday.
On Sunday Uncle L dined with us & went after
dinner to Drappenhall to see Mr Wm Long about election funds, leaving word at
Grove House the he should be home at 5 or 6 or it might be 8 or 9. He did not come & at 4 the next morning
Matthews & the cook came to tell us & to ask if we knew where he was
gone & whether Peter had better go.
As the Harrington road is rather lonely & it seemed he had taken
Jessie we thought it wd be better so Papa & Peter went & happily found that Mr W Long had
persuaded Uncle to stay all night & go & see some fresh people. We were very glad it turned out so well but
the servants seemed to think it a perfectly unheard of thing for him not to
return when had said he would, & certainly he is fond of keeping to his
time in our experience.
We are very sorry to hear of your cold, I hope it
will soon go. Have you plenty of warm
clothing? Your weather sounds very like
what we had at Belfast. Philip & Ellen & I are going out for a walk. I
wish I saw any nearer prospect of Mrs Philip. He is nicer than ever & I
should be very glad to think he was not going to a comparatively lonely life
love to all
affect sister
JRL Ref Box 2/1

Booths Obelisk on the road
to Chelford
[This letter has been very
difficult to place in the series but its possible the reference to diverting
Uncle Long’s attention could have been at a time when John Philip was trying to
get engaged to Theresa Herbert]
Sept 18 [1868]
I came home from Grove House yesterday when Uncle
& Louisa went to L’pool. They are
going to stay till Monday. We are so
thankful they are away for a few days it will divert their attention from
you & Philip! You know what down
right questions uncle is apt to ask – but I think I managed very well to give
vague & yet true answers & his curiosity seemed to die away. We have heard a piece of news today. A Knutsford young lady & a Knutsford
gentleman are engaged ! & you must guess before you open the sealed note. I
guessed first one of the Merrimans & then the right lady for my 2nd
guess & at once I fixed on the gentleman.
I had had a slight suspicion of it once but forgot again. I had a letter from Annie & I send
it. We would all give worlds (if we
possessed such [..]) to see you & dear Philip every day. I mean that we shd
be invisible & yet know what you are doing but your letters are most
charming & we ought to be satisfied. Emily Deane & Emily Sharpe have
been calling today – they were very pleasant. They came home on Tuesday from
Wales. E & M Deane go tomorrow to stay with the Paleys near Grassmere for a
fortnight. Uncle Long seems rather perturbed in his mind about election
affairs. The “other side” is so well organized and so “cute”. They have solicitors in each town hard at
work pouncing on the weak points of the Liberal side. There is no knowing what the result will be.
I suppose you are right as to dress &c as you say nothing of it. We are so dreadfully
sorry about having to ask for the money sooner than the right time – but we
must quickly make up some plan for having less expense or we must do something.
Perhaps Philip will think as Arthur Brandreth said that “he is not living in an
atmosphere suited to thought on such matters”. Give him our dearest love. I
fancy he need have no misgivings.
Yr affect
JRL Ref Box 2/1
Ref Box 2/6
[The next two undated letters signed with initials F
E C, (Florence Elizabeth Crompton – nee Gaskell), probably written in 1868 as
Philip Green becoming engaged to Theresa Herbert is the subject. Lady Caroline
Crompton, Florence’s mother-in-law appears listed at Chorley Bridgnorth in the
Court Section of Kelly’s 1870 Directory of Shropshire].
Chorley Bridgenorth Monday October 12th [1868]
My dear Isabel
Thank you so much for your charming long letter. I
am so sorry that I don’t know any one living on the Mediterranean, the only
people I know living in that region live at Constantinople – which I am afraid
will be no use. I was so surprised when
I got your letter telling me the news. I
think it is so spirited of them going off – but what a hurry they must so be in
– It will be most delightful. I only hope they are good sailors – are they
going to provide themselves with Dr Chapman’s ice-bags. I am most interested in the expedition – do
send me news of them. I wonder if the
three doubtful ones will go. I suppose the children will be with you while
Annie is away. I had no idea you had
been in London again. I suppose it was quite lately ? Madame Craven’s new book is “Anne Leverie”. I
am in the middle of it and rather like it.
I have not read the Cure’d Oro but have heard it so much praised, and
also so much dis-praised that I am most curious to read it. I was very much amused with “The odds on the
race” it is very clever – particularly the end.
We are all very much interested in Dr Sandwith’s election for Marylebone
– though I am not sure if I wish him to get in – I dislike him so much though he did behave so well at
[….] I must stop now, with very best
wishes to them all for a pleasant and calm voyage.
Ever yours affecly
Thursday November 5th
My dearest Isabel
I was so very glad to get your letter and to hear
your great piece of news – which was a great surprise to me. And now I want to
hear a great deal more about it all – if I may.
All your family must envy you having seen Miss Herbert. I have only seen Mr Herbert twice, when he
was painting at the Houses of Parliament and did not even know he was
married – they live somewhere in St
John’s Wood don’t they ? What news for
Emily and Annie would they hear at Malta.
I am so much interested for you all.
It is so pleasant that you know and like her – please give Philip my
warmest congratulations. Will they be
married before he goes back – but I dare say I am asking questions I had better
leave alone – so don’t answer any you don’t like. What a pretty name she has – is she as pretty
as her name ? How could you begin your
letter with anything else ? I am so glad
you have such good accounts from your travellers. I fancied the children were at Heathfield. Marianne is going on wonderfully, I am going
down this afternoon to be introduced to my small niece.
Ever dear Isabel with love to Ellen
ever affect
Ref Box 1/34
7 Grove End Place St Johns Wood 5th Nov/68
dear Isabel,
Very many thanks for your kind good wishes to me. I
am afraid you must have thought I kept your brother rather a long while in
suspense but you know I could not pledge myself to him until I could feel
towards him as he desires. Now however I
hope I shall make up for the reserve which I have no doubt you noticed when
visiting here.
I have a longing to see you again & I hope that
we may be able to manage to pay you the visit which Mrs Green has so kindly
As I am expecting Philip every minute I am sure you
will excuse a longer letter.
I hear that you draw from the easel - my painting is of course given up for the
We shall I am sure some day be dear sisters to one
another for you know I liked you from the beginning.
has just come so good bye with best love dear Isabel.
yr very affecte
Ref Box 2/5
G E P 11th Nov 68
dear Isabel,
My time as you would naturally conclude is so much
taken up with Philip that I have not much leisure for letter writing.
However I must just send you a few lines which I
wished to have done before to ask you if you & your sister Ellen will
kindly promise to be among the number of my bridesmaids. I shall hope that you will both be able to accede
to my wish – so kindly write to let me know when you have spoken about the
matter with your sister.
Philip I know has written today so you will know
from him of all that has passed since you last heard from him. We have had no quarrel as yet!
Philip wants me to be sociable now as I have been
writing for a long while. You will I am sure excuse a longer letter.
best love, Believe me my dear Isabel
affecny yrs
Ref Box 2/5
7 Grove End Place 19th Nov/68
dear Isabel
By the same post that I write to your brother I will
also send you a few lines to let you know that we have decided upon for the
bridesmaids dresses &c. As it is too
cold now to wear a thin material we have arranged for you all to wear silk
& I think that I should like you to have sky blue – if neither you nor your
sister have any very particular objection to the color. It will suit you I
In order however not to offend artisan eyes by the
possibility of having a variety of shades we propose that the six of you should
have the silk cut from the same piece.
Do you think you would like us to order the material for you or would
you prefer matching the color yourselves. If you would tell us the number of
yards you would require there would be no difficulty in sending the bolt to
you. I have an idea that you will not be
able to get the proper color in Knutsford. But of course you must do as you
think best only kindly write & tell one what you would wish us to do if you
arrange to have the stuff from London.
The wreaths (with veils) will be made of roses of
pinkish yellow – or yellowish fruit I cannot tell you the name of the natural
rose being no botanist but I daresay you know what I mean. The dresses of course must have a little
white trimming but Agnes will have hers made directly & you shall have a
pattern of the same – very soon.
I hope you will like what we have chosen and also yr
sister. I know you will be attired in a becoming costume but of course I cannot
say whether Ellen would be suited in blue. I hope so. So now that I have given
you so long an explanation I will bring my letter to a close. Philip will have
told that we hope to pay our little visit to yr family in the beginning of
both of us long to see you.
my best love
dear Isabel
affecny yrs
Mamma wishes me to say that she will have the wreaths & veils in readiness
for you when you come up – so you need not think about these.
Ref Box 2/5
7 Grove End Place 23rd Nov/68
dear Isabel
Since I last wrote to you we have thought to make a
slight alteration in the bridesmaids dresses. We have chosen now for material
poplin instead of silk as we think it looks so much richer & is more
serviceable. My sister intends having
her dress made at the dressmakers who is making my things for me. The three
bridesmaids in town will I think go to the same person. I asked her this morning whether she would
undertake to make also for you & your sister & she said that there
would be no difficulty if she could have the petticoat bodies & the length
of skirt in the front.
Do you think you would like Mde Kennett to make the
dresses for you ? I can answer for her
fitting you perfectly for she is a first rate dress maker at least she is
considered to be so.
Of course if you prefer it the material &
trimmings shall be sent to you or rather we will bring the same to you but I
think you need not fear a misfit in Mde K.
Mde K would make each dress complete without extras for 6
guineas. I should tell you this as there
ought not be any mistake made. We think
the price reasonable as the poplin is very handsome.
Will you tell Philip with my love that I will write
to him by tomorrows but I hope I shall hear from him in the morning. I am very greedy to expect a letter every day
Am I not? Tomorrow week I shall be with
you. I look forward with much pleasure
to meeting you again.
my very best love & believe me
dear Isabel
affec yrs
*[Probably December 1868 as John Philip Green aged 38
bachelor barrister of 47B New Bond Street son of Henry Green Dissenting
Minister married Theresa Herbert aged 28
spinster of 7 Grove End Place daughter of John Rogers Herbert Royal Academician
at Lady’s Chapel Grove Road Marylebone according to the Rites and Ceremonies of
the Catholic Church by licence on 29 December 1868]
Heathfield Knutsford Dec
22nd [1868]
I had a quiet drive home thinking of our most sweet
tender Philip! I am very tired but not
with the drive, it was doubtless the excitement. Did he look better when he left you ? Do you know I am quite thinking whether I
could manage to go to the wedding I thought he wished it so much, & dear
Emily you know will willingly stay instead.
If I go I must get a bonnet by some means or other – We think you had
better go to Elkingtons tomorrow.
I hope they will have the things ready as follows: A tray from the Falcons 22 inches & if it
looks to small, that size, get it a little larger – our tea trays are 24½ inches
& we thought they were rather too large.
A round waiter to match, from you three sisters – a sugar basin, sugar
tongs & cream jug from Grandmamma & the eight little salt cellars from
your father and myself. I hope you will
be successful in find them ready.
I fancy Elkington is rather dearer than some others but I fancy his
style is [….] that must be good
dear Isabel & […] according to present fashion.
I wonder if the parcel could be sent off at once
for any delay on the railway would make it too late. I think the tray might also be packed in the
box then it would all be ready to go on to London together.
I found dear Grandmama tolerably well, she had felt
the parting very much & spoke of Philip’s sweet affectionate manner. They wait for post & tea & Sarah
Kind regards to the Cliffords
MG [her
mother Mary Green]
JRL Ref Box 2/1
Heathfield Knutsford December 23rd [1868]
Mother cannot remember whether she told you
yesterday that she has fixed to go to the wedding after all. Dear Philip seemed to wish it so much that
she was overcome. This morning a bright idea struck us that really the
Mrs Houghton or S Merriman plan might be successfully arranged for me to have a
flying visit to London getting there at 9.15 on Monday night & leaving the
next afternoon or quite early on Wednesday morning. Gma takes to the idea of S
Merriman most kindly & is very well just now. The brothers wd come in in
the evening to play whist & James cd sleep in the house. What do you think of us? It will be so delightful to be all
there. I shd stay at the Portland or
wherever Annie is so as to miss as little as possible of the Monday evening
meeting (& partying!). The dresses
are not yet come, nor any letter. I am writing tonight to Agnes about
them. With Xmas day coming in they may
be detained on the road. We have not
heard from Philip. I send you Annie’s
letter which amuses us. We think your
letter gives a pleasant idea of your prospect of a visit at Birmingham. Give our love to Mrs Clifford & Maria
& Annie Wickstead too. Our idea of
future plans is to await the Lawfords answer & then consider afresh. Mother has been over to Mrs Birtlek & a
bonnet is promised tomorrow. She will wear her lavender silk, Ellen’s opera
mantle bound with crimson, a lovely velvet flower from her own archives of the
same colour which is just the fashion, Mrs B says; I am so glad she is going
dear Mother.
love your affect sister
JRL Ref Box 2/1
Knutsford 14 January 1869
I am sorry to find that I have missed two posts writing to ask if you
have taken M Arnolds book about Schools. I could not find it anywhere here
& so was obliged to conclude that you have it. I sent the books back last Monday with a
promise that it would be sent with as little delay as possible by post. The new set of books is come today so they
have been very good to us. I am not
waiting till you come on Saturday because then there wd be no post to London so
please send it off at once. Oh! I am so glad to have dear mother & Ellen
at home again & when you come it will be better still. We do not think
Ellen has made her cold worse with the journey home, but last night it was very
bad & we attacked it with linseed poultices very vigorously & today is
proportionately better. She of course
could not go with me to the dance at Mobberly last night so I had fixed to go
with Uncle & Louisa but the latter fell a victim to a cold before the time
came so Uncle & I went alone. We had
a very pleasant little evening. 3 Miss
Blakistons, 2 Mr – 2 Miss Mellory & I Mr & Deanes Merrimans &
Spackmans & a few more. The cheese
room was very prettily decorated & everybody seemed to enjoy themselves
very much. We had Mr Wrights violin
& his son accompanying on a small harmonium & you have no idea how good
the effect was. We were invited for ½
past 6, but really arrived about seven & when we got there were told 2
o’clock was the time; however we left at one which was pretty well for a long
evening. I
stayed all night at Grove House which was very comfortable. Louisa is having
Lucy & Rita Hollins, Clara & Emmie & George, John & Ellis &
Lucy Grundy & perhaps Alfred Holt so that is famous. We wish we had one more gentleman not too
juvenile or we wd ask George Fletcher.
Louisa asked Philip but he is gone back to Oxford. Mrs Deane told me
last night that they had asked 14 gentlemen but are not quite sure of even
one. Herbert Fletcher is all but certain
& Mr John Thornley will come if the “shooting at Chamber” will allow
him. Everybody seems in very good
spirits & to be looking forward with great pleasure to the time. Charles, Annie & Mr Gordon will stay here
two nights but whether they come on Tuesday or Wednesday I do not know. It will
be so funny seeing Mr Gordon again in such different circumstances. Ellen is getting Mrs Butler to make up her
black net dress & I think it will be very pretty & I think she will
look very nice in a black dress. All
join in love ever darling Isabel
affect sister
JRL Ref Box 2/1
*[ John Robert Seeley married
Mary Agnes Phillott in the September ¼ 1869]
Ref Box 2/6
Tuesday The Chimes Kilburn [*1870]
dear Isabel,
Your Papa’s fine work on Shakespeare & the
emblem writers* came last night. I hasten to acknowledge its arrival but of
course Papa will write himself to thank Mr Green for his kindness in presenting
him with a copy – we have only had time as yet to peep into it but I am sure
there is a great treat in store for us. How kind of your Papa to think of
us. I think he knows that anything about
Shakespeare gives us intense interest. I
can fancy that this work must have been quite a labour of love to Mr Green.
We were all much grieved with dear Ellen’s news of
Theresa, it must have been a sad disappointment to them both but let us hope
the same trouble may not occur again.
Poor Theresa! I am so sorry for
her for until the last mail she had been giving such good accounts of her
health. I do hope Ellen will not be
fatigued with nursing Theresa. I cannot tell you what a consolation it is to us
to think that Ellen was with Tresa at the time. I know she was so exceedingly
kind & watchful of her. Theresa
wrote a short letter to Mamma from her bed. She seems to feel the
disappointment very much but otherwise writes in good spirits – she says that
dear Ellen has been quite a Godsend to her for she is so exceedingly kind to
her and she and Mrs Latham feed her just as you (Mamma) and Agnes used to do
when I was ill – her remark about the coachman was not flattering, she says he
was tipsy the day he jolted them about so much.
She asked Mamma to send her over an air cushion. In a former letter she asked me to send her
some gloves. Would you tell me Ellen’s
size, for Theresa told me some were for Ellen but forgot to give the size. They will go by Post but not by this week’s
mail for I fear we shall not have time to go to town.
Wilfred came from Rome yesterday rather unexpectedly
– as he intended coming by Mount […]. He did not write for fear of making us
anxious owing to sad accident which happened lately to a train, from the snow,
37 people were killed. He is very well
and has brought two pictures for the RA.
I hope he will be able to finish them both, at first he only intended
sending one but the smaller one is so nearly finished that he hopes now to send
it. Cyril has sent a clever little
picture “Homeward after labour” tired oxen going along the Campagna followed by
the ploughman**. I hope it may meet with
success for there is evidence of great earnestness in his painting. Papa is
very pleased with it.
Papa has just come in & wishes me to say that he
hopes he will be able to write in a day or so to Mr Green to thank him for his
kind & welcome gift.
I hope the weather is more pleasant at Southport for
Mrs Green & Emily for here it is wretched.
Is Mrs Falcon with you now? Pray give her my kind
love. What is the name of her little
baby? I shall be very glad to hear from
With much love
Believe me, dear Isabel
Your very affly
Agnes Herbert
Green published Shakespeare and the emblem writers in 1870]
Wiseman Herbert, Painter, The Chimes Kilburn exhibited at the Royal
Homeward after Labour: 1871 An
Idyl: 1873 On the hill-tops: 1874 Returning to the fold: 1875 Escaped home]
JRL Ref Box 2/5
84 Plymouth Grove Manchester December 9th [1870]
My dearest Isabel
I am so sorry not to have
answered your letter before this but I have been so very busy. I do hope dear
Annie is better and the nurse also. I was so very sorry to hear how ill Annie
was. I have seen so many cases in the Hospital, and they always seem to suffer
so dreadfully. I hope she is better than
when you wrote. You have so often, all
of you, been in my thoughts – and I have so often wondered how Annie was. Only the day before I heard from you, I had
such a strong feeling that some of you were ill. How glad you must have been
when the Knutsford nurse came, you must have been nearly knocked up. I hope you were fortunate in having a good
doctor. I am afraid the change will not
have done either you or Mrs Green much good, but now I hope you will have some
quiet, and that Annie will get quickly well.
Harry’s wedding* went off
very well, though we had not a very good day, rather a fog. Lucy looked particularly pretty, I did not
fancy the white would have suited her, as she has rather a dark complexion but
it did. She was dressed in a very rich white silk with a deep lace flounce, the
dress cut square filled up with a tulle handkerchief round her neck a beautiful
ruby ornament, a tulle veil, with quite a small spray of white flowers &
ruby earrings. I think I never saw such a pretty bride. At times I admire her almost more than any
one I have ever seen, she has such splendid eyes, five or six times the size of
most people’s eyes. It is curious at
times I think her quite plain the changes make it a very interesting face to
watch & I am never tired of looking at her.
She had four bridesmaids, Carry, Sophie Romilly & two little nieces. Their dresses were deep rich silk skirts with
white muslin tunics, tulle veils, and a spray of pink flowers. We were rather unlucky and did not get to
church until they had begun the
service as the Romilly’s
clocks were all wrong, and they got to church much too early. Every body got through very well, and we had
no crying. It seemed very odd their driving off to their new house at once. I
have only just seen Harry since then, today is Mary James wedding day rather a
wretched day if the weather is anything like what we have had here. I have been
very much interested about Miss Garrett’s election to the School Board**. I
think she will be such a capital person for it, so practical and so much sound
strength. It is a great triumph both for her, and Emily Davies, their coming in
at the head of the Poll. With love to
you mother.
Ever dear Isabel
Yours very affcly
F E Crompton
Friday evening Dec.9th
*[Henry Crompton married Lucy Henrietta Romilly in
the December ¼ 1870]
**[The 1870 Education Act
allowed women to vote for the School Boards. Women were also granted the right
to be candidates to serve on the School Boards. Several feminists saw this as
an opportunity to show they were capable of public administration. In 1870, four women, Flora Stevenson, Lydia Becker, Emily Davies and Elizabeth Garrett
were elected to local School Boards. Elizabeth Garrett, a popular local doctor,
obtained more votes in Marylebone than any other candidate in the country].
JRL Box 2/7
Letter to Mary Green from her sister-in-law Ann Mardon (nee Green)
Wells Feb 21st 1871
My darling Sister
I will not delay answering your
letter – it can but make us very sad, but I will try to imitate your own calm
resignation, and thank you for telling us in your own tender way how ill you
are. I have long feared it was of a serious
nature, but did not like to make minute inquiries, as I always feel that you
tell us all we ought to know. I sent your letter on to our sisters at
Maidstone, and they have returned it, hoping as we do that you are not in a
state of great suffering. We know that
you will have every alleviation that love and tender care can give you. How dear you have always been to us I cannot
attempt to tell you, now the hallowing influences your perfect trust that all
is right, and your patient waiting has given to your beautiful letter – there
is a sustaining [….] in all you say. If
without distress to you we may hope to have you longer with us, I can but cling
to that hope.
I had been wishing to reply
to your dear Emily’s letter, and to thank Mary for the papers she sent me, but
each day seemed filled up.
I am very glad you have to
look forward to seeing your dear ones from Bombay before long, and hope with
warmer weather you may feel a little better before they come, and that all will
be well. Mrs Beeching told us lately
that they had met with a gentleman from Bombay, a Mr Hall, who had spoken of
Philip as a most respectable rising man, and that he had a such interesting
life, but your girls will say they knew this before. I am afraid I can tell
them nothing new. They must be
completely occupied, and though you will miss dear Annie and her family I can
imagine the household rather too large, and they will not be very far from you.
Your account of Alfred is
very comforting to his mother – he seems so very happy in his visits to
Knutsford, writes often, and is altogether satisfactory – he had spoken of your
keeping your room often and that you were not able to go to the private
theatricals at Grove House – we are almost surprised that he was able to take
his part with so much confidence.
It did not seem likely that
Mr Alfred Holt would never marry again – and it is well his choice of Fanny
Long is so well approved. It is no
disrespect to the memory of dear Catherine and I hope Louisa Long likes it. Alfred* speaks of often being at Grove House,
and it speaks well for him that it is so.
Your dear Mother’s feebleness is much increased from Isabel’s account
and her life so lengthened out, must hang by a slender thread which a slight
thing may break. What a tender mother
she has been, and happy for her that painful things do not make a very vivid
impression. Mr Kenrick is much losing
his memory and interest in present things.
Mrs K often speaks of you – knows you are seriously ill – sends kind
regards, says she is so sorry, but glad she has seen you. She is so unvarying in her kindness to us.
Emily joins me in dear love
to you. We shall be very glad to hear
your appetite returns and you are a little better. Dear love also to your mother and Isabel. My
own dear patient sister goodbye – God be with you.
Yours affectionately
Ann Mardon
*[Alfred Septimus Powell
youngest son of Emily Green, Henry’s sister]
to Mary Green from her sister-in-law Louisa Green
Rocky Hill Terrace
Maidstone March 19th 1871
My dear Mary
I have been wishing to write
to you ever since Ann Mardon sent us a letter she had had from you a few weeks
ago. I have waited hoping that I might
find a little undisturbed time in the preparations for removing which will take
place now in a week, but I find there is none, & as it must still be some
weeks before we are settled I will no longer delay writing. I will not dwell
more on your letter than to say that we are deeply grieved at the intelligence
it conveyed to us. We had felt anxious
for sometime my dear sister, but we did not think it was as serious as it
is. Your calm resignation to the
inevitable makes us feel that you are dearer than ever to us, and we earnestly
pray that you may have many blessings & comforts for some time, & that
you may be spared any very great suffering.
You will be glad to know
that Elizth is certainly better.
She is beginning to sleep better, & is able to bear more fatigue
than she could three months ago. We hope
to find our new house pleasant & comfortable. We expect to have many advantages from living
near London. Our best friends think we
are taking the most desirable course by leaving Maidstone. Our address will be 2 Enmore Park, South
Norwood, S.E. The house is about seven
minutes walk from the Norwood Junction & within a walk of the Crystal
Palace. We shall be very much pleased to
see any of our dear Heathfield friends if they can find time to come to us when
they are visiting London.
We hope Annie & her
family will find at Southport a pleasant home. I think you always liked
it. We think of your dear Mother with
much tender love, and of you too my dearest.
We hope to leave this on the 27th. Elizabeth & Kate join me in kind love to
all our dear friends, and with every good wish believe me
Yours affectionately
Louisa M Green
to Mary Green from her sister-in-law Ann Mardon (nee Green)
T.Wells 5 April 1871
Darling Sister
What a dear, kind Isabel you have at Heathfield to
send me such a nice letter this morning!
Will you tell her I thank her very much.
I had not expected you to make the exertion to write to me yourself, tho
your letters are very precious, and we heard from Alfred that sometimes you had
but one daughter at home, so that I think the more of her kindness in sparing
the time to write. You may be sure how
we were longing for more accounts of you than Alfred could tell.
I hope when more settled warm weather comes that you
will feel it do you good, from Isabel’s report is not the best – settled warm
weather, which you like so much, and the coming to England of your children
before long, will I hope quite do you good. It must be with extended pleasure
that you are looking forward to seeing them.
All will I hope be happy for you, and for them as much as can be. More and more, dear love, do I dwell upon
your tender wisdom in every thing you do, and have done, and that you spare
your dear girls that they may have modest change and refreshment. Dear Emily will I hope return home having
enjoyed her visit to Miss Yates and sees dear Annie comfortably settled at
Southport. I heard of Miss Yates being
blown down in the street some weeks ago, and taken up insensible, but she must
have recovered.
I have not heard from Louisa and Elizabeth since
they left Maidstone, but hope they will like the change to Norwood. I am
writing to Louisa today. She has had an
anxious life, and I hope now that that is past this must depend on the continuance of Elizabeth’s health and life, as her income is
a life interest in Mr Ellis’s business.
We have some friends here whom are disposed to be very kind and
friendly, Mr and Mrs R C Jones, who have taken a house for three years. He is a son of your old Bolton friend Emily
Darbishire, and his father’s family Henry and I knew in the Potteries. Mrs Jones I knew as Louisa Fearn a little girl at Hampstead. They live some distance from us, so that I do
not see them often.
Sister Emily and I are busy people as we have had no
servant for three months – We have managed very well, but I doubt sometimes of
we can always go on as we are not like
young people. Perhaps the home
occupation has been some diversion to her from absorbing thoughts about her
daughter - of whom we do not yet get
improved reports.
I think you knew that Captain Frank Rucking left his
wife behind when he went out to India she is with her mother at Brighton, and
has lately had a son – it would be a month before the news reached the father.
Sister Emily is now a little recovering her spirits,
but she felt so unsettled after parting with dear Em that it seemed uncertain
whether she would remain here. The boys
thought it best to make no change, and we are feeling more settled. We have had no servant for this last six
weeks, and get on very well and I am really better.
Louisa tells me that the air at South Norwood is as
fresh as at Otham and she thinks they shall like it very much, and find it
healthier than Maidstone.
Your dear mother is I suppose much more feeble than
when I saw her how wonderful her age is – but I have heard from Alice Field
today that her brother-in-law, Mr Langmead, at 94 writes capital letter, and is
interested in all the news. I agree with
you, dearest Mary, that, if we may choose such a long life is not to be
We shall think of you very much, and I must indulge
myself in writing to you a little oftener if it will not tire you. What true fortitude you all show – your girls
are worthy of the mother they have been blessed with. Emily’s dear love to all with mine – my own
dear sister.
Think of me as your affectionate
Heathfield May 11th 1871
My dearest Philip
How near the time is come at last for Theresa and
Ellen nearly to arrive! Papa went to London on Monday but will not go down to
S’hampton as two of the Herberts are going. I suppose Ellen will be here on
Sunday – I came back from St Helens yesterday. It is the very nastiest dirtiest
place I was ever in. I had the glass
works most thoroughly exhibited twice & certainly they are most wonderful.
Caroline speaks too badly to be believed but she is very kind hearted and so
much improved. Her marriage was a very lucky thing for her. Dr Twyford [Edward Penrose] is very kind and
nice but rather shy – Dr Jamison his partner is very nice too & rather more
of the world than Dr Twyford. They had a
dinner party for my edification to which the gentlemen came in or out
of dress coats according to fancy & indulged in […] also according to
fancy. Still I really had a pleasant visit.
They want me to go again before long but we shall see. Meta Gaskell has
been this afternoon. She is come to Miss Holland’s for 2 days. She was very
pleasant & went up to see Mother for a little while. We think dear Mother’s appetite is a little
better, but she keeps very much the same as for the last few weeks. She was
dressed once while I was away & I hope she will be when Ellen arrives. I talked about her to Dr Twyford – who you
know has seen her sometimes. He says
further medical advice is useless, & that the case is so common that Mr
Sutcliffe is sure to know of every alleviation.
He says my idea of the disease spreading to the stomach is not likely to happen. The case is generally that the parts below
become closed up – Mr Fennell has given her some medicine that seems to suit
her at present very well. They are
expecting Mr Sutcliffe any time – very
likely the steamer Theresa and Ellen are coming by. Will not it be odd if they
come together ? We do so long to hear
the explanation of the announcement we saw last week in the paper about Maxwell
Melvile Esq being appointed a Puisne Judge of the Bombay High Court. Papa went to dine with the S Maxwells on
Monday evening and had a very pleasant evening. Sir Wm & Lady Anna, Mrs
Norton, Mr Gibson Craig & Mr Hanslake, Sir W told a good story of some
author whose publishers were Saunders & Ottley – They had carried on their
business by letters and had never met till something went wrong & the
author called & saw one of the partners. At last after some talk he got up
& said “Well if you are Saunders then [….]Ottley, & if you are Ottley,
then [….] Saunders” and walked off.
Papa went to Carpenter & Mesleys for some new
spectacles & Mr Mesley said he would advise him to see Mr […..] before
getting any so Papa went to him & the result was that he said that the left
eye is in good condition & stronger than the right (the left eye was the
one that was once blind). In the right eye there is a slowly forming cataract
which at Papa’s time of life may never give him much if any trouble. I hope
this is so for it would be dreadfully trying to Papa not to be able to see well
& I fancy it is very likely that it may not trouble him for I suppose such
a thing progresses more slowly in an old person than in a younger one. We see in the Daily News that Mr James Yates
died on Sunday. He has been failing for
some time & when Emily was in Liverpool Mr Thompson said the accounts of
him were very bad.
H [Henry] Brandreth & Louisa [Victoria] Jackson
are to be married on the 8th June.
Meta G is to be one of the six bridesmaids. He comes from his living in
Norfolk in the middle of every week to see her (in Derbyshire by a night train
and back the same way), & she thinks it so bad for him & his parish
that they are going to be married directly.
A Holt & Fanny Long* are I believe to be married in June sometime
but it is not quite fixed. It is to be
very quiet without any bridesmaids or anyone there. They are to go to Switzerland as also Henry B
& his wife. We heard from Ellen at
Suez but she said they were writing to you so I need not repeat. Next week you
will hear from Theresa I hope in England.
We all send our dearest love & I remain
Yr very affec sister
Isabel Green
Holt is listed as a pupil at Henry Green’s school in 1841 and Fanny Long was
Isabella’s cousin]
Ref Box 1/35
Letter from Elizth Sharpe to Mary Green
Rectory [Lincolnshire] May 19/71
My dear Mary
I have heard from some time past, that you were an
invalid with much regret. I have often
thought of you during my own invalid state of the last 7 months; and not
knowing any particulars of you I have been looking forward to summer time in
the hope that we should all improve under its pleasant influence.
I don’t think I have even had the pleasure of seeing
you since that pleasant little visit you gave us on your way to a little town
you were taking to the Lakes. I then
thought you looking so well!
Dear Mary, since I arrived at this place a letter
has been forwarded to me from Kate Merriman telling me alas! that your
compliant is of the same nature as our dear Jane’s and that you wished Sarah
& me to be told of it – be assured that you have our earnest sympathy and
my poor prayers shall ever be offered for you.
I hear that you are so patient! And I was so glad to hear that your pain
is not acute, tho wearisome & heavy.
You know so well where to look for help and I always remember your deep
feeling of the infinite Mercy of God & we know that nothing is permitted by
him to befal us except his Mercy – this is such a comforting thought!
I know your love for & appreciation of my
mother’s character. She though you so
good, long long ago I remember her &
[….] conversation over their work at the Hollins. My mother said Margt that is
a right good lass” (speaking of You)
“and the delight she had in the Sunday quite pleased me as she warmly expressed
her feeling on the subject to me”.
It was a great comfort to me & to us all to have
our Jane so much amongst us in her last year – from the time of her return from
France last June, it was a constant source of interest to drive over to Halton
or to get M Jane & M Bessie Brandreth to come over to the Greaves for the
day – these days are so interesting now to dwell upon.
I came home a week ago, & I already feel the
benefit of a change of air. Dr Sarah begs me to give her love to you & she
will write to you at a future time &c.
I am writing she has been such a comfort to our M Jane – she was with
her to the last I dare say you have heard.
My husband has taken our two girls to have a little
recreation in London where he has some engagements. He sent to invite Emma
Pooley to join them – the three girls are […] engaging themselves & their
cheerful letters are a great source of interest to us. The performance of the Oratorio of the Creation
was to be heard by them in the new Albert Hall & much delight was
Of course the marriage of Mary ?Pasley? which is to
take place at the end of July or the beginning of August is much in our
thoughts here. I think there is every
reason to hope for happiness for both of them.
Give my dear love to my Aunt, we often think of her
& talk of her & look at her photo!
I hope that Ellen arrived in health & safety –
what a pleasure to you all to meet.
With dear love to you my dear Mary & with all
our love to you all.
I remain ever your most affectionate
Elizth Sharpe
in blue ink presumably by Philip : received on Monday the 3rd July
Heathfield June 8th 1871
dearest Philip
I think Emily wrote to you last giving still a poor
account of dear Mother. She has been very poorly indeed since then, Mr
Sutcliffe has given Chlorale and it has given her much greater ease & she
is able to have comfortable sleep under its influence. After Emily wrote she continued very much the
same & though very poorly we felt there was no great change & on Monday
Ellen went to Southport for a few days to see the children. On Tuesday night
Mother had intense pain & as soon as she could leave her Nurse called us
up, & Papa went to fetch Mr Sutcliffe.
I think the pain was so great that it took away consciousness for a
short time & mother does not remember very well what happened, but Nurse
says she had a convulsion. Mr Sutcliffe brought chlorale with him & it is
the greatest relief. Mother has never
since had acute pain. It gives her quiet resting sleep and she wakens perfectly
collected and talks to us for a little while. This afternoon she is having
ether instead & it seems to send her to sleep Mr Sutcliffe does not wish to
give chlorale constantly if it can be helped. Chlorale is a rather new
discovery & such a blessing. It gives sleep & freedom from pain without
the evil effects of opium. She is so
dear & patient. She is very weak as all food, brandy, wine, (even
champayne) makes her sick immediately.
She is having now – beef tea – now made with hydrochloric acid – which
is very strengthening & she can take it without sickness coming on. She has had 4 table spoonfuls since 7.30 this
morning. It is now 3.0 pm. Mr Sutcliffe says if she is able to take the beef
tea for a day or two they may overcome the sickness for a time & get her to
take a little more food, but I think is only a possibility & not very
likely. We telegraphed for Annie &
Ellen on Wednesday (yesterday) morning & they were here by ½ past
twelve. We were very much alarmed on
Tuesday night & dear mother herself thought the end was come. She often talks of you. I wrote to dear Theresa & I had a
telegram from her this morning saying it was your wish that Dr Priestley should
come over, but I telegraphed back not & I have written since to tell
her that you had urged it before & that mother had told you it would be
quite useless & now it would only be a trouble & worry to her. Mr Sutcliffe is come back now & is most
kind & attentive & Mr Fennell has been the same while Mr Sutcliffe was
away, & mother has quite liked them both.
Dr Twyford told me that dear mother’s case is so common that all doctors
would understand all that is known by anyone about it. So dearest Philip you may be quite assured
that all has been done that could be.
The nurse continues to be very nice & we like her much. I could not have thought I could so soon have
liked a stranger in her capacity. We are
so glad she came when she did so that mother was used to her before she became
so much worse. She says she would like
to know if you have the judgeship, you have a happier remembrance of her on
your wedding day dear Philip, than if
you had seen her now, though I know you would rather have been here if
it had been possible. Theresa says she is not very well but she would come if
we would like, but I have told her we thought she had much better do
nothing to run a risk of doing any harm to herself, & we are so busy that
we should perhaps hardly be able to take enough care of her (I did not say this
to her) but we should have been very
glad if she could have been here, to have had her. Mother had a very
comfortable night waking only once, for a second dose of chlorale, & Mr
Sutcliffe said that the effect was perceptible in her pulse, which was better
than yesterday. Mother liked having your
letter last week it was a dear letter.
She told me this morning to tell Theresa “she thought of her as tenderly
absent as if she were present”. Yesterday she said “I must have a bit of paper
tomorrow to write a few words to my Philip”. When she wakens I will see if she
is able. I know you would like a last
word. I do hope you will not grieve much at not having seen her, she goes
willingly & longs to be at rest. She
says she hopes we will not grieve more than we can help, but remember that she
was content & happy. She is so sweet, never a murmur nor complaint but
always “you are such dear loves” “How much I have to be thankful for” “How kind
everyone is” & when Mr Sutcliffe came in the night (it was the first time he
had come since his return on Monday) she said “Oh Mr Sutcliffe I think you
should not have come out in the night” thinking that he had been ill – I think
one of the others is going to write but I am not sure. I remain my dearest
brother Yr ever loving
I Green
on the front sheet, obviously before she sent the letter) Do take care of yourself & keep well you
say in your letter you are well but we were glad you were going to
Mahabaleshwar [hill station where Bombay residents went to avoid the heat] I
fancy it is more invigorating than Matheran.
Ref Box 1/36
in blue ink presumably by Philip :
received 7 July 1871]
Heathfield June 15th 1871
It will be so very sad for you to receive this most
sorrowful news* all alone but we will try to bring ourselves as near to you as
we can by writing, my dear brother & telling you as much we can about these
last sad days. If you could but now look
at our darling mother’s gentle peaceful face as she lies quietly at rest it
would comfort you. She passed away so
gently we feel sure she was not suffering. She did not even feel when we took
hold of her hand during the last 36 hours after she became unconscious. The last look I had from her (on Monday
afternoon) was like the smile of an angel I think – for I had never in my life
seen a look so holy, so pure, so calm, so happy.
I have for a time had a great fear & anxiety in
looking forward to the rest of my life & I thought it would be very
terrible too to die but now all my doubts & fears are gone. The beautiful
example of dear mother’s life, and the patience & courage with which she
bore her most trying suffering illness, and then the perfect peace of her death
have made me feel that if only I can try to imitate her, I need not fear
During her illness she has been more gentle &
good than I can tell you, always thinking how kind everyone was, how much she
had to be thankful for. Last Sunday she was talking about you & said “He
will not see me but I shall see him, I shall be all around them” When she tasted the first of the beautiful
peaches we got for her she said “how delicious how refreshing, I might be a
Queen you get everything I wish for”!
Indeed we could not have had a more blessed duty & pleasure than
doing our utmost to comfort our darling & help her to bear her trial. Oh
how thankful I am dear Philip that I was here in time, to see her before she
became so very ill. I sometimes blame myself for having stayed away so long,
but I did it only after considering it well & had dear Mama’s entire
approval – we had no idea that she could have been taken away from us so
soon. They all comfort me with saying
that my letters were a great pleasure & interest to her all the time I was
away. I wrote so regularly every week
& from them and from all I have told her since I came back she has gained
so clear an idea of your home & surroundings in India. They say it gave her pleasure – I also
remember that dear Theresa could not have travelled home alone, for she is too
delicate for anyone but one of her own family to undertake the responsibility
of so long a journey with her. Mrs McCulloch said she could not have done it
without either you or me – I felt very anxious at the thought of it but hoped
& trusted all would end well. I hope she is getting stronger, she soon will
I know but we did not like her coming here now for fear of its being too trying
for her. She will come before long we
hope. Goodbye my dear brother. We look
forward much to your coming
Your very affect sister
*[Their mother
Mary, wife of Henry Green of Heathfield Knutsford, died 14 June 1871 aged 68
and was buried in the churchyard of the Brook Street Chapel Knutsford June 17th]
Ref Box 1/37
Eardiston House Tenbury
Thursday evening September 7th *[1871]
Dear Isabel
I have been a long time in answering your
letter. I think the brides-maids dresses
sound very pretty. I always think a
thick grenadine or muslin look so well over self coloured muslin.
Is the wedding on the 19th
or 20th. I hope you will have
a fine warm day. We have had splendid
weather here, for the last week, and have almost lived out of doors. There is rather a pleasant river almost at
the bottom of the garden, and it is delightful to be on it. We stay here until Wednesday or Thursday,
when the Swiss party come home. Charlie and I are going abroad on Friday or
Saturday. Geneva is as far as we have
fixed at present as so much will then depend on the state of the
mountains. We shall get there next
Sunday and if you are kindly disposed a letter there will be most welcome.
I hope we shall have fine
weather, and not too warm. My only
drawback is that I know we shall meet so many friends, as all the barristers
are loose. Charlie has such a great love
for his friends that he rushes up and greets every acquaintance that he sees,
which is very trying to my feelings.
When we have fixed our plans I shall send you a further direction as I
shall be so anxious to hear how Annie goes on.
Thursday Evening I came up to London yesterday to
get endless odds and ends that one wants for a journey. I never felt anything like the heat here it
is almost impossible to read even and one wanders over the house in a hopeless
way trying in vain to find a coolish place.
We have given up Geneva and are going to Thurs 12th Sept Leuberbad, Breiz 18th, Baveno and Sergano
22nd where I shall hope for news of Annie.
Ever with much love
Your very affectionately
Florence Crompton
1871 as that appears to be the only Thursday 7th September during
that period]
Box 2/7
Sunday evening Feb 4th [1872]
My dearest Isabel,
Thank you very much for your
capital long letter. Do come home from Torquay via London, it would be so
pleasant to have you, if only we have a house – but I feel as if any day the
perfect house we have so long looked for in vain might turn up – or rather that
we shall have to give up our ideal house, and content ourselves with an
uninteresting one. Agnes Berry* arrived
about ten days ago – and we all like her very much indeed – which is fortunate
for she might have been anything but nice.
She is not, to my mind, at all pretty but has a very bright intelligent
face – constantly changing, which is pleasant to watch. She is only five and twenty
but seems a good deal older and looks so. Mr Berry was a merchant & married
his second wife within eight months of the death of Agnes’ mother. I believe the step mother was not at all a
nice person, and got so much power over Mr Berry that he left all his money to
her, and so his daughters had to go out as governesses. It was as a governess that Agnes went to
Alexandria where she was for nine months. They will live in Egypt for five or
six years after they are married, till Edward has finished the docks that the
Viceroy is building near Alexandria.
They had a most fearful passage home and were several days late. I fancy some friends of Ellen’s came over in
the same ship. Did she not know a Capt.
& Mrs Monroe in Bombay ? I fancy I
remember seeing a photograph of a Mrs Monroe when I was at Heathfield, or
hearing Ellen mention her. I wondered as
soon as Agnes spoke of them if they were friends of Ellens, and she said they
told her a young lady a friend of theirs who had been with her brother in Bombay
had come home about nine months ago and was very musical all of which facts, I
thought fitted in to Ellen. I am so
sorry to hear that Philip is going back to India so soon and that Mrs Philip
Green will not be well enough to go with him.
Do they think she will ever be well enough to go back to India – or is
the climate too trying for her ? It must
be a great trial for her not to be able to go with Philip but I do hope it will
not make her worse. I hope you think she is better than she was when I was at
It was Harry that read the
paper at Nottingham. I thought it read very well in the papers, and I believe
it was very much liked by the men. I am amused to hear of a Bachelors Ball at
Knutsford. I hope it went off well.
Carry and I are very busy going to lectures at University College. She
is more active than I am as she goes to six a week, while I content myself with
four, two on psychology, and two on physiology & hygiene. I like the physiology ones much the best, as
the others are so very metaphysical. The lectures on physiology are most
interesting and very well delivered. I find that with all the reading for them
and the getting there that it takes up a great deal of time, and I doubt if in
future I shall ever undertake more than two a week. We have been out a great deal lately, so that
with society & learning I seem to have had very little time for letter
writing or reading. I have only had time
to go once to the Old Masters. From the
glance I had there I did not think it looked nearly such a good collection as
the other two have been – there are a great many Dutch pictures and I do not
care much for them. I intend to go down
some day to South Kensington to see the Duke of Edinburgh’s things. The account of them in the newspapers sounded
very interesting only I know they will make me so envious. I always have such a longing for queer quaint
foreign things. I wonder if you have heard that the Albert Crompton’s are going
to live in Liverpool. Albert has got
some place, I am not clear what, in the Holt’s shipping business. It was only finally fixed last Saturday,
yesterday week, and he has already found & taken a house, and they expect
to be settled there in less than three weeks.
It seems such quick work at last to be off so soon. I think he will like the work, and he has
always hated law and so I think would never get on in it.
I am afraid now that even
Marianne and Thurston have given up all hope of Willie hearing – it does seem
so very sad for the poor little fellow – he is such a bright bouncy little
child. I suppose really they are very happy, and after all it is not like the
loss of a sense once had. It seems so
wonderful being able to teach them to talk.
I had a long conversation the other day (in German so not our natural language
either of us) with a young Dutch gentleman, who was born deaf and dumb. He understood everything I said, and there
was only one word of his that I could not make out, “Leeds” which he called
“Erst”. I so far forgot that he was a
deaf mute, that at the end, I thought how rude and unpleasant it was of him,
never to take his eyes of my face – quite forgetting it was his only way of
understanding what I said. I am sure you
will long before this be quite tired of this endless letter. Please forgive the horrid writing but my hand
is quite stiff with the number of letters I have had to write today. With a
great deal of love to you all
Ever your very affecly
F E Crompton
The tea is very good. Do write soon.
*[Agnes Mary Berry married Edward Crompton December ¼
JRL Box 2/7
Liverpool Feby 14th 1872
dear Isabella
I daresay you will have heard that Fanny and
Harriet* and I are proposing to take a journey to America, and my object in
writing is to say how much pleasure we shall have if you will accompany
us. I have often heard you express a
wish to visit the United States, and it gives me great pleasure to be able to
offer you the accomplishment of your wishes.
I wish our departure, and in fact the whole journey,
to be considered problematical for a few days yet, I am, and have been very
much engaged in business for some time past, and there is a certain point to
which I must conduct the affairs of my Father and Mother before I can leave,
but that point appears more clearly attainable every day so if war (or the
rumours thereof) does not prevent our departure I hope it will take place on
April 2nd from Southampton for Havana, we should arrive there about
April 19th and giving 7 or 10 days to the “gem of the Antilles” we
propose to be at New Orleans from April 29th to about May 6th,
there I have an estate to sell which has long bothered the family and which I
am determined to realize, but I hope to get that done and be away up the
Mississippi on the date named. Five days
to St Louis or some point from which we would strike West and join the Pacific
Union Railway, and then the question would arise for discussion “should we go
to San Francisco”? if so the dates
would arrange themselves somewhat as follows. May 16th Utah – May 22nd
San Francisco – stay there till 29th and return to Chicago June 3rd
across by Railways,
I don’t know the names of but which I know exist,
thru Niagara to Washington, thence take the Atlantic cities in order up to
Boston, about June 25th thence home or to Canada, and sail from
Quebec. I do not mean to tie myself to
arrive in Liverpool before July 20th which is leaving the other side
on the 10th and therefore including a margin of 10 days on the given
Such is our programme, and I can assure you of a cordial
reception by both the ladies and myself, you should prepare your mind for some
parts of the journey being a little rough but none, as far as I can hear, more
so than you will easily accommodate yourself to. There is a good deal of sea
but I think fine weather may be relied on on the routes I have described, and
the ships are all of the best description.
Harriet would be necessarily more your companion than Fanny or I, and
she is the suggester of the invitation.
I promise I will take care of you if you will come, we shall probably
disputate more or less as to the value of sundry institutions whereon we don’t
agree, but I always think good tempered argument is the salt of conversation,
and at any rate our opinions will be better worth having at the end than at the
beginning of the journey. You will of
course understand that I desire to bear the expenses of the whole party.
I am very glad to see your brother the other
evening, and especially glad to see him looking so well
very truly
Holt had married Isabella’s cousin Fanny Long in June 1865, Harriet was her elder sister and they were the daughters of Henry Long and his wife Mary
nee Gaskell]
Ref Box 1/38
Heathfield Feb 15 1872
My dearest Philip
I received the
enclosed letter from Alfred Holt this morning, & as you may imagine I have
been in a state of perturbation ever since – I really hardly know what I wish
about it. Everything seemed so nicely planned for me for 4 months to come in
England. First to [….] at home for 2 months & then to be with dear Theresa
in London, at the very nicest time of the year.
All this I should be so very sorry to give up – on the other hand I
shall of course never have such an opportunity as this American journey again,
in all my life - & it is exceedingly kind of A Holt to propose it. If Theresa wants one of us in London (apart
from giving me the pleasure of a visit there) you know Emily or Ellen could go
to her. I feel afraid of such a great journey at present, it is so sudden but I
know this feeling will wear off, & my real doubt about going that it seems
like putting off the steady beginning of my drawing. I think the people here
think I should go (Papa decidedly) but I should like your real true advice very
much. I should like to see Theresa very
much before I go (if I go) and I think that as we should sail from Southampton
I might (if Theresa would like it) go to Torquay on my way there for a little
while and join the Holts at S’hampton.
You know I have always had the greatest desire to go to America. Besides
the things we have found of yours that Ellen mentioned we have found a coat (a
thick black twilled one) which you left in the wardrobe when you were here in
October – I took it out of the wardrobe once when F Compton coming to stay
here, & I quite forgot to put it back – I am so sorry, is it one you will want ? & shall we send
it to London The Chimes* or Torquay we will keep the other things till we hear
from you about the coat, as they would all go in one parcel. Ellen is miserable with her vaccination &
is so sorry for you having to go about with yours. She feels so weak with it.
You see there is
a little doubt about the Holts own going, & of course if the journey
had to be given up for a war or anything of that sort, it would be settled for
me, but I do not think that is likely. I
wish pleasant things would dispense themselves & not clash. Let me hear
from you as soon as you can think about it & write – I should like to do
what seems best. I have written to thank A Holt and have told him I must have 2
or 3 days to decide in and to hear from you.
With our dearest
love my dear brother
Believe me ever
affect sister Isabel Green
*[Queen’s Road,
Kilburn, home of the Herberts]
Ref Box 1/39
My dearest Isabel.
How you have taken my breath
away! But how very delightful.
Few people have such plans
in their lives. I will gladly do what I
can for you but it seems to me it would be a far better plan if you would come
and do your own shopping. If you came up
on Saturday or Monday, by which time you would have seen Harriet & stopped
till the 2nd I think I am more likely to have a chance of getting
you by asking you for a short time, also I believe Meta is coming then. Do think of the advantages of my plan, to
begin with the charity of it. Charlie is
on circuit and I find it very dull all alone and should delight in having you –
then think how much better & cheaper things are in London, and the much
greater choice you have – then there are the old masters still open, a capital
collection at the Dudley Gallery,
Jones, Solomons
etc etc! The Duke of Edinburgh’s
collection at South Kensington – and I am sure by hook or by crook I could get
order for the house – then on Sunday afternoon Mr Fawcit
is giving a lecture on Woman’s Education –
this is only half of what we will do if you will only come.
Then doubtless Philip will be in town before he goes & you would
have another sight of him. Please write
and tell me I may expect you, I am sure it will really take you very little
more from Heathfield than having to go to Manchester a dozen times for one
I am writing in most frantic haste, so please
forgive this scrawl from
Your very affecate
JRL Box 2/7
Wednesday Evening March 27th [1872]
My dearest Isabel
I really think I must be
getting into my second childhood for never from the time you left Oxford
Terrace till yesterday, did I remember the recipe for the egg. I am so sorry
and I cannot say how very stupid I think myself. Shall I, when I go back to town, send the
recipe to Heathfield? I am so glad you
like the law pens – I think them so very nice, and easy to write with. It seems so strange to think that this day
week you will be well started on your journey. I do hope you will have a good
journey and no drawbacks. We met Harriet
Long yesterday in town, very much puzzled what books to get, she said Mr Holt
was taking a great stock – and after all such things are to be had in
America. One is so apt to start on a
journey, with the belief that one will not be able to supply, or replace
anything till one returns. I shall feel
such an interest in hearing if all your dresses are right for I feel to have
stood god-mother to them. We are all so disappointed that owing to some
squabble between the Egypt people and [….] that Edward will not be able to get
off this month, and will now I fancy not be able to come till the late
summer. I am so sorry for Agnes, for it
is so wretched for her waiting on at the Cromptons. She has been very ill with bronchitis, and
unfortunately the news of the delay in Edward’s return came just when she was
so very ill, and has left her back very much.
We are all very anxious about Llewelyn Davies’ election for school board
which takes place tomorrow. He had a capital chance at first and was in very
good spirits about it, but quite late in the day Prof. Sylvester came into the
field, and all the Jews, who had promised to vote for Llewelyn deserted to
their own man. I shall be so very sorry if Llewelyn does not get in, as I think
he would be such a good man, and it makes it harder, that he was so very much
pressed to stand, and all his friends said he was so sure to be returned. We were so sorry that we were engaged the day
you came over to Manchester. I should dearly have liked another sight of you
before we have to “think a great deal of you”. I am so very glad that you find
Mrs Philip Green so much better. I
suppose Philip will be nearly back at Bombay by this time.
Ever with a great deal of
yours very
Florence Crompton
Box 2/7
Letter to the Rev.H Green
from J R Herbert(Theresa’s father) Monday April 22 72
The Chimes Kilburn
dear Mr Green
I forward at once the enclosed few lines from Philip by
which you will presume that he has arrived safely in Bombay & in good
health. We get pretty good news from
Torquay I am glad to say that Theresa is still improving .
[…] is startling news that the […] is likely to go out
this week!!
hope you are all well & that the wanderer in the west enjoys her voyage.
our affectionate regards, Believe me, My dear Mr Green
faithfully yr.
J R Herbert
JRL Ref Box 2/5
Rocky Mountains from Denver – Isabella Green
Thursday May 23 1872
My dearest
I think it is
rather touching for me to begin my letter to you from the highest point in the
Rocky Mountains over which the railroad goes, namely Sherman, it is 8242 ft
above the sea level. I was very glad to hear at St Louis of your safe arrival
at Bombay, but very sorry it felt so hot. I do hope you are judge again by now,
so that your work will be less trying. We are having the most delightful
journey you can imagine. I had not the faintest idea how grand it wd be before
we set off. We left St. Louis last
Friday evening (17th) and had our first experience of sleeping cars.
We did not any of us sleep very much the first night it was all so
strange & new but extremely clean & comfortable. We stayed at Kansas City all Saturday as the
trains did not fit, & on Saturday night I slept from 10 o’clock till 6 the
next morning without wakening once! Did you ever see a picture of sleeping cars
I wonder. I almost fancy you have them in India, & so know all about them
so I will not describe, except that the berths are wider than in a ship, &
the mattresses much softer. We get out
at fixed stations for meals, & hitherto have found everything so good and
clean except at Cheyenne, such kind waiters […..] with our state of hunger
(This does not refer to the big hotels). Well after 2 nights & a day we got
to Denver, where we had a day to waste. On Tuesday evening we set off
about 8 to go to Colorado Springs – a
town aged 6 months, someone that Alfred met at Kansas City told him of it, and
gave such a glowing account of the exquisite scenery that we fixed to go. The
railway runs down parallel with the beautiful Rocky Mountains the high ones
covered with snow. It was quite a thick
covering when we set off, but we went in hopes that it would clear and it very
soon did. We got to Colorado about 3.30
and soon after 4 were off for a lovely ride to the actual springs. They have
splendid horses here in America and our two went beautifully and with such
intelligence over the awful roads, in some places a foot deep in mud as sticky
as toffy and with constant wet channels right across the road along the worst
of them a couple of pine trees were laid so that we might get over at all. Then
there were little wooden bridges over the streams just wide enough for the
carriage & quite without railings at the sides. Our driver was such a nice
man & drove beautifully so that we all felt quite safe. He behaved exactly like a not very polished
but very keen intelligent gentleman. A regular specimen of western manners. He
knew all about the geology of the place & exactly where the beautiful parts
were. Coming home he wondered if we shd object to his smoking a cigarette
wouldn’t wish if we disliked it in the least, but if we did not - some
explanation about his church followed!!!!!
Imagine an English car driver!
However he told us he gave 1/- each for his cigars, so you may think it
had rather a nice smell. We saw most
lovely scenery both that evening & the next morning when we got up very
early & went another most beautiful drive. We had no idea it would be so
beautiful or we should have arranged to stay longer but our sleeping cars were
taken to San Francisco and we had to go.
May 27 I could write no more in
the train as after Ogden (the junction for Salt Lake) we got into the Central
Pacific Line which shakes very much. Up
to that point the line is called the Union Pacific. We got in here “The Grand Hotel San
Francisco” about 9.30 last night after 4 days and 3 nights without a break in
the train. It is most astonishingly little tiring but we are naturally glad of
a quiet day today.
I think the thing I care to look back upon most was the entrance into
Havana harbour in the early morning. The
harbour is most beautiful in the shape of an irregular trefoil with the stalk
for the entrance, on the left side of which is a very high lighthouse & the
Moro Fort up on a high rock.

Havana Street – Isabella Green
The houses are
very Spanish & painted all most of lovely pale colours – blue & green
& pink & are built quite down to the waters edge. The hotel we went to
is on the quays & it was very exciting watching the crowds of people &
wagons of sugar drawn by oxen &
mules &c. Many of the Spanish youths
were like ‘Greek Statues’ &c every movement was graceful & their
complexions & eyes perfect. They seemed to have ample time & much
space. One morning 2 carts with 6
tasselled mules stopped under a tree below our corridors – about 4 picturesque
men lay down in one cart & all slept for 3 hours the mules
apparently being used the
process stood
still all the time.

Donkeys in Havana – Isabella Green
We knew some
very nice people there – a Mr & Mrs Chapman, he is a sugar machinery requirer & she is a very charming not very
young sister, who has travelled about a great deal all about Europe & is
now staying with her brother for a time. He is a good deal younger and is
engaged to a N.York young lady. We dined
with them & went to see the Forts with them, a Mr Derwent Smith – he is a
most artistic person & sketches & raves about colours &c and plays
perfectly on the piano. His mundane business is looking after the interests of
the English shareholders in one of the Cuban Railways. We went to the
Cabaňos Fort in a rowing boat with an awning across the bay & then
made our way up & up along a covered pathway into the Fort. There we were
received by the Commandants Secretary with numerous bows in a long empty
room. He took us out into a little garden
on the roof & gathered us all the prettiest flowers he cd find. Then
negroes brought in six rocking chairs which were set each side of a […] also a table. Then the Major Commandant came in & we
had more bowing. The Major Commandant is 2nd in command of the Fort.
Then the negroes brought in a table and 7 large glasses of beer! some sherry,
maraschino and a dish of such good sweetmeats & cakes whereof we each took
one and some sherry. I suppose the
Commandant thought we might be shy so he gave us each another large sweetmeat
in his fingers. After this ceremony was
over with infinitely more bows than I can describe we set off to go round the
Fort with the Commandant. The fort
itself is neither strong nor interesting but the views over the blue Atlantic
& over the town & far inland were most exquisite. It was a perfect day
with sunshine & clouds. After we had seen Cabaňos Fort the Commandant
bid us adieu & we went on to the Moro Fort with a soldier and also to the
lighthouse which is in the Fort.
New Orleans was
rather dull but we had to stay there ten days waiting for a good steamer to go
up the Mississippi in. There were a nice Mr & Mrs Peter Anderson that Fanny
had an introduction to & with whom we dined. She is a Creole & he
Scotch. We dined there & I went in to dinner with an agreeable Mr Byrce who
knew the Coliers, he had been in the English army and then in the Confederate
army through the war & now I fancy is in business. We shall leave here towards the end of the
week I fancy and go to the beautiful Yosenite Valley & stay as long as we
can. We find our time dreadfully short though I think Alfred meant to stay in
America till the end of July. We were so surprised at the beauty of the
prairies, we had expected them to be so uninteresting, we saw splendid herds of
buffalo, one quite near to of about 600 so near that the train had to go slowly
as the herd was crossing the line in front of us and a buffalo is so large that
it throws the engine off the line. Then
the whole way there were numbers of dear little prairie dogs that sat up on
their hind legs on the top of their mounds to watch the train pass, & we
saw too the little owls that live in the same holes with the prairie dogs, also many antelope. It is most extraordinary coming through the
Rocky mountains – Echo Canon is the famous place & is very glacial great
bare reddish rocks up high – then you go through miles of alkali desert where
nothing grows but sage bush. Then you come to the Grand Sierra Nevadas utterly
different from the Rocky Mountains the rock is grey and there are pines growing
up the mountains sides, the beautiful Donner Lake high up in the mountains
& beautiful streams. The snow is all
lying on the ground yet, & for 42 miles of the most beautiful part the
train goes through snow sheds which is very tantalizing as you only catch a
glimpse now and then through holes in the snow shed. The line is said to be
very well built but in a few years I shd think there will be some awful
accidents. The immense bridges are all
built of wood and one near Cape Horn is supported by two piles of planks
bolted together. At Cape Horn the train
goes winding round & round thus

at this point x
the road is levelled in the mountain
side, with a precipice & river below and a precipice above. I can’t
tell you anything about San F as we have seen nothing yet. This letter is going in one of Alfred’s to
Hong Chong [sic] & will be forwarded from there. I suppose you will get it in about a month.
All home news you will get as soon as I do. We have been to the Cliff House and
seen the hundreds of seals on the rocks there & the great Pacific rolling
& surging. San Francisco does not look onto the Pacific but is built on its
own bay within the ‘Golden Gate’ & looks due east. We go tomorrow to the
Geesers for a day or two & on Monday to the Yosenite Valley & the
Calaveras Grove of Big Trees.
With very dear
love I remain yr evr affect sister
Isabel Green
I heard from
home yesterday and they had heard from you that you were at the McCulloch’s
bungalow. I […] you there but sorry about the mosquitos
1/40 [Within the collection there is a
travel diary for this trip]
Heathfield Friday
April 19th 1872
We wrote to you last week to the same address
thinking that the letter would be at New Orleans waiting for you so that this
would arrive during your stay there. You cannot imagine how we are longing to
hear from you but we must have patience at any rate till May 2nd & perhaps till May 12th .
We saw in the paper that the “Tagus” arrived at St
Thomas on the 15th so we hope your voyage has been a prosperous one
so far & that none of you were very ill.
Perhaps the first thing you would like to know is that we are all
well! The Falcons had a very successful
removal last week & seem to like the new house much better than the old
one. They had very fine weather for the
actual moving. We have asked Annie to
come here for a little rest & change after all she has had to do – but we
have had no answer yet. My father is
gone to London for a week – he wanted to see Mr Bowman again about his eyes
& also to see Sir W S Maxwell. He
went by way of Oxford & stayed one night & will by this time be at
Norwood with Aunt L & E . [His sisters Louisa Green and Elizabeth Ellis 2
Enmore Road, South Norwood]
Grandmamma was rather weak & poorly about a
fortnight ago but has recruited in a wonderful way – Her will is very
active & she would like to take a great deal more of the management &
direction of affairs than her judgment would be equal to. We are feeling that there need be no qualms
on her account about removing – she is quite as fit for it as Aunt Langshaw was
to go every year to Lancaster & back till she was 89 – We have seen Mr
Davis again. He called to bring a book back.
The Bank people have not yet given a final answer but Mr Davis seemed
pretty sure they would like the other part of the house. We shall be out of suspense in a few days.
I wish you could have a longer time here
after you come home. I fancy we must
go at the very end of Sept if we go at all.
However Emily & I will have
got through a good deal of destruction of rubbish & eneral sorting &
arranging so that we shall be free to enjoy the last two months when you
come – unless you take such a fancy to Boston and you are tempted to stay
longer there! I had a letter from
Theresa yesterday. She has had a bad cold but is better now. Torquay is becoming so relaxing that Dr
Cahill advises her to return to London so she was going today or tomorrow. She
says nothing in this letter about coming here but in her last she said if
she could not, would I come to her for a little while in London. However I hope still that she will come here
– it would be much nicer & I do not want the trouble of furbishing myself
up for a London visit while we are still in mourning. She says you made yourself a bewitching
bonnet of white muslin & altogether she seems to have been quite charmed
with you. Cyril has sold his picture in
his studio & Wilfred had an offer for his but preferred sending it to the
Ex. Theresa had heard from Philip from
Aden. He had a cool passage through the Red Sea & expected to be in Bombay
on Good Friday. Last week when I wrote
to you I was in a hurry because I had just had a message from Miss Holland
asking me to go to tea that evening. I
went & had a very pleasant evening.
Dear Miss Holland was on the sofa & stayed in the drawing room till
8 o’clock. She talked now & then
& seemed to like hearing us talk. Annie Thomas is certainly a fascinating
little person. We had a small party on
Tuesday evening composed of the Miss Blakistons (I hope you are content now
that we have had them at last). The Deanes with Arthur but not Mr Webb, Mrs H Long & Florence (who sang
beautifully) Lucy Merryman & Annie Thomas late in the evening & Mr Jaman. The 2 Sutcliffes did not turn up – it is not
much use depending on them to fill up a party!
but old Mr Sutcliffe was really prevented & wrote a long nice note
early in the evening. I expect “Frank”
will appear next Tuesday by mistake! The evening was nicish [sic] but not very
brilliant & we felt few of “entertainers”.
What device do you think we had for the supper table. In the middle of the white cloth was spread
Emily’s brilliant little Cairo tablecloth cross ways! & on it the flower
stand full of primroses & violets & ground ivy – you cannot think what
a good effect it had. Bright flowers
would not look well.
One day Emily & I rushed up to Boothes to call
after the party. We found there also calling the Miss Mallorys & Miss Dora
Blackstone as Emily says “in a summer frock a brown dollaged with nice little frills”. We have a fresh box of books with Lamartine’s
Life in French & we have begun to read it aloud. It seems very interesting & an easy
What did you all think of Katie Merriman’s* engagement I
wonder ? Mrs Mr says no doubts have yet
come into Katie’s mind & I believe all that Mr Pattison tells of the
drawbacks or disadvantages of living there only strikes Katie as more &
more delightful. Everyone talks of her as not knowing at all what she is doing
but Mr Pattison is very nice & they all like him. I believe there is little doubt she will go
back with him this year but they have not distinctly said so themselves. The Deanes say so. I must end my long
scribble as it is getting late. With
love & best remembrances to the others & very much love to yourself
darling Isabel. I am yr very affect
Ellen Green
*[Katharine Jane Merriman married Hoel Thornwaite
Pattison in the September ¼ 1872]
JRL Box 2/2

Knutsford Sunday April 28th
It does feel so strange to keep writing to you
before we have begun to hear from you. I
am beginning my letter today because we may be rather busy tomorrow –
for instance fresh primroses & moss to put in the flower glass before the
Sharpes come &c &c They will
arrive at 3.15 & come straight here for Emily Sharpe must quickly see whether
her bridesmaids attire is all right – so we are going to give them time to settle
themselves & then we shall dine at 5 – a very odd non-descript hour but
it suits best as they will be going for part of the evening to the Deanes to
help to arrange flowers &c. We went
to see the Exhibition of presents yesterday. They entirely filled the whole
nursery & made it look like a bazaar. I never saw such a quantity of
presents & such a wonderful variety, very few duplicated.
Emily Deane gave her a beautiful sewing machine & Arthur a very nice
travelling bag like Annie’s only rather larger.
Mrs Deanne many things, one a well filled medicine chest very nice. Another a coffee pot & teapot. They were rather
in the old style but not equal to ours by any means. The handles were ivory
instead of ebony & did not look half so well but the other silver (spoons
& forks) were beautiful, so plain & all rounded. No sharp edges anywhere & absolutely
without ornament or corners. It is no use
attempting to describe the rest of the things. Margaret looks very well &
quietly happy no excitement but contentment. Today the weather has brightened
into the loveliest sunshine. I hope
Tuesday will be just such a day. Mrs
Merriman, Mrs Pearson Langshaw & Mrs Paley called in this morning after
church. They say they mustered at church in great force – 21 of the Wedding
Party were there!
Mr Pattison is come again & after the Wedding
Katie Merriman is going to pay visits among his family to be introduced to
them. She has only yet seen his father – but he has his mother & has 9
brothers & 5 sisters! still to introduce.
It is decided that the wedding is to take place this summer before
August. They have to go out to Chatham Island [off New Zealand] in August. You will only just see Kate again I fancy
& then probably not again till you are elderly ladies!!!* Is not it an
awful separation for Kate – but I believe she has not realized that yet. The rest of the family think of it. It is not
at all like going to India with coming home every 3 to 4 years. We have heard of Philips safe arrival at
Bombay. The heat was very great &
the mosquitoes at the Club very annoying but he expected to get back into his
own bungalow in a week or two. The Chief Justice is on the point of coming home
(if he can let his house!) & people tell Philip he is to be judge again but
he does not know if it is true. My
father has just been to London for a week. He meant to have seen Mr Bowman
again about his eyes but Mr Westly told him there was really no present need
for that & he supplied him with some spectacles which suit him better. He
went twice to Sir Wm Stirling Maxwells to lunch & they seem to have had
satisfactory confabulations together. He
stayed at Aunt Elizabeth’s. We have just
been inviting her & Aunt Mardon to come & stay here in May but they are
both engaged at home. My father is going
to preach at Longton next Sunday. He had a very affectionate invitation
from Clement Wedgwood to come & stay 2 nights with him on the occasion but
he is engaged to Dr Davis. However he
thinks of going for one night after to C Wedgwood. Now I have a small blow to
communicate! Our dear little servant Mary, wants to go & live at home with
her mother who is growing old! She is very
sorry to go but her mother has often wanted her to come before and now she does
not like to refuse. We may get a
waitress who moves about more quickly but not one we can like so well. She is such a clean little demure person
& so very neat & orderly.
We are in a fearful state of
worry about whether to remove this year or not. I cannot go thoroughly into it but it will
settle itself soon we hope that is my father is going to get to know what the rent
of the other wd be & whether the necessary alterations would be made
& chiefly whether we should be liable
(as we suspect) to have to remove again before long if the Bank
wanted the whole building. We are half inclined to think we had better stay
another year for dear Grandmama is hardly likely to live long & we should
then be free to make a choice of a house without such haste – but this is all
uncertain. We may after all conclude to
take the Lawford’s house if the uncertainties & difficulties clear
away. We often wish you were here to
help to consider it but I do not know that it would really be easier to
fix. We & Papa all wish the same
about it & now it is he who is rather seeing the difficulties of
going to the Lawford’s house or indeed of moving Grandmamma at all. She is very feeble today but she often
revives so wonderfully.
Monday To our great
astonishment a letter from you has arrived!!
It is so delightful to have it & to know how much you are enjoying
yourself darling Isabel. We read a good
deal of your letter to Emily & Kate Sharpe who just arrived at the same
time. They laughed so merrily over some
parts & thought it must be so delightful. Frank Merriman is coming to sleep
here he has just been in to see the Sharpes & make some final arrangements
about tomorrow. Now at 7.30 the two
girls are gone for the evening to the Deanes & they & Frank Merriman
will appear again here tonight at 10 or 11. I do not much admire the
bridesmaids’ costume – It is that thick shade of green that Emily Deane is so
fond of wearing – scarcely any of the others will look well in it. I went to see Susan Mammett today. She is at
Miss Hollands. She looks very sweet & good but so subdued! So very quiet
all the old spirit & brightness gone out of her – I like people to go
through troubles & come out bright again after, if they possibly can. There was such a crowd at the Station of
arrivals from Lancaster today as well as last Thursday. I saw Florence Long there she came to meet
Fanny Austin. Emily & I do so want
to go & call at Woodlands someday it seems so long since we have seen Mrs H
Long except one evening when she and Florence came here & there were other people.
When this wedding is over we want very much to see more of the dear little
children at Grove House. We have seen
very little of them yet. I never saw
children so amazingly improved as they are in the last few months. On Sunday George dines downstairs & he
does behave so beautifully. We are so
very very sorry to hear how much Fanny has suffered on the voyage. How strange the difference in people is – in
this respect – I hope Fanny will not feel the effects of it after – on land I
mean – but she certainly will feel weak – you sound to be a happy
harmonious party. Do give Emily’s love & mine to Harriet & Fanny. My father is going to the post […] […] & is beginning to want me to end
my letter.
Louisa is gone to Kidderminster & Leamington. We
have scarcely seen her for 2 or 3 weeks before but she came to say goodbye the
day before she left.
I had a letter from F Crompton a few days ago
sending that recipe for hard boiled eggs &c. She said she had written to you to New
Orleans – Julia is going to London next Wednesday. Annie Thomas told me my
fortune the other day – some of it was most extraordinary – so appropriate
about things she could know nothing about – besides, the combinations
of the cards were chance entirely not her arranging. She is going to Cambridge almost
directly. Miss Holland has been much
better but is not very well today. Emily
went there to tea one evening last week & another evening to a party at the
Blakistons which she enjoyed. With very
dearest love from my father & Emily &
believe me ever yr affect sister
Ellen Green
*[The Pattison family
returned to Knutsford as they appear living with the Merrimans in the 1881
census. However Kate died when Edmund
was born prior to the census on 4 April.
In the 1891 census Hoel Pattison appears as a widower, retired sheep
farmer, living next door to the Merrimans at Heathside, Knutsford, with Katharine H (17), Charlotte L (14) both
born New Zealand Chatham Island and Edmund (10) born Knutsford]
JRL Box 2/2
I think Ellen wd tell you how glad we were to
receive your letter last week. We
enjoyed your account of the voyage very much & are glad it was on the whole
so prosperous. Your letter has paid a visit
to Southport & is now gone to Theresa.
We have not heard from her for the last fortnight & so do not know
whether she has left Torquay. When my
father was at the Chimes 3 weeks ago he heard that she had put off her return
to London on account of the continued cold.
We have had a pleasant letter from Philip this afternoon. He says he is very well, that he has taken up
his quarters, as the Doerings wish to
remain in his bungalow till the end of April,
with Mr Marriott & Mr Macpherson who now have the MacCullochs
bungalow, very cool & airy, but they are devoured with mosquitoes. The Westropps are still in despair about
letting their house & propose to wait a year longer before returning to
England if they do not find a tenant.
This is rather tormenting as people say Philip would have an acting
judgeship again whenever Sir MW leaves. There had been a grand ball &
garden party at Birranyee Jeejeebhoys at which were the Governor & all
the world & which Philip seems to have enjoyed.
The wedding went off very
well last week. That day & the two
following were splendidly fine which was very fortunate. There was a great assemblage of uncles,
aunts, cousins &c &c but neither Mr Sharpe nor Mr Paley were able to
come; so Mr Langshaw brought Margt into the church & Mrs Deane gave her
away. The psalms were chanted &
about two hymns were sung without organ accompaniment by the combined choirs of
Heywood & Weaversham & it was very nice but made the service very long
& it must have been tiring for the wedding party. After breakfast the two
Sharpes came back to change their dresses.
Instead of the original plan for going down the salt mines a pic-nic at
Old Tabley was determined on & Mrs Deane sent a message inviting Ellen to
go with them. They had a very pleasant
sauntering afternoon drinking tea on the grass in front of the Old Hall &
rambling in the woods which were gay with primroses & hyacinths. Emily & Kate Sharpe are very nice
pleasant girls. Emily looked very pretty in her bridesmaid’s dress – green muslin
with striped white grenadine [..] & flounces white tulle bonnets with
ox-eye daises (Mrs Guerites according
to the Northwich Guardian in compliment to the brides name).
On Wednesday we had a
wonderful impromptu luncheon. Mr Pattison, Katie, Lucy Merriman & Frank. It
just came in nicely between croquet at the Deanes in the morning & going to
the Mayday in the afternoon. Ellen &
the two Sharpes had intended to go to the grandstand at once & wait to see
the procession on the heath but they were persuaded to go to the Deanes &
see the procession from there. So when they got back to the Heath the
Grandstand looked so crowded they did not attempt to go up & so missed
seeing the actual ceremony which was provoking. Thousands had come over by
train & were very well behaved but it was rather spoiled by having such

That evening the Sharpes
spent pleasantly with us going in to the Merrimans for an hour or two after our
late tea. The next morning Ellen took E & K to call at Woodlands & they
went off by the 1.40. We had an
unexpected call from Miss Thomas that afternoon to say goodbye as she was
leaving unexpectedly the next morning.
She may come again in two or three weeks after her visit to her Aunt at
Cambridge is over, but there seems to be a slight mystery about it all. Susan Mammatt looks friendly & pleasant
as of old but rather subdued.
On Saturday morning I had a
card from Gertrude Martineau saying “I am sorry that I’s little picture has not
been admitted at the R.A. & is now at my studio. What shall I do with
it? Shall I keep it till I find out
where I send it? I know of nothing good
& likely in London (where I believe she preferred to exhibit it)
coming on at present, but shall be sending to Liverpool & Manchester in the
late summer & cd send it there then. But as I suppose Is will be back before that I can keep it at my
studio till further orders from her if you like. My own pictures are also returned”. I have written thanking her & saying you
wd return about the middle of July but we would send you word & would she
in the meantime keep the picture till we wrote again. According to the Daily News acct the walls
are more crowded than ever & many pictures are hung in a bad light even in
the new rooms so this looks like great numbers having been sent in. My father is just come back from Longton
where has been preaching, staying the first night with Dr Davis & the 2nd
with Clement Wedgwood & he seems to have seen most of the family. They were all very affectionate in their
welcome & he seemed to have had a very pleasant visit. Mrs Frank Wedgwood has been to California
& spent a week in exploring the Mammoth Caves in Kentucky taking her dinner
with her every day & leaving them still unfinished. She was much interested
to hear of your journey.
We think as my father has
not heard anything from Mr Whitney & does not remember whether he said he
had given you a letter, or had only mentioned you were going to Boston. If the
former he is exceedingly likely not to write direct to my father until he has
seen you. To make all safe we think my father had better send you a letter of
introduction to Mr Whitney to use or not according to what has already passed.
Of course he may have been away from home.
NB par parenthise. Miss Blakiston sent Mr Sutcliffe a camphor
bag to wear at the wedding to prevent the infection (of marrying). Is not that
a funny view of fun ?
Philip has seen Mr Blakiston
twice in Bombay, once having him to dinner at the club. He says he is very
pleasant. Grandmama is rather in a more feeble way & was two days in bed
last week & today has not been up.
There is nothing specially the matter with her. Philip evidently inclines to our staying here
during her life unless the change is quite easy & certainly to our being
very sure of another house before disturbing ourselves in this. A week ago my father sent Mr Davis a sort of
ultimatum but there has been no answer yet so we shall soon say we decline
doing any more about it. It is this bank
complication which makes it so difficult. My father was hearing from David
Ainsworth that he & Willie are going to America almost directly & will
return about the time you do. He wanted a letter to Mr Whitney – one from a
“good man” would be better than from his
brother. In great haste with much love
to all
Your affect sister
Emily Green
JRL Box 2/2
Heathfield May 13th 1872 Monday
I think it is just a fortnight since I wrote to you
– it was the day the Sharpes came. Emily wrote last Monday. We seem to have
fallen into a habit of writing once a week. We hope it is often enough. We like
to write often to dear Philip too now that he is alone & with Theresa &
Annie to post up with family news we have quite enough letter writing. It is curious that the same thing has
happened to hurry my letter that happened before. Viz. Miss Holland has sent to ask one of us
to come to tea this evening. Emily went last so I am to go today. Susan Mammat is there still. She called here one day & was very nice
& pleasant quite her old self. I
think she must have been tired that day I thought her subdued. I know she had a cold. Miss Holland has begun to enjoy a little
music in the evening & it is a very pleasant change from the constant
reading. Susan says she only likes very
quiet music such as slow movements from Beethoven’s Sonatas. A day or two ago my father & I
transplanted the stocks & asters from the frame to a bed. I hope they will
succeed but the weather is dull & rainy & cold & much against
them. Mr Hamptons
garden is very bright & gay It is
so sheltered from cold wind there is some encouragement to put pretty things in
it early & constant attention & a good gardener are rather different
from my interrupted spasmodic efforts – once a month! However we shall soon have our beautiful
rhododendrons out & they will enliven the view.
I am writing now at 3.30 & Emily is just going
to the post for letters. We hope for one
from you & are so longing for it.
The last two or three weeks Grandmamma has been more
feeble decidedly but she is not ill. We
have quite been feeling that all idea of removing her must be given up &
just as we had come to this opinion Philip’s letter came saying he was inclined
to think we had better stay here during her life. It is very difficult to know what is really
right to do but even if we were determined to go we have had no answer from Mr
Davis to the questions my father has asked as to the necessary alterations
& rent &c.
Time is passing quickly on & it would be a great
bustle & hurry I fear to remove in Sept & suppose Theresa comes as she
hopes & intends & then she might chance not to be well enough to leave
at a specified time! We are at present
of opinion that it wd be best to stay till Grandmamma dies then give notice to
leave the house & if a tenant was ready leave as soon as liked & be at
a loose end for a while till we found a house to suit. It wd be easier to do this without
Mrs Deane is gone to stay with Arthur for a week or
two & Emily is staying with the Merrimans.
She could not go away while Mr Deane is away but they all thought it wd
be very lonely and dreary for her to stay at home. She seems very happy & cheery at the Merrimens. They, poor things, are already busy with
Katie’s outfit though she is away on a round of visits to Mr Pattisons
relatives & also to numerous Merriman relations. I believe Mr Pattison’s mother wrote a very
nice letter to Mrs Merriman saying how charmed they all are with Katie. Mr Pattison says they must snub her a little
when she comes home for she will be quite spoiled by all the pretty speeches
she is having made to her! I wonder what
you & Harriet & Fanny think of it? this engagement I mean – Katie plans
to stay away till June 22nd !!! but Mrs M says she must be home by
the end of the first week in June for there will be so much to think of &
prepare in all sorts of ways – not dress only.
The wedding is to be in July & they will sail in August. I wonder if
I have said all this before, it is so puzzling writing to so many of ones own
family, one forgets who one wrote to last & what was said. How very queer
such a letter as this will seem to you so incongruous among palms & mangoes
&c! Your nice long letter from
Havana has just come. The descriptions are so nice & I can so well fancy
your enjoyment of the gay colouring & bright sunshine. What a fearful idea
14 days quarantine at New Orleans would be!!
We shall intensely long for your next letter to say whether you left on
the 30th or changed your route.
We have sent 2 letters to New Orleans & F Crompton one.
Lucy Merriman
goes home tomorrow she came to say goodbye the other day. She is very nice but I am afraid she will
wear herself out with intense sympathy. She seems to enter with such interest into
other peoples lives – she seems to have no life of her own. Annie Thomas comes back to Miss Hollands
after her Cambridge visit – As my father cannot positively say whether he gave
you a letter to Mr Whitney we think it is safer to send you another for of
course if you have two only one will be used but it wd be so provoking to have
none at all. Theresa is back in London
& feeling better.
With kindest remembrances to Alfred & love to
you 3
I am yr affectionate sister
ME Green
JRL Box 2/2
Heathfield Knutsford 24th May
I am afraid our letters are not going very regularly
to you but as they have to be forwarded perhaps you do not find it out.
Our great satisfaction of all from your last letter
(which arrived last Monday) is that you are having cool weather at New Orleans
for we had dreaded that part of your journey if it should be hot. Since our last letter (May 11th
) we have had a pleasant little visit from Constance Broadbent & her two
youngest children. They came last Friday
& left us on Tuesday. Charles came
from Saturday to Monday & unexpectedly brought Tottie for the drive but it
was so cold & wet Constance was very glad for her to stay till Monday also. We quite enjoyed having them & the
children were an amusement for Grandmamma & the whole party made themselves
very content. Alice came over on Tuesday
to fetch them. Ellen had a letter from
Louisa last week. She seems to be liking
the life & finds some of the people pleasant. They have had rather cold rainy weather which
has rather interfered with their excursions.
Mr Maberly says Louisa needs tone & strength very much & must
continue the treatment for some time before she will get right: this we heard from
Uncle Long a week or two since. I wish
it was plainer what could be done in the future, but this so far is a good
move, if only she will have energy to make good use of her improved
health. Uncle Long came in last Friday
evening & seems full of interest in your proceedings, but naturally did not
talk much about Louisa as we were not alone. On Saturday evening we had a small party Mr
& Mrs Spackman Mrs W Roscoe & Florence & Sophia Long. We thought the Broadbents & Spackmans
would like each other & we wanted to have Mrs Roscoe. On Saturday we had Jenny to dinner for it
seemed as if it was so difficult to have her at the right time without fixing
beforehand. She & Constance’s baby
were so funny together. She made him
laugh quite loudly & merrily & it is rather a new accomplishment. Bertha came with her. Annie has been having her photograph taken at
Eastwoods & Charles also. They are
very successful we think. We have very
good accounts of them all. Once there
was a plan for my going to stay there about this time before Dora & Lousia
came, but now the two latter are going to Southport before they go to Nantwich
& so were to arrive last Wednesday & it will suit me better to go
later, so it is fortunate Charles & Annie were thinking of going to
Liverpool for last Monday’s festivities but we have heard nothing more. From Theresa we hear very good accounts. She
begins to feel better & Dr Cahill & all her friends see great
improvement in her looks. In her
last letter she mentioned having been to call on Mrs Scoble which is quite a
new feat & the next day Mr Scoble had been to call upon her. She seemed to
think she might change her quarters so we were to write to the Chimes. Mr Scoble is appointed Advocate General so he
is out of the way of the judgeship.
You will be grieved to hear of poor Mr McCullock’s
death. We had heard he was very
seriously ill again & about to have some operation for the abscess on his
liver which would be very critical so he must have sunk under it. They were in London at the time of his death
& now Mrs McCullock is gone to Hastings with Mrs Leather & perhaps afterwards will go abroad with her. Miss Holland is improving very nicely. I went in last night to show her Annie’s
photo & Ellen was there the night before by invitation. Edith Hunter is staying there & next week
is going onto Wales with Miss L H – first of all to Castell but their plans are
not quite fixed. Miss Thomas is coming
back next Friday & as there will be a day before she come not fitted
with a companion Mrs R Worthing is coming.
Yesterday was the Tabley rent day & my father
told Lord de T that in the event of Gmas
death we should wish then to remove in all probability. So that we feel is a
settlement of the affair & the only possible one under the circumstances. Gma is rather better again the last day or two
but as she has been the last two or three weeks we cannot but feel a removal wd
be an exceedingly disturbing thing to her.
Happily I think the subject has entirely passed out of her mind. This
plan would leave us free when we do remove not to take a house immediately but
to settle for a few months either abroad or in some pleasant place. It would be
a great relief to be able to do this for we should all like it. We have had no answer from Mr Davis yet,
& had we determined upon going, this long uncertainty wd have been most
harassing. We hear a rumour that he is
free from the bank entanglement.
Whit Monday passed off very well the club dinner
quite a success*. I send you Philip’s
last letter. We have not heard for two
or three weeks. Theresa hears that the
Westropps really are coming home.
There has been no letter from Mr Whitney. We think very likely he is expecting to see
you & does not think it necessary to write so the note we enclosed in our
last will remove all difficulty unless it should be that he is absent. Of course we will let you know at once if we
hear anything. Now I suppose you will
done for the present with towns & European atmosphere & be launched on
the glories of nature. Ellen went to Vale Bank to see the Californian photos
which she had never seen. She took
Constance with her & they were both delighted with them. Miss Blakiston mentioned that her brother had
been dining with Philip. Mr H G Thompson
is coming forward for Oldham as also Mr Lyulph
Stinley. It is getting dark &
I have undertaken to post my own letter so I must stop. With much love from us all to you & your
your affectionate sister
Female Benefit Society for the Poor was founded in 1806 by Mrs Holland, mother
of Miss Holland and Miss Lucy Holland of Church House and a few other of the
influential ladies of the town and neighbourhood. Members attended a lunch on Whit-Monday
to raise funds “for the relief of maid-servants and other poor women in
JRL Box 2/2
Heathfield May 31st
We fancy you must be leaving California about this
time unless your original plan was changed.
In your last letter from New Orleans you mentioned that the Kentucky
Caves were to be left out so you would get on sooner to San Francisco but
whether you would also have leave sooner you did not say. We do long for your
next letter. It sounds from your letters & also one or two of Harriet’s
that Mrs Henry Long read to us this afternoon as if the home letters are a
great pleasure to you all. I remember
well that no trifle seemed uninteresting to me when I was away, but in writing
them one fancies there is nothing new or interesting to tell!
Yesterday Meta Gaskell called in the morning &
stayed a good long time. She was very agreeable & nice. She came for 2 nights to be with Miss Holland
to fill up a gap between Miss L Hollands setting off into Wales and Annie
Thomas coming back from her Cambridge visit.
Miss Holland can walk a little now from a chair to her sofa & she
gets up in the middle of the day & stays up till 9 or 10 & she is so
much more lively & like herself again.
I only wish we had as much constant help from the outer world in
amusing & passing the time for grandmamma as they have but then there is
the great hindrance of her deafness & general want of comprehension or of
interest in general subjects. It would
never do to let her talk very much it excites her mind too much. She is getting rather embarrassing in one
way, when any strangers are here she forgets that they can hear a very loud
whisper & for instance one evening when the Spackmans, Mr W Roscoe & F
& S Long were here & she was I suppose getting tired & sleepy she
said to Emily “I hope there are no poor horses waiting all this time!” We believe no one heard it but Constance
Broadbent & she not to know quite what it meant. Grandmama has not the least power of
realizing the fact that she is very old & still thinks herself the victim
of falls & of “that man” (Watson) ! & the stones & glass in his
floor & glue!
She is decidedly better again but I think Emily told
you how we had all but made up our minds that the removal with her would be
impossible. I would give a great deal to
know what we ought to do. Oh how delightful it will be tomorrow we can
begin to say next month you will be coming home! This is the very loveliest sunniest evening
you can imagine & the garden looks beautiful with the long shadows across
the grass. The Rhododendrons are not
flowering quite so well as usual this year – either because they were so good
last year or else the sharp sudden frost & cold winds in May have checked
them. The stocks & asters looked
very well when they were planted out in the long bed in rows but alas! the
leaves have been attacked by “black fly” & are much eaten but we have got
some tobacco paper which is to be applied tomorrow.
The other evening we performed our duty by
inviting the Eastwoods. However neither Mr nor Mrs were able to come but the
Miss Willmers came & we had Sarah Merriman by way of promoting a general
atmosphere. She was the greatest help
and comfort!! Emily & I say we never
in our lives were rubbed the wrong way to such a degree. Miss Susan Willmer constantly shocks ones
taste by the harsh disagreeable startling speeches she makes. S Merriman says
the other one Charlotte is much nicer, but she was quiet & talked so little
it made her sister come more forward.
Unless Miss Charlotte Willmer is really much nicer when you know her better
I should say the less we see of them the better. We could [..] [..] they are not up to our
notions though they doubtless fancy themselves superior from having lived in a
town & we in the country!!
Anne Brandreth is coming back to Grove House for a
week & Louisa is going to Mrs Kesteven & then back to Leamington. Anne B thinks it is the right place for
the present. Louisa follows all the
rules & is better in some ways but I fear it is still an anxious case but
we shall hear more from Anne when she comes.
She was going to have a long talk with Dr Maberley. Did we tell you he says there is a tendency
of blood to the head & the brain is not in a good state & there is much
to account for temper & other difficulties.
In this there is some comfort morally speaking but I fear it does not
bode well for the future.
Mary (the waitress) has left today. She was very nice & very sorry to go
& would have liked to see Miss Isabel again. A new one is coming in a day or two. We hope
she will be nice. She had a very good
character from Miss Leigh of Monton.
Thank you very much for your “comforting advice”
about my ills. I do not fancy Theresa is thinking of asking me to come to
London at least she says no more about it
& I fancy she expects to be able to come here. Emily is going to stay with Annie after the
18th June for a week or ten days.
*Dora & Luchie are there now.
Meta says Lony Jackson wrote the most
extraordinary letters to her during the time before her baby was born! Did Florence tell you it was called
“Olive” It was christened on Whit Sunday
& the church very beautifully decorated with hawthorn for the
occasion. I have no more time so must
end suddenly. Emily went to Mere Heyes with Uncle & the little boys &
the latter were so nice she says.
With love & kindest remembrances to the rest of
your party & very very much to yourself darling Isabel from us all
am yr loving sister
have not heard from Philip for 3 mails but Theresa says he is well. She has not written though since last mail.
* [Dora & Louisa daughters of Michael Falcon,
Annie’s brother-in-law]
JRL Box 2/2
Heathfield Friday 7th June
Your last letter came rather
as a surprise, at least when we had given up the hope of one for this
week. It has set off on the usual tour
viz. first to Annie, then to Theresa. We
have not sent them all to Theresa but 2 or 3 have gone and the long one from
Havana we sent to Philip! He will want
so much to hear of you & a letter from yourself is better than scraps all
second hand. Mrs James Thornely has just
sent me one of Isabella’s letters from the Cape. She seems to be enjoying herself & says
Alfred is better then he could have been in
England. They were to sail (for
home again) on the 4th June.
You will see from the
enclosed letter from Philip that he is acting judge again. He does not say who
is Chief Justice but I should imagine Sir Charles Sargent & then Philip
acting for him as before. Theresa seems
annoyed at Sir Michael Westropp being so dilatory about coming home. It
prevented Philips journey to Ceylon in May & as she says he was neither
drawing “pay” as a barrister nor as a
We heard from the H Longs
that you may not be home so soon as was planned. We have been looking forward to July 20th
as the happy day but now we must be prepared to wait till the very end of the
month perhaps – luckily nothing has been finally arranged to such great
return. We did want Theresa to have
contrived to be here to receive you (having previously had time to recover from
the fatigue of the journey) but today we have a letter from her saying she
fears she will not able to come at all!
She is still dreadfully troubled with the sickness but the doctor has
begun some new treatment – if it answers & she is soon better she says “may
she change her mind & come” ? if it does not answer she is going to see
another doctor – our dreadful puzzlement about the house has settled itself
in this way. At last Mr Davies has come
to an agreement to sell the houses to the Bank & the Lawfords have notice
to leave next March. They are again
thinking of Ollerton for we had told them a week or two ago that unless we were
certain of having the part of their house we want & certain
of being left undisturbed in it until Grandmamma’s death it would be quite
impossible for us to attempt to remove her.
She is much weaker & older than she was & we think it is not
practicable to remove her even if all else were easy & certain.
Dear little George &
Fred came this afternoon & brought some flowers which they each gave to
Grandmama. Then they played near her
with the little bricks for a long time & were so nice & good, such very
dear little fellows. I think the nurse
seems to manage them nicely as far as we can judge – they are very obedient
& yet do not look frightened -- & they seem very well & happy. I went with them to Mere Heyes one day. I
dare say Alfred & Fanny will think they have seen nothing so nice in the
whole journey!! when they see them again.
am vexed with the days flying away one after the other & nothing done that
seems worth doing. The interruptions we
have are very irritating. I long to go
for an hour or two into a room by myself & no one to come near me.
Wednesday we agreed had been “an uninterrupted series of interruptions” from
morning till night. I wonder whether you
have ever heard from Annie. She is rather occupied at present with Dora &
Luchie who are staying with her. I had a
letter from Maudie in answer to one I wrote to her on her birthday. The first
part of hers was very nicely written for 5 years old. She described her
birthday party (Walter, Frank & Nelly Wrigley) & then ended with “we
had much fun”.
have been gardening again today after an interval of a fortnight or so but I am
too tired after it & must be very careful what I do. It is so disappointing
to find how little strength one has for that sort of thing. It is so charming & so interesting. I would become a great gardener if I could.
is going to Southport on Thursday or Saturday (13th or 15th
June) for a week or ten days. If it suits
Annie I am beginning to think I also would go for a little while after Emily,
but the Falcons talk of going in July to the Eddowes old house near Forest Hey
– so there may not be time for me. You
talk of my going to London but nothing has ever been said by Theresa since that
vague suggestion before you went & she is soon going to the Chimes.
is an Exhibition of ancient musical instruments at Sth Kensington I should so
like to see it, also a loan exhibition of jewellery ancient & modern which
sounds interesting.
& I have just finished reading Lamatines Autobiography in French aloud, it
was so pleasant. I am quite sorry it is finished. We must find something else. My father is at Manchester at some Committee
Meeting or other. He is going to bring
us some patterns of dresses from Satterfields (not of his own choosing I need
hardly say). Emily & I want
something – we hardly know what – of a grey & black striped description or
grey & white. Meta Gaskell had a
lovely every day sort of dress like Clara & Emily’s grass cloth. I think it was – plain skirt plaited – U
striped polonaise. I am getting on for
the present with my Bombay black silk which has been turned & the quillings
done up again just as before. It is
respectable – mais voile tout! Anna
Brandreth is coming home tomorrow for a week & Louisa is going to Mrs
Kestevens & we shall hear more about Louisa. I do wonder whether she will get into a better
have a new waitress who seems very promising, much quicker than Mary & still
quite quiet. She is come for a month on trial but I think she is pretty sure to
stay – we like her so far. Mary was gone before your message came.
Merrimans are in a great state of preparations but Katie is still away paying
visits. She comes home on the 10th June & the wedding is to be
on the 23rd of July. They
sail on the 1st August so perhaps you will miss seeing her. Grandmamma’s last was inquiring when Mr &
Mrs should be are coming home”? We had
to guess whom she meant by that odd name.
have had so much rain we are quite tired of it but today has been more
sunny. I think we shall have some of the
Merriman faction here at the time of the wedding. We have offered “some of our
spare rooms” as Mr Trevor Roper would say.
We shall probably present Kate with gardening tools “spade, rake, trowel
etc” In my gardening operations I
greatly feel the want of the “cast iron back with a hinge in it”.
must stop scribbling. We are so glad to hear you all keep well.
our love to Harriet & Fanny & very kind remembrances to Alfred - &
with much love
am “much yours”
Ellen Green
That is an expression of Thackerays in a letter to
an American friend
JRL Box 2/2
Sunday 9th June 72
Largs Toxteth Park
Emily has sent over your letters so I feel well up
in all your doings and am very glad you are having such a pleasant journey.
Dora & Lachie are staying with us, but I am
sorry to say they leave us tomorrow. Lachie sings very well and we have had a
great deal of music and liveliness. They are going to stay at Nantwich with Mrs
White & then for a 2 months visit to Bath where the Trembles live. We are quite settled in this house now, it was a
very easy removal, but to remove three years running is too much however easily
it may be managed. Emily is coming on
Thursday to stay with us & I dare say you will hear from her a full
description of us.
The children are
very well and are greatly admired by Dora & Lachie. Lachie wants Gordon to call her “Godmamma”
but he has come to the conclusion that the word must be “Grammy” so Grammy he
calls her much to her amusement. He is having a ride on a donkey every day in a
chair saddle Mrs Edwin Wrigley has lent us – she has taken Mrs Hollins house
while Mrs Hollins is at the Lakes for three months. I see a good deal of Mrs W & like her –
she is Mrs Roscoe’s sister. It is being
such a wet spring & summer there has been no fine time yet though there
have been lovely days now & then.
Charles & I have had our photos taken & they are pronounced by
everyone to be very good. Dora &
Lachie like them so much that they have had theirs done, but they are not come
home yet. I have seen very little of the Fletchers lately.
I hear Jane
Brandreth is staying there to help Mrs James F. Mr J Fletcher has had a very bad cold all
winter & has broken a blood vessel & is in a very delicate state unable
to be moved. We think of going to stay
at the Tower House near Forest Hey or if we cannot have that, at Mr Eddowes old
house which has been done up again – we should go for about a fortnight before
going to Heathfield. How glad I shall be
to see you again after all your travels.
I do not fancy Theresa is going to Heathfield.
I wish she could get there – it is so sad to think
she is such an invalid. We were very
glad to hear dear Philip was appointed Judge during Sir Westrops absence. The next thing we must hope to hear is that
he gets a permanent appointment.
Dora & Lachie send their love to you and are so
glad you are enjoying yourself so much.
You know letters always sound so flourishing. They think we as a family are great
Lachie has made me four lovely neck ties &
collars of lace which I need so I feel quite set up. We have also made some cashmere cape jackets
for Emma & Maude. I was afraid I
should have had to have had silk jackets for them which I have a great
objection to – They are very pretty soft & childish.
We went over to Liverpool on Thursday, Dora, Lachie
& Emma – we crossed the river just to show them what was to be seen then we
went to Litherlands & Charles & I chose a new dinner service very
pretty I think, but not at all grand – it is to be sent next week. Then we did some shopping & went to the
Brown Museum. Emma was very interested
about the animals & I was astonished to find how much she knew about them
from what she has read. They are getting
on very nicely with their lessons. I want to teach Emma music she is old enough
to begin & I must find time, we have famous opportunity now for them to
hear music & they like joining in singing hymns & have a much better
idea of singing than I expected.
Charles is amusing himself by getting up early &
beginning to garden at 7 o’clock every morning – by degrees we shall get it
nice. What fun it will be to hear about
all you have seen. I suppose in parts
America looks very like England.
I heard from Margaret Greg a little while ago. I fear Mr Greg will have much suffering from
his nose – but I must write to Margaret again to enquire. Polypas sounds a
dreadful thing but perhaps taken in time it may be cured before it grows like
those two men who live in South St.
Charles & the children join me in love to you
Fanny & Harriet & with kind regards to Alfred believe me dearest Isabel
Your affectionate sister
Annie L Falcon
Heathfield Knutsford June
14 1872
dear Isabel
A date of memories sorrowful and yet hopeful the
hour of earthly separation came but it was and is consented
to an unchanging and undying faith – the mortal invested with
immortality, and a home eternal.
Much to say I could perhaps find were I to write out
all my thoughts. Besides treasures taken
away there is one in the distant east, and another far towards the limit of the
west, so that prayer compresses the very earth ere it rises on high but God’s
mercy encircles the whole and blessings too.
Your letter was unexpectedly welcome to me, not that
I did not consider your other letters mine as well as theirs but a
little bit of one’s self love is gratified when to oneself a missive
comes. Your journey hitherto seems to
have been most enjoyable as well as propitious and I hope the continuance of it
will prove the same up to the end. I do
not indeed consider you four as the prairie dog, the owl, the rattlesnake and
the buffalo on the wide spread plains and therefore I do not very much wonder
that your companions and yourself are truly companionable but a happy
fraternity of any kind is a pleasant picture and for want of anything
particular to describe in these regions of ours I sketch you all now in train
and now in slumbers now awake and now at breakfast with huge goblets of the
creamy milk around, and rejoicing that the cow has other offices besides that
of serving as the medium for vaccination.
A week in Knutsford seldom if ever justifies any
event for the reporter. News is dearthly – rain has been abundant and for the
last two days the sun has shone from early morn, 4 o’clock, to latest eve 8.30
or 40. I fancy that is nearly as much
sunshine as you had on the prairie or even in California.
I saw Miss Holland on Tuesday evening and read, or
rather Miss Thomas read to her your letter much delectation manifested. The
epistle is now perambulating first to Anne in Southport, and next to Theresa in
London. When it comes back it will
repose in one of the scrinia or desks of the household, awaiting other worthy
letters to be added to the store.
Tomorrow (Saturday morning) Emily goes to Southport,
for a week or ten days, and will convey in box of yerbs or rather a basket the
enumeration may be omitted. Next week for a couple of nights I go to the
Provincial Assembly at Rochdale being billeted on my old pupil John Wood, and I
expect we shall have a lively time as Mr Wickstead sen. and Mr Binns are to read
papers one upholding a National Church dis-establishing it – poor souls,
neither remembering that establishment by law is the foundation of all
progress whether social, moral or religious.
However I propose being a listener, for I have had my say or rather my
print which I believe has been circulated through the whole extent of the
My book Andrea Alciati and his books of Emblems is
in the binder’s hands . Its progress has been slow in the actual mechanical
You should see my study, each book shelf ticketed
with labels of assortments of letters, manuscripts, accounts emblems,
photo-liths &c &c preparatory to bringing order out of chaos, tis
however rather a tiresome process. I
hope you may meet with Mr Whitney. Dr
Bellows is expected in England. David
& William Ainsworth will be returning from the United States in time to
gratify the grouse, and therefore about your time. I conceive a thousand messages to Alfred,
Fanny and Harriet, they are all of them good, so let them write a list of a
thousand and one of the very best they can imagine, and on presenting the list
either in Liverpool or Knutsford I will endorse […] at sight.
The two laddies at Grove House are full of play, but
sedate on proper occasions as any American child probably can be
Believe me
Very affectionately your
Henry Green
Dearest Isabel
I am so sorry I have been too busy today to write
you a proper letter but I cannot let my father’s go without telling you how
much we are thinking of you & rejoicing in the good accounts you send
us. We long to have you with us again
but the happy day will not be far off I trust.
You see I am going tomorrow to Southport for a week or ten days. Happily
the rain seems at last to have come to an end & I hope it will be fine
& warm for sitting on the moor. We
have not heard again from Philip. Theresa fears she must give up her visit to
us which she is very unwilling to do & asks if she may change her mind
again if she is better. In her last
letter she says she is soon going back to the Chimes. Cyril has been ill & Agnes has been
dividing her time between the two houses.
We shall see how they go on but Ellen could go if needful. Your last letter (from Denver) was
delightful, We had not expected to hear
so soon. I knew they had not heard at
Woodlands so I went there & read it to them & they were very glad to
hear how comfortably & delightfully you were making your long journey &
how much you were enjoying it.
Dearest Isabel we have all alike I dare say had the
same thoughts in our minds today. I have
been thinking of dear mother more than ever lately. The time of the year seemed to bring her back
so vividly. Dear love! I wish she were
with us now & yet I do not cannot wish her away from her blessed home of
With dearest love from all
Your ever affectionate sister
Emily Green
Heathfield Sunday
June 16th 1872
Dearest Isabel
At last my Father has had a letter from Mr Whitney –
It was as we supposed he was away from Boston when the letter arrived.
I will write out the part that concerns you “On my
return home from the South a few weeks ago I found awaiting me your letter.
Since then the move to summer quarters in Milton and a weeks absence in New
York with my wife, have broken up the time to that extent that my list of “to
be done” is really formidable to me.
This note is penned at Brush Hill in Milton nearly 10 miles from the
busy & growing city - & as I see trouble ahead for the month to come I
hasten to acknowledge your kindly thought.
I first think of you in your bereavement, and your late wife’s warm
greeting to a passing stranger I can never forget ****** This very month I hope to see your friends
& relatives here as also Mr Ainsworth – the older brother. One great drawback to having friends visit us
in the summer months, is that of being country dwellers in little hired farm
houses & the like – but I do expect to take great pleasure in pointing out
some of the peculiarities of our City to our cousins from the mother land”
Then he goes on to say he has given up active
business affairs some two years ago but is exceedingly busy nevertheless as
director in various “Corporations Banks Trust Co Railway Steamship & the
like” His eldest boy is working up in
Greek & Latin to go to Cambridge in two years. The letter is dated “54 Boylston Street,
Boston Mass USA” though he was really at Milton when he wrote but I dare say he
goes to & fro. My father had a letter from John Ainsworth yesterday. He says his brothers are coming home by the
“Syria” on the 17th July.
Emily went to Southport yesterday & I had a note
from her this morning. She says the children are charming & Gordon so
confiding. She has had a polonaise of
striped grey & black camlet quite a cheap material (½½) made exactly like
her black dress & trimmed with cross way.
It is rather like your Japanese but of course more for common wear. She & I made it & it is very successful. As I do not at present see any prospect of
going anywhere I shall go on as I am for the present at least with the help of
white dresses & a new polonaise of the white muslin you sent to
Bombay. The weather is gone so hot. It is delightful but hotter than India I
think - at least there is no cool sea breeze blowing through the house & no
shady verandah. Grandmamma feels us
usual rather weak with the sudden heat.
It will be more delightful than I can tell to have you back again. I wonder whether Emily told you that Theresa
thinks she cannot come here! Is not it a pity?
I think they are not managing her well – at least I
cannot help feeling (as I did in India) that she is much better when she is not
so constantly being fussed about.
However she may be really unfit to travel so far.
The Merriman preparations go on busily. They really try to do too much at home. Miss Thomas is quite distressed at Sarah
making herself such a slave to sewing &c.
They have had a great difficulty in finding a dressmaker to come into
the house – even Mrs Adkinson failed them suddenly. The wedding is only five weeks off – July 23rd. We are going to give her some gardening
tools. A novel present! I do feel so much better now that the
hot weather has come the long dull damp did not suit me & I was rather
creeking about 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Monday June 17th
It was fortunate I wrote so far yesterday when I had
some quiet time on Sunday afternoon for I have been so busy all day & now
have just time to add a few lines – Jane Brandreth is come over for one night
to Grove House to see Anne who may have to go soon back to Leamington to
Louisa. They have just been here for an hour or two for early tea. Today I have
tried to make the garden look a little more respectable by removing all dead
flowers but it is so little I can do & so much wants doing now that the sudden
fine weather has come. This morning I
had a letter from Caroline Twyford saying they are going to Buxton on Wednesday
& would like to call here to have lunch – so I wrote to say I would be very
glad. I sent her one of your letters to read.
Anne Garwood came this morning to say her mother is very ill. She wanted some soup. I must try & go and see her tomorrow if
possible but it will be one of
Grandmamma’s uncomfortable days.
I went this morning to the Chapel to see dear mothers grave & see if
the lilies were over. I planted a
beautiful clump of them a month ago & they have flowered very well. They are just over & I cut off the dead
ones. Darling sweet mother how one does long
for a sight of her dear kind face once more but for that great happiness we must
wait as long as God wills. I hope you
are not being overpowered darling Isabel with heat. Do take care & keep well. You sound very
well so far.
I long to hear definitely when you will be
home! Annie met Mrs Lawford at Mr
Wrigleys (the Hollinses house) the other day & said she looked so anxious
but was so charming. I do feel sorry for
them their affairs do not prosper so well as they deserve. I dare say having this house wd remove one
of their difficulties but we cannot go & they quite see this. You perhaps wonder how we have got on with
G’mammas caps! She has still one new one
of yours to begin. She will put it on for the Twyfords. They will last you see till you come! Our new waitress is very nice & Sarah
very well & Catherine is decidedly refining. We have a sweet new kitten,
poor Booflemas vanished mysteriously.
The new “morsel” is very tiny & of a small pattern something like
Mina Lawford’s cat. I want her name to
be something comprised out of Minima “Minnie” or “Mimi” but it is not fixed. I must quickly end.
With love to Harriet & Fanny & kind
remembrances to Alfred & much much love to your own self.
am yr ever affect sister
JRL Box 2/2
Heathfield Monday June 24th 1872
Dearest Isabel
I hope you were not much disappointed that we did
not write on the 21st. I
suppose the others would have letters by that mail, but as I wrote last Monday
(the 17th ) & Emily on the 14th I thought it would
not much signify & I am the only one at home, which makes me rather busy.
Last Wednesday Dr Twyford & Caroline & Alice
dined here on their way to Buxton. They had written to ask if the day would
suit us. They were driving all the way in a pony carriage & meant to sleep
at Macclesfield & then get on to Buxton early the next morning in time for
Alice to see the “well-dressing”. They
all looked very well, I never saw Dr Twyford look better.. They were in London at the Thanksgiving &
afterwards went to Bath & have not been to Paris. “Dim” is very
well. C says he was never better in his
life & is not so thin. The Twyfords
are coming to stay all night on their way back from Buxton in about 3 weeks
(about July 10th I think).
Emily & I are looking forward to a visit from Alice Winkworth soon
early in July. It will be pleasant to
see her again but I can’t think what we can do to make her visit pleasant.
After such a long time of rainy weather & being shut up in the house &
my not having been in a very good way of late as to walking powers & having
no other means of going about I am not feeling very brilliant & have
nothing very lively to tell you. We had
some intensely hot days a week ago 3 or 4 & then it has been thundering
& lightening & raining most of the time since. Emily is at Southport I am glad to say. She went 10 days ago & I am trying to
keep her away a few days longer. She says there is a sea breeze & it is
doing her good. I cannot tell you how I
should like to leave Heathfield, but not to live in Knutsford. I think it quite fearful. I want some bracing air. Whitby for instance but I fear that cannot
be. In one of your letters you gave me a
variety of suggestions what clo’ to have to go to London with but Theresa has
never alluded to the plan again & is now going to the Chimes. Cyril has
been ill & Agnes had to go there sometimes so she was very much
occupied. Theresa was to see another
doctor last week but I have not heard his opinion yet. However, she has gained some ground.
She can walk upstairs alone now.
My father is writing his letter of resignation today
& will send it on in a day or two. I
do long for something to break up the present dragging on of life. Grandmama goes on day after day in just the
same routine but her mind is much less clear.
I have been reading the life of M Francis de Sales
& it is very interesting & beautiful.
It is very grand to be able to live such a life but then he gave up his
home & left it & had no little round of small monotonous duties to do
except such as he chose to take upon himself.
Meta Gaskell thinks it is far harder & far nobler to be a victim
than a martyr!
Do what I will I cannot write you a nice
lively letter darling but yours are so charming & do us good. I am very glad you are having this beautiful
journey & we shall be so bright & happy when you come back. Your 2nd letter from San Francisco
has just come.
I must say good bye & hope to send you a nicer
letter next time though nothing of any kind of interest is likely to
happen. I think it will be nice if or
when we do leave here to go around if possible to Brussels or somewhere
of that sort or wherever we could live rather cheaply but of all things to get
away from Knutsford.
With very dearest love I am your affect sister
M E Green
Never mind alluding to all this in your letter. We
like having them so that they can be read aloud straight forward – but a bit on
a separate sheet is best for home affairs.
My letter to you last Monday was specially about Mr Whitney so I hope
you got it safely. He is away in the country 10 miles from Boston – at Milton –
but is looking forward to seeing you.
Rosa Field
JRL Ref Box 2/6
Knutsford Monday
July 1st 1872
Emily has been staying at Southport the last
fortnight & on Friday she told me she was going to write to you so I
did not, & then after all she had not time!
I feel so sorry we missed doing it because my last one to you (on Friday
June 21) was not a very lively one. We are almost counting the days to your
coming home, only we are a little hindered in that interesting pastime by our
ignorance of the exact day you will arrive.
Emily was charmed with the dear children, she says they are so gentle
& considerate to one another – one night when Emma was going to bed she
said to Annie “Mummy dear come up & have a coax” so when Annie went Emma
said “Now Mummy tell me about when you were Annie” They are going about 9th of August
to that house the Eddowes used to live at, close to Forest Hey & will stay
a fortnight. They will see the Foxes
& other old friends & the country will be a change from Southport &
then they will come here for another fortnight. We hoped they would have been
here when you arrived but they could not have the Sandiway House until
August. We have had no letter from
Philip for 2 or 3 mails but Theresa says he is well. He must have been away
from Bombay for the latter part of the vacation. Theresa is gone to the Chimes
now & seems to find it much more cheerful & lively. She has seen another doctor Dr Habershon
& he seems to have taken a very cheery view of her case at least she says
she quite hopes by the time Philip comes home she will be ready to greet him
“healthy & strong”. They all seem to
tell her there is no disease only this troublesome sickness prevents her taking
enough nourishment. My father has lately
been concocting his letter of resignation & a week ago he sent it to Uncle
Long. He is going to resign next
Christmas. Emily & I feel the
present arrangement most unpleasant though my father does not see that but it
is quite his own wish to resign & I am sure it will be better now than
putting off a year or two longer. Miss
Holland has written a most kind note to him & he wrote a very nice answer.
Her note did him good. She hopes so much
to have him & all of us here still as valued friends & she says she can
never feel to a new person as she has done to him. He told her he meant to end his days here
& I can quite understand & sympathize with his wishing to do so
– but to me it is a fearful prospect to look forward to more years of
this life. I am very weary of it, but perhaps it is the rush & constant tie
of being with dear Grandmama that is trying me lately. However, perhaps in the future years that are
before us, after we leave this house, we may find some way of using our time
that will really interest us & be of use. It is this sort of living on from day to day
& week to week in a sort of anxious suspense that is trying. I feel that when you come things will
brighten. It is so foolish of me to
bother you with saying all this for perhaps it is only the effect of the long
rainy weather & damp that has sent my courage & spirits so low. I am going to Manchester tomorrow – for a
little shopping & a visit to Mr Campion! & I hope I can go on to Meta Gaskell. She always does me good but it soon passes
off one sees her so seldom. I have sent
one or two of your San Francisco letters to F Crompton. I shall perhaps have
them back from her tomorrow. The
accounts of the Chinese theatre amused us very much indeed.
My father preached at Nottingham yesterday & Mr
Armstrong here. I liked his afternoon
service but Emily said the morning sermon was too doctrinal for her taste. I rather think I shall leave off going to
Chapel when my father retires. I do
think the very best thing for us to do as soon as we are at liberty for it will
be to go to Brussels for a few months & have no house here. I wonder if it would be too expensive. We may
be able to do it next spring. One day
while Emily was at Southport I asked Anne Brandreth to come & bring George
& Alfred here to tea (& nurse of course too). They came about 5 o’clock & went home at
7. They were such dear nice little
fellows & played so happily & pleasantly – it was a great enjoyment for
Grandmama. Fred looks so flourishing
& bonnie – he is wearing some short sleeved baby frocks with blue ribbons –
it is really very pretty. One seldom
sees the pretty fat neck & arms of little children now – they so often wear
long sleeves &c. It will be nice to
see all the children together – I mean those three & Annie’s, if it
can be arranged before the Holts leave Grove House.
Poor Grandmama is in a great state of fidget &
worry about a parcel that should have arrived on Saturday for me. Photograph Albums for her to choose one from
for Kate Merriman. We are giving her a
set of gardening tools. Emily got them
at Southport – they are very nice. I must see about the Albums tomorrow. The parcel must have been too late. I have not seen Sarah Merriman for an age –
she is very busy indeed at home & no wonder. Mrs Merriman was here a day or two ago. She seems in better spirits – much. Do you know Kate is most likely going to have
my other airtight box! They have not
quite decided but are much inclined to take it.
I offered it (Bombay fashion) for £2.5.0. it cost £3.5.0 – but the outer case is the
worse for 2 voyages. I hope they will
take it for it is only so much cumber here.
Emily is gone out this evening to call on Miss Holland. Next week I suppose we shall have the
Twyfords for one or two nights & then Alice Winkworth is coming to stay
with us – she is going to Annie first.
We asked Aunt Louisa & Kate to come this month but Aunt L is not yet
strong enough for the journey. She has
had a bad feverish attack & is very weak indeed but improving.
The strawberries are ripening now indeed we have had
2 or 3 supplies for eating & 2 small ones for pressing, but of other fruit
there is very little. I am delighted to
say that my stocks are coming into flower & they are very pretty though
perhaps hardly enough of dark ones. The
roses are trying to recover & one or two are out. They were nipped by the
frost in May.
I really ought to talk to dear Grandmama now so I
must say good bye.
Gertrude Martineau will gladly take care of your
picture till next Winter.
to you all
your very affect sister
Ellen Green
Box 2/2
Heathfield August 8th (72 added in blue pencil)
Dearest Philip
I think no one
wrote last week to announce the important fact of my arrival home, but you
would hear of it through Theresa. It was very pleasant in deed to get home
again after such long wanderings, but now I am beginning to feel rather tired,
now that the daily excitement is gone, which made one able to do so much. It
was extremely pleasant the whole time and we had literally no misfortunes – not
one of us was ill for a day during the whole time. I wrote you from San
Francisco and I hope you have received the letter. I am going to send you my
old letters on by degrees, I mean those I wrote home, as it seems useless to
write the same things twice over & will you please let me have the letters
back, as they will remind me of many things I might forget. I found the Falcons
all here to meet me which was very pleasant.
The children are all much grown since I saw them a year ago, and Gordon
is a very loving dear boy. They left us
today and are gone to some lodgings near their old house at Forest Hey for a
fortnight. I was very sorry not to find
Theresa here, but it seems to be thought better for her not to come though she
seems to be stronger & better than when I saw her at Torquay. We had a very pleasant stay both at
New York & Boston and saw very pleasant people. The Fields had given me an introduction to
the Bryants & I stayed 2 nights with them in their pretty country house at
Roslyn on Long Island. Both Mr & Mrs Bryant were charming & I saw several
other nice people while I was with them. At Boston the Whitneys were indescribably
kind & hospitable. They were away at their country house about 10 miles
from Boston, but they came in to see us several times & I went out to them
to spend a night & we all dined with them at a new Club there is at Boston
where members can give dinners when they choose. I find everyone at home very much as I left
them, not much change in Grandmama.
My Father I think sees less well than he did & seems older in his
ways. Did they tell you that my precious “berries” were not hung at the
R.A. Gertrude Martineau is keeping them
& will send them to The Dudley in the winter, when I must hope for better
luck. I did a few coloured chalk
sketches in
America which I am very glad to have, but we travelled so very fast that I
never had any time to draw, except on steam-boats & in railway
carriages. Your letter to Ellen arrived
with its enclosure quite safely. Many
thanks for it. We are very glad you give
a good account of yourself & the weather. I hope you will be going away in
October. Ellen says she is very glad you
have got a musical box. She saw Theresa in London & spent a day with her.
She looks very comfortable in the drawing room at The Chimes. It must be much more cheerful for her than
being in lodgings.
The others join
me in sending you very much love & I remain yr very affect sister
Isabel Green
JRL Box 1/41
[Philip’s wife Theresa Green died aged 33 16
November 1872]
Heathfield December 5
(72 added in blue pencil)
dearest Philip
I think you will have letters this mail from my
Father and Emily who are still in London, but I am writing too as I think you
will care to have letters. We long more
than I can tell you to hear from you, how you are. It feels so grievous to be
so far away from you, & unable to give you such comfort as the presence of
loving friends can give. We have had
letters from many friends, and all are so sympathizing with you. I think some (like the Gaskells) you would
like to see. Ellen had a letter from Mrs McCulloch, she, poor thing seems not
able to attain to any calm and consolation. She says she thought of writing to
you, but could not make up her mind to the effort & so she asks Ellen if
she may depend on her to tell you how truly she feels for you. She seems to regret
very much that she had never been to see dear Theresa, but she had put it off
because she could not bear to trouble her by talking of her sorrow, knowing how
delicate and sensitive she was. Agnes, I
know, wrote to you last week and she can give you so many details that we
cannot. She seems very sad & lonely
but I am glad she is gone to the Cahills – you will have heard long before this
reaches you, I suppose, that you have got the new judgeship. We are very glad dear Philip that you should
have the honour due. I long to know how
you will feel about it. I fancy you will be glad & that you will feel it a
benefit to have some work that you are obliged to do, but how I wish we could
see you. Today we have had snow, &
for 2 or 3 days a sharp frost in the morning & it is bitterly cold.
Grandmama is wonderfully well. The last
week or two she seems quite to have had a revival, and is remarkably strong and
active, but her mind is very weak, and in many ways her memory is gone, though
in others it is very tenacious. I am
glad you liked the Dixons. I had a letter from Mary Brandreth the other
day. I will copy part for you, for I do
think the sympathy of one’s friends is a
comfort. “I had not heard of your
trouble till this morning when your letter came. It will be terrible for your
brother to hear at such a distance, & will make you all feel doubly
sorrowful for him. The departation [sic] at such a time is so very sad, but he
will have comfort in thinking his wife was in her old home, and though such
sudden illnesses are grievous for those who are left, there is always relief in
knowing the dear one has been spared long sufferings”. Just before this sorrow came I had sent 3
pictures to Gertrude Martineau, which she kindly undertook to send with her own
to the Dudley Ex. This morning she encloses a note from someone who has seen
them in her studio, asking if one can be bought now, & what is the price
? Of course I do not know yet if she
will buy it, but it is pleasant to have it admired. It is the best of the three & I should
like it to go to Dudley, but I do not know yet whether it can do so if I let
her have it but I shall hear again from G Martineau.
joins me in sending our
JRL Box 1/42
Heathfield Feb 6/72
(the 2 has been changed in
blue crayon to 3)
dearest Philip
My Father & Emily set off this morning to go to
Bournemouth & Ellen was to join them in London, so I am left all alone with
Grandmama. Perhaps Edith Fletcher is
coming to stay with me part of the time, but she is a little doubtful as Mr
Fletcher is not at all well. A blood
vessel burst in one of his eyes & it has left him blind with one eye. They seem to have little hope of its getting
better but he is giving it complete rest at present, to see what can be done.
The cheque for £75 came safely. It is very good of you dear Philip to offer
another £100. We have not had time to go
over our ways & means again but when the others come back we will and then
we will tell you how we stand. We feel
that we should be living at a less cost then we were 2 years ago only
that everything is so dreadfully dear – coals, meat & even flour – potatoes
1d a lb. We seem to have had to give up doing anything active about
removing as there is no house to go to except the dull half of the Lawford’s
house, & till within the last day or two the Trusses had the promise of it,
now I believe it is the only house possible for the new minister. I am in a
state of elation – I told you I sent 3 pictures to the Dudley. They are all
hung & one was sold at the private view!
Dear Florence Crompton went down directly after breakfast the first day
it was open to see if they were in & sent me an account of where they were
hung &c. The one that is sold is on
one of the screens & the other two not ’skyed’
though not in such good places. Perhaps I shall find a mint after all, though
so far it is only £7.7.0! still that is far better then £0.0.0. How strange it does seem that you have had no
official announcement of the Judgeship.
I see Mrs Ferguson has a daughter, also Canon Truideyer is dead – he was only 49! We saw too the death of Mr Doering.
Ellen has seen Mrs McCullock in London.
She sounds to be in a very sadly unhopeful state of mind – but Ellen
said she was calm & gentle. Perhaps Ellen will have written to you. She has
been seeing a Capt Page at Wimbledon who is cousin to Mr Justices Gibbs &
Keeaball. I am sorry to write in such a
hurry but I have had no time till now & it is now bedtime & grandmamma
wants me to take her.
Ever yr very loving sister
Isabel Green
JRL Box 1/43
March 14: 73
Dearest Isabel
I enclose a/s for the
telegram which I took with me to the concert and fully intended to give you at
leaving – please say no more about it as I quite think and consider the
telegram my affair – I was grieved I didn’t see you into the hands of the
Knutsford people, I trust you met quite safely and didn’t think me rude not to
come with you – the truth was – I felt almost stunned with the music, and as if
ones everyday life of catching trains etc were quite forgotten. My adventures were rather I fear ‘American’
as I came out not the young men, however
(I felt ashamed of it) I kept looking and smiling at all imaginary chaperone in
the far distance and I think they only thought I got separated from her by the
crowd. I did so enjoy hearing even that
…… my brains are rather excited …
wonderfully at the exalting set of lectures on mathematics from which I’ve just
returned home. Bondelions life of music and mathematics and no every
day duties such as finding kitchen maids &c must be lovely ….
J B Gaskell
[Julia Gaskell]
JRL Box 2/8
Mytten, Cuckfield
April 18th [1873]
dear Miss Green
It was quite a pleasure to me to receive your kind
& friendly letter on Wednesday & had I not been very much occupied at
the moment, should have acted on my first impulse & thanked you for it at
once. I am so glad you have sunshine
memories of your American trip – it was very charming in many ways & had
not my children been on this side of the water & many home troubles at the
time dividing my heart I should perfectly have enjoyed myself. But I greatly
delight in looking back to it & its bright long days! & the pleasant
acquaintances we made there. Mrs Walker
has been very kind in writing to me all the news of San Francisco & San
Rafael & I enjoy hearing it much.
Did you see San Rafael ? I hope
so for it is like a dream of loveliness to me not grand nor wonderful simply
beautiful. We did not get to Boston, I wish we had seen it, as I don’t suppose
another trip to America is in store for me as it very likely may be for you,
nor do I quite sympathise with yr admiration of the American people – though I
can understand it their kindness geniality & sort of fresh youthfulness of
thought & […] I appreciate very much. One feels oneself old & rusty in
comparison & yet I don’t love the character & should not care to live
amongst the people “still a heretic”!
you will say. Mr Harrison was
laid up for some weeks after our return home […] with his New York accident,
but once well he was so perfectly & feels no ill results. Hunting & shooting, his favourite
amusements have been in the ascendant all the winter & the garden is now
occupying time – my girls 13 & 11 are very busy in the schoolroom working
well with a German Governess & my boy is at Mr Hawtreys school at Slough
preparing for Eton. Mr Harrison & I
talk of going up to Town for the first fortnight in May to enjoy the pictures,
operas &c but we don’t take the
children up till winter & think of letting our house for a few months. I am
so glad to hear Mrs Holt is expecting a baby!
My motherly heart rejoices for her! & it was so intelligent of her
getting that delightful trip to America first.
I envy them going to the Mediterranean, but the yachting has no charms
for me, I am not ill at sea, but certainly was created to live on land. Would
you rather go back to America than see once again Rome & Naples &
Florence & those glorious scenes full of messages from the olden times – so
would not I – I am true to the old World still & long too much sometimes to
spend more time on the Continent than one’s home duties will ever allow. I hope we may meet again some day & when
you come to London or Sussex, do let me know, it will be a great pleasure to us
to have a visit from you in our English home & talk over the old travels
therefore pray tell me if a lucky chance brings you south. Meanwhile, will you some times write to me
& let us exchange thoughts on paper?
I shall be so glad. Mr Harrison
unites with me in kind regards & believe me dear Miss Green yours most
Box 2/6
Road, Fairfield April 20th [*1873]
dear Isabel,
Your beautiful little shawl arrived quite safely
this morning and I do thank you so much for it. It is something so perfectly new; and
so beautifully worked. I am sure you
must have spent a great deal of time & work upon it – and the result is very
pretty! You are clever to have done
all the embroidery without it being marked out for you. I can assure you I shall take great care of
it. I feel as if I had got almost
everything ready now – which is very comfortable – and I may be very thankful I
keep so well! Bertha told me Mrs
Brandreth had not been at all well – but it is wonderful how she revived again
and, as you say, seems almost stronger afterwards. I wrote to Louisa last Monday and have been
hoping to hear something from her. I do so hope this plan will prove successful
and at all events it is so much more satisfactory to feel that something
is being done.
I really wish you were here to see the flowers
today: the conservatory is beautiful with azalias & rhododendrums . I have
not seen it so gay for a long time and on a bright sunny day like this is it
looks lovely.
Bertha and I had a three hours sail down the river
in the “Glauces” yesterday, and did so
enjoy it, it was such a pleasant warm afternoon. We heard the other day that Mr Romilly, who
has just gone to America, went to the “Westminster” Hotel at New York, to stay
there and the first day he arrived every bit of his luggage was stolen
from his rooms! Just fancy how provoking. I am glad we were not treated so
I hope Mr Green’s eye is going on satisfactorily
& that he is feeling strong again now. How nice it is to think that the
operation has been so successful – will you tell him both Alfred & I
rejoice with him in having got thro it so well.
I must go & get ready for chapel.
Believe me yours affecly
Fanny Holt.
*[Written in 1873 as that was the only Sunday 20th
April and refers to Henry Green’s eye operation.]
JRL Box 2/6
in black May
29 (73 added in pencil)
dearest Philip
I think we did not write last mail, & we have
not heard from you for a mail or two. You will be in the middle your hottest
weather now, we are having most lovely bright days but it is rather cold still
& I often think of the delightful heat I was in last year. Ellen went on
Monday to stay with the Thornelys at Windermere. She says it is looking lovely there & the
air felt very pleasant. I hope it will do her good for she has been feeling
rather weak lately and I don’t think Knutsford is the place where she feels
strongest. We have had Harriet &
Philip Higginson to spend the day, & Mr & Mrs Lloyd (the new minister)
came in to early tea. I think we shall
like them. Mrs Lloyd is unfortunately rather deaf & she speaks peculiarly.
They have one little boy. In the middle of the afternoon Mrs Andrews and her
daughter called, so we have had rather an afternoon of continuous talking. Mrs A you know is Mr John Fletcher’s
sister. They have come lately to live at
Ollerton. I think they are very
pleasant. We also called on a Mr & Mrs
Hamilton & their daughter who live at Ollerton. Mr H is a great invalid, & sees no one
scarcely but the daughter is a very nice girl and is very musical & comes
in a good deal to Knutsford. Herbert
Fletcher has bought another of my pictures at the Dudley, so I feel tolerably
satisfied to have only one left. Fanny
Holt had a little boy born last Thursday. The three elder children are staying
at Grove House, & I fancy they will be there much of the summer. It is very nice for them & very nice for
Uncle to have them. Louisa is still in
London & seems to be enjoying her life there. Sarah Merriman is staying with Annie she is
coming home tomorrow to be in time for decorating the church, & also for
the clubs on Whit Monday – that time honoured institution. The garden is looking so lovely now. The
trees are out in tender delicate leaf & the rhododendrons coming out
splendidly. This is quite the best time
of the year for this dear old place. We
have been in rather a horrid upset state lately, with having the drawing room
& study whitewashed, & the study papered. It had got so dirty we were obliged to do it
though went rather against the grain when one feels so uncertain about being
here long. Poor Grandmama goes on in much the same way. She is pretty well but
she has not been downstairs, & her mind & memory fail more & more.
She asks the same thing over & over again sometimes. I am sending you a little book by Southampton
“Fly Leaves” – we have been very much amused by it & most people seem to
think it good & I hope you will. It does seem such a long time to look
forward to not seeing you for two years!
I wish I could see you and know how you are feeling – you would think of
our dear Mother yesterday on her birthday.
It is such a comfort to me to find that time does not lessen our sense
of sympathy and communion with our one loved so truly. It comes constantly into my mind how strong
and warm and full her nature must have been to make her so much as she was, the
centre and spring of our whole lives. I often
wish I had more of her courage & hope & energy. But I would rather lose those I love while
they are in their full power of mind. It
is a more perfect end of life & one conceives more really of its
continuance. I so often think of you
dearest, & hope you are content.
Emily joins in very dear love
I remain your most loving sister
Isabel Green
JRL Box 1/44
edged in black July 24 [73 added in crayon]
dear Philip
I don’t know how much you may have heard of my
doings while I was away. I had very pleasant visits & ended with 3 days at
the Herberts. Mr Herbert was away but
the others at home. I think they seem pretty well, but I wish they could feel
inclined to go away from home, as I think it would be good for them –
especially for Agnes. She & Cyril
& I went one day to the Bethnal Green Museum. The pictures there are splendid & it was
very pleasant having Cyril there to tell one so much about the painters
&c. The pictures &c all belong to
Sir Richard Wallace & will be removed to his house in Manchester Sq* when
he has built a gallery for them. When I
got home last Friday I found my Father not so well again & he has been very
poorly ever since. He is very weak and
has great difficulty in breathing at times, & very bad fits of
coughing. Mr Sutcliffe was here this
morning & said his pulse was better than it was the day before yesterday
but that he will need the very greatest care. It is a slight attack of
bronchitis, which in a stronger man would hardly be perceptible, but he says if
it were to come to a serious attack he thinks my Father could not stand
it. Still with care he hopes he may get
stronger and be able to live comfortably.
He has rather bad nights & needs frequent food during the night. In
the day time he comes down stairs, but he has been keeping in the study with a
little fire, which we find somewhat hot on July 24! We have had a few days of tremendous heat,
but it is now a little cooler. We will write to you next week & I hope we
shall have a better account to send you.
Uncle Long is gone to the lakes for a day or two & then he is going
to Scotland with the Wm Longs. A
Brandreth is at Grove House with the Holt children who have just begun to have
whooping cough. The accounts of Fanny
Holt are better but it will be weeks before she will be able to move. I stayed
ten days with Florence Crompton in their new house in Cromwell Place. It is a very nice house & the drawing
room perfect. They had a dinner party
the first evening I was there consisting of the Weslakes, Lujins, Lt Davieses,
Miss Cobden, Henry Thompson & Mr Bryce.
Then in the evening came the Albert Diceys, Beesleys, Mrs Clough &
Dr Payne.
Mr Crompton went on circuit after 2 or 3 days and F
& I amused ourselves by going twice to the House of Commons & to the
Lords & Commons Match at Wimbledon with M A Holland & to some wonderful
conjuring done by Maskelyne & Cooke.
They do all the spiritualist tricks by natural means, & they are
most astonishing & inexplicable. I must not write any more as it is bed
time. All join in very much love and I
very affect sister
the Wallace Collection]
JRL Ref Box 1/45 [JA/IG/26/1873]
Ref Box 2/6 [1873]
[edged in black]
Heathfield August 8th 1873
I do not think I have a much different account to send
you of Papa. Mr Woodcock said on
Wednesday I think we must confess that there is no progress being made.
Yesterday was very hot indeed and that made Papa feel more exhausted. He varies
very much during the same day – some times being quite clear & interested
in what he is talking about, or playing bisique & then almost directly
seeming very much depressed and unable to decide what he will do about the
smallest things like eating or drinking.
He is now quite willing to take as much brandy as he ought as he feels
the benefit of it. I fancy it is quite what keeps him up at all. Mr Woodcock
says he may rally a little and be pretty well, but I fancy it is not
likely & if he becomes much worse the difficulty of breathing will be very
distressing. I do not think he knows himself that the real trouble is his
heart, but he thinks seriously of his illness & has been getting Emily to
go over all business papers with him when he feels able. He often mentions you
& says he would have liked to see you again. Our doctors have not said at all how long he
is likely to go or if he is near indeed.
I suppose it is quite uncertain – but I think the cold weather will try
him very much, & make him cough more & that increases the difficulty of
breathing. We like Mr Woodcock very
much – he is so clear & thoughtful and kind, he said last night that he and
Mr Sutcliffe feel quite to understand Papa’s case & that there is only one
treatment but they hope that if either Papa or we would like another opinion we
will tell them. We feel quite
satisfied & I think Papa is too, but if he seems to wish to see some one
else, of course we shall tell them so. I think we may have to have a nurse
before long as the constant watching both day & night of two people is
rather more than we can manage & Papa does not like to be left alone. Aunt Louisa and Katie Green came on Tuesday.
It is pleasant seeing them, & we did not like to put them off as Aunt L we
knew would like to see Papa. I am
writing quite early in the morning – after being with Papa during the
night. The races are going on yesterday
and today, but they do not disturb us here
Last Saturday the athletic sports were held. Frank Merriman got a cup for putting the
hammer & some of the jumping & gymnastic “displays” as they call them
most wonderful & astonishing. Uncle
Long is come back from his Scotch journey looking very well & he has
enjoyed it very much in spite of wet weather. We had a nice letter from you on Monday dated […]. How
curious the trial sounds about the Parsee power
of silence. I think some of the Indian
trails are so strange and picturesque & like the affairs of another
world. I wish you had time to write some
of them up into review articles. I think they would be most interesting &
successful. We were very glad to hear what is the probability as to your coming
home. With very much love from us all I
remain yr very affect sister Isabel Green.
cheque arrived safely for which thank you. EG
JRL Ref Box 1/46 [JA/IG/27/1873]
Rev. Henry Green died at 12. 30 p.m. on the 9th August 1873]
Aug 11th [1873]
Dearest Isabel,
Our hearts are full of the deepest sorrow and sympathy for
you, and also for ourselves in this great grief. We were so startled when we had your letter this
morning and can hardly believe that so dear a friend has been taken from us,
though one feels what perfect happiness it will be for him to be with the one
he loved so dearly.
I always think
that dear Mr Green was so intensely pure and humble, quite like a child in the
way he never thought ill of anyone. I
feel one ought to be so much better for knowing a nature like his; I felt he
always was so ready for heaven – I do feel dear Isabel so very sad for you all,
tho it must be a great comfort to you to feel that Mr Green was spared pain and
for the pain of watching his suffering.
You must feel so lonely and dreary without him, I can only pray that God
will comfort you as he alone can do, and if warmest tenderest sympathy can help
one you have it dear dear Isabel from us all.
My Father will I know mourn his loss very deeply, indeed, everyone that
knew Mr Green will do so
With much love
you all
Your most loving
Julia Gaskell
JRL Ref Box
2/8 [JA/JG/8/1873]
Augt 14 [1873]
I have been intending writing to you before, to tell
you of the safe arrival of the book and now I must try and express to you my
sincere sympathy with you all in the loss […] so sudden & unexpected.
We always so much liked & respected yr father
& he seemed so hale & strong, apparently likely to live long in comfort
& active usefulness – but God knows best what is good for us & I never
can feel less thankful when I hear of an old person passing happily away to a
better life without one of those long & painful illnesses so trying both to
the sufferer & to those around. I
shall be glad to hear from you by & by & if you could come & stay
with me perhaps in October should be very glad to see you.
me with love to yr sisters
very sincerely
Ref Box 2/8
Tuesday [August 1873]
dear Isabel
I was wishing to write to you to ask you how you all
were but I was afraid that I might be sending too soon for after all that has
passed a little rest would be comforting with no thought about unanswered
I was glad then when a letter came from you
Mamma came back last night all the better for her
little change to the seaside. She was very sad when attending (as she did
directly she came into the house) to the great loss which has come upon you
all, it will be such a blank for all his friends for he must have indeared
[sic] himself to everybody. We all had a
great veneration and love for him though we had not had the privilege of
knowing him for very long like so many of his friends. Some of us wrote to Philip last mail though
we had heard the sad news the week before we abstained from writing for our
letter wld have arrived with the sad intelligence from Knutsford. I am glad to think that you are keeping
pretty well after the great shock & feeling comforted that your dear father
was spared the great suffering which had been anticipated.
our united best love
me dear Isabel
Agnes [Herbert]
shortly I hope to go to the seaside for a short stay if I can manage I feel to
want a change.
JRL Ref Box 25
Heathfield August 21st 73
It seems as it does at such times such a long time
since dear Papa’s illness & death – quite like many weeks, or even months –
one can hardly believe that it is not yet a fortnight. Mr Herbert was away yachting when we wrote
& told them at The Chimes & they did not know where to write to him. Today we have just had a note from him saying
he was coming quickly to Liverpool & wished very much to be at the funeral,
if we would write & tell him when it was. Of course he either has not heard
the dates or has not realized them.
Emily has written and asked him still to come and see us, & we hope
he will – he is so kind & sympathizing.
Emily has copied Papa’s will & made a copy of the statement of
shares &c for you. Charles is being most kind in helping her &
telling her what to do. We find that a
little house to which we have always taken a great fancy in the Higher Town is just
let. But the first refusal of it had
been promised some time, so that we have not really just missed it. At present we have heard of no other that
would do at all but we feel it will be very dreary to be in this big house.
There are now 10 rooms more than we in the least want & the management of
James & the garden is all new & not to the genius of any of us. Still while Grandmama lives we cannot be
houseless. Charles says we must soon write to Tabley & give notice as early
as we can on the part of the executors & then if necessary become tenants
in our own name – then the Insurance Office has been written to, & as soon
as we can the appraisement of the furniture must be made & then the probate
of the will taken out. This is what Charles
says. We have had a great many most kind
letters. Uncle Long gave us one to read yesterday from Col. Egerton Leigh – so
very kind & appreciating and understanding Papa’s qualities so well. Indeed we are all struck with everyone
seeming to have understood him so well.
There have been one or two nice notices in the papers of Papa – we will
collect them & send them to you. Everyone asks us to send sympathizing
messages to you, & think so much of the frequent troubles you have had to
bear alone. Dear Philip how one longs
for you here to talk over all the ins & outs of plans that occur to us –
only I should be sorry for your coming home to be taken up too much with such
things. We are all better & beginning to feel less tired. The shock was very great at the finish. It is
very awful to see anyone die suddenly in the way Papa did, even though we knew
it might come at any moment. The others
join me in very dearest love to you
& I remain yr ever loving
Isabel Green
JRL Ref Box 1/47 [JA/IG/28/1873]
22 August 1873
Letter to Dear Miss Green
From W H Channing, 16 Harrington St, Kensington, London, on the death of
Henry – not transcribed as many biblical
quotes! [William Henry Channing,
American Unitarian Minister and reformer, who took up various posts in England
at this time]
Ref Box 1/19
[edged in black] Oct
2 (73 added in red crayon)
We received your answer to Emily’s letter of the 15th
August yesterday, (the mail was very late) & it is a comfort to us to have
heard from you since you knew of dear Papa’s death. I think as time goes on one realized more the
change it makes in our lives to have neither Father nor Mother as the centre of
your home. We shall be so glad to have
you here so soon as you give us hopes of seeing you, & we shall all like to
be together though it will be a very sad coming back for you dearest. Emily went to Windermere on Monday last (Sept
29) & we sent your letter on to her.
I do not know if she is writing to you, but in case she is not – I can
tell you that the proper notice has been sent to the Insurance Office, &
the money will be paid on Dec 4 – They will want to see the probate of the will
before that, but it will come in about a week from now. Emily will have told
you how easy the Tabley people make it for us to go or stay in this house just
when we like – It is too late in the year now to be removed, even if there were
a house to be had, & we shall be glad to be still here when you come – but
it feels very oppressively large. It
will be so satisfactory to talk over all the ins & outs of plans
with you, so I will not try to write them.
Last week we had lovely weather but this week is wet & heavy. It is
unfortunate for Emily at the Lakes.
Marianne Holland* has just had another little girl. They are probably
going to live in London after Christmas, so that the two eldest children can go
to Mr Van Praaghs** school – he has a wonderful method of teaching deaf &
dumb children to speak. It seems very wonderful that it can be done
& I hope it will succeed with the Hollands.
Charles & Annie are going to London next week for 2 days for Annie
to see Mr Bader again about her eyes. He
has done much good so far, by regulating her spectacles properly – one eye
being long sighted and the other short – but she now needs some fresh
spectacles – I enjoyed my visit to them very much. The children are so nice. Gordon quite
enchanting – he is growing into such a
big boy – Sept 26 was Emma’s birthday – she was 8 years old. We were much edified with your out-burst
about Bismarck! I don’t know enough of
the real state of Prussian affairs to have any opinion – I am amused at your
taking it for granted that Mr Cunningham should be of Mr Fitzjames Stephen’s
school because they are brothers-in-law. What would you or Charles think of
being saddled with one another’s opinions!!!
However I don’t know anything of Mr Cunningham’s ideas – Mifs C was once
within 2 straws of becoming what you call a “papist”. I suppose we must go on reading the “Times”
till you tell us to stop. We hope Miss
Bayley is better for our & your sakes as well as her own. Annie talks of sending you some thick woollen
waistcoats & drawers to meet you at Alexandria! She says top-coats are nothing! Of course she does not really mean to do it,
but do take care to have warm things available at Alexandria. Grandmama is
moderately well, at least nothing definite the matter – Ellen joins me in very
much love to you and I remain yr very
affect sister
Isabel Green
JRL Ref Box 1/48 [JA/IG/29/1873]
*[Marianne Gaskell married Edward Thurston Holland
in 1866. He was the son of George Henry Holland who was the 6th of
seven children of Swinton Colthurst Holland. George was educated at Harrow,
Inner Temple 1837 and lived at Gayton Lodge, Parkside Wimbledon. He devoted
himself to sport (not a typical Holland). Edward’s elder brother Henry Scott
Holland went to Eton became tutor at Christ Church Oxford a popular preacher,
and Canon of St. Paul’s. He wrote that piece often read at funerals ‘do not
weep for me when I am gone…. I am only in the next room etc. [Information from Joan Leach
From a surving register of Van Praagh’s Fitzroy Sq. School : Information from RNID]
Child's Name: William Edward
Names of Parents, Guardians or Foster Parents: Edward Thurston Holland
Consanguinity of Parents? Yes
(second cousins)
Residence of Parents 1
Sunnyside, Wimbledon after 9 Woburn Sq.
Cotswold, Lansdowne Rd, Wimbledon
Child's Residence: With parents
afterwards weekly boarder at Mr(s?) Jarvis
11 Fitzroy Sq.
Annual School Fee: £40
By Whom Paid: Parents
Boarding Fees: Sep
[crossed out]
Date of Birth: Sep. 6 1867
Date of Admission:Jun 20 1874
of Withdrawal: Midsummer 1879
Special remarks:
Totally Deaf - born so. very delicate health - most irregular attendance caused
by illness.
Child's Name: Margaret
Elizabeth (Daisy)
Names of Parents, Guardians or Foster Parents: Edward Thurston Holland
Consanguinity of Parents? Yes (second cousins)
Residence of Parents 9
Woburn Sq., W
Child's Residence: With
Annual School Fee: £40
By Whom Paid: Parents
Boarding Fees:
Date of Birth: Nov
1 1868
Date of Admission: Sep 1
of Withdrawal: Died Dec. 6. 75 (consumption of the
lungs after whooping cough)
Special remarks:
Totally Deaf - Born so. Daisy was a very
affectionate clever child. Very
by all the school
Last month I was about to mail a letter to
Knutsford, there being a page to fill, when through the courtesy of a stranger,
George W Napier esquire of Manchester – Alderley Edge, Nr Manchester, I
received the startling intelligence of your father’s death. Mr Napier spoke of the operation for
cataract, early in the year, and of its great success – and then of the
bronchitis which brought so valuable a life to so sudden an end. He also enclosed to me a slip from the
Unitarian Herald of August 22nd, containing a sketch of Mr Green and
a brief tribute to his beautiful character and scholarly attainments. I at once acknowledged this friendly act.
Mr Ainsworth had informed me of the successful
operation on one of the eyes, and it was partly to congratulate your father
upon this, that my note referred to had been penned.
Seven years ago, your father was so vigorous and
active, so buoyant both in mind & body that it seemed as though he might
attain to an age as great as that of the venerable Mrs Brandreth, and I cannot
realize that he has passed away.
The coincidences which led to the correspondence
were curious and interesting, and when later we met, I conceived a very warm
regard to him. Although separated by the
broad seas this regard has been more than kept alive by the passing of common
friends by your fleeting visit of last year, and by the man courteous acts and
words of which I have been the recipient.
It was “marked with a white mark” the day that we met, and it will ever
be a precious memory, my having seen and known your father and in having been
honoured by his friendship.
Mrs Whiting writes with me in expressing to you your
sisters and family, our sense of your bereavement and you have our deepest
sympathy in this great sorrow.
We still remain at Brush Hill to watch the dying out
of the foliage and the landscape presents one blaze of light. Believe me
Most faithfully Your
Austin Whiting
Isabella Green, Heathfield Knutsford
few maple leaves enclosed may retain their colouring.
JRL Ref Box 1/19
[edged in black] October 23
(73 added in red crayon)
dearest Philip
We had no letter from you by
this mail, so there is nothing to answer.
We had a note from Mrs Taylor (Emily Roscoe) the other day asking if we
could give an introduction to you to Mr Collins. He is the brother of the Mr
Collins who married Laura Roscoe. He is
taking out part of a regiment to Bombay, & he does not know till he gets
there whether he will stay there, or go on to Fyzabad where the rest of the
regiment is. He takes his wife & four children with him. They have been at
the Cape but his regiment there was disbanded – we don’t know whether he is
Captain or Lieutenant or what ? Ellen
sent him an introduction & said she was sure you would be glad to see him
as a connection of such old friends as the Roscoes &c. Mrs Leigh Lye (who lives at Bournemouth, and
knows Mrs Taylor) is giving him some introductions I believe. We think you will very likely just be leaving
Bombay at the time he will arrive, but of course we could not tell them this.
We saw the death of Mr Bayley’s daughter in the “Times”. He will be very glad that he was with his
children in time – I wonder if he will put off his going back to India in
consequence. I hope not at least I hope
you will be able to leave on Nov 24. Mrs
Lawford is staying with us, she came yesterday.
She has been not at all well & has been paying several visits. She
is better than she was – it is pleasant having her here. We expect Emily back this evening. She has
been having a very pleasant visit with the John Fletchers. The James Watkinses were there at first,
& yesterday the Greens from Stafford & Major Longshaw came, so she has
seen a good many of the relations. We
have been having the fresh inscription put on the grave stone today. I hope you
will like it. It is this put below dear Mother’s name.
The last part is out of one of the Catacomb
inscriptions & we had thought we should like it, and then curiously you
used almost exactly the same expression in your letter, so we felt it would be
what you would like too. I had a nice letter
from Mr McKitney on Tuesday. He was very
much shocked when he heard of my Father’s death as the last news he had had was
of the success of the operation. Annie
has been in London to see Mr Bader about her eyes. He says they are very good, but very
peculiar, & she has had some glasses made to suit her. She wrote this
morning in great delight with them as she can see perfectly. We do not think that Grandmama is quite so
well as she was. She still comes
downstairs & has nothing the matter with her, only we think she looks more
feeble & several people have said they notice a change in her. We have not heard anything of the Herberts
for some time indeed I think perhaps I ought to write to Agnes. Mr Herbert
never made his appearance when we thought he would have come over from L’pool,
nor did he ever write. We were amused in
Annie’s letter to hear that Charles was gone to meet the electors of the Talbot
Ward who want to elect him Counsellor!!!! He consents to go if they elect him
only he will not canvass or have cabs.
They want a [….…] of more educated people dreadfully in the S’port
Corporation &
I think people of leisure ought to do such
things, but it is very amusing. Are not French affairs extraordinary?
Very much love from us all &
I remain Yr very affect sister
Isabel Green
JRL Ref Box 1/49
Christmas Day 1873
dearest Philip
Here I am sitting writing with the window wide
open! We are having the most wonderfully
mild weather – I fear it be gone before you come to England – We were very
sorry you did not get the letter we wrote to you at Naples. It was sent from
here on the 10th. I hope this may just catch you in Rome. I shall send it for the chance.
I came back yesterday from two small visits to the
Thompsons at Thingwell and to Mary Brandreth.
I had very great fun at Thingwell.
They were all at home & very pleasant. Of course it is quiet with
Mary Brandreth but I like her very much – she has not heard whether the Arthur
Brandreths have got to England yet. Captain & Mrs Dixon neither of them
seem well. He keeps having jungle fever & she is very delicate. I saw the
Gaskells & Cromptons yesterday as I came through Manchester & Florence
C comes here tomorrow for the day. They
are all very very nice. I wonder how much you know about us all I mean to how
late a date ? Grandmama is altogether up
in her room now, but she seems quite comfortable but her mind is at times
almost quite gone, at others she brightens up in a wonderful way. The great and interesting piece of Knutsford
news, I fear will not interest you as
it does us, as you don’t know Mr
Woodcock, he is Mr Sutcliffe’s partner & very very nice & gentle and
clever and cultivated & yesterday we were told that he & Bertha Long
are engaged. She is a very nice bright
girl so it is an engagement one can quite sympathise with. Emily and I are going to dine at Grove House
& they are coming here for the evening.
Louisa is at home for a week or two but she is soon going to Jersey with
the Miss Yieells with whom she has been
living lately. The Merrimans are all
assembled for Christmas & longing for letters from Katie – it is months
since they have heard. We do so long for you to talk over our plans with. It
seems to me that it is wrong to go on living as we are doing & yet while Grandmama lives how can we
make a change. We ought to be able to live happily on the money we have now but
it is all swallowed up with this big house, & yet the life is anything but
good for us. I feel as if Ellen is being
quite sacrificed to Grandmama. She is not strong and cannot walk &
make variety for herself by exertion as Emily & I can and yet I am quite
sure with a different life she would be comparatively quite strong – and the
constantly repeated narrow round of dear old Grandmama’s wants & ideas is
most depressing, however one tries to struggle against the feeling. Of course I am come fresh to it now after my
little change & feel just for a time as if I could rise above it – but then
I am a very strong person compared to most. My pictures have to be sent in to the Dudleys
next week. They are already gone to
Gertrude Martineau’s* studio to be ready. I hope I shall be as successful as
last year but very likely I shall not. We
have been reading a most fascinating book ‘Studies in the History of the Renaissance”
by Mr Pater – he is a fellow of Brazenose [Oxford University] & crazy about
‘Aesthetics’. The book makes one feel quite soaked in the Italian
atmosphere of art. I suppose you will
stay little in London when you first get home, you will have a great deal to
talk of with the Herberts, and then when you come here I hope it will be to
stay settled for a little while – not all coming & going. The Falcons are
coming to meet you and stay a little whenever we hear that you actually here
& coming to us. It sounds
deliciously & other worldly to be at
Pompeii for a day, & at Naples for a
week. Is it as beautiful &
intoxicating as you imagined and as one fancies ? I
think there is nothing in the world like the unbroken deep blue skies
and the luscious & still buoyant feeling of the sun steeped air which one
has in such climates as Naples or California.
We all join in best love to you and are very glad you have so far
escaped catching cold
I remain yr very affectionate sister
Isabel Green
Martineau, artist, was the daughter
of James Martineau the Protestant
Dissenting Minister and they lived in Gordon Square, St Pancras]
JRL Ref Box 1/50
Hyde Park Street Jany 25 [1874]
dear Miss Green
I really am quite ashamed of myself when the
date of your last kind letter looks me in the face, I can hardly believe it
came so long ago, & can only hope you may forget it & forgive me. But it found me in a time of much occupation
& a good deal of anxiety from the illness & sorrow of dear & near
friends & since then the days & weeks have slipped away in the many
occupations of a life in London till I hardly find courage to write at
all. We came to town the 1st
Nov & have spent the winter here most pleasantly to myself for
delight in London always & on principle - & beneficially to the girls
whose education prospers under its many advantages. I was truly sorry to find you had been
sorrowful under one of the heaviest troubles life brings us. It is so sad to
feel the stay of a parents comfort & love is to be ours no more,
there is often no sympathy to replace a father & mother so calm, unselfish
& [..]
But it may not always be so for us, we too must
stand more along, & we must hope & look to go to them, when they can’t
return to us. What a wonderful old lady your grandmother must be! Mr Harrison’s mother still lives & has
wonderful physical health for 86 but her memory is gone & she knows her children
& friends no more. It is sadder than
an unclouded memory of those who are already gone with their hearts &
sympathies still young & fresh. My
boy has just left us for school after his Christmas holidays & has taken
much of the sunshine with him. Mr
Harrison is much away in the Country for hunting & shooting which owing to
the universally mild winter have […]
with no interruption. Owing to his
frequent absences for a day or two together we have not been out much in
society, but the Theatres & Oratorios in the Albert Hall, the Pantomimes
& Circuses for the children & the Exhibitions of pictures always open
in London have given us ample amusement.
The collection of Landseer’s pictures is especially charming. I have
been there twice & hope to go again.
Did you see Richelieu acted when you were last here. Irving acts its
grandly recalling what one imagines. […][..] & the wonderful old Actors
used to do.
I enjoyed it very much. In London, there is everything to suite all
tastes & the houses are so warm & comfortable after country colds &
damp. Mr Harrison & I went down to a Ball at Cuckfield last week & I
thought the garden looked so damp & dreary.
We think however of returning there the beginning or middle of March –
the days will be longer then. Mr
Harrison unites with me in very kind regards & pray remember us to Mr &
Mrs Alfred Holt if you see them. I am so
truly sorry to hear of her bad health but I hope she is well again now. Believe me dear Miss Green
Yours very sincerely
Ref Box 2/6
Heathfield January 7th
[1874 added in pencil]
Dearest Philip
We were very glad to hear again from you
from Rome yesterday morning and that your cold is better. We have been very
glad that you have not been hurrying home as fast as was possible, because it
was so much better for yourself, and besides it always seems a pity to rush
through interesting places without stopping to see them.
Florence Crompton asked me to go and
stay with them last Saturday, but I did not feel I quite could, as it happens I should have been just ready
to meet you in London. We fancy you will
want to stay in London a few days before you come here, and see the Herberts
properly. I rather hope you will
not stay at The Chimes because it is so much a cold house, but you can judge best. The Falcons are coming to stay here to see
you, and we think it would be the pleasantest if they came a day or two after
you arrived so will you let us know as soon as you are able to fix which day
you will most likely come here, & then we can fix with them. I do not think
they could come before Monday week (the 10th) as they are having
some dinner parties next week. On Monday
evening Ellen & I went to the Merrimans.
They were all at home and all the H Longs & Mr Woodcock came so we
were a good many. We had some very good
music. We have had snow & frost for
2 or 3 days and it is much colder than it was on Christmas Day. I am glad you are travelling with the
Bagshaws it sounds warmer to have some
companions. Grandmama has been in her
better way for the last few days, but of course she is altogether in her own
room. We were very sorry to hear from
Agnes that Mrs Herbert is not as well as
she was, though she goes about as usual.
Mr Herbert is paying a longish visit at
Hawarden. I am so sorry for Agnes, she
always seem so “triste” [sad] in her letters and I do not think she takes even
the opportunities she has to make her life more varied – but one cannot judge
for other people. I hope little Dinah
has arrived safely - she will find it
rather cold here I am afraid. Louisa
Long is going to Guernsey on Monday next – I fancy she will stay about three
With very much love from us all
I remain
Your very affect sister
Isabel Green
JRL Ref Box 1/51
[edged in
black] Feb 8 /74
Dearest Philip
Thank you very much for sending me the catalogue
& telling me how my pictures look and are hung. I am sorry the little girl
is so high up, she would have looked much better quite low down but I have been
too lucky to have any right to complain – I send you Caroline Twyford’s letter
that you may see how much pleased she is with her cabinet, and be amused with
the rest of her letter. Are not you
thankful that she & Dr Twyford are not going to Italy? burn the letter when read. Florence Crompton
wrote and asked me to go & stay a day or two with her on Saturday (14th).
At first I declined as I felt it was so uncertain which day Ellen and I should
go on, & also it seemed a pity for us not to travel together, but Florence
has written again this morning, saying I may leave it quite uncertain when I
leave her, and I have fixed to go, as I did not like to refuse a third time as
it would have been. I shall be ready to
go into the lodgings on Monday (16th) if that suits your plans, or
any day after that. We are so
anxious to learn what Agnes says & to know what day you finally fix on for
leaving England but I know you will let us hear as soon as you know
yourself. The note from Davis came
yesterday morning. Another letter came from them before you got home &
Emily sent it to you directed to the Stafford.
We have sent no answer to this one, as we thought you could say what you
wished better yourself. The frost is
gone & it is warmer again but still much colder than when you were
here. Grandmama is better again today.
She has been extremely weak for 2 or 3 days and her appetite failed, but today
she has taken her food quite properly.
With very much love I remain yr very affectionate
Isabel Green
so so miss you!
JRL Ref Box 1/52 [JA/IG/33/1874]
Heathfield Feb 11/74
I am so glad that you think Agnes will most likely
go to Rome. I am writing to her to tell her how pleasant I think it will be to
have her. Now about our coming to you in London. You know the time of our going
was to depend on when you fixed to set off to Rome, as we did not think of
being more than a fortnight in lodgings, so that we thought that whenever you
know the day of leaving England we would go to London not more than a
fortnight before. You do not say whether
you have fixed when to start, & perhaps you cannot, but would it probably
be right if I stayed at the Cromptons till Wednesday & Ellen left
home on that day to join us ? I am
perfectly free to come away from the Cromptons any day, or to stay as I like,
just as it suits you. It would
have been nice to go to Mrs Ullathomes
but we doubt if Ellen’s cold will be quite well enough to set off on Monday –
so it will be best for you to go alone. It will be very pleasant to be in the
same lodgings with you, but we hope you will make whatever engagements you
wish, for yourself, just as if we were not there. We think we shall be
able to take our share of the cost, though, as you know, just at present we
have no money & perhaps you may
think it looks rather like taking money out of one of your pockets to pay it back with the other, still you know
it is not quite that. I hope I
have made it clear to you what our ideas are. If you know when we shall
leave England will you tell us? but as
far as we are concerned it would suit us very well to join you next Wednesday –
I hope you found Florence at home?
James is here as usual.
Ever yr very affect sister
Isabel Green.
JRL Ref Box 1/53
Heathfield March 17th [1874]
We were delighted to have your letter on Monday
morning from Paris & to hear what an easy journey & crossing you
had. Also I am delighted to hear that
you are in a happy frame of mind!
My journey home was easily accomplished too &
both Emily & Annie met me at Chelford & of course we talked like steam
engines till bed time. I found Annie had fixed to stay here till Monday so I
might have stayed for the Wagner Concert after all, but on the whole I dare say
it was better to come home. I had had enough of that sort of pleasure for “one
while”, but when will the next “while” be?
You ask if I am “satisfied in looking back” ? I am very very much happier than I should
have been had I come home on Wednesday, but nothing is cleared up either
way. What I want is to be quite sure
which way it is & then I could settle my mind. If he had either declined
coming or when he did come had behaved rather in a more common place manner I
could have accepted that state of things, but he puzzles me still. However I am trying to persuade myself that
he can no more help his pleasant manner than he can help being tall &c – it
is a part of his nature & it is only my misfortune that I ever met him.
We are having quite spring weather Emily & I
went for a little walk together this morning.
We have set to work reading German together. I think my knowledge of it
will soon come back & it is really a great shame to let one’s mind grow
rusty. On Sunday “The Lion” (viz Mr
Chudleigh) called, with Mrs M & Sarah. He seems a pleasant sort of man
& looks as little like a colonist as Mr Pattison did. We are going there
for an hour or two tomorrow afternoon. I
shall not be surprised if croquet is the order of the day. The weather is so very warm. I went to see
Miss Holland on Sunday. She is not very
well just now. I never think she likes
me when I come back from London. She
does not approve of my intense enjoyment of it.
The truth is I nearly always get to feel so ill & weak after a time
here. I am likely to prefer being
away. The servants notice the difference
in me so much. Julia thinks I look like I did last summer when I came back from
Grandmama has been wonderfully well till the last
few days. She seems weakly now & I
cannot believe that her strength will last through the spring but there is no
knowing. If we have the dining room
papered would you like a paper something like the study ? I fancy that would look best – buff would be
too light & hot. I am going to get
the flower seeds in a day or two & sow them at the end of this week. Miss Blakiston & Anne B are just going to
sow theirs. Dear Emily is so dear &
kind & looking pretty well & she seems very energetic & brisk.
Annie has brought a “spray producer” like Mr Woodcocks,
& has sent it here for us to use while Grandmama lives. Her room was
feeling very trying & will be sure to get worse. We have used it twice in
the room & the effect is wonderful.
Intending this afternoon to finish the letter I begun last Thursday to Isabella
Thornely I looked for it & came to the conclusion it was gone to Rome with
you! Our friend of the illumination is
answerable for that!
Did you ever rescue Philip’s red slippers from the
writing desk where you hid them ? I fear
not, so I will write & ask Miss Cockerill to take care of them if they are
left behind. I am glad dear Philip seems
well. I hope he will not let himself get
nervous or worried & that he will take things quietly in Rome. When he comes home I wish he would have a
horse somewhere riding would be an amusement of a suitable kind for him!! I don’t think it is at all right for him not
to take the £10 & more than that for it was more our doing than his that we
joined him in London. It has done me an
immensity of good going. Tell Philip I
am delighted with my new music “La fille de Wm Augot” it is so lively &
charming playing it over & remembering the funny scenes. Poor Beethoven
Bach & Mendelssohn are for the present deposed from their high thrones in
my estimation. Shall I sometime care
for them again ?
Emily sends her love & thanks for the head dress
which she likes very much but has not tried on yet.
How is dear little Agnes ? give our love to her
& with much of the same to you & Philip
yr affect sister
Heathfield, Knutsford 22 March 1874
Dearest Isabel
I must just send
you a few lines in Philips letter to tell you how very glad we are to have your
pleasant letter this morning & to hear that you have been going on so well
& have accomplished so much of your journey. I hope we shall soon hear that you are
happily settled in the Via Della Crace.
On Thursday Ellen went to spend her long talked of
day with Mrs Houghton. I called for her in the afternoon & we went to get
the garden seeds.
Friday I went to Manchester, the chief interest of
which you will gather from Philip’s letter. Yesterday I went to Mrs Houghtons
and found she had had a very bad account of Emily Long who seems to be in a
very anxious state. The new accounts since have been just a little more
cheering as she had had some sleep & been able to take some food so that
there wd be less fear of her strength failing, but the anxiety as to how she
will be go on still remains. The children have been having hooping [sic] cough
& her nurse had been ill & she is thought to have been over exerting
herself. Yesterday Ellen went to call at
the Blakistons & to talk about the rose cutting. Miss B promised to come yesterday afternoon
& she did & stayed to early tea & was very pleasant & jolly
& pruned away at the roses in grand style.
More cutting out of the middle she said they needed. Mrs Hughes & Miriam Morley called &
Florence & Sophy & Mr Lloyd also. So we had quite an après midi &
Mrs Merriman came in later. Miss B
wishes we would go in & have tea with her some times. I am afraid Grandmamma is at last going to
have one of her unreasonable bewildered fits again. I cannot conceive why for she is very well.
But I think it is her natural way her mind & body never seem to prosper
together. The best way is to let her get
up earlier so as to give her more exercise & fatigue.
We had a nice long letter from Annie this morning.
She says the children at Emma’s instigation have been playing at tournament
each choosing a motto for themselves.
Emma’s Vis [….] He who fights & runs away will live to fight another
day & Gordon’s “Rush On”. Are not they funny & characteristic. Their painters come in on the 29th
April & so Annie & the children come about then. In Manchr I got a book of patterns
of paper for the dining room & ante room. The latter we think shd not be
the same as the other & indeed it had better wait a little for the wall to
dry but we are going to hold a conclave with Mr Ardern. There is a very pretty formal pattern
something like the study in style & colour & a much paler run [..] about pattern which we think will look well in combination for
the upper & lower parts. This
necessitates a simple border. I think we had better have the room done both to
use in the summer & to leave the house in a less dilapidated condition when
we go. If those rooms & the study
were light right the rest of the house would pass muster. No painting will be needed but the window
frames & I hope it would not cost a great deal being so much larger a room
than the study. We must begin directly
after Easter if we decide on it.
How very pleasant your journey seems so far &
how lovely Florence must be in every way!
I wonder what Rome will look like when you first see it & whether
your first visit as ours was will be to Raffaelle’s tomb in the Parthenon.
Ellen & I are busy reading a German book Anne B
has lent us. It is very pleasant so far
my German is coming back to me again. But I have been so much more in the way
of French & Italian lately that it seemed very strange at first. Miss
Schmedt is coming to Mrs Houghton at Easter.
I wish we could get a little talk with her. It wd be very pleasant.
love to Agnes & yourself
ever affect sister
Heathfield March 27th [1874]
I think we have not written since last Sunday (the
22) & since then we have had your letter telling about your having settled
so quickly & easily into your
rooms. They sound to be very nice but
how very odd the “camera oscura” is. How
would it be to have breakfast in the salon & dinner in the camera oscura by
lamp light if there is any ventilation?
But perhaps the moving of the furniture would be very troublesome
& not worthwhile – the object would be gaining another bedroom but as you
say yours is large I dare say you are quite comfortable.
Emily went to Miss Holland’s last night to tea &
then to the lecture on Arbitration v War.
She heard an odd account of Caroline & Gertrude’s troubles in Rome.
Their Courier fell ill & they sent him home & then the landlord of the
hotel made a great fuss about the room that was engaged for him & at last
Mr Yates Thompson came to the rescue!! & helped them out of their trouble.
I should never have thought there was any doubt about having to pay for the
unused room for it certainly had been engaged. I believe they did pay for it in the end. I
dare say the whole affair has been exaggerated for fun in the letters. One knows to well Caroline’s style of letter
writing – I think it might be called “the graphic comic”.
Emily has been having the ante room delightfully
cleared out today ready for the whitewashing &c. The little book cases are to be abolished
they do collect the dust so fearfully – also the little shelves round the
Last Sunday & Monday Grandmama seemed so strong
& well & was so eager to be up early, we let her get up before dinner
& she persuaded Sarah to let her walk to the window. We fancied she was
really better but by Monday evening she was in a more bewildered state of mind
than we have ever known. It was most painful & distressing. There were so many people she fancied she saw
in the room & could not be persuaded they were not. First it was a little boy sitting in the
armchair, she was sure he had lost his way & wondered why Mr Falcon had
sent him alone. Then it was grandpapa
& my father & mother & at last she said with a startled look “who
is that gentleman sitting in the corner” “What does he want” ? & when I said “I think you have perhaps been
dreaming” (though I knew she had not been asleep) she took no notice but went
on in a loud whisper just as she used to do if strangers were here “but you
have not told me his name!” We were so
thankful the next day or two when the restless fit seemed to have passed away
& she slept quietly for hours. She
is very weak again but much more quiet & happy & scarcely wants to get
up at all now! These variations are very
curious but we remember that Mr Sutcliffe told us her mind would be less clear
when she was sitting up, than lying down & it was after the 2 days earlier
rising that she was so confused. We shall not let her do it again.
I do so want to hear whether you find you have got
right dresses &c as to warmth & general usefulness. I have sown the
stocks & asters & mean to do the rest on Monday. I do hope the rose pruning will be
right Miss Blakiston most kindly came & did most of them & I finished
the bed of pink ones. Miss Blakiston
thought a good many of the other bed were in a very bad state – a sort of
mildew & decay seemed to be going on.
So if they do not do well this year I shall not be at all surprised –
they were not good last year. James has
raised a row of pink hollyhocks! Is not
he enterprising now & then?
I hear from Mrs McCulloch that Mrs Leather is to set off next Monday for
Corsica. I do not know who she is going
I am altering my black silk myself & it will in
the end be very nice I hope. It was dreadfully cobbled up in the altering.
I make it out that your six weeks will end on the 29th
of April.
I long to know what your course is to be after that
& whether you know at all nearly what day your will be back in London.
I am going to write to Mrs Arthur Brandreth to ask
about the real Badminton rules & I intend to ask if she & Arthur will
come here some time this summer if they are coming northward.
I think we ought to have said something of this sort
when we saw her. I shd so like to manage
that favourite old plan of mine viz a pic-nic to Chester & rowing up the
river to Eaton! - some day this summer. I wonder whether it could be done. It
could if one could ensure a fine day.
George Thorley is at home. Their house is already let to a Dr Fraser,
said to be a nephew of the Bishops of Manchester. The Thorleys are going to
have a sale directly of all the things they do not care to keep & the rest
they will have stored till they want it. We are going to send a few things we
want to have out of our way, at least Mr Arden is going to ask if we can, such
as that huge shoe shelf arrangement & the ante room book shelves
&c. Emily & I are getting on
delightfully with our German reading & it is getting much easier. Give our very dearest love to Philip &
ask him to write sometimes. Do take care of him & of yourself too &
Agnes & give her our love.
Ever your affect sister
Your pleasant letter has just come (date March 23).
Are we to go on directing to Messrs Plowden & Co. Emily hopes Philip will answer her
letter dated March 20 soon.
Don’t use such thin envelopes your letter was torn.
Your pleasant letter has just come (date March 23).
Are we to go on directing to Messrs Plowden & Co. Emily hopes Philip will answer her
letter dated March 20 soon.
Don’t use such thin envelopes your letter was torn.
Heathfield Friday evening April 17th
10pm [1874]
Emily is gone to Grove House this evening & they
very much wanted us both to go but we thought it better not, considering that
Sarah has been rather busy this week as Julia has been ill for some days. It is nothing of consequence & she is
much better today & will soon be all right.
We asked Alfred Powell to come here at Easter but as Harry was coming to
him & he wanted to show him some of the Bolton neighbourhood he preferred
coming now which we put in his choice. He has arrived this evening & is
gone with Emily to G House. There is a small party there in honour of Mr &
Mrs Davies. The latter is said to be
very shy & quiet but nice. Miss
Blakiston calls the three (Miss Davies included) “shy, shyer & shyest” –
but “shyest” is gone away I believe now.
It is not to be a large party as Miss Maria Catlow could not quite bear
it. Mrs Blakiston has been very ill
& they have been anxious & the Miss B’s declined going as they are tired
but Mr John B is perhaps to be there. He came home suddenly from fishing in the
Wye because he did not like the account of his mother but she is better again
now. The other evening we had Florence
& Bertha Long here & Mrs Woodcott & they did so enjoy &
appreciate jollie parts of your letters which Emily read to them. F sang beautifully & B played & I
entertained them with a few lively tunes from Mdme Angot- Alas! the
Lloyds were here too. We had drifted into asking them for the same
evening & meant to have had others also but could not as Julia was
ill. Tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6 we
are having a “Badminton Tea”. We have
asked Nicholsons, Roscoes, Merrimans
& H Longs & I think it will be rather fun. The dining room is half peeled for papering
but that will not signify – it is quite clean.
We must have Badminton on the lawn in summer, that is what all
the world is raving about. F Crompton
has written again for your direction as the letter she meant to write is only
just written so you will receive one from her by the same post I expect.
We think you must have been very busy for the week
following your last letter. We have
never been so long before without a letter – a whole week! But doubtless your
time has been better spent Annie was
very much alarmed about Charles for a day or two, but it seems to be quite
passing off & is said now to be only liver.
He seemed to have a great difficulty in speaking distinctly for about 2
days & his mouth was rather drawn, but do not say much of this to Agnes as
Charles wd not like it made a talk of when it is only a passing illness – as we
Emily & I have been in agonies of indecision
about the papers for what we had decided on once could we fear have been
too pretty. We are certain it wd
have looked well in itself, but might not have been quite in accord with
furniture &c, so we have bought down our ideas to a lower or rather quieter
level, as really all we want to aim at is respectability & cleanliness,
combined with as much good effect as is within due bounds. I leave off here to add a little when Emily
comes home, or in the morning after the letter we hope for from you!
Saturday morning
I have just opened your letter & in a hasty
glance the only thing that wants an answer is about Annie’s scarfs. They are for winter & were to be 7
or 8 inches wide & I think she said dark ground with bright fancy
coloured stripes - 3 she wanted. If you
are not getting them in a day or two I could write again to Annie & let you
know but I am almost certain I am right in what she asked for.
There is a letter from Annie too. She says Charles
is better but feeling the depression of weakness a good deal. “It has been a
sharp attack taken in time”
M E Green
have not time to read your letter properly before this goes.
[ JA/MEG/1874]
13 Cromwell Place, South Kensington 18 April 1874
Dearest Isabel.
I am so glad to hear (from Ellen) such
delightful accounts of your goings on. How fortunate you were to get room and
servants so quickly in Rome. I hope you still like them. We have been having such bright weather here
and if you have at all the same it must be quite delicious. Does Rome come up to what you expected ? I hope you have been to all the Villa Gardens
near, for I think they and the country round Rome, are almost as delightful as
Rome itself. How do you find your
Italian do ? I saw Signor Volpe in the
street the other day, I do not know if he was coming from Prince Leopold, but
no doubt he was. We have only just come
back from the North, and seem hardly settled into our London life. The Ainsworth’s have a house in town for two
months, but I have not yet seen them.
Dr Morgan’s marriage* has
just come off. I believe it is not yet three months since she and Dr Hoggan
(such a name) first met. He is a great deal older than she is, and has retired
from practice, so I suppose he is a sort of consulting lecturer in the
firm. They had the courage to be married
on the first of April – want no wedding tour, but went and dined at Richmond –
quite a unique way of having your wedding do.
They sent the most peculiar wedding cards “Dr Hoggan & Dr Frances
Morgan” I have not seen her since the marriage but Marianne has, and says she looks
most bright and happy. The other strong
minded marriage, has come to a most terrible end. I mean Miss Cook’s. The wedding was to have been last Tuesday. Mr
Scott had come up for it, and on Sunday her friends believed that all was going
on (so that I do not quite know if it was on Sunday or Monday ) but on one of
these days he went out of his mind and late on Monday evening they sent to tell
their friends that the wedding was put off. I fancy he has never been very
strong, and that he has had a good deal to try him in this engagement – for I
think her friends were more anxious for it than she was, and certainly she did
not look at all happy since she was engaged, but quite wretched, is not it a
dreadfully sad story? It seems so sad,
when at last Mr Scott had got what he had been longing and trying for, for so
long that at the very last moment it should be lost. He has “gone away” for
several months. I do not know where to,
or anything beyond the vague fact of his being gone. We are expecting the Edward Crompton’s back
in England very soon – A horrid change I should think from Egypt to Liverpool –
they however seem thankful to leave Alexandria.
I hope this letter will get to Rome before you leave. Have you seen anything of the Storys
Ever yr very affecte
FEC [Florence
Saturday April 18th 1874
[*George Hoggan married Frances Elizabeth Morgan
Marylebone in the June ¼]
JRL Box 2/7
67 Via della Crace April 28/74
I think you may like to hear we are still living
&c so though nothing special has happened I am writing. Yesterday morning I
read and Agnes went to church & in the afternoon we went to the Vatican
pictures for a farewell visit, & then to some shops & found out (as we
thought) a Neapolitan shop where we could get the lava things for Harriet
Long, but on consulting Vincenzo he told us that his friend to whom he gave
you a letter is a cutter of lava and he
will write to him to send a small box of lava medallions for us to choose from,
& Vincenzo will take it back when he goes to Naples. He says it is much better to get the
medallions un-mounted as Neapolitan gold is not good. He himself has a watch
chain of Neapolitan gold which he got for his wife but she declined it
because it was not good enough!!! Vincenzo will tell his friend what to send so
you will have no trouble except to be so kind as to bring the small box. This morning Agnes has been to church again
& I prepared my Italian, & I have just had my lesson, & at three we
are going to the Villa Nullina Bostketch
and shall take Vincenzo in with us. It has been much colder this morning &
was very dull, but there has been a shower & now the sun is quite
bright. No letters have come from home
yet so I have nothing to send on. It
feels extremely odd without you, & we shall be very glad when you come back
though we do not of course really need you, but we have become so
accustomed to be arranged & planned for, that we feel rather as if we do
not know what to do. I hope you will have a ‘good time’ & that whatever
comes out of your visit will be for your happiness. I shall dreadfully want to hear about
what you do & think, but I dare say you will not write about it. I
never asked you if you had had time to talk to Monsignor Stonor. I should trust
his opinion on most subjects I think. I have seldom seen a nicer man. Yesterday
the domestics had a ‘row’ with the landladies which resulted in Vincenzo
looking quite [……] & […….] eyes red with weeping. It was something about a
pair of sheets which each said the other had!
However I could not quite understand it & it seems to have subsided.
Loretto told me one of his teeth was coming out, but another was coming in its
place which would be “molto pin bello”!
Agnes sends her love & so do I
me to be yr very affectionate sister
JRL Ref Box 1/54 [JA/IG/35/1874]
Naples Hotel Washington 29 April 1874
My dear Isabel
I arrived here all safely on Monday evening &
found that Lady Arnould had taken a room for me at this Hotel. She also sent
her carriage & man servant to meet me so that I entered Naples in due
state. I have a room on the third story
overlooking the bay & commanding most beautiful views in several
directions. To the left is Vesuvius with
its constant appendage at the summit of a small map of smoke or cloud & on
the right Posilippo Point & between the lovely bay with Capri right in
front. Naples looks much more beautiful
now than when I saw it in December. The
weather then was rather gloomy & the scene of course is one which depends
much on sunlight & clear atmosphere to bring it out. The two mornings I have spent in the Museum
which I am now able to examine more at leisure.
Last evening I was at dinner at the Arnoulds & afterwards they had a
few friends. The only person besides
myself who was at dinner was a man I met before when I was here a son of
Marquis Tescarda He is a very pleasant
polite person about 30 & seems to me to spend two out of three of his evenings at the Arnould’s
house. He was private secretary to
Francis 11nd when he lived in Rome for several
years. Afterwards came in by degrees
about 8 or 9 others the principal in importance being a Duke Maddalone who is
considered a very clever & highly accomplished man. There was another duke
by name de Moya who for some time was a secretary to the Italian Legation at
Paris. He seemed an exceedingly sprightly clever man but with a considerable
amount of conceit. There was also a Princess Tignateli who lives in the upper
floor of the same house where the Arnoulds live & seems a great friend of
Lady Arnould’s. She has a most lovely
face & very graceful manners but no
great reputation for wits. Such a face
& manners as she has however go far to make up even for that
deficiency. I was rather astonished to hear
from Lady Arnould that this apparently young & graceful creature was the
mother of 11 children. Besides these were Signor Onsmet
whom I had met before & a Signor
Topicelli an old literary gentleman I
believe & the Marchioness & Mifs Pacca with another lady whose
name I did not catch. I found my Italian of sufficient quantity & quality to enable me to a fair extent
to join in the conversation. Madm Pacca is a very nice kind old lady with whom
I managed to get on very well. Mifs
Pacca cannot be considered to have a beautiful face but it has a very pleasant
kind & lively expression. She is
rather tall with a well formed & graceful figure. She has evidently a good deal of intelligence
& is perfectly natural & gay in manner without any trace of frivolity.
She was plainly dressed with a rather disorderly crop of hair with a touch of
powder about it which I suppose is the fashion now. What turn matters may hereafter take is of
course a thing not easy to estimate but she impressed me very favourably by her
kind sprightly manners & easy intelligent conversation. I am going this afternoon with Lady Arnould
to a “flower show” where I believe we are to meet the young lady & tomorrow
there is to be an excursion to Capidinante which was one of the palaces of the late King
& has very beautiful gardens. It is only a short distance out of Naples.
am very sorry to think that you are not to having the glimpse of the beauty of
this place at this season but the necessity of keeping myself at leisure for
“opportunities” would have made it rather difficult for me to take you about
had you been here.
think it would be better not to mention certain parts of this letter
even to Agnes at present as of course nothing may come of it & very
probably will not. Still I have told you my impressions so far as any have been
produced down to the present time. I am writing this I may say without having
been to the post today to ask for letters.
Yesterday of course I did not go as it would have
been no use. As my companions in the Railway
journey I had five Americans who were apparently rushing thru Italy at high
pressure speed. The objects which seemed to interest them on the journey were
not so much the lots of scenery & the several interesting places passed on
the road as anything of an industrial tendency as e.g. the mode of manuring the
fields, a rope way or a stone quarry.
One of them was rather the crack of the party & had been to Europe before told them out
of [….] something about the different places as we passed them. The supplementary information he furnished
was not always of a perfectly correct character as for instance in passing
[…….] which he pronounced […..] he informed us that [….] was the author of a
celebrated work called Inctatis Christo
& that Machiavelli whose name was on a locomotive engine was a celebrated
Italian philosopher. They were not
however in any way bad fellows after all.
With love to Agnes
believe me your affectionate brother
Philip Green
(then written across the front sheet – When you
write you had better direct the letter to me at this hotel)
Via della Crace May 1 74
Your letter has just arrived this morning & I
was very glad to have it, as we began to wonder if you had arrived safely and
also some letters came from home which I did not like to send to Poste
Restaurant lest you might not call again there.
I wrote on Tuesday & amongst other things told you that Vincenzo was
going to ask his friend (the one he gave you a letter to) to send by you a
small box of lava medallions (unset) for us to choose from. The friend, it appears, is a cutter of lava.
Vincenzo will take back what we do not take when he goes. It sounds very
pleasant at Naples & as if Lady Arnould was arranging easy & agreeable
ways of your seeing Miss Pacca.
She sounds nice but you will see on further acquaintance what you think.
We have been going on very well. On Tuesday afternoon we went to the Villa Melinca & I sketched. We took Vincenzo
with us, & Mr Schmidt and his friend were there so we did not feel
lonely. They of course only talked a few
minutes. We are having the carriage again today, but I am not quite sure where
we shall go. On Wednesday we went to the
Coloccia gallery & were enchanted.
There are some very beautiful pictures & the place itself is very fine & the garden (a smaller one
which you see from the windows) was a perfect mass of roses & azaleas. We have got a […….] & have gone back into
our winter jackets, but the sun is bright & it is very pleasant. I have
been drawing for four hours from Loretto & have now dismissed him. He told me that Mr Schmidt has given him a
photograph of the picture he (Mr S) did of Loretto & it is “molto bello”!
Yesterday afternoon we were at the Palaces of the Caesars all afternoon. I drawing.
I am enjoying it immensely. I mean the drawing & Agnes says she
likes sitting about out of doors so I hope she does. She is gone this morning
to a sermon at the Gesû & is not yet come back 12.30 – Agnes is come back
& we have had breakfast. The Gesû
was crowded & the service & sermons both very good. I read Emily’s letter to you as it was quite
too tantalizing to send it on unopened – it came on Wednesday. Your letter has the post date ‘Napoli 30
Apr’. I don’t know if it ought to have been posted on the 29th when
you wrote it or not. Agnes sends her kind love & with mine
I remain yr
affectionate sister
Isabel Green
JRL Ref Box 1/56
2 May 1874
The enclosed came yesterday. I was doubtful whether to send it on or not.
But as I am not sure I think it is best to send it on. The
Reids called yesterday & we went afterwards to the Villa Mellina for
the last time I have to say! It was very cold but we had a lovely drive home by the Ponte
Molle. That long desolate road from the
Porta Angelica to the Ponte Molle is now a lovely avenue of delicate green
trees. This afternoon we are going to
the Morgans to get Madame Jerichan’s
address, then we shall go & see her studio & then I think to
St Alessio & then the Borghese Gardens. I hope you are not having such cold
wind. Dr Reid said there was snow on
Vesuvius on Wednesday. I think it is much better for you to be alone at Naples. One goes about easily & naturally
with others who are strangers.
I remain yr very affect sister Isabel Green.
sends her love
2/74 67 Via della Crace
Reids are going away next week
in blue crayon – Rome 16 May 1874 – however this is not correct as Isabel
herself has dated and addressed the end of the letter]
Ref Box 1/57 [JA/IG/38/1874]
Ref Box 1/58 [JA/IG/39/1874]
Naples 2nd
May 1874
Dear Isabel
I received your letter this morning & am glad to
hear that you are getting on sufficiently well without me. I should have written
yesterday but I wished to wait till after last evening. Yesterday afternoon I
was in hope that the Pacca’s would stay in Naples for a week longer & that
I might write to ask you and Agnes to come at once here & make their
I have in due form (which I will relate to you when
we meet) proposed to & been accepted by Cecilia & so far as I can judge
with the approval & consent of the family.
Last night I went to the house of a sister of the young lady a Countess
d’Addinons where I met the Marquis Pacca (the brother of the Signorina Cecilia)
who had come down to Naples to see me. Cecilia (who by the way does not yet
allow me to call her by that name) would have liked to meet you & Agnes
very much & as I have said I thought the whole matter was arranged that
they were to stay here another week & I was to write to ask you to come
here. Now however they have said that the sd Marchesa is obliged to return to
Benevento tomorrow & of course according to Italian habits she is obliged
to carry off Cecelia with her & cannot even entrust her to the care of her
married sister. I fancy however that the
proposal is approved by the family as they have invited me to go this week to
Benevento for a few days which surely they would not have done had they felt
any difficulties. My acquaintance with
Cecilia has ripened fast in the last three days & I have not the least
doubt that if the affair even reaches that point she will make me a very loving
& happy wife. She told me with great
simplicity that she had no accomplishments but I am sure she has plenty
of intelligence which is better & tho as I told you not beautiful in
respect of regularity of features has a very expressive face & plenty of
liveliness & good nature. I am going to see her again this afternoon at the
Princess [….] & shall then fix about going to Benevento. I expect it will
be on Monday & after staying there a couple of days I shall return to Rome.
I shall be sorry not to have shown you Naples but you have seen how I have been
placed. You may tell Agnes the substance
of the above to the effect [….]that I may be considered as engaged to Cecilia
but it would be better not to publish the news till after I have told you
further to do so. I am sure you will all
like her she is such a warm hearted lively girl & evidently such a
favourite with all the members of her family .
My relations however with the mother the sad
Marchioness do not improve as I hoped. She is rather a precise stiff old lady
on further acquaintance & has her daughters [….] awe & subjection. Still I cannot suppose that she wishes to
make any real difficulty as otherwise why should she invite me to Benevento
& to their own house too which is a strong step for Italians I believe.
With love to Agnes
Your affectionate brother
J Philip Green
I shall write to Emily in a day or two so you need
not mention it.
JRL Ref Box 2/9
Hotel Washington 3rd
May 1874
My dear Isabella
I hope you received my letter of yesterday. Last evening I passed again at the Countess
D’Accians & saw some more relations of the Pacca family. The latter i.e. Cecilia & her mother
& brother set off today to return to Benevento & I went to the station
to see them off. All relations to the
last have been most friendly & in one quarter I hope indeed am sure something
more than friendly. The weather here has
quite broken & I hope to return to Rome again by the night train tomorrow
(Monday) so you may expect me back on Tuesday morning. I am writing to Emily & also to the
Herberts this afternoon to tell them about this new and interesting incident.
Believe me in much love
Your affectionate brother
Philip Green
I will bring some lava medallions with me from
Ref Box 2/9
67 Via della Crase May 3rd (added in blue 1874)
I was very glad to hear again from you this morning
& also somewhat surprised that you had got on so fast. You know you
have always my best & warmest wishes for your happiness in whatever you do
- & I hope that Mademoiselle Pacca will be all to you that you hope &
wish. I should have liked very much to
see her if it had been possible, but I do not see how cd be, as they cannot
stay longer at Naples. I am glad you are going to see them at their own house –
I am afraid it would have suited you better if we had not been here at all, at
least I mean that perhaps you would have liked to stay longer near the
Paccas. I am a little surprised at the slight
doubt you seem to throw, upon the engagement being really liked by the Pacca
family, because I fancied in Italy, all the formal family arrangements were
made first, but I fancy Lady Arnould can tell you anything which you do
not understand. I am very glad you like
Madlle Pacca so much, but I do hope you really know enough about
her (I mean from the outside point of view) certainly you know as much as she does of you. I should like to send her a message but
hardly know what to say only I hope in the future we shall learn to know and
love one another. I have not told Agnes
yet. It is very difficult, as I suppose
she has no idea of it, & may feel it very much. She was going to write home today so I put if
off till after she had written, as I think you wd yourself like to tell them at
The Chimes & Agnes might feel it difficult to write without mentioning it,
but I will tell her tonight. She has had
a nice letter from Cyril this morning giving very good accounts of the Academy
and the position of their pictures. I
have heard from Ellen today. She says
Emily is looking tired, & she herself has not been very well but is better
again. Grandmama very weak & very wandering, constantly wondering where she
is, & why her Uncle & Aunt do not come. I think I ought to be there to
help them. They were expecting Annie the day after she wrote. They were having very hot
weather. Today with us is wet. I wd give
more than I can tell you to know how it really is about Mr Keir. I cannot think
anyone wd behave as he did without feeling something. The first time he came in London he said he
was coming to Rome. The second time he expressed great surprise when Ellen said
she was not coming to Rome & afterwards she said “but you are going
I think” and he said “Oh no. I did think of it, but I do not think I shall
go”. He also said the first time he
called “Wd not you like to go back to Bombay ?
I am sure you liked it” & then he turned to me and said “did not she
tell you all sorts of things that she liked there?” This I thought nothing of at the time but I
remembered it when Mr Peile said that the Bombay impression was that Mr Keir is
tired of doing nothing & wants to go back. Mr Keir said to us that he was
very tired of the life he is leading. I
think perhaps it is no good for one to write all this but I have made up my
mind that I will not have to look back & feel that I might have done or said
something that would make my dearest Nelly happier, & did not say it &
unfortunately I have no means or power of doing anything, & I don’t think
you have much, only I wish you to know what I have noticed – as I think you do
not know it all. I meant to tell this but it is easier to write. It is a difficult thing to talk about. I think Mr Keir is precisely the right
person, he is so over poweringly joyous!
If I felt that he was not interested, I shd say nothing but his manner
is very odd indeed if he is not, & certainly was very different to me,
but then of course I was quite a stranger. This being written must go & I hope you
have a corner in your mind wherein to stow it, so that if ever any
opportunity shd occur of doing anything you may remember it, & know as much
as I do, & of course I need not say to you, that to do or say anything that
did not come quite naturally would never be what I want or mean. I think you may say “What does Isabel think I
can do or say now?” & certainly now there is nothing, but it all
came into my head & I wrote it so that if when you are in London,
you see him, you may judiciously bear in mind what I have said – on the
other hand I fully see that he might have made opportunities if he had
wished at least I think so – but very many men I know do not go direct at a
thing, as you do but wait years in an uncertain state – With very
dearest love & all possible good wishes to you dearest Philip I remain yr
very affect sister
Isabel Green
I have written all this because I have no one else
to talk to about it & I think of it so much that I want to talk
Heathfield May 8th
We are as you may imagine very much astonished at
the rapidity of Philip’s proceedings. It all sounds nice, if only one
had time to realize it & could suddenly rearrange all ones previous ideas
of the summer plans. I fancied that this
marriage would have been likely to take place in the autumn but I dare say
there is not a single reason for delay & they can become acquainted
I think people who can marry on this plan do
not care much about the sort of companionship I should think indisputable. I do hope dear dear Philip will be happy and
that “Cecilia” will not be delicate. If
she is, she must run the risk of being doctored by Anglo Indian doctors whose
knowledge of French may or may not be good, but perhaps Philip does not mean to
go to Bombay ?
I do so long to see you & have a good talk your
dear letter was so nice & kind.
Emily is much better & looking so too but a complete change (if even
only for a week) would do her good. It
will come soon doubtless. I am very
much better – partly from quinine which Emily also takes. I am rather disgusted at myself for growing
so common as to drink porter but nothing I ever tried in my life ever
did me so much good. Of course I shall
only take it for a little while to pick myself up out of the depths of
despair! You ask where you are to sleep
when you come ? In your own little bed
next to mine. I have been back in my own
room for two or three weeks & that helped to make me feel better. I could
not bear up against the crowd of recollections that other room called up. Emily & I have been quite in a
bewilderment all day (& Annie too) since your & Philip’s letters
came. I have scarcely done a simple
thing & cannot collect my ideas to write a proper letter.
I think Charles & Annie will have to give up
their Swiss journey for the present as we cannot have the children here at the
beginning of June now & there is no time to make any other arrangement for
them. We always told Annie from the
first we could have them in May but no later & all would have fitted in
well if the house painters at Southport had not been on strike & caused
Emily & I went to Best & Lee’s to change the
dining room paper & after looking over endless patterns came back with the
same! It is much darker than the study but yet is a very pleasant
background for everything & everybody.
We have not yet finally decided & are rather puzzled. We have nailed up several breadths to judge
the effect. I wish we would have you
here to help. Perhaps having waited so long we may wait till you do come. Oh the longed for day when we can escape this
prison! but perhaps we shall wish ourselves back again – only this I can hardly
conceive of.
I have pages more to write but no room or time so
will say goodbye. This is Friday night & our letter must go by the morning
post. My dearest love to Philip & yourself.
yr affect sister
letter was extremely difficult to read as written on airmail paper in ink]
15 May 79
I received yours of the 16th (Saturday)
late last evening on our arrival from
Naples where Cecilia & I had been on
a visit of three days. We left Benevento
on Sunday evening & returned last night. We had a very pleasant tho’ short
visit the weather tho’ not very warm was still pleasant and we had little or no
rain. Cecilia had not yet seen her sister Grintia or little niece Centogincthantia the other one Maria Luisa
had come over to Benevento while I was at home.
Mimet & Mazio were also there as well as Conte Vince & his wife
of Rome who are great friends of Mimas & had come to see Naples. We were quite a large party of ourselves at
the Table d’hote the second evening as Maria Luisa & Grintia with their
respective husbands joined us. There were some quiet Germans there who were
considerably very [..] & astonished at the “noise” the ladies made. Cecilia is quite equal to her sisters in
power of conversation & the Contessa Vinci was by no means behindhand. Mimi
& Mazio have also no notion of playing a silent part on such an occasion .
The more quiet of the party namely the
husbands, Contento […] & Enrico
Capazzi & myself who formed the outskirts protected the Germans & a
solemn Turkish or Egyptian diplomat one Riaz Pasha from the liveliness of the
centre. Riaz Pasha seemed lost in wonder
how ladies could talk at such a rate […]
[…] “furore” & perhaps thanked his fate that his ladies of his nation were
tranquil. The next evening we all went
to a circus. In the morning I [..] to go
to the museum in [..]. One morning I
went up to the former monastery of St Martino (or the Certosa as it is called) which overhangs the city of Naples
& whence is a most splendid view over the bay towards […] on the one hand
and over to the islands of […] & bay of […] the weather was perfect for
such an occasion. Clear with mingled shadows & sunshine. I went in one
evening to see the Arnolds. On our return we found the children very well.
Cuccio had almost entirely got rid of his cough. Carlo & baby have still
coughs but not much & Carlo looks as strong and lively as possible. They enjoy very much going out when the
weather is fine & Pace Vecchia where there is a nice large garden. It might
perhaps be a good thing to apprentice him in a circus if at least one accepts
the principle of a giving a boy the profession he shows a turn for. This however will soon pass as Carlo has
plenty of intelligence & does his little lessons very nicely. Cecilia sends
her best love to all. She has been very busy the last week or would have
written. She thought however while I am still here you would hear Benevento
news thro me. After my departure she
will write. I leave on Saturday morning
& expect to arrive at Brindisi the same evening at 10.30 & shall start
by the steamer early on Monday morning. We were very sorry to hear of Annie’s
children having measles & hope the complaint will have a favourable course.
post the enclosed letter.
best love
affec brother
Philip Green
Benevento 16
May 1874 Dear Isabel
I arrived here safely last evening & was
received at the station with open arms by ‘Mimi’ & ‘Mazio’. I will leave
the description of what has taken place till we meet. I may say however that
all has gone on as pleasantly as possible.
The marriage is to take place at Benevento itself after all. The family seem to wish this much & I of
course have no objection. The only
reason for having it in Naples was that the consul might be present but as
there is going to be no marriage before the consul the necessity for going to
Naples is at an end. I hope it will take
place about the 20th of June and as at present arranged it will not
be necessary for me to arrive in Benevento till about 2 days before the
ceremony. Cecilia & the rest of the
family send all sorts of greetings & believe me with best love to yourself
& Agnes
affectionate brother
J Philip Green
I hope to be in Rome on Monday morning at 6.30. I was forgetting to say that I have just
received your letter with its enclosures & am glad you happened to send it on.
I did not myself propose to read the letter to
Monsignor Pacca but Cecilia had no such difficulty & it was gratifying that
they were able to see the pleasant words which Archbishop had for me in writing
to the Monsignor
Ref Box 1/59 [JA/IG/40/1874]
Heathfield Knutsford 20
May 1874
We thought the promised photograph was never coming
& so were much pleased to see it this morning. We all like it exceedingly. We called on the
Merrimans on our way into the town & they greatly appreciated it. Mrs M for
looking so exactly like any other nice pleasant girl & Sarah for the vision
of gentleness & power there is in the expression & this we think is
very true. We think Philip’s last plan of staying a day or two in London first
to get things into train & then come here & return to London for a
longer time is a very good one. It will make the best use of his time. We shall
be so glad to have you at home again. I think now the Falcons will be gone home
before you come at least today Annie talks of returning here next Monday (25th)
so I suppose she will take the children home on the 27th. She &
Charles seem to be doing what they intended in London but we have only had a
hasty scrap. The children go on well.
The drawback is that it takes up our time when we feel to have an immensity
that might be done & ought to be done. Grandmama is in a very feeble
way both of body & mind but she has very good nights. I cannot help
thinking you will find her much altered. I will send a photograph to
Cecilia. I have had some additional
copies taken but they need the headdress darkening or rather flattening. I will take care one of Annie goes at the same
time. I do so wish you could have seen Cecilia & even been at the wedding,
but certainly there are some difficulties in the way. I have been writing to
the Brandreths to the Fletchers & to the Aunts to announce. We have had a long call from Mrs Speakman who
has come over for the day. She was
pleasanter more “simpatico” than ever took a most lively interest in all we
told her & begged us to give Philip her best congratulations.
Annie & Ellen were to have gone to Miss Hollands
on Friday evening but she was too ill to have them, she was to have been told
then but as she was not she heard first from a letter from Margt Webb to whom S
Merriman had written. M G thinks it perfectly delightful for somehow or other
the old Knutsfordians never do anything that is common place. We cannot think why you make such provisions
for our telegraphing to you.
Perhaps it was that you thought our letter wd be too late but I think
there is no need. Do give our very dear
love to Agnes. I dare say her people will be as glad to see her as we to see
you. What talking there will be to do. Do try to sleep & eat as well as you
did on the outward journey. It makes such a difference . I am sending the photo
to Mr Herbert as Philip asked. With much love
affect sister
Heathfield , Knutsford May 22 [1874]
Emily has written one letter to you at Florence
(post restaurant) & I am writing again for the faint chance of your being
still there. I had a note from F Crompton this morning asking for your address
but I have told her it would be too late tomorrow to write to Florence &
that we knew no further address yet. She
had just heard about Philip & congratulated but wanted to hear about it,
she only knew the bare fact. She hopes to see you as you pass through London. I
shd think if you want to stay a night anywhere you could quite ask her
to take you in, indeed I should fancy that might very likely be her object in
writing. Perhaps however you will go to the Herberts. We have sent Cecilia’s photograph to the
Herberts but have not yet got it back, it only went yesterday. Grandmama was not at all well yesterday very
restless & excited & perplexed but she has quite calmed down again.
I wonder what you will think of her state. Oh how intensely
we are longing to see you.
Charles & Annie are now at Burgess Hill &
come home on Tuesday the 26th.
Charles goes on to Southport & Annie comes here for 2 nights to pick
up the children. They are in a great
state of interest & excitement about the new auntie & are eager to have
little bits of French ready for her! and to teach her English – they are
contending for the honour of teaching her to say “beef” truly English idea!
There came a notice from the Dudley about fetching
away your 2 pictures. It has to be done on the 27th or 28th
so Emily has written to ask Gertrude Martineau to be so kind as to take them
with hers if she has any to fetch, if not she is to let us know & we will
ask F Crompton to do it. Let us know where to write to meet you on your arrival
in London.
to Philip & Agnes
yr affect sister
Knutsfordians are in a great state of congratulation & interest
[27 May 1874 Grandmother Anne Brandreth
died at Heathfield]
Heathfield Thursday May 28
We do not know where to write to you at, & we
think the best way to convey our welcome is to send it to the Chimes & ask
Cyril Herbert to take it if he goes to meet you all. I am very very sorry that I have something
else besides a welcome to tell you for you will be grieved & shocked I
know. We have often said that though we
have for so many years felt prepared for dear Grandmama’s death yet we knew
when it did come it would seem sudden & we should feel it much.
About a week ago she seemed to be growing more &
more feeble & helpless & on Monday afternoon a great difficulty of
breathing came on & we sent for Mr Sutcliffe. He said at once it was the “beginning of the
end” & that there was nothing to be done but give her frequently some of
Brand’s Essence & a tablespoonful of brandy. She was almost unconscious all Tuesday but
just able to take the nourishments ordered.
She was unable to speak which was rather sad as she tried to do it, but
on Wednesday she grew weaker & quite unconscious & the breathing less
distressing though very short & hurried.
We all expected she would live till this morning. Anne B & Louisa Long left here about 9.30
in the evening & Mrs Merriman just before 10 all thinking the end not far
off but that it wd probably be in the early morning when she has usually been
less well. Mrs Merriman was only just
gone when I saw a great change & called Emily & rang for Sarah. She died in a few minutes quite quietly
& peacefully & we cannot really grieve for her. It would only have been
very sad if she had lingered on with a less clear mind & other
helplessness. It is impossible to
describe the strangeness of the change in the house. We shall miss her very very much. She has been for so long our constant thought
& she was so very patient. Mrs
Merriman strongly advises the funeral to be on Saturday & this is our own
feeling too. There is uncertainty about
your arrival & we cannot be sure of communicating with you in time but for
other reasons as you will easily comprehend a long delay would be most undesirable
& the weather is the worst heavy & damp.
As you cannot be here for the funeral you must be
sure to stay in London exactly according to what suits Philip best – I am sure
you could help him.
As soon as possible Emily must go away
somewhere she & I have talked of a week or two at Buxton in the high
bracing part. It wd be so easy to go & Mary Brandreth is most likely going
–but of course this might come in better when Philip goes to Naples. We cannot
see how he can be married on the 20th June there seems so little
time if he has to stay in Naples a fortnight first, perhaps you meant 20th
Gertrude Martineau promised to fetch away yr two
pictures from the Dudley yesterday or today so they will be at her studio. I must
say goodbye. We long so much to talk to
you. Our very very dearest love to you both
Emily & your affect sister
in black The
Chimes May 30 (in pencil 1874)
I send you on Ellen’s letters which came here on
Friday morning. I wonder if you have had a letter already? I know you will feel
very sorry, as I do, that we could not be at home in time today to be with them
at the funeral. I do not feel able at all to realize that dear Grandmama is
really gone from us. It makes a great change in our lives. I hope she did not suffer much. I have
decided not to go home this afternoon but to wait & hear what you think about it. If
the funeral should have been fixed for Monday, we shd like to be at it, but
there seems little doubt from Ellen’s letter that it will be this morning.
Please let me hear as soon as you can whether you think I should go home
tomorrow, or wait as Ellen suggests and help you with the arrangements here? Perhaps you have had a letter which will
help us to decide or one may come for me here tonight. If it does I will manage to let you know
tomorrow morning. I should much like to be with them at home & I should go
this afternoon only, I think it is better to hear from you first I hope you
will get this early.
very affectionately
know nothing about the times of the trains on Sunday if it shd be decided to go
tomorrow, but perhaps I can find out here, if you advise me to go. If we
both go perhaps you will come up here today, or if you can easily,
perhaps you will send me word the best train for Sunday if you do not come.
was another card with this letter with 30 May 1874 written in pencil - black
Dear Philip.
Since I wrote to you I have sent a telegram home asking them to send us
word directly if the funeral has been today, or if it will be Monday ? I shd
like very much to see you, but if you will do as you are able about
coming. There is as Agnes told you a
room ready here, any night if it shd be convenient for you to stay. IG
Ref Box 1/60 [JA/IG/41/1874]
Knutsford Sunday May 31
We are so grieved that you & Philip are
regretting that you were not here. We
never got Philip’s letter from Florence till Saturday morning & that was
our first knowledge of your plan of leaving there on Tuesday. You had said Wednesday & that up to
Wednesday we could telegraph to Florence. On Tuesday we thought dear Grandmama
a little better & it was not till Wednesday evening that we realized how
very near the end was. Then there was Annie’s arrival from London & the
sending off of the children with Annie on Thursday morning. We had as much to
think of as we could manage. You know
quite well what dear Grandmama’s state was for months past & we felt
certain that there would be a rapid change after death so this made us decide
that it was best not to delay the funeral.
Mrs Merriman was very decided in this opinion both
for Emily & my sakes & that she thought it would be such a trial for
you to arrive from your journey into a house possibly so painful. However if you had ever set off
punctual to the day fixed we shd have trusted that you really could arrive on
Saturday & we would have had the coffin closed up & delayed the funeral
but as Philip had so constantly been in the habit of putting off his
departure (both from London & Rome) we felt perfectly in the dark as to
when you really would arrive & it wd have been very harassing to be every
moment expecting you. Of course if we
had known there was a chance of your reaching London on Saturday morning
we should have telegraphed to you & shd have waited. We thought the earliest possible was that evening
or Sunday morning & then no post or telegraph.
It is sad to have regrets now. We did what we
believed to be right & best & we thought another hurried journey for
Philip with his already too crowded time wd have been bad. We did not know that either of you had a
strong feeling of wishing to be here whenever it happened. When you went away it was so completely
discussed & understood that the event might & probably would
happen in your absence & if you had not left Rome all would have
happened before you knew anything. Of
course this was why I did not go.
The funeral was very quiet & nice. Emily & I
& Charles & Uncle Long went from here & at the Chapel were Mrs
Merriman & Charles & Anne Brandreth Louisa & Miss Catlow & Mr
Cropper. The arrangements were all
exactly the same as for our dear father & mother – only we did not make a
cross. I do not think dear Grandmama
would have liked it. We put a beautiful
bunch of the dear dear white lilies & some heartsease. The service was very
comforting & calm & hopeful, not sad at all. I had never been before & should not have
gone if you had been here to go instead.
Annie did not come back after taking the children home on Thursday. She
seemed not very well after the shock & sudden change of coming from her
happy visit into the midst of such a scene.
She & Mrs Merriman thought it would have been worse still for you
& Philip. Charles says Annie seems
rather out of sorts but I dare say she will soon get right. In her letter she
is better she says. Emily & I are
feeling very tired but are better than we were. It seems to us ages since
Wednesday. Charles went back to
Southport yesterday as he has an engagement of business tomorrow. We have heard this morning that Emily Lang
who has been for long in a most critical state died yesterday. It is very sad for Mrs Aspland & also for
Mr Lang & the four little children. There was a worse account by telegraph
yesterday & Mrs Hunglton went off at once but would not get
there in time I fear. Poor Bertha! It is
not a very joyful coming home from her happy wedding journey. She looks very well after it & I believe
Mr Woodcock does too but he was not with her this morning. Emily & I are thinking much of the change
that will come in the autumn. As soon as
ever Philip & Cecilia are gone we had better begin the arrangements for our
departure from here. We think it will be
best to store the furniture we care to keep & have a sale of everything
else but all this we can talk over when Philip & you are here. We do so long for you darling & wish
it could have happened otherwise about yesterday. If you could have let us know
more exactly & surely it could have been as you wish. We never dreamt of your crossing by a Friday
boat & only thought of possibly Saturday.
Do not let us make ourselves unhappy with regrets. We have all Philip included done our best to
make dear Grandmama’s last years happy & have made many sacrifices for her
& now one can only feel thankful that her rest has come. I am glad to hear you are all well on your
arrival. They must be very glad to have Agnes at home & I am so glad she
has enjoyed it.
Give her our very dear love. I hope we shall know what time your train
reaches Chelford so that we may both come to meet you – you could telegraph to
say the time – but possibly you may have fixed to wait till Tuesday if you can
help Philip.
Our dearest love to you both
yr affect sister
We shall not want to go to Buxton for I hear the
Miss Catlows are going there soon – but we can choose somewhere else perhaps
Southport for the immediate needs directly after Philips visit here Going there
wd have the advantage of Emily & Charles looking over business affairs
together at leisure
[John Philip Green married Cecilia Pacca at Benevento Italy
on 26 June 1874]
in black Heathfield July 6
(in blue crayon 74)
It is so charming to think that you & Cecilia
are actually in London. I did not in the
least expect you would really have travelled so quickly. I send you the morsel of paper which
Greenall at the “George” gave me about the carriage. I told him I would send it to you as soon as
you came to England. I fancy they would like to know what you decide as soon as
you are able. I have been having such a gay time while Emily & Ellen were
away. On Saturday week there was a most successful picnic to Gawsworth. It is a
charming place with an interesting old church & a tournament ground &
the day was quite perfect. We were about
30 people & went in a large wagonette & on an omnibus. People are very
full of it & want to have another. Herbert Fletcher was staying with the
Andrews on Monday they had a croquet party, & on Tuesday I went over to
Manchester to spend the day with Julia Gaskell, & we went over the new Town
Hall which is being built by Mr Waterhouse, & is very fine for a modern
place. We want to know about when you
are likely to come here, so that we may arrange with various people when to
come. The Gaskell’s would like to come
very much but they will be going away about
the 8th of August. I think it would be nice to ask the Fletchers
& perhaps the Thompsons, but I have not heard of them much since we came
home, but I am going to write to them.
What do you think about having people ?
You can ask anyone you like without considering who we ask
as there is sure to be room enough to squeeze as many people in as are likely
to come at once. I am only afraid that
the Fletchers may not have a great gift of talking French. On Wednesday I had a great flash in the
pan. I gave a croquet party all by
myself & it was said to be very successful.
I had 16 people & got Mrs Roscoe to come and chaperon. We have been having such quantities of
strawberries! I took enough for the
whole picnic & have been eating them & bestowing them in all directions
ever since – Alas! they will be over before you come. We are expecting Caroline Twyford this
afternoon for a night. I think Ellen
told you that she & I were rather thinking of going to stay with F Crompton
for a few days to look at houses – but we have given it up. It seemed so uselessly tiring when we could
not fix on anything now & shd have to do it all again later, so we think we
must decide what furniture to keep as well as we can without knowing directly
what sort of rooms it will have to go into – but present idea is to go to the
Lakes in October & stay there as long as the weather keeps pleasant. It is
such a long time since I have been there – but Emily & Ellen have been not
long ago. I wonder if you are going to show Cecilia sights or chiefly
people. Let us hear what you are doing
as often as you can. Give my best love to Cecilia I am so glad she was so
little tired with the journey. I wonder
if it would be very troublesome to you to call
(or send) some time at 4 Southampton Street, Fitzroy Square, for 2
pictures of mine which want bringing home. They are at G. Martineau’s studio
& are left ready with the woman there. G M being gone away. If you cannot
do it I will ask Agnes who I know goes near there sometimes to Mrs Stuart. The pictures are framed & are only
wrapped up in paper not in cases.
Ref Box 1/61 [JA/IG/42/1874]
Heathfield, Knutsford July 19 (in blue crayon 74)
Many thanks for clearing up our astonishment about
the Herberts. We had thought it might be
from Mr Pugin only the advertisement was so rational & civil that I doubted
it. How do you get on with the heat
? It is tremendous here. We had a
croquet & badminton party last night & it got cool & pleasant as
the evening got on. Jack Fletcher (the
eldest son of the James Fletchers) is at the Merrimans for a day or two,
so he came. He is about 19 & a very handsome nice youth. I had never seen
him as he has always been at school when I have been at Southport. We had a pleasant evening at the Bristows –
only ourselves and Mr Prescot who was very odd & amusing but strangely like
other people do, he said to Ellen almost the first thing “Have you seen Mr
Keir” & proceeded to discount on the unaccountableness of his leaving India
– on why he did not marry - on how dull
a life he was leading! It is odd how
people seem to connect E & Mr K in their minds. On Thursday we had a very pleasant garden
party at the Andrewses. There was
dancing afterwards, but we did not stay very late as I had been rather knocked
up, but I am quite right again now. I heard from Florence Crompton this morning
– she is now at Buxton, but I think she is coming here towards the end of this
week. She was very sorry to have missed
seeing you & Cecilia both when she called and when you called on her. She says she saw you driving one day near
Petershaw Terrace & she thought C
“so pretty” but so English looking. How I want to see her. Henry Thompson is
going to America sometime in August. I have asked Anne Thompson to come here
& she will if she finds she can manage it, but they have visitors coming & going all August, so
she is not sure if she can. Louisa Long is staying with us for a few days but I
think she leaves us on Tuesday. She is not better, indeed, they fear, becoming
fast worse, but she is gentle & quiet. I think she will go away very soon
again. Charles & Annie & the
children are gone to Whitewell, a place near Clitheroe, but in Yorkshire. They are gone with the Cunningham’s &
their children. Mrs Cunningham was the Mifs de Trafford who shd have married
Captain [blank] the Herberts friend.
With very much love to you both
I remain yr very affect sister
Isabel Green
Ref Box 1/62 [JA/IG/43/1874]
edged in black July 28
(1874 added in blue crayon)
We were very glad to hear that you have fixed a day
for coming to us - & shall be delighted to see you both on Monday. We have
been having Florence Crompton for a few days- she was so nice. We went to
Gawsworth on Saturday & were much pleased with it as on the day of the pic
nic. It is one of the places Cecilia
must go & see. I believe it is settled that the MacKenzies are to have this
house. They have been 2 or 3 times &
seem very nice people. She is cousin of
Mrs Greens & he the nephew of the Bishop of Manchester & a
barrister. They are quite young &
lately married. I am glad that nice people will be here. Charles & Annie are coming for a day or
two on the Saturday after you arrive.
They are going to stay with the Woodhouses at Norley & will come on
here for a day or two & we hope the Gaskells can come over just
before they go to Switzerland, but we have not heard yet. With much love I
Yr very affect sister Isabel Green
JRL Ref Box 1/63 [Ref:
3 August 1874
John Philip
Green aged 44 Judge the High Court Bombay son of Henry Green (deceased) Clerk
in Holy Orders previously married as allowed at Benevento Italy on the 26th
June 1874 Cecilia Anna Maria Guissippe Ternsas Marcellini Green formerly Pacca
spinster daughter of Guiseppe Pacca (deceased) Landed Proprietor both of 22
Dover Street, Piccadilly witnessed by John Dunbar MP and Joseph H Mercer
married at the Register Office in the District of St George Hanover Square
in black Heathfield Sept
11 1874
dearest Philip
We had not heard about the appointment till your
letter came. We are very sorry that you will not be in England, but I think it is rather a comfort
to have the decision taken out of your own hands! for it did seem doubtful
which plan was the best. We are frightfully
busy, & discovering fresh mines of
papers that we scarcely knew of but we have looked through & chiefly tore
up, a wonderful quantity during this last week & I expect we shall be ready
to depart in ten days. Mr Andrew comes
on Monday to begin to pack the things we are keeping. Your books went off to
Grove House yesterday & also the piano to the Blakistons. Annie left us yesterday – she seems rather
better, we hope, & Charles thought her looking better for the change. We
feel that two sales are rather a good deal to have to think about at
once, I think Emily is telling you about the Bolton one, so I will not. I hope dear Cecilia will be quite well from
her cold before leaving on Monday & that she will not feel much tired with
the travelling. I hope the time in Italy will be as charming as she can
possibly wish. I should have written to
her only the extra exertion of writing French is just more than I can manage
tonight. We shall go to Grove House the
day before the sale which is to be on the 22nd & then we shall
be able to pay our farewell calls and farewell bills while we are
there. James was much pleased with the
clothes you left for him. Please give my best love to dear Cecilia & [….]
accept quantity for yourself believe me to be your very affect sister Isabel Green
[tucked inside this letter was a single sheet dated
Sept 1874]
Dearest Philip
Annie said one day how much she would like to have some little thing
that belonged to dear Theresa as a
remembrance. She does not know, of course, that I am telling you this so that
if you have not anything you would like her to have, you need say nothing about
it, but I thought you would not mind my telling you that she would like it.
Very affectely yours
Isabel Green
JRL Ref Box 1/64 [Ref:
Heathfield Sept
20 1874
This is the very last letter I shall ever write from
this dear old house! We go to Grove
House tomorrow morning & in the afternoon the “world” comes to inspect the
remaining household goods and on Tuesday is the sale. Everything is done &
most horrid it has been, we have now only to finish our own bags. The Harwood & Bolton property was sold on
Tuesday for £2355 which is thought to be a good & satisfactory price – the
deposit money is paid in to the exec account & the payment is to be all
made on Nov 12 when we shall have to arrange about investing our several
shares! I hope the sale here will be a
success too – We shall be so thankful to be at Grove House & quiet – for
there has been a very great deal to do hundredweights of papers to tear
up. Accounts books & bills from
Papa’s college days at Glasgow &c &c. The books are all safely packed
& stored & about 1600 will be sold on Tuesday here. I hope you are both well & have enjoyed
dear Paris & that Aix les Bains will do you good. Mrs Buxton says a great friend of her
husband’s has a villa there & is in great raptures with the beauty of the
place. Caroline & Gertrude Holland*
come to Mfs Hollands on Tuesday so we shall just see them before we go away
from Knutsford. Write as often as you
can. Give my dear love to Cecilia & many thanks for her dear nice letter. I hope the Paris Observatory &c has been
successful & not a bother. With heaps of love from us all to
both of you
remain yr very affectionate sister Isabel Green
valuation of the property before the sale was about £2000.
& Gertrude Holland were daughters of Sir Henry Holland by his wife Saba daughter
of the Rev.Sydney Smith
JRL Ref Box 1/64
[Ref: JA/IG/46/1874]
Windermere Oct 9 [1874]
(1874 put in later and it
is written 9.9.74 on 2nd sheet)
We have had 2 most lovely days after a regular
flood. The lake is very full
& the Brathay which usually is a narrow winding stream flowing into the
lake in view of the Fletcher’s window has completely overflowed the Park &
it looks like one large sheet of water joined on to the lake. Some parts of the road to Ambleside were
under water & all the landing stages!
However it is going down now, & though it is rather cold we
could not wish finer weather. Did we
tell you of the Fletcher’s engagements, Helen, the youngest girl is just
engaged to the Mr Bruce that Herbert saved from drowning. He is going to be a
barrister but is not called yet. Helen is going next week to be inspected (she
says) by his family who live near Durham. Emily & I went to Croft the other
day & saw Mr & Mrs Fletcher Edith & Helen & Mr Andrews. They were very sorry to have been obliged to
put off your & Cecilia’s visit, but
Mr Fletcher was really very ill for a time just then. He seems now pretty well. Walter Fletcher the youngest of all is
engaged to a Mifs Carr – they say she is very nice indeed & they will
probably be married in the spring sometime.
We are going in to the Thornelys this evening. Emily to dinner & Ellen & I after.
The James Thornelys & Mifs Paty Roscoe are staying there. Their house is so pretty both inside &
out & the situation perfect. We have had two lovely drives & mean to
plan some longer excursions next week if the weather keeps settled. I am so enjoying being here & we all feel
to be recovering from our busy time at home.
The Mackenzis are hoping to be in Heathfield by Nov 1st but I
fancy it is impossible. We have better
accounts of Charles – Annie says he has dined with them again the last few
days, & can see more of the children, but he has to be very quiet & is
quite unable to see about some workmen they have doing the new kitchen Macye W Heath (the doctor) says he is
recovering wonderfully fast, but I fancy it might come again anytime, so it is
rather anxious – Annie sounds in good spirits & not over anxious. She herself seems stronger & be taking
care of herself. She is having an additional servant which I think will be a
help to her. Mifs Preusser & Mrs
Irving have called on us. They both live
rather near. Mifs Preusser is German & used to play beautifully, but lately she has devoted
herself to pauper orphans. There are
hardly any poor people here, so she has London orphans sent here & finds
suitable homes where they are boarded & brought up. She expects a new set
next week & then she will have 23 about this neighbourhood. Mrs Irving was a Mifs Gandy (a distant cousin
of the Brandreth Gandys, & her husband is the head Master of Windermere
College (a boys school). Emily &
Ellen know these people from being with the Thornelys but they are new to
me. I heard from Agnes Herbert the other
day. She says the worry about the law suit has been greater than she can
describe but they hope it is over now & she hopes Mr & Mrs Herbert will
get away for a little change before long. How does dear fascinating Rome look?
You will get to feel quite at home & familiar there. I suppose strangers are almost beginning to
arrive there for the winter again. I wonder if Monsr Vardi has got back yet, & if you will see
Monsigr Stonor. Have you read
the accounts of the explosion in the Regents Canal ? Some gunpowder on a barge exploded &
seems to have broken all the windows for miles all about Maida Vale &
Regents Park. Some houses (especially Mr
Alma Tardema*) were very much spoiled –
all the furniture & ornaments dashed about & broken & some of the houses thrown down in parts
– I am so glad to hear of Cecilia keeping so well and I know she will be very
happy in seeing all her friends & talking her own language or rather
finding everyone about her talking it.
Herbert Fletcher is coming next week bringing with him two little Mifs
Bollings aged 16 & 17 the daughters of the clergyman we saw at the
“Hollins’. Helen F says Herbert has
taken them under his protection & arranges their lives for them!! & now
is bringing them to Croft.
much love from us all to both of you,
remain your very affectionate sister
From an article about artist G F Watts.
In a letter dated September 1878 he wrote: “I see there is a great
controversy going on at Liverpool upon the subject of a piece of nude painting
by Alma Tadema, the human form divine ought never to be offensive if treated
with reverence & refinement”]
Ref Box 1/66 [
Shepherd’s Lodgings Ambleside October 22nd 1874
We came here yesterday, partly because it is more
beautiful & one is more quickly in the most beautiful parts, & partly
because we found our other lodgings rather too small. These are very nice
indeed with plenty of space & tables, so that one has not to be
constantly putting ones things away.
Today is most beautiful & we had a long walk round by Fox How
&c. Ellen went on a lively pony we
have discovered at the [……]. It has no
name so she intends to call it “Minor” as being inferior to “Major” at
Bombay. It went capitally & is also
said to be safe. I suppose you are
enjoying the beauties & parties of Naples.
How short your time seems to be getting.
I hope Cecilia is in good spirits and well. Any letters you may have sent to Windermere
will be forwarded to us here & we shall be very glad when one comes so that
we may know how Cecilia was when she got to Rome. Charles & Annie have been with the Edward
Grays at Quarry Bank for a few days & Annie thought it was doing Charles
good & breaking through the invalid ways he had rather got into. He seems we think to be getting over this
attack. The Thornelys are going to
Southport for a fortnight on Alfred’s account.
He looks so dreadfully ill & thin. He intends spending this winter
here – indeed I think he is not well enough to be much away from his own
home. He employs himself with doing
delicate pen-n-ink drawings, some of them are very lovely & it is very
happy that he can have an interest of this kind. We find that Mrs Shepherd at
these lodgings is the same person that we and the Longs lodged with when we
were children at the Waterhead. She is
quite pleased to have us again and remembers dear Mother quite well. Did we tell you that Captain Dixon is going
to India by the mail of the 27th. We think you will probably find
him on the steamer at Suez. Mrs Dixon is
not well enough to go back. She has
another child & will stay some weeks with Mary Brandreth at Broad Green
& then come to her fathers for Christmas & then find some temporary
house for herself, hoping to get well enough to go to India again. The Arthur Brandreths are gone back
already. Mifs Rodick called on us the
other day. She has had a house here for
2 or 3 years. She is very odd but
amusing – wears short hair an eyeglass & little hat & jacket & is very fond of horses but still does
not look fast. Did we tell you that the
Ainsworths have asked us to go & stay with them before we leave these
regions. We may fix our own time so it is very
convenient. I have been drawing again a
little & hope to do more before we leave.
Will you give our dear love to Cecilia & with very much to
very affectionate sister
Ref Box 1/67 [JA/IG/48/1874]
Mrs Shepherd, Oct 26 74
Fisher Beck, Ambleside
Dearest Philip
We were very glad to get your letter from Naples
which came yesterday. You do sound to be
a large party of relations. We are so
glad to hear such a good account of Cecilia’s health & as you say nothing
of your own I hope it is good & that it is only in joke you talk of your
“weak nerves” when they all “chatter”.
Rome sounds enchanting as ever, & makes us rather discontented with
our grey wet days when they come. Today
is one of them. We are going to dine at
Croft this evening which will be a relief.
We have had however some glorious days & must not complain, as it is
often dull & wet at this time of the year.
We are charmed with Alice & Edith Fletcher. They are so nice & agreeable. Mr Fletcher told me the other day that a Mr
Wordsworth had been calling who said he knew you in India. – at least had met you. He lives at Poona but Mr Fletcher does not
know what his appointment is. Charles
& Annie have been to Quarry Bank & the change did Charles much good –
but one day since they got back he was not well & they feared another
attack but it did not come, but Annie says it makes her feel that he is not
really well at all. She sounds to be
doing wonders & assures us that she is taking care of herself & is
wonderfully well – but wet days bring her cough back – one feels very uncertain
as to what the future may be in that household - & as to what one may be
wanted to do. I do not think we have any
news but we thought you would like another letter at Benevento & we shall
write for the steamer on Thursday evening as well. I send a “Stiunnen
ans Maria Leach” which came since you left. I don’t know if this letter
is directed right but I fancy there are some dignified letters which ought to precede the Marekeles rescue. Will you give our best love to Cecilia from
all of us & very much to yourself dearest Philip
yr very loving sister
have sent the pamphlet to the P & O steamer at Brindisi as we though it
might be delayed & not reach you before you left Benevento.
Ref Box 1/68 [JA/IG/49/1874]
Sloane Street January 22 75
We have been out all day & now find ourselves
with not much time to write. We have
seen various houses & rooms but so far nothing that will certainly do. We saw a little house this morning in South
Kensington that pleased us by having no dark inexplicable corners & the
kitchen above ground & the rent only £55 which is very tempting but we do
not know enough about it yet & are afraid that the underground
railway goes exactly under it. This is
the case in the Cromptons house but I never heard it there, perhaps because
this house is large & solidly built.
Mrs Ellis has been to call this afternoon, she was very sweet &
pleasant & asked after you & Cecilia.
Mr Oliphant is not yet well enough to go back & now his leave is
extended to next August & perhaps September. We have not seen the Jacksons at all
yet. We called but they had not come
home, since then we have wondered that Lizzie did not come, but today we see
that Lady Jackson died on Wednesday, so of course Lizzie has been occupied with
her. I am going tonight to dine with the
Cromptons & to go with them to see Maskelyn & Cook who have some
wonderful new tricks. Mr Edward Holland died suddenly (at least he was only ill
2 days) about 3 weeks ago. We hear his
affairs are all in confusion & Dumbleton will have to be sold. It is a very great trial to Mr Thurston
Holland as he is extremely fond of it. F Crompton & M A Holland have told
us all we know so of course it is very private.
He had no business faculty
& went on & on without settling things up. Did I tell you how dreadfully
disappointed I have been about the Slade
classes where I wanted to draw ? There are so many students that they have no
room for more & so I cannot go! They
have put my name down for after Easter when they hope to have room for me –
meantime I have begun to draw a little by myself. I had only one little picture to send to the
Dudley, but it is hung, which is a satisfaction. Mrs Arnold & Rosa Field have both had
theirs refused. We none of us regret either Heathfield or Knutsford but we feel
so astray & to have no “moorings”.
I hope this feeling will go off – perhaps we shall feel more settled
when we have a house or rooms of our own.
One longs for someone to decide things for one – will you tell Cecilia
that we have ordered the things she asked for & if they come in time we
will send them by the next S’hampton mail.
They will certainly be ready for the one after that, but we will write
when they are sent so that you will know exactly when to expect them. I hope she still keeps well. I think she is so clever to have picked up
enough English to talk already. We saw
Mrs Arnold the other day. She asked
after you and was much interested in your marriage. She says they went to
Norway on your recommendation this autumn & enjoyed it
immensely. She says you talked to her
about it & she never let Mr Arnold rest till they went! Did you write to us on Dec 14th –
there has been mistake about our address
from Knutsford & we have lost some letters for 3 or 4 days (from a
Wednesday to a Saturday) so it is not likely there was one Indian
letter, but if you did write on that date you will most likely get it back from
the Dead Letter Office. Now they
know our address all right so go on directing there. There was a letter to Annie written on Dec 21
which has come all right. With very much
love from us all
I remain yr very affect sister
Isabel Green
Ref Box 1/69 [JA/IG/50/1875]
78 Sloane Street March 18th (75 in pencil)
It is three weeks since we have heard any thing from
either of you & we are wondering wherefore ?
I am afraid the last letter or two from us have been
rather hurried so I am beginning this a day too soon. I think Ellen told you
about a house in Eldon Road South Kensington that we were rather thinking of
but the surveyor’s report was not very satisfactory so we quite gave it
up. Since then we heard of the upper
part of a house in Craven Hill Road, & we thought a good deal of it. It is over a very respectable carver
& gilders shop, where I have had pictures framed for a long time. There is a private door & the house
entirely shut off from the shop. The
rent is £50 including all rates & taxes except gas & they do all
repairs &c. This is less than
anything else we have heard off, & tempts us greatly because there would be
so little responsibility. If it had
been in South Kensington I think we should have taken it & I think we may
do so still, though just at present we have given it up. We should so much like to know what you would
think of this place ? We should have to
take it for 3 years, but if we wished to leave sooner Reynolds & Poole (the
overseers) would try to let it, but as they do all papering & painting they
naturally do not wish to be liable to having it empty again very soon. There are very nice little houses in South
Kensington about Victoria Road & Gloucester Rd but we have not been able to
hear of one to let so far, that wd do.
We feel even more without any man to help us now that Charles is dead
[he died 16 February 1875], though he was only
able to write dear letters of advice.
People (the Jacksons & Cromptons) are very kind only people not of
one’s family cannot really give advice with knowledge of the true
circumstances. Emily is still with Annie & will I think remain with her
till Annie goes to Grove House which she talks of doing in April, & then
either Emily or Ellen would go back to her till she goes to Weybridge which she
talks of doing in May & staying there for the summer, & if she likes it
she will look out for a house there. She
is rather disappointed to find that the Michael Falcon’s are going to Vichy in
France for 3 months. Mr Falcon is
ordered to go there. Annie was anxious
to be near them & see more of them this summer but it cannot be
helped. Ellen and I went to a
performance of “Joshua” by Caroline Holland’s choir at Brook Street on
Monday. They sang most beautifully &
the choruses were most soft & delicate. The Princess Louise has joined it
lately & she was there. She did not
sing any solos, but sang in a quartet & in the choruses. There were about 30 performers & about 50
of audience. Annie Thompson is staying
there & on Saturday they are all going to Kensington Palace to sing
“Joshua” there. Mrs Buxton & Mrs F
Holland & Lady Crompton & Mrs Croft were the only people we knew
there. Mr F Holland has just had a
“donation” of £2,000 from some members of his congregation – did we tell you of
Alfred Thornely’s death* ? He has been
gradually becoming weaker for some months, & was quite unable to get up for
some weeks – but I believe he had not very much pain to bear & his mind was
quite clear to the end. They will miss him very much. Gordon has got a new doll which he has
called “Philip Gordon”! I hope you
appreciate the compliment. The accounts
of Annie seem very good. Mr Heath (the doctor) says she is much stronger &
better than he could have expected she would be from her state last summer. This is a great comfort. We have been having very cold windy weather
but today it rains so I hope it will be warmer soon. Ellen joins me in much love to both of
you. I suppose the weather is getting
hot with you. I hope Cecilia does not
feel it too trying & that you dearest Philip are not so busy. We see the mail is only just in – so there
may be a letter from you only it has to go to Knutsford first.
I remain your very affect sister
Isabel Green
of Alfred Thornely aged 45 was registered at Kendal in the March ¼ 1875. He was listed as a pupil at Henry Green’s
school in the 1841 census]
Ref Box 1/70 [JA/IG/51/1875]
7 Oxford Square, Hyde Park 13th June [*1875]
Dearest Isabel
Would it be dreadfully troublesome for you to
get these ties washed & send them on by return of post to Kilburn so that I
shall have them to take to Addleston on Wednesday. On Saturday afternoon Lizzie
found she must go with Mr Jackson to make some arrangements at Ladham (the new
Kent house) & as it is half way between Tunbridge Wells & Maidstone it
was too far to be worth while for me to go with them so it was fixed that Miss
Cameron & Edith & I should go to Westminster Abbey (my choice). We saw it very pleasantly & came in for
part of the service. I have often wished
to go there again but have never been able. On my return I called on F Crompton
whom I found out but not out of town. I
left my card & my address till Wednesday.
On Sunday morning Lizzie & I went to Portland Street Mr Martineau very
good. Mr Hanley
a great ally of Mr Jackson’s & solicitor came back with us to
luncheon. I saw Julia Wedgwood in the
afternoon (a very agreeable gentleman) Mr Courtenay a barrister who chiefly
writes in the Times & seems to know everything about Pictures England &
French & everything about Public Finance & the National Debt called
& stayed a good while & in the evening Lizzie Mr Jackson & I went
to dine at Lady Jackson’s in Portland Place, the other guests were Mr & Miss Lowther & Mr & Mrs
Ravenscroft, pleasant sort of people, Mr Fell to my share at dinner & Mrs has been to
luncheon today. We had a very pleasant
evening. Lady J thought I was not the same Miss Emily Green she had seen
before; was not I very much altered. It did not transpire in what way but I was
amused as it must have been 15 years ago.
This morning Lizzie & I had a grand furnishing expedition &
tonight the things are to come for inspection & we hope at last the right
things have been found. The house sounds
as if it wd [..] into a very pleasant place not pretty externally & it
stands well & there is a most lovely view over the Weald of Kent. Tonight Lizzie & Miss Cameron & I go
to see Miss Bateman in Mary Warner. Today we have the pleasant airy but hot
weather. Yesterday was very thick & disagreeable.
I have quite fallen in love with Mrs Westlake a
barrister’s wife who lives in the Square & is one of Lizzie’s dearest
friends & comes in often. She is so
pretty, so pleasant & clever too.
Poor Miss Long! I hope she will
not have a time of long lingering but I should think there was little or no
chance for her recovery. I am afraid I
shall hear nothing from Mrs Eddis now but I shall call again tomorrow afternoon
& at the Martineaus too. My letter
will be too late if I do not stop. I have paid Booth & they will send the
books by PDL to Kilburn on Friday.
dear love
ever affect sister
written when Annie went to live at Chertsey.]
53 Manchester Street,
Manchester Square July 2 75
I have been a very bad correspondent lately as
Friday was one of my drawing days, & I always forgot to write on
Thursday. I enjoyed the drawing very
much indeed but they have now made a rule that there are to be no students
coming 3 days a week but that all must come every day. I should be very sorry to give it up, but it
would be very tiring to go every day, & also would leave me no time to do
any drawing at home. However I have not
quite decided about it yet. I had a
ticket sent for the Royal Academy soirée last Wednesday & it was very
pleasant. The ticket was only for one
& till the very day I was in despair about finding anyone to go with. The Herberts seemed to think they were so
uncertain about going that I could not go with them but in the end they all
went. I cannot make out what has
happened (if anything) but they have never asked us to go there. We have called twice & found only Agnes,
& they have called on us once & this is just all we have seen of
them. At the soirée Mrs Herbert said she
hoped we would come & see them before we go & I said we should like,
but she fixed no time & it is such a long way to go & find them all
out. At last it was arranged that I
should go with Mrs Westlake to the soirée & I could not have had a
pleasanter chaperone for she knew a great many people & was charming. She was dining out in Kensington & sent
her carriage here for me & I went to her to Palace Gate. I can’t remember the name of the people but
he is an MP for his county. They asked
me to go in & so I had a piece of party there & then at eleven we went
to the R.A. which was rather too late but it was very nice. Many of the dresses were very beautiful. Mr Woolver in dark green made like Titain’s
Herodius daughter. Mrs Wallace a mass of lace & diamonds. Mrs Westlake in blue green brocade with old
lace & old pearl ornaments & fluffy curly hair. The Spottiswoods were there. She is Mrs A Brandreth’s sister & like her only not so pretty. She spoke of her with such intense
affection. She says Arthur is to be
deputy governor of the Punjab (if he accepts it) but they are longing so much
to come home that it is very doubtful if he will. Emily & Ellen are gone this afternoon to
Grosvenor House to a sort of examination of the Deaf & Dumb school where M
A Holland’s children are. The Duke of
Westminster is much interested in this new method of teaching the children to speak
& understand speaking or as they call it “lip-reading” & he thought if
they would come to Grosvenor House, & if he invited everyone he knew it
would be a good way of getting it known.
The Princess of Wales, Duchess of Edinburgh, Duchess of Teck are to be
there. Of course the training is expensive & all the children are not able
to pay the real cost of it & they want funds to enable them to feel
more secure from year to year that they can carry it on. Tomorrow Emily &
Ellen are going to a Garden party at the Shacers
& I to one at Wimbledon with Mrs Westlake. I do not know where, but she asked me to go
with her. I hope it will be fine. The
Fletchers are many of them in town.
Alice called the other day & as the others of her people were all
gone to the Crystal Palace for some fire works she stayed to dinner & was
very pleasant. Some of the others talk of coming in on Sunday. We have been rather lively lately & also
awfully busy fixing about this house that we hope to take & also about
Annie’s that she has taken. I am very
glad that she is settled – or will be so soon & also we were in a great
state about deciding about investing the remainder of grandmama’s money &
we have got 5 1000 dollar shares in American bonds. Mr [blank] who was Charles broker recommended
them, & in the winter both Mr Thompson & John Fletcher said they were
quite safe & good so I hope we are right.
They pay 6 per cent but there is a premium of about 6 per cent so that
actually we shall get about £5.13.0 per £100.
Emily could not finish her letter which I send & I promised to do
it. You said in a letter a little time since that you were sending a draught
but none has come. I hope you did not send it, but if you did, it has not
arrived – you sent £125 in January, of which £20 & something was paid for
Carlino’s “trousseau” - & nothing has come since. I was so enchanted with Cecilia’s letter
& description of the dear child. I
think he must be very charming & good looking. I shall write to her soon, but it seems such
a time since I wrote to you that I sent today’s letter to you. Julia Merriman is gone off at a week’s notice
to the Cape with some cousins for two years.
I have heard nothing more & it seems astonishing. Kate they heard had a son born & the
accounts seem good. We went a Sunday or
two since to Spanish Place where Cardinal Manning was preaching. It was most interesting & fine. He looks much older than when I saw him but
doubtless rose coloured silk is much less becoming to an old man than the
lovely gold he wore when I saw him. We
like being in London so much better than the country but we are tired
very of lodgings & boxes we shall be glad now however to get into the
country but London keeps wonderfully cool & pleasant so far – Give my very
best love to dear Cecilia & many thanks for her letter & a kiss to
remain yr affectionate sister
Maud was here Ellen took her in to the Callingtons & she greatly enjoyed a
play with the Lynch children who wanted to bestow all their toys upon her, but
this was not according to her ideas of propriety.
Ref Box 1/71 [JA/IG/52/1875]
St Helens Sept 2 1875
I have been with Annie at Southport for a fortnight
helping her to arrange everything for her removal. Her furniture was all packed in a wooden [….]
[…….] fashion on Monday & Tuesday by Cartor of Manchester & I suppose
is now on its way to Weybridge. Possession of the Southport house is to be given up on the 7th
& £800 paid which with the £200 paid at first makes the 1st
£1000 & £1000 more is to be paid on Dec 1st. I fancy from what
every one says the price is about right for the house & Annie and I came
here yesterday as Messrs Welsley & [………] want Annie to come to Southport
again in a few days for a final settling of her affairs with them & we
shall go back to Southport next Tuesday. I hope for only a few days. We went a long
drive with Caroline in her pony carriage yesterday afternoon & it really
would have been very pretty only it was such a hot misty day. We were so very sorry to hear you say that
you do not think Cecelia as strong as she was. I hope very much it is only the
effect of the rains & that she will feel strong again when the winter
comes. I suppose you will have a very
gay time with the Prince of Wales’s visit.
I cannot make up my mind yet what to do about going again to the drawing
class.It is not only that I thought it would be tiring to go every day for of
course one cd easily stay away sometimes if one felt tired but it wd take up my
time so that I could do nothing at home & of course what one does at the Slade School is mostly work & not
the sort of thing one could send for exhibition. However, I shall see when the time comes
nearer. I certainly feel that it did me a great deal of good. Mr Payntor is appointed Art Director at South
Kensington in Mr Redgraves place – the
latter having resigned. I do not know if Emily & Ellen are writing to you
this week. We have heard that a house we looked at and liked in Stamford Road S
Kensington is to let. We had to give it
up before because the tenant wished to stay on now he has decided to go so the
landlady wrote to offer it to us. Emily has written to a builder to go &
look at it for us, but we have not had his report yet. I fancy it would do for us very well if he
gives a satisfactory report of it & in this case we should be settled in it
I fancy by the end of October which would be very nice. I shd have a good large room at the top of
the house for my bedroom & to draw in.
It is a house capable of being made very pretty. Did I tell you of my going to call at
Heathfield when I was at Knutsford ?
They had improved it immensely but it is so changed! The furniture is
very pretty too & picturesque.
Harriet Long was married yesterday.
Mrs Henry Long was too ill to be at the wedding & of course Mr H
Long was. It was exceedingly quiet I
believe with no one there but his sisters & their husbands & a sister
of Mr Peyton’s & her husband.
Emily & Ellen went to dine with the John
Thornleys one day last week & had a very pleasant visit. The J T’s were setting off to Switzerland in
a day or two for 3 or 4 weeks. The case
has been decided against the Liverpool gas company & Emily says there are
to be no dividends for 3 half years and then they will be all right again. I do not know how she has heard it. It is rather horrid & I think it would
have been pleasanter to have had ½ divs for 6 half years. I shall go back to
Knutsford when Annie leaves Southport & stay there till the end of
September when I suppose we shall go again to London where I shall be very
pleased to be again. Taken all in all, I
am sure it is about the nicest place to be in
[……] that there is. Dear little Charles must be growing into quite an
elderly baby – I should so like to see him!
It is so satisfactory that he seems to be so strong & well. Annie
sends her love & would write to you only she has so many letters to write
she feels “written out”. She has been
having a child’s chair done up & polished & she wants to send it to you
for the child. It was made for you & given to you by grandpapa
Brandreth! It is a very strong sturdy
chair & a little table onto which the chair screws to make it high enough to sit at a proper table or the chair
can be set on the ground & the little table used for the child to put its
playthings &c on It would be
sentimental if we find it can go. With
our very dearest love to Cecilia & yourself
remain yr very affect sister
letter was particularly difficult to read due to the thinness of the paper on
which it was written as the ink showed through the pages]
Ref Box 1/72 [JA/IG/53/1875]
Dr Jamison
I have been longing to write & tell you how glad
I am about you & dear Isabel but I have found it to difficult to realize it
all without having once seen her while all this has been happening that I keep
putting it off.
You will not object to my assuring you that
you have found a most precious treasure &
that I may add that I am very glad for her too! I think I believe you will make each other
very happy. I only wish you would both
live nearer to us but that cannot be.
love to dear Isabel
am yrs affectionately
Ellen Green
Lisbon Cottage, Weybridge, Surrey 22 Sept 1875
Dr Jamison
I am writing to tell you how truly you have my best
wishes for your and dear Isabel’s happiness and how glad I was to hear of
Isabel’s engagement to you. She is a
very great treasure as I am sure you have already found out. I am longing to see her again and you also. I hope you will be coming to Weybridge before
long. On Thursday I hope to go into the
house & in a fortnight it will be ready for the children to go there. I hear that you are going to Knutsford on
Saturday so I send this little note to Grove House. Give my dear love to Isabel & believe me
L Falcon.
Grove House
Sept 23 1875
My dearest Philip
I want sympathy in the greatest happiness that ever
came to me in my life. How it happened I cannot tell but soon after we got to
St Helens I found that I had all unawares lost my heart, for the first time in
my life. Happily it was not all on my side that would have been too dreadful,
& now we are engaged. Arthur Jamison
& I. I do not know how to make you
understand how nice he is & how we suit one another. In great things & small we seem to like
the same things. Of course St Helens is not a nice place to live in, but that
seems to me now only a small draw back & I am filled with pity for those
poor people who have to go through their lives without the support of mutual
love & sympathy. I used to think I
was a cold hearted sort of person & I am so glad to find that it was only
that the right person had never turned up to show me how I could feel. He says
he has cared for me ever since he first saw me years ago. I always liked him but not anything
more till these last 3 weeks. I shall
not mind having Caroline so near. I have learned to like her so much she is so
sensible & kind & she is so pleased to have me there & it is a very
real life & one can find plenty of interests, even if the people of one’s
own sort are not the most interesting one ever saw but I rather like what I
have seen of them. He is very much
interested in the things I care for & knows so much about pictures and art
in general – more than I do [..] and he never forgets anything, I mean things
he has read & he talks endlessly. I am quite sure we shall be happy. Tell dear Cecilia I have not forgotten the
best wish she said she could give me “a husband as good as Philip”. I shall not have time to write to her today.
I would send a photo only Arthur had only one of each of the two I have & I
cannot spare them.
Emily is coming here tonight. I want a sister so much & I could not go
to Weybridge partly because Arthur cannot leave just at present to go so far,
& partly because they want me to go back to St Helens to decide about the
drawing room furniture for “our” house.
The rest of the house is done, but I am to have the choosing of the
drawing room. I am so glad.
Now I think I ought to tell you what Arthur told me
of his affairs. On Jan 1st he
will be an equal partner with Dr Twyford & each will have £2000 a year
& in addition there is about £2500 for working expenses. Then Arthur has saved what brings in about
£250 a year & he wishes to settle this & the house which is his now, on
me. I believe I am quite right in this last – my only doubt is whether the
value of the house is included in the £250, but I think not. Then he thinks we
should manage to save half our income each year & of course we shall do so
easily. I had no idea he had so much. He says the practice is not likely to
increase but it has kept up to this standard for the last ten years. Of course I said he must arrange it as he
liked but I thought what he proposed all right to my mind. Then he wants me
very much to be married at once that is the beginning of November so that we
could have a months journey and be back at the beginning of December in time to
make the new arrangements about the partnership & also because December
Jan. Feb & March are such busy months that we shd have to wait till April
& he says he has been waiting years.
There is too another reason, he wants it to be so that his great friend,
who is dying of consumption, can be best man before he goes abroad for the
winter. I have not fixed yet, but I think
it will probably be best to have it so. Emily is coming tonight & she will
help me to decide. They all like Arthur
so much & Annie who knows him best
likes him very much & Charles did & wanted this to happen. Everyone is so kind here & congratulatory
& says he must be nice or I should not like him. His father and mother live in Canada. His
father is a half pay captain. His next brother Charlie is in India in the army
& has a very good staff appointment. He is married & has a child. The
next Reginald was drowned in Canada then
there are 2 sisters & two young brothers & he has no cousins as both
father & mother were only children.
Mary Brandreth has asked me to go & stay there
to meet Alice Lock. I shd like &
shall if I can manage it for a day or two but I shall be very busy getting
ready. We shall be married from Annie’s.
Emily & Ellen will be much nicer 2 than 3! but I shall be a long way
off. John Merriman is such a nice
fellow. He is going back about the middle of Nov. setting off then & will go
through Bombay. He hopes to see you. I
think I may say you will be glad to see him if you are disengaged my not I
? He is such a nice fellow. I think Arthur is coming here on Saturday to
Monday. It seems such a time since I saw him & it is only 2 days! My best love to dearest Cecilia I know how
kindly & sincerely she will sympathize.
A kiss for Charles. I hope both are flourishing & you too my darling
From your loving sister
Isabel Green
Ref Box 1/73 [JA/IG/54/1875]
The Times Monday November 8 1875 Marriages
On the 4th
instant at the Parish Church Weybridge by the Rev Edward Rose Arthur Jamison MD
of St Helens Lancashire to Isabella youngest daughter of the late Rev H Green
MA of Heathfield Knutsford [The marriage was witnessed by John Long, Emily
Green, Mary Emma Falcon and Isabel Maud Falcon (the latter were the daughters
of her sister Annie and would have been 10 and 8 respectively).]
St Helens January 6th 76
My dear Philip
I was very glad to receive your & Cecilia’s last
letters, though, from the time I have let past without answering them, you
might not think so. I am rather afraid
this may not arrive before Cecilia leaves. I am so sorry you will have these solitary
months – you will miss the two, Cecilia & Charles – dreadfully, but you
will feel more comfortable not to risk the rains again for Cecilia under the
circumstances. She will enjoy greatly
exhibiting the splendid boy to her own people.
I have got to feel wonderfully settled in my new home. It feels ever so
much longer than 2 months since we were married. Arthur is frightfully
busy just now, & at the present moment I am writing in his consulting room
(9.45 pm) while he is writing & looking over books. There is going to be a ball here next week to
which we are going & we have asked Frank Merriman to come over for it. Arthur’s sisters are also staying with us. I
haven’t found out yet about the origin of the name “St Helens” it is far two
pretty a name for the place, & Arthur seems to think it does not make one
like the place better still it does not much signify & I fancy I shall like
some of the people when I come to see more of them. I have been very much interested in all the
small arrangements of the household, & hope soon to be in a model state
of order & then to begin to draw again as both Arthur & I are very
anxious not to let that drop & there is a room I am to have to draw in
undisturbed. The room that ought to be
the drawing-room in this house is the dining-room, & the dining room is Arthur’s
consulting room so we have made a little breakfast room very pretty with Morris
paper & carpet &c - it is to do
for a drawing-room for the present but we talk of sometime converting an unused
room that there is & which is built out by itself into a drawing-room. The little room is delightful for ourselves
but 3 or 4 extra people fill it up. We
were asked to dine & stay all night with the Thompsons the other day, but
could not go which was a pity. Henry T has just come back from Constantinople.
I saw him looking very flourishing on the Broad Green platform the other day
but not to speak to. We are not far from there & Annie Thompson rode over
to call and luncheon one day here. Mifs
E Gates has been having gastric fever this autumn, & wonderful to say has
recovered from it, but they do not think she will ever be again as strong as
she was, which is hardly likely. Emily
& Ellen are back in London again, but doubtless you have heard their doings
& Annie’s also from themselves. I
am writing this to you only, as Cecilia may be gone & if she is not it will
be the same thing as if it was addressed to her. Thank her warmly for all her good wishes
which are being realised for we are very happy within ourselves, though
we should both be very glad whenever the time arrives that it would not be
foolish to quit this lovely spot but of course it is not many people who have
got on to Arthur’s present point at this age, & so we appreciate St Helens
duly from this point of view. Arthur wishes me to give his very kind regards to
you both. We shall be so glad to see you when you come in the autumn.
With my dearest love to you both
I remain Yr
very affect sister
Isabel Jamison
Ref Box 1/74 [JA/IG/55/1876]
St Helens Lancashire
Feby 17/76
My dearest Philip
I have never said anything to you about your most
kind wedding present because though I did know of it, it was in a round about
way, that I was not sure if I ought to know so I did not write. Now however Emily sent me on your letter
& said you had sent a cheque for £50. It is very kind dear Philip & we
shall always think of you when we use the things. I am very fond of silver things. At present we possess only six of each thing
& it is a little difficult to make them multiply themselves enough when we
have 2 or 3 extra people. I think today
is the day dear Cecilia ought to arrive at Brindisi. I hope she has had a good journey but we
shall hear from her in a few days. You will miss them both very much. Charles sounds charming & looks so too in
his photograph. She will enjoy greatly
exhibiting him to all her own people. I
don’t think he will have much English – do you? during the next few months. Last Tuesday Annie & Clara and Henry
Thompson came over to luncheon. They
were very pleasant indeed & after luncheon we took them over some plate
glass works which are very interesting & wonderful. HGT enquired after you. It is pleasant being within reach so easily
of the Thompsons & of Liverpool in general.
I am going in every Saturday to some History Lectures which if I find
very interesting - there will be about 7 more of them. I am reading Lords Mayors Life by D? Hunter & I think it is interesting. The
early part was very, but I have now rather taken to skipping. Arthur finds but
little time for anything but still he does squeeze in a little reading & we
make all sorts of plans for our months holiday, the favourite one being at
present to go to Rome mid October but many things may happen before then to
change our ideas. Arthur has been wanting to go there for a long time, but
either could not find a companion he liked to go with, or did not care to go
with one he did not like. I really don’t
think we could either of us have found anyone to suit so well as we suit one
another and all our talks & fancies fit in in a wonderful way. In short
there is no drawback but the place we live in & it certainly is not lively.
I think Emily & Ellen will tell you all news about friends & about
Annie. We are looking forward to a visit from Emily & Ellen sometime in
March & I shall so enjoy seeing them again & having some long talks. It
seems a long time since we saw each other.
Annie & the children are coming probably in June & I hope
you and Cecilia in November if you can find time in your short visit. I should like you to see us at home &
then you would know what we are really like. Uncle Long came over on Tuesday week. He was
in Liverpool & came over here. He seems very well & busy & active
as usual. Louisa was at home for a visit
at Christmas & it seemed to have
answered better than usual, but she was quite willing to go back after a
while & very glad to see people she is with again – She really seems to
like them which is a great comfort. The
Twyfords are coming to dine with us this evening & a friend of theirs Mrs
Blundell who is staying with them. She
is very pleasant indeed & wonderfully bright for 63. Her husband used to be a doctor here &
they built our house. Mrs Merriman has
been rather ill for some time. She has
fainting fits & has to take a good deal of care. I should be afraid her
heart was wrong, but they have not said so definitely. Mifs Holland still seems to go on in the same
state always in her room, but still pretty well. Mrs Bristow’s eldest daughter
is engaged to be married to someone they like who lives at Henley on
Thames. I am not sure of the name but
something like Boyne I was told. Arthur
sends his very kind remembrances & with very much love from myself.
I remain
Yr very affc sister
Isabel Jamison
Ref Box 1/75 [JA/IG/56/1876]
St. Helens April 6
My dearest Philip
I must congratulate you on possessing a second
son! We were so pleased to have the good
news but I have heard nothing since the day of his birth, but perhaps they have
in London. He will be quite an old baby by the time you see him. Don’t you feel very proud? Yesterday Mary Brandreth came over for a long
call & brought the two youngest Locks with her. She wanted them to see the glass works &
Arthur had promised to take them while I stayed and had a talk with Mary but as
ill-luck would have it Arthur had to go that special day to the assizes about a
railway case – so I was left alone & as they were still very anxious to see
the glass works I went with them, leaving Mary alone to rest, which I was sorry
for. The Locks are very nice
girls & were much interested & Mary will come again. She says Lizzie Dixon greatly enjoyed her
repose with you but she had a long tiring journey afterwards. Rodie [George
Rodie] Thompson (the 3rd son) is going to be married on the 19th.
They are to be married at Knowsley Church & the Thompsons are having a
dance in the evening to which we are invited. He is marrying a Mifs Barber
[Alice Howard] & her mother & sister are both engaged to be married as
well. Is that not odd ? She is a niece
of Mr Hales the Knowsley agent & is to be married from his house. Emily & Ellen doubtless tell you all
their own affairs – but I am so glad to think of their having a home again. In
many ways it is nice having none, but I think it is much the best for them to
have a house where the furniture &c can be without spoiling & if they
want to go away they can easily let it, for it is in a very nice
neighbourhood. We are going to furnish
another spare room as the one we have only does for one person, so we have been
choosing paper carpet &c but have not yet quite decided on any. The Twyfords have been buying a farm about 5
miles from here & they are perpetually going over to it & are absorbed
in the stocking, sowing &c. It is not large about 26 acres their old
coachman is gone to manage it & there are two extra rooms which they will
keep for their own use & there is a really good garden. Arthur calls if “Brotia” & expects they will be tired of it by next
year. Anyway it is not our idea of
bliss. I wonder if you ever think of
Rome when we were there. I keep thinking of it at this time of the year &
the lovely roses. Do you remember saying
I should be quite happy if I could see a daisy against the sky! It was very cruel of you. I do so wonder if
Arthur & I shall really go there in the autumn. I should greatly enjoy going there with him
& showing him all the places we were so fond of. I am drawing now a good
deal & enjoying it very much. I meant to have sent some thing to the
Academy but the pictures were sent in so much sooner this year than last that I
had not finished it in time. I have so
much time with nothing very much to do that my drawing is quite a resource
& Arthur is very anxious I should go on with it, as he cannot bear people
giving up, when they are married, all the things they cared for before.
joins me in love & I remain
very affect sister
Ref Box 1/76 [JA/IG/57/1876]
St Helens Aug
24 76
My dearest Philip
I fear it is a long time since I have written to you
but I hope you may have heard of me from Emily & Ellen as I have done of
you. They sent me on your last letter
when you were just intending to leave Bombay for a little journey. I hope you felt better when you came back,
for you sounded rather tired with your work & the weather, and the value of
silver does not raise your spirits either.
It is very trying & I do hope it will not last long. A week or two since I saw there was a slight
improvement. We are looking forward so
much to seeing you in Nov. and I am much afraid that you will have so short a
time in England that you will not care to come & see us here & if this
is so we shall try and meet you in London, though I need not say how much we
should like to see you & Cecilia in our own home & that you should see
what it is like. Cecilia seemed to think
that you expected to get to London about the 2nd week in Nov. When
you know, we shall be glad to hear so that we may fix our plans
accordingly. We have been having the
most frightfully hot weather which Arthur likes but which made me miserable
& I rushed off to Knutsford for a
breath of country air while Arthur went to see his people at the Isle of
Man. But he only went for 3 days & I
stayed nearly a week. I felt wonderfully
better but the odours of chemic were
very bad when I came back. I think one feels it much more in hot summer weather
when it is really too hot to walk into the country which does exist not far
away. After much consultation &
looking at various open carriages we have at last decided on an “Anglo
American Stanhope Phantom” made by Jolly
at Norwich & it is being built for us & is to come at the end of
September & when we have it I shall often be able to drive out. We saw one at the Horse Show at Islington
when we were in London. It is very nice
looking & well finished & is very light under
4 cwt and still strong & will hold four people when we want it to do
& yet look right with only two in it!
We should greatly like to “cut” St Helens altogether and mean to do as
soon as it would not be foolish. The
nicest & safest way would be if Arthur could get a Lunacy
Commissionship but I do not know how to
set about it. I believe they are worth £1500
a year & though the work is hard & incessant it is not more so
than the work here, & I imagine there would be more variety. This is my pet “castle”. Have you any knowledge how to compass
it? The Twyford’s are away at present
but they will I think return at the end of this week.
Sarah Merriman has been staying with us for a few
days & was very lively & amusing. They have had anxious accounts of
John since he returned to India. He had
had fever several times, but the last account they consider much better as he
had been a longer time without an attack.
Mifs Holland & Mifs L. H. continue much in the same state. I did not
see the former, but the latter looks terribly infirm & shrunk to nothing
but she still takes the greatest interest in her friends & books & the
affairs of the world. My Uncle Long
seems very well & Louisa was at home while I was at Grove House. She is now gone back again to
Uttoxeter. I had not seen her for 2
years, & thought her quieter & more natural in her manner, but I did
not see her with strangers as they avoided having anyone while she was at home. I fear she can never be better & probably
she will gradually become worse. She is
still very fond of music which is a comfort to her. It is gone bitterly cold the last day or two
so that we are rejoicing in fires. You
will have heard how much E & E & the Falcons are enjoying Cromer it
sounds to be a charming place. I have
not heard lately of dear Cecilia but I hope her visit to Naples and the doctor
there put her all right. I do so long to
see the two boys but I fear you will bring neither if you take them back to
Bombay. It would be a long extra journey for such young children. When we were in London we chose the silver
for your present & it looks so pretty. It is chiefly old engraved silver of
George III’s time but some things (forks) had to be engraved to match. We used them for a good while when we had too
many for our old ones, but now we have retired into the old ones. I wish you could see how pretty they
look. Arthur sends his kind remembrances
& with much love from myself
I remain
Yr very affect sister
Isabel Jamison
Ref Box 1/77 [JA/IG/58/1876]
St Helen’s
Lancashire October 20 76
Dearest Philip
I have sent off by post today a white cloud which I
have knitted for you, remembering that you used to like one on a long journey.
I hope it will keep you warm on your journey to England. How you must be looking forward to the
meetings at Benevento! It has been a long time to be separated, & you will
have little Henry’s acquaintance to make
altogether. We leave home next Thursday,
and after a night in London, go on to Weybridge to pay Annie a visit, &
then to Brighton for a week. We shall
come back to London to stay with the Cromptons on Nov 8th and hope
we shall find you & Cecilia there by that time. We have been having a
number of little dinner parties lately, & have now nearly got through our debts
in that way. Last Saturday my Uncle Long
came to stay with us over the Sunday. He
was very stiff with rheumatism in his leg & since he got home it has come
in his back, & he has been obliged to stay in bed. He is a little better now but has had to give
up going to stay with Emily & Ellen & Annie which is a pity as it has
been long planned. We are having such strange weather, very dull & wet
& still so warm that we are often without any fire. Dear Philip it will be so pleasant having you
both in England again & we must make the most of short time. Last week the Social Science Meetings were in
Liverpool & we went to several. I
more than Arthur as he could not get away.
Mr Paynter was president of the art section & gave a very
interesting address. It was rather provoking sometimes when two things were
going at once that we wanted to hear, & then nothing that one cared for. I
want this letter to get off tonight to explain the cloud, so I must write no
more except to send you any quantity of love & remain yr very afffec sister
Isabel Jamison
Ref Box 1/80 [JA/IG/59/1876]
Norfolk Hotel Brighton
November 3 1876
Dearest Philip
It is so pleasant to think of your being actually in
London! I only wish we were there too to
meet you & have the first evening with you but we were obliged to fix our
plans before yours were quite certain & now we do not like to hurry away
from Brighton, as we both rather wanted a change before we left home. We are
planning to leave here on Wednesday quite early, and come straight to Eldon
Road & only go to the Cromptons in time for dinner supposing Emily &
Ellen will have us. I am very sorry you
have a cold, but I do hope it will not trouble you all the time you are in
England. It seems a dreadfully short time to be only ten days & I cannot
help hoping something may keep you longer.
We think Brighton is dreadfully dull except for the splendid clean air. Tomorrow there is a concert to which we are
going. It is our wedding day, & it
seems odd that we should happen to be at Brighton for it again.
Give my best love to dear Cecilia. I am so glad you find her so well. You will both be very happy to be together
again. Thank Annie & Ellen for their
notes please & with love to you all I remain
yr very affect sister
Isabel Jamison.
[then if pencil]
I think you had better come to St Helens for a few days – we can show
you far more wonderful things then though not so historic as the Delhi Durbar.
Ref Box 1/79 [JA/IG/60/1876]
St Helen’s Lancashire
November 24 76
Philip & Cecilia
I am writing to give you our very good wishes for a
prosperous journey & to say good-bye as if we were with you. I hope you will manage to keep warm or rather
not very cold. Here the weather
has gone bitterly cold & you will need all the wraps you have. I hope you will find the dear boys very well
& that Henry will know Cecilia but is by no means certain so she must be
prepared to find him quite shy. Give
them many many kisses from their Auntie Isabel. I should like so much to have
stayed longer & seen more of you, but it was better I think for me to come
home with Arthur*. I am sure you will
not have time to read a long epistle so with very very much love to you both in
which Arthur joins
very affect sister
*[Isabella was about six
months pregnant and on 24 February 1877 their first child Evelyn Mary Jamison
was born at Ormskirk Street, St Helens]
JRL Ref Box 1/80
Bombay January 28th 1880
of the Honble Mr Justice Green
Mr Green has been suffering from right hemiplegia
with aphasia since Dec 9th 1879.
About six weeks before his attack occurred he
complained of giddiness & feeling as if he would fall to the ground. On the morning of the 9th he fell
down & was unable to rise from the ground for several minutes. When I saw him about noon he walked about
& conversed freely. He stated that
he had not lost his consciousness when he fell but his speech had been
affected. In the evening after taking
his dinner he suddenly became unconscious,
& on my seeing him I found him comatose, breathing stertorously
& completely paralysed on the right side. Dr Hunter then saw him with me in
consultation. He found his hearts action
very weak & active treatment for the time contra-indicated. Sinapisms were
applied to his extremities & cold lotion to his head. As soon as he was
able to swallow purgatives were administered which were inoperative till aided
by enemata. On the second night he had an attack of convulsions for which
bromide of potassium was given & subsequently the use of this medicine in
conjunction with the iodide of potassium was continued for about ten days. He had no return of convulsions but remained
in a half conscious state. For some time
had great difficulty in swallowing his tongue remaining almost motionless in
the floor of his mouth. Very gradually
he has gained power of it & has latterly been able to protrude it readily
& to take solid food. Pari papa his
intelligence has improved, but he is markedly aphasic. He is able to say “yes” & “no” though not
always appropriately - & occasionally short sentences as “good night” or “I
don’t know” &c. His aphasia is now
clearly largely of the amnesic form.
Within the last week he has been able to slightly move his paralysed leg
& this power has been daily increasing.
There is a slight rigidity of the muscles of the paralysed arm. At present he is taking a mixture of iodide
of potassium & [..] [..] which appears to suit him. He takes his food well & sleeps well.
Throughout his illness Mr Green has been free from inflammatory symptoms &
there are no indications of valvular heart disease or of renal disease.
Temperley Gray
[JA/ C25]
Grenville Place 8 March 1880
The only note I have of Mr Green’s case is the
following. It appears that it was
in consultation with
Dr Cayley (Cahill?) –
May 3rd 1879 Mr Justice Green age 49 – 16
years in India. Sallow complexion tending to fatty deposit. Heart’s action weak
– no enlargement of liver upwards; but slightly full downwards! – Tongue clean.
Bowels irregular says he takes aperients pills occasionally. Had had hard work
in Bombay as a barrister – less since he became a judge, never had fever or
dysentery – says he had some symptoms of paresis [incomplete paralysis,
affecting muscular motion but not sensation] during the rains of 1865 &
again in 1866 after very hard work! – urine not copious
slightly phosphate. Had gout in his foot in 1866 which lasted three weeks but
did not actually confine him to the house.
I prescribed a saline bitter laxative occasionally – no sherry, moderate
exercise as little work as possible – get leave when possible & come away.
He urged the absolute necessity of returning to India then!
J Fayser MD
[Probably written by Emily] half sheet torn from letter
of March 25 [1880]
The state of Philip’s affairs is this :
£1000 sick leave allowance
£13 to 12000 invested & held by Oriental Bank
£10 000
Cecillia’s settlement
some money in India
Malheran bungalow
Books & furniture in Bombay
Then after the sick leave allowance there will be
the half pension so that they will have it seems to me £1700 or £1800 a
year. I have been telling Cecilia that
for boys education total expenses of £200 each should be reckoned so that it
would be best from the beginning to leave this amount each out of consideration
in arranging general expenses so that the present £1200 a year is about
right. She much wishes to begin
right & not have to change afterwards. As to the house if a good offer
comes I almost think that better be let as this other must remain
uncertain but you can judge much better than I.
I only mean that there would quite be the room & convenience P &
C would require on the plan I have said & something known would make things
easy if we can do with uncertainty any longer.
Cape Finisterre 2
June 1880 9.30 p.m.
I am beginning to write to you though I am still
much in the dark as to our exact time or even day or arrival. The fact is we had such favourable wind in
the Mediterranean that we reached Gibraltar in exceedingly good time (as
perhaps you would see from the ships telegram) but since Lisbon we have had a
head wind which has delayed us a good deal though it has not been rough. The only bad day we have had was the second
while we were still in the Mediterranean.
We had begun to hope that Saturday would be the day of arrival but now
it may be Sunday or even Monday as we shall have to wait for the tide to get
into the Dock. The telegraph I shall
send from Plymouth will tell you more exactly.
It feels rather cold at sea with this strong north wind but dear Philip
does not seem to feel it. The ship is so
large that the motion is not much felt but we shall be very glad to get
home to England. As the house sounds to
be so nice & neat I think it will be much better to put away any ornaments
or small things that are not wanted in the children’s room as they are very
full of life & mischief & at present too apt to spoil what comes into
their own domain & Mrs Oliver is a little too ready to think it an
inevitable state of things but I am sure they will soon learn the value &
pleasure of possessions. They are very
dear little boys & doing very nicely on this voyage & as happy as can
be especially Carlo & Luccio.
3 June 9.30 We shall be
out of the Bay of Biscay tomorrow morning early. The head wind has continued but not nearly so
strong & the sea is delightfully calm.
A favouring wind would have given us a rough sea so we are very
thankful for things as they as we could not have had a more favourable
state of things. It has been a most easy
comfortable voyage & we hope to be at Plymouth tomorrow (Friday) about 1
p.m. Captain Trench says he expects
it will be on Sunday at 12 noon that we shall arrive in London. He thinks our best plan far (sic) will be to
drive. I have been going over our
possessions & find that it is as I thought that two carriages adapted for
luggage (like the one I had to take me to Victoria Station when I left for
Naples) would do very well for us & the necessaries for the 1st
night & the small bags rugs &c we have.
Then P & C & you & Mrs Lynch might go in one & I &
Mrs Oliver & the children in the other.
I find it is the regular arrangement (with printed forms lying in the
cabin prepared for it) to leave the heavy luggage for Messrs Anderson to
forward so if you have not had time to make any enquiries about it do not mind
for all will go right without & we shall have no difficulty. We shall I
should expect get to Kensington about two or three o’clock on Sunday & we
should like best a sort of lunch dinner (soup beef & chicken & a nice
light pudding Philip would like & that would do for all are [..]
essentials. If it should be cold
or wet a small fire in one room would be desirable but Philip
does not seem to feel cold so much as heat so far.
When shall we see Annie & the children. Even
baby talks of going to see Gordon only he thinks it is to India he is going for
this. When & how shall we see dear
Isabel & hers Cecilia talks about them. Philip seems much satisfied with the idea
that he is to see Sir Wm Jenner –
I fancy the best plan is to do as at Naples to have a good doctor such
as Mr Brend for instance to see him regularly & Sir W Jenner for
consultation. Semmole (who is like Sir W
Jenner) said there was nothing gained by his seeing Philip often & yet some
one shd watch. But
talk to someone who knows & it will be soon enough quite by Tuesday or
Wednesday to arrange what shall be done.
There is a Dr Freeman on board who seems a very nice sensible doctor
from San Remo who is now returning to England with 4 or 5 of his patients who
have been there for the winter & he says he has met Semmole in consultation
& what a clever man he is. He has
written an account of Philip’s case.
Off Plymouth
June 4th 3 p.m.
Our letters will soon be called for. It is damp drizzle & rather cold but
Philip does not seem to feel it & likes often to be on the deck under the
awning. I am sending a telegram which you
will have received before this.
dear love you ever affec sister
17 [1886 added in pencil]
I have been intending to write to you for some days
& post time (6.10) comes without my having done so – so I think I will
write this evening ready for tomorrow. I
believe we had an expedition into the mountains on Friday – it was great
fun. We went to a place called Boot by a primitive single line railway which
would stop anywhere for people to get in & out. The guard got off at the stations, or rather
sheds, & sold the tickets. We hope to have walked to Burumoor Tarn but
someway we got wrong & went nowhere in particular & got into boggy land
as one does. The children walked very
well & much enjoyed the sandwiches out of doors & drinking from streams. We were so long on the way going
(uphill & resting) that I got frightened of being too late for the last
train & so we turned back. We
avoided the bog & came so quickly down that we were far too soon so Evie
& Reg inspected a steep railway […] ruins with Harriet & Kit & I
watched a huge happy flock of chickens. Then we walked along the line
some way finding lovely flowers & the train stopped for us to get in! When we were nearly at home it began to pour
& we got home to find a lovely bright fire & tea ready. Saturday was very wet. Sunday moderate. The little iron Church very nice &
pleasant to go to. Since then we have had a continuous storm of wind – with
great rolling waves & masses of foam – very grand but quite cold & we
all wear warm things & hats that will not blow off - & the children
have had to give up paddling till today when they did it for a short time. They look very well & have enormous
appetites & everything is very good but you have to eat what there happens
to be – not to choose beforehand! I am very
busy drawing & I think & hope it is going to turn out a
success. It is difficult & very
minute. Do you remember a lilac flower
that grows in marshy places about the Lakes [..] – I am doing this and sundew
& masses of fern. Yesterday and today I have drawn all day &
gone out in the evening but I mean not to go on doing it, as I think I don’t do
much when I am tired. I have very good accounts from Arthur & send you his
last letter as I think it will amuse you.
On Monday I had a call from Florence Shelly
& her sister Mrs Rawdon Smith.
They were staying at Coniston for 3 days & had come here in the
morning to drive to Wastwater. They found out where I was at the Post
Office! The rest of their party went to
the hotel as they thought it a wild goose chase. I have astonishing news from
St Helens. Col. Jamble will not stand & Mr Sinclair has been asked to do so
& has accepted! I also hear that
Canon Car is very ill indeed. He had a stroke of paralysis last week. I am sorry the plan for the Falcons coming
had to be given up it sounded very nice. I hope you will soon let your
home. It would be very nice to be at
Annie’s house in July. I do hope some warm weather will come soon. I have not
provided myself with a suitable hat & I have to wear a very very ancient
one as my lace hat would be impossible in this stormy wind. The air is splendid. The lodgings very nice & the people so
sweet & honest & primitive. The
bill for the week was £3.17.4 including meat, eggs butter milk bread &
lodgings! The daughter sings in the
choir & chops fire wood & is always neat & collected educated &
With much much love I am ever your very effect
Isabel Jamison
I have had a telegram to say they had got to Limerick
since the letter was written for A.
House, Seascale, June 27 86
My dear Ellen
The flowers &c arrived yesterday morning just
before we set off to Wastwater & we got home too late for post & today
there is none! I think the flowers most
lovely & think my hat will look very pretty. The bronze gauze is very pretty but it does
not look nice on the hat nor on my blue cotton dress but it will very
likely come in for something. How much
were the things & did E pay anything for the material?
Arthur got here about 6.30 on Friday evening &
we were so glad to see him. Yesterday morning the children took him onto the
shore to paddle & did – at least they did this part & then we all set
off to Wastwater – after many misgivings as to the weather. It was greyish at first but brightened up as
we got to the head of the lake & was most lovely. It takes about 2½ hrs to drive there but we
came back quicker & had several hours there partly on the lake & partly
on the mountain sides & the evening light was too lovely as we came
home. Kit said it “was pretty, she never
knew before what a lake was”! Today is
glorious & so hot! Arthur & I
are going at 6 this evening to Coniston & tomorrow shall look about &
inspect the lodgings as we are inclined to think that 7 weeks will be as long
as I shall care for here & also as long as will do the children good. They are splendidly well & so strong
& so very hungry & everything is so good. Lovely butter at 11d a lb.
I am thinking of sending you some when a biscuit hat is empty! We get 2d as
much cream as our party can use with nater rice!
Meat is about the same as at home. Arthur will go home from Coniston
& will not be able to come for a few weeks as Dr Masson is going for a
holiday to Scotland – not before he needs it I think! Did you see that Helen Bruce has a little daughter. Edith has been with her awaiting the event
for 7 weeks! They were both going on
very well when Annie called. It is so
curious to have such a sudden change in the weather – the sea so calm & the
sky so blue. I wonder how long I could lead this very idle life & feel
quite content.
much love I am
yr very affec sister
Seascale June 29 1886
The hat is a great success & Evie has
volunteered that I “look so nice on the shore”!
The weather has taken up & is glorious. On Sunday A & I went by
the 6.0 train to Coniston getting there at 7.45. We deposited our things at the hotel &
walked round the head of the lake to the side where the G Holts & old Mrs
Melly and Mr Ruskin live & it was most lovely such a grand
view. We called at Mrs Tim Barrows (the
only lodging on that side of the lake) meaning merely to ask if she was
engaged, but she begged us to look at the rooms which are nice & furniture
– rather better than the Silversdale ones.
They are let on Aug 9 & the people who are in now have been some
time but they are very unsettled & are to stay on as long as they like. Mrs Barrow promised to write to me at once if
they decide to go & then we shd go from here on the 20th July
& stay till Aug 8 or 9. In any case I have told Mrs Hodgson she may let
these rooms after July 20 though if they are unlet we may stay a little
longer. We also went to the ones C Broadbent recommended – extremely nice rooms
but not with the repose & lovely view also at Tim Barrow’s there is a sort
of lawny garden & a farm on a small scale which would be very attractive. I
hope we shall go there. We then
took a small carriage & drove through Yewdale to Croft. Seeing Mr Ruskin’s back on our way –
in grey but still with the ample blue neck cloth. He is busy having the road to
Colwith Water Fall improved so that it can be better seen. The driver says he is spending from £50 to
£100 on it. The whole drive was most beautiful.
We went into Bratbay Church yard as I had always wanted to see Alice
Fletcher’s grave. There is a beautiful carved Cornish Cross at the head. Then we called at Croft & found the
Sharps with Mrs Fletcher the latter has been very ill with shingles but was lying
in the garden in a dressing gown. I saw
her & had a pleasant chat but A stayed & talked to the Sharps &
then we drove on & had lunch & went by the 3.35 steamer to Lake Side
& on together to Ulverston where A went home & I here! Was not that a lovely day. He is entirely
converted to the Lakes & thinks the air so delicious. I was much shocked to hear from Mrs Fletcher
that Mr Ralph Fletcher died last Thursday.
The funeral was to be yesterday.
He had been ill almost 3 weeks with gout most painful in his knee &
then it went to his head & he died. I do not think the poppies &c were
more [..] all than such lovely ones were likely to be & I wanted it to look
nice. The hat itself was 3½d
so as a successful whole it is not very ruinous! We bathed this morning with great pleasure
but Kit did not bathe I think the waves were rather too strong when she bathed
before & made her rather afraid, but
I hope she will try again. Mrs
Fletcher asked after you & Emily & I told her where you were living
& that you wish to let your house this autumn. I thought there was no harm
in telling her was there. With much love
I am yr affec
Isabel Jamison
I like the lines of Church Decorating very much
& will hand them to Evie who will I know appreciate them, She is very well at present & so are the
others but they are absorbed in the enjoyment of the present moment.
House July 25 86
Dearest Ellen
Many thanks for the telegram which I conclude you or
Emily sent to tell me of Cecilia & Orazios’ arrival – I hope they are well
& had a good voyage. Give Cecilia my love when you see her & very kind
remembrances to Orazio. I hope very much
you will soon let your house. I think
August & September are […] the most likely months to let it in but it would
be satisfactory to have it arranged. We
are feeling very sorry to think of leaving here on Saturday as we like it
better & better, but still we are looking forward with great pleasure to
the 9 days at Coniston, & I think we ought to be at home as Arthur
is feeling very lonely – but I look with horror at the dust &c of St
Helens. But last year it was never very hot after we got home. Doubtless the winters wd be dreary in these
lake regions but I should like to live hereabouts. It is quite as charming as I ever used to
think it. Yesterday we went to Ravenglass (2 stations off ) & walked to
Muncaster Castle a most beautiful place with large perfect gardens &
views too beautiful to imagine up the Esk Valley & the kind owners let one
wander at will all over the gardens & close to the house – we went out by
another gate into the Esk Valley itself & round to the Esk… station &
house. Probably we walked more than 5 miles but I am never tired in this
delicious air. I do hope it will be fine at Coniston. I have
nearly finished another picture but fear I shall not have time for a third (of
[…] […]) which I much wanted to do. The
wild flowers are most exquisite & the masses of purple heather are
just now in perfection & why anyone lives in towns I cannot imagine. London has compensations to a
great degree. The children are supremely
happy. Miss Clarke is now with us &
is very nice. Laura Jamieson is staying here too.
With much love to you both I am
Ever your very affec sister
Isabel Jamison
I think the pattern of cotton you sent is extremely
pretty. I received your card this
St Helens
Lancashire September 12 1886
My dear Ellen
I have been so long in writing but I have found it
very difficult to find time for letter writing. In the mornings I have let
myself get busy with other things, Captain Jamieson being out driving with
Arthur. In the afternoons I have gone long walks with him & in the evenings
played cribbage or whist! Arthur talks
of going to London on Friday but I will let you know when he is actually
off. Reg was much pleased with your card
on his birthday & will write to you himself soon. They are all very well & he & Kitty
play & are very merry all day long.
We have a dear fluffy kitten to which they are both devoted. Dear Evie
is being very nice at present but is so much older & quieter than the other
two – she is developing a great love of poetry and said the whole of the […]
without a mistake the other evening. I
read “King John” to her a little while since she enjoyed it very much. Now we
are ready the “Talisman” which she thinks delightful all except the love
affairs which she thinks dull! I have
also begun to read “Genesis” to Evie
& Reg & they are much interested.
Last Sunday I read many chapters & when I stopped Evie said “It is
very interesting but it is so very curiously put”! Captain Jamieson leaves us on Tuesday and
Harriet goes for her holidays which I shall be glad to have over & when she
comes back she will have to make winter frocks &c &c. The schoolroom is getting to look very
nice. The new cretonne is on the sofa
& will be on the chairs very soon & we are having new common blue serge
curtains to which Miss Clarke is working the bands & all the dear old dirty
pictures are down & the new bookcases up.
I got broom handles for curtain poles which I have painted black most
successfully & now I am doing the rings - & I think I shall do the
chairs & sofa & table legs so it will look quite renovated. The oilcloth in the hall is still very untidy,
but we do not seem to rise to that point with the “castle in the air” looming
over our heads. We dined last night at
the W Gambles – not a party. An Irish
cousin of the Gambles was there she lives at Blackheath & is in Henry
Leslies choir & sings most beautifully. I think she has been a good deal in
Germany. Her name was curious & I
could not catch it. Did I tell you that
Miss Pigot & Mr Fagg were married
about a fortnight ago. It was a very pretty & nice wedding & in
the afternoon they had a pleasant tennis party on a ground at Prescot. I hope you had a fine day for Cecilia and the
nephews yesterday & that all went off pleasantly. I am glad Cecilia seems
so much better. I had a letter from Mary
Brandreth the other day she has the youngest “man” of the Standish Brandreths
living with her. He has lost his memory but manages very well by writing
everything important down. The one who had the Standish living has sold it so
no Brandreths are there now. I have not heard lately from Emma or […] but I
expect they will come here about the 24th.
With much love I am ever yr very affec sister
Isabel Jamison
Helens Lancashire October 17 1886
Dearest Ellen
I was very glad to get Ellen the short note you sent
me this morning as it seemd ages since I had heard & I had written you
rather a long interesting letter!
Which I had rather thought you would respond to quickly but Oh dear how busy
one does find oneself. “The congregation in Church” arrived yesterday morning
& caused us infinite wonder as to who had sent it, you, being the only
person I thought likely to send it to me, but the writing & postmark were
unknown. Arthur & I found it extremely
interesting all yesterday. We have not
read it properly straight through yet, but we shall do, and thank you very
much for sending it. I never met
with all the details brought together so simply and plainly - & it puts
clearly what has been only a hazy impression to me. Maud left us yesterday. She is a nice little
thing & so much improved both in health & sense. Constance Broadbent (the daughter) came for a
night, & we liked her very much indeed. She is clever & interesting & has
read a good deal. We had Mr & Miss
Sinclair, Fred & Mr Mowbray to dinner the night she was here & she
recited for us most splendidly only the piece she chose was too tragic &
painful for such an occasion – but she says she cannot do light amusing
things. Constance (the mother) brought
Marjorie the next morning & stayed to lunch &c & we had a very pleasant day & I
understand they also enjoyed it. We have
been having a great deal of wet weather but not otherwise disagreeable. Arthur has got a rather bad hand – I fear
poisoned – but he hopes it is rather better today & is taking care of it –
but he is not very hungry, & I don’t quite know how he ought to be treated
from the kitchen point of view. With regard to having the book about on the
drawing room table I am doubtful. If people are to become better instructed on
such matters they must know that such books exist - & it is only to very
few of one’s friends that one would begin to talk of it unless they had
happened to see it & yet many might be as glad as I was to know of it. As far as I can judge of it now, its failing is the
taking it for granted that if a dress or custom was “primitive” it must be good
now – whereas in such matters a living church should be able to change (if
desirable) & certainly to grow & do some things differently without any
distinct starting point of change – but though I say this I do not at all want
to defend the unorderly & irreverent & ignorant service & behaviour
in so many churches - & I think it is always edifying to know the meaning
of ritual &c &c. If I could see
you I could say what I mean better & I hope you will believe that I have
been much more “edified” by the book than inclined to criticise it
though I have come upon one or two things that from the highest point of view
are not edifying to me. I wonder
if you know that Canon Eyre wrote to the trustees of the Old Church asking to
be allowed to withdraw his refusal & he is now our new Vicar & is to
read himself in early next month. The
Vicarage will not hold his 8 children &c so till it is altered
I suppose Mrs Eyre will not come. Why he refused first & then accepted no
one knows but I heard a surmise that he might have wished for St James’ [….] as
he has relations there. Please send me word if you can if it your Mrs &
Miss Eyre who are his cousins. Much love
Isabella Jamison
[Ref: JA/A1]
Helens Lancashire October 31 1886
My dearest Ellen
I have been a long time without writing again I
think & I was very glad to have your last long letter. Arthur & I have been talking our own case
& we are inclined to think it seems much simpler to go direct to the Bishop
of Bedford than to Canon Leecock who
would have to arrange it after all with some Bishop. I should like to know really & truly
whether Emily would in the least rather we did not write or go to him?
& if she does not mind will you tell us when his day is that
he can see people. Arthur goes to London
probably on Tuesday, & it seems to me it would be very desirable if
he could just go & speak to the Bishop while he is in London. Then I would
arrange to go in a short time & A might
come again for a day for the
actual confirmation but I
should be glad to have only one journey to London. Do not please try to make any appointment for
Arthur, only I thought if he could bring it in to call on the Bishop while he
is in London this time it would make the rest follow on easily &
quickly. We have been reading the little
book aloud & have been much interested.
I like a great deal & have been much instructed &
possibly I shd like & fall in with much of the ritual if I were at a church
where it was followed by all as a matter of course – but I do not like the talk
& arrangement of such things – then, though I shd like to be present myself
at the communion without communicating.
I shd greatly dislike to have the church full of all sorts of
curious or unsympathetic people - & though I feel (as always) that the
bigoted horror of ritual is most foolish & ignorant, still I cannot think
it very important or to be treated as the “[…] matters of the law” Charlie is come to Liverpool & A & I
are going over this afternoon to see him & we think of going to the
Cathedral this evening. I have stayed in
this morning with Kit as she has a tooth ache.
Reg is much better – nearly well - Miss Clarke is having bad indigestion
& is living entirely on [….] which is suiting her but of course will not do
to go with too long.
With very much love to you & to dear Emily
I am
Ever yr very affec
Isabel Jamison
Helens, Lancashire November 7th 1886
My dearest Ellen
Thank you very much for your letter & for
sending me Mr Cropper’s letter. I have copied
it & send it back to you. If when I
see the Bishop of Bedford he asks me as he will about it would you mind my
showing him the copy & telling him what you told me about the […] Mr
Maurice, who had been baptised like we were, was conditionally baptised before
his confirmation. This I should leave to
the Bishop, but it appears to me from the […] in the Baptismal services &
from the Congregation in Ch page 142 that we were properly baptised. I meant to have written a long letter but I
have been talking to Arthur since the chicks went up & I fear I shall have
no time. A was not able to go & see
the Bishop – I intend to write to him & ask when he can see me & then I
will come to London & see him, & what follows must of course depend on
what he says. I should very much like to
stay with you as Emily asks me to do.
Then I hope it would do for Arthur to come up & join me & that
we could be confirmed together. Now that
I see a way to do it I am most anxious that it shd be soon, & I do hope
that the Bishop will think I am in a right state of mind. Meaning it quite humbly I think I ought to be
able to be admitted because I think some of my difficulties are what no
one who was confirmed young ever thinks prevents them from being true
members of the church. Will Emily please
tell me how she began her letter to the Bishop & what I must put on the
direction. His address A got. Charlie comes to us next week so I should
not be able to go to London till the end of next week. Will Emily tell me if Annie has said anything
since she told her. I was just wondering
if I should stay with her one night before seeing the Bishop & then go to
you or go to you & then come over from T.W. when he appoints. I have no time. With dearest love to you both
I am yr very affec sister
Isabel Jamison
I will write & tell you all Arthur experiences
as to London & also about Canon Eyre whos institution was on Thursday &
first Tuesday today.
Lancashire Nov
21 1886
Dearest Ellen
I had a kind little note from the Bishop of Bedford
[..] having received my letter first he was going away till late on Monday so
could fix no dates. Since writing we
have remembered that A has promised to be at home about the end of November
& beginning of Dec so that he could not go at the time I proposed. He is writing tonight to the Bishop to say
that if it is possible to fix earlier a time to see me I could go to London
next Wednesday. Can I come to you then
if he fixes it so? I would of course
telegraph before starting but I think I cannot hear from the Bishop till
Wednesday morning.
Much love
yrs ever affecly
Isabel Jamison
Nov 30 1886
Dearest Ellen
I send the pieced sleeves but I do not think they on
consideration I think you do not mean the pieced ends I have but the I am,
in short puzzled – as 10d is the price of 2 pairs so I will wait
till I hear again whether I am to send any back to you. Gordon & I are going shopping &c
& tomorrow morning we intend to go to the old W Colour Ex. I think in the morning & then I shall do
nothing (as far as I know) in the afternoon but go & dine &c at Mere
Street. I go home on Wednesday. I have looked in Annie’s Blue Book but as I
do not know Mr Matheson’s other name I cannot tell which is his address. A says if you will come here to tea we shall
be in after 4 but you must do just as is convenient it will make no difference
here. She has subsided out of the very
difficult humour but one cannot talk to her
Ever yr very
I Jamison
Helens, Lancashire Dec 3 1886
Dearest Ellen
I send both the dining & drawing room. I got home quite safely but had a very cold
journey & today have had bad “face ache” but A has given me some strong
quinine which has had a wonderful effect.
The chicks are radiant. Miss Clark looks very ill & has been much
worse than I knew, but I am sending her into the spare room & she is not to
be wakened in the morning. Sleep is what
she needs & she cannot get to sleep till morning & then the children
getting up waken her. If the spare room
does not answer I think I shall let her & Evie go to S’port for a week but
we shall see. A & I have had not
time so far but doubtless in due course we shall have. At present all is in abeyance. I think Annie will do as you say. She asked me a good deal about it very nicely
& I fancy she will manage it. She is
very much puzzled & worried how to make both ends meet & when I do not
know her exact position it is impossible to advise. Cecilia intends to go to Italy on Jan
12. If you can help it I would not go to
London in this very cold weather. It cannot go on long. I send you a copy of
all advertisements which Rosa Rayner gave me she had sent for a couple of
chickens & they had arrived immediately extremely nice & with a
little card attached saying when they were killed. I do not think the rabbits are cheap do you?
Much love to you both from your ever affec sister
Isabel Jamison
Helens, Lancashire Dec 7 1886
Dearest Ellen
I fancy you will have been wondering what I have
been doing not to write. I was in bed most of Saturday & all Sunday with a
dreadful “face-ache”. All Sunday I had
doses of nepenthe & quinine which lulled the pain & kept me asleep.
Yesterday I got up after breakfast & today before. I am better & have no actual pain but the
inside of my ear & my jaw are very tender. Miss Clarke is still exceedingly
poorly & I think must have a change of some sort. Arthur & I dine at the Twyfords tonight & I shall enrol myself in a black lace scarf if
I feel my head cold. I cannot of course go out or do any of the things I
want. We were very glad to hear you were
better. Mrs David Jamble had twins this morning. Arthur & I can get no time to ourselves
(chiefly because I have been ill) but I hope soon to be able to tell you what
our plans are likely to be. When he is
bold, I am cautious - & vice versa!
I quite expect Annie will do as you suggest. She was extremely difficult but changed
afterwards & she had been & is worried with other things.
Much love
From yrs ever
Isabel Jamison
Helens, Lancashire Tuesday [December 1886 probably added later]
Dearest Ellen
Evie wrote the enclosed to you today & I sent
it. I have no time to write I am very
busy as Miss Clarke is still very poorly.
She has been in bed nearly a week except a few hours on Sunday &
Monday when she seemed a little better. She cannot sleep without chloral &
Arthur gives her very little as it upsets her in other ways & she can eat
scarcely anything – today only arrowroot & brandy. Arthur thinks she will get well but I am
really very anxious about her. Harriet
is helping to nurse her beautifully & the children are as good as
gold. I had to do the cooking last night
& rather made my face ache but it passed off & I had an excellent
night. We ought to dine out on Thursday
& Friday. A had a note from the
Bishop in answer to his sending something for the fund. At the end he said “Mrs Falcon is to come
& see me on Monday, she is the widow of a very old friend of ours”. I knew from Annie that she was going but I
have not heard from her since, you would hear that Gordon passed his exam. I am
truly glad. We have had a frightful snow
fall today with rain after.
With much much love to you both I am
Ever yr affec sister
Isabel Jamison
Helens Lancaster Dec
16 1886
Dearest Ellen
I am quite sure I should like the story if you
do. The children have taken a great jump
& read […] Ballads to one another with great gusto & are quite familiar
with witches & ghosts! One day while
I was away Arthur was talking about Pickwick & quoted something about S
Weller saying he wd be “a walking brandy bottle” & of course it was not
mentioned again. Yesterday Reg paid Miss
Clarke a visit in bed & said “I think you’ll grow into a walking brandy
I hope you will let your house & I hope you will
both come here either together or separately. At present Miss Clarke
must have the spare room but surely soon she will be better. She is decidedly better yesterday &
today. How nice S Pooleys letter is
. Annie was confirmed on Monday & is
very glad. She says the kind sympathetic
talk has calmed her very much. I have not time to write.
Yrs ever
I send on a card I had from Mrs Arnold. Read it (if you can) and burn it.
Please send me (if you have it) the recipe for beef
tea with acid.
I am sending you a couple of lanterns tomorrow
morning by post
[added later Uncle Ed & Burma]
St Helens
Lancashire March 14 [1887]
Dearest Ellen
I meant to have written a long letter but have been
prevented so write in a hurry to ask what the white material is called? how
much it costs? & how wide it is?
& whether to be got anywhere? Also the same thing about the crimson
velvets (?) with which one letter is covered?
I have made a device for the church which Mrs Gamble & Mr Lakeman
admire – I will send it to you when I can spare it but we are having a joiner
to measure for us in the church tomorrow & shall want it. I had a pleasant lunch at Kingwall on Thursday & Mrs Thompson again
said how sorry she was not to have seen Emily.
Mary Brandreth is very ill – I called on Thursday to ask & Sarah
gave a very bad account. She has had a chalk stone removed from under her
tongue & has […] & a bad cold. A
Corrie had offered to come but M said, as she could not speak, she would rather
be alone. I want very much to hear again
& I think I shall write. Eddie is
doing wonderful things in Burmah. His
colonel went to sleep (!) so had to depart & Eddie was given the command (for
the time) I believe Charlie says
“they didn’t give the command to children when he went into the service”! However Eddie & the 200 men or so under
him captured a chief & he has had to write despatches &c &c. They hope he will get home this year as the
Burmah war seems over. With very much love I am
Yr very affec sister.
Isabel Jamison
Reg fell into a pond about 10 days ago. Happily
Harriet was close by & pulled him out at once & the week after he cut
his head with an exe! Almost 1½ inches long the cut was – Happily it did
not touch the scull & when it was sewed up he seemed to feel no further
inconvenience. He was very brave & neither cried nor made any sound till
when it was all over, he reflected that if it had gone a little further “there
might have been an end of him” & then he wept a little! I hope he will be
careful in future. He is looking so well & bonny. Have you heard from Annie yet. She might be dead & the girls too. I had a note from C Broadbent about Joe (who
is gone back) & she said she hoped soon to write to you.
18 Lowndes Street S.W. March 7
I was so glad to have such a […] of letters from all
of you on Monday, but I must answer them by degrees. Bath is quite a town with 70,000 inhabitants,
but it is a very pleasant town with trees in many streets, & a very pretty
park with a botanical garden & a little valley planted with rare
“confers” very well grown. I go past the
Abbey every day on my way to the pump room but I have not been inside yet. Aunt Ellen has, & she says it is
beautiful. Outside it is very
interesting – perpendicular, as you know. With no triforium at all, but very
large clerestory indoors with l[,,] buttresses
between them over the aisles. At the west end are two high ladders carved
in stone with the broken remains of angels ascending & descending. It was
begun to be built by Bishop King (who
was consecrated in 1499) owing to a dream he had in which he saw angels
ascending & descending on ladder & calling on him to rebuild the
Church. Yesterday Mrs Winkworth came
over to lunch & to my great surprise Aunt May also came in just before
lunch. She had come over with Miss Graves who was going to lunch with Mrs Stuckey. Aunt May had lunch with us & then went up
to Mrs Stuckey & we went for a drive to a very pretty village called
Claverton, the road lay parallel most of the way to the river Avon & the
canal – in one place there is an aqueduct which takes the canal over the
river & the railway! Miss Winkworth
wants us to go to Linton for the Easter holidays & join her. It would be very pleasant but I told her I
thought it would be rather too much of a journey &c for our little
mid-term refreshment. If Reg goes
to the confirmation classes perhaps it would be better to go somewhere near so
that he could come home just for the class as I hardly think there would be any
break in the classes at the time we shd want to go away. Is there any announcement in the Magazine as
to the hours of the classes? I see they
have discovered the foundation of a 13th century chapel on the south
side of Wells Cathedral & the remains of a still older building – it would
be interesting to see them. I am writing
lying down which with a very thick pen accounts for the funny
writing. Aunt May read us an interesting
letter from Jay. They have arrived
at [….] but are staying with someone
till their house is ready. Jay says
their own house is a very nice one & she longs to be in it. They have
bought a piano 2 years old from a judge who is leaving & are getting the
rest of the furniture. Their own
packages have not yet arrived except their personal luggage and she had
unpacked nothing but what she had for the voyage. Her ayah admired the white tea-gown. She said it felt a little warm, but the hot
weather had not begun yet.
yr loving
Please write or ask Katie Villier about the
dressmaker, & if she is near you might call when you are out with
Edith, and engage her to make your & Kit each a frock, to be finished by
April 8 at the latest, but say I could bring you to have patterns taken
on March 27 & that we should be very glad to have the frocks by April 3rd
or 4th. Fix definite dates with her & give my address 18 Lowndes Street & say you were
recommended by the Miss Villierses – but before going ask Katie if they
are still satisfied with her. Aunt Annie
has given men another address, but it is some way off. September 17 1894
18, Lowndes
Street, S.W.
[letter sent to Cliftonville Hotel Margate
1894 from postmark on
Dearest Evie
We were very glad to hear
from you this morning only as you said you might go to Ramsgate or
Canterbury today I did not like to send all the previous bundle of 4 letters
which came for you this morning, without being sure you would get them. There was also a legal looking letter for
Father from Standa… & another from [..] or Hamburg ? I sent both on. You may imagine how I longed to read yours
from Miss Lewis! You must be sure & let me hear quickly the exact state of
your exam.
I had a letter this morning
from Mrs Storrs asking if Ronald might spend the day with us tomorrow. They were coming from Westfall this morning
& she & Mr Storrs are going to Normandy this afternoon. Ronald to
school on Wednesday & the other children are not at home. Of course I said we should be very glad to
have him & I asked him to come today as well, if he liked. Yesterday we went to Westminster Abbey as I
saw Mr Hitchcock was preaching. It was beautiful & the Abbey looked
lovely. In the afternoon we paid calls
on Aunts Emily & Ellen & Cecilia.
The former have asked you
all to play tennis next
Friday & Aunt Cecilia to go to them to lunch on Saturday & then play
tennis. Cuccio had gone back to
Sandhurst before we arrived. He is very
well and enjoying himself very much at Sandhurst. Philip begins his hospitals this October.
I am so sorry you had a wet afternoon.
We though it was going to rain, but it only lasted a few moments. I fancy Westgate is the nicest place
about you, & there is I think a good hotel there. I think if you go to Canterbury you will
probably like your “white elephant” in the afternoons. Edith says she gave you the key “into your
hand” in the drawing room before I went out & no one has seen it
since! Edith has just found it in the
consulting room. Kit sends much love to
you both & thinks you very “cheeky”.
Much love from me to both
Ever your loving
Extract from a letter of
Cecilia’s from Siena July 30 1902
It refers to Isabella’s
niece Emma, the daughter of her sister Annie Falcon. Emma Falcon was listed as an artist in the
1891 census living with her mother and sister Maud. In 1893 she became a nun.
“…I am so glad that Maud has
sent me the letter from the Superior of Shanghai the nuns have asked me to
translate for them any letter with particulars of Emma’s last illness and now I
shall be able to do so. I saw several of her works. One is a Christ in
shepherds clothes painted on the door of the tabernacle it is exquisitely done
a more pretentious work is the panel of the Altar representing Christ in the
arms of our Lady of Dolaro after the descent of the Cross. The face of the Madonna bears the right
sorrowful expression and the whole thing is really very good. We saw also three
panels from Fra Angelicas shop which she painted and presented to the Superior
on her feast day I only wish it was mine so lovely it is. It represents our
Lady with the infant Jesus in her arms and on the side panels the two Saints of
the order. Dear Emma was a very great favourite with everyone of the sisters
but there is a small very old little French nun who is simply devoted to her. I
shall ask Maud to send her a little souvenir among the last belongings of
[This was found amongst a
collection of cards made for Isabella and Arthur by their children when young
and was in the large brown suitcase under the study bed at Bristol]
Letter written to her
daughter Evelyn 23 August 1911
Isabella’s writing paper was
embossed 32 Pembroke Road W but in this letter she had written 25 The Ridgeway
Wimbledon London SW and writes “I am very glad to be here to see the Aunts
properly before we go abroad. They are wonderfully able to go about. Aunt Emily
is much more willing to rest and be quiet, but she can walk very well and Aunt
Ellen spends whole days (occasionally) in London and it is most difficult to
persuade her to rest regularly.
1883 – Death of John Phillip Green
The earthquake on the island of Ischia took place on the 28th
July 1883 –
a Saturday evening
- John Philip Green’s body was
not recovered until late
Monday afternoon 3 August.
Naples 61 Riviera 1st August 1883
Dear Mifs Green
I did not know your address or
should have let you know before this the sad sad calamity which has fallen upon
us. I asked Mr Lynch by telegram to
prepare Mifs Ellen Green for the letter which she must have received by this.
Mr & Mrs Green were taking
the baths at Casamicciola and we were expecting them back this week and looking
forward with such pleasure to their return.
The Monday before the terrible earthquake I took the boys to see their
parents and I never remember to have seen Mr Green looking better or
happier. Carlo remained with his father
and mother. Cuclio & Philip came back with me to Naples. On Saturday evening while all the society
staying at the Hotel were together in the music room the most fearful
earthquake known swept the whole island off the earth not a house remained, all
swallowed underneath. Mrs Green was
saved after being 3 hours buried under the stones. She has a large wound on the
face. Liberal grasses on her arms and is
indeed very poorly. Carlo who was
sleeping in his parent’s room escaped unhurt, but poor dear Mr Green has been
only found yesterday. I trust he has not
suffered and that death was instantaneous. Mrs Green will write as soon as she
is able.
I cannot [….] my feelings on having to give you this
terrible terrible news. All Naples is in
mourning not a house [………]
The boys feel deeply the loss of
their beloved father. I trust you will
prepare Mrs Falcon for the sad bereavement. I can scarcely hold my pain but
feel certain your loved brother has made a happy exchange . 37 victims were
found close to Mr Green only eleven were saved in the whole room. Accept my deepest sympathy in your trouble.
Yours truly
M Clayton
Times Friday 3 August 1883
Mr John Phillip
Green, who was killed by the earthquake in the island of Ischia on the 28th
ult. was the only son of the Rev. Henry Green late of Knutsford Cheshire who
was born in the year 1830. He studied at
University College, London and took his degree of BA at the London University
in 1849 and his degree of LLB at the same University in 1853. He entered as a
student at the Middle Temple and was called to the Bar in 1856, having carried
off the studentship at the Bar Examination and immediately preceding his
call. He left London in 1862 [sic] and
took up his residency in Bombay, where he at once acquired a very considerable
practice, and in the year 1873 he was appointed one of the Judges of the high
Court of Judicature of Bombay. After
eight years of close application to his duties as Judge Mr Green was compelled
by a paralytic seizure to retire from the Bench and spent most of the remainder
of his life in Naples or its neighbourhood.
He was married first to a daughter of Mr Herbert RA and after her death
to a daughter of the Marquis I’Pacca, a member of an ancient Neapolitan
family. Mr Green left Naples about the
middle of July for Casamicciola in order to have the benefit of the baths
there, and with the intention of staying until the end of the month. Unfortunately, though the rest of the family
are happily saved, he himself was among the thousands who perished in the
This following is a transcript of a
handwritten copy found amongst the Jamison Archive – attached to which was a
small paper cutting which read as follows:
“The following are the names of the English
visitors saved at Casamicciola: The Rev.
Mr Barff, wife and one child, Miss More, Mrs Dombre, Doctor Stoddard, Colonel
MacKenzie, Mrs Green, reported dead yesterday, was rescued with her daughter
[sic] from the ruins after two hours digging, but her husband, a retired Indian
judge was found dead. Lord John Hay
offered the services of the squadron now lying at Corfu, which were thankfully
The Times Friday August 3rd 1883. The Mr
Green killed was a retired Indian judge, who had recently gone for 3 weeks to
the baths with his wife & son. He was standing in the middle of concert
room, on the ground floor of the Piccola Sintinilla, when the two upper floors
came crashing down into it. His wife
& son, who were sitting with other persons close to one of the walls had a
marvellous escape. The floors fell in in
such a manner as to leave them buried but uninjured in a kind of cavity.
A Signor & Signorina Segardi were also staying at the Piccola
Sintinella at the same time, but it chanced that Signor Segardi had gone to
Ischia that afternoon. Directly he heard the news of the catastrophe he hurried
back across the island. He was stopped
at Casamicciola by the cordon of the sentries already placed round. Desperate with anxiety about his sister, he
called out that they might fire if they pleased, but pass he would, & pass
he did, while they shouted that he was going to certain death. Clambering on in the dark over the ruins
& calling for his sister, Mrs Green & those buried with her heard his
voice out of the silence & replied. Setting to work with feverish energy,
he tore at the ruins until he had made a sufficient aperture to liberate the
prisoners, but alas his sister was not one of the number and her body has never
been found. Only part of the hotel fell at the first shock.
Darling Emily & Annie
Do not be too grieved over Cecilia’s letter. I mean the sleepless frightened state
for who can wonder & we must hope & pray for her. It is very […] of her to say not one word of
her own […]& to think of dear Philip’s gain. I am always thinking of him in
heaven. My dear sisters I do love you
I am nearly ready to go to Ischia
(The letter transcribed below was
handwritten and headed Copy of Cecilia’s letter to Mr Lynch)
Riviera de Chiaga 7th August 1883
My dear Mr Lynch
I have not written to you before
though I wished very much to do so because the shock has been so great that I
could not for a time put order in my ideas.
I can assure you that I am now quite well in health my bruises &
scratches are getting all right & begin to have some rest at night. On the first nights I was out of my bed
nearly every five minutes always in fear of a new earthquake or thinking that
people were calling me for help. As I am sure that you are anxious to hear the
particulars of that awful night I shall try to give you an idea of it. We had all been dinning & as there were
several people come from Ischia we all got into the drawing room next to the
dinning room & an Englishman had the funniest idea of playing a funeral
march. I remember to have said to a lady sitting near me that the gentleman had
not been very fortunate in the choice of his music. Filippo was then near me
but as he could not stop long at the same place he had just changed & this
has been his death as my brother in law who sat at his place near me has been
saved. The music ceased all in sudden we heard a terrible rumble & at the
same time I saw masses of […] turning
round in the air the lamp came down & for one only moment I lost conscience
of what was happening Once back to my senses I found myself buried among the
stones with one very heavy one weighing on my temples. We were seven in the same corner of the room
what saved us was the opposite wall did not fall. At first we called one another but I never
heard Filippo’s voice so that my hope is that my poor husband died at once
& did not suffer agonies. Poor
Filippo was so nice affectionate & calm all the time he was at Casamicciola
that I was in hope that the baths would do him great deal of good. Now my hope is that dear Filippo has had
time to make an act of contrition & that God has taken as expiation for him
the sufferings of these last years & that he is now happier than any of
us. I am sure that Anna & you will
never forget him in your prayers. After
we had been two hours under the stones we heard a man’s voice so we begun to
call for help & Sigr Sergardi […] came to save his sister took from
us the big stone that prevented our getting out & helped us to come
out. I was the 2nd person
saved & gave as much help as I could to the others who were buried with me
we were 7 all alive but a young lady who was lying on her mother’s lap was
found dead. Sergardi & I begun to take off the stones hoping to get some
other person out but we were very unfortunate & we ran off for help I first went to my Carlo’s bedroom which
room was on the same floor that the drawing room & I cannot describe the
sentiment of joy & gratitude that filled my heart towards God when I saw
Carlo sleeping as comfortable as possible in his little bed. I woke him up but he was so sleepy that I was
obliged to take him in my arms & rush into the street where I left him in
the care of a German gentleman who was in a safe place & I went back to the
drawing room to see if I could be of any help to Sergardi & find (her)
sister & also my poor dear Filippo.
We were about five hours without any assistance from outside. Our man servant & all the hotel servants
rushed off to a safe place & stayed there the whole night though they
perfectly heard our cry of distress. At
six o’clock some workmen came & as our help was useless I rushed off to see
for Carlo. I found him walking very
quietly among the ruins he was in his night clothes without shoes. As soon as we understood that our stay at the
Sintinella was a useless danger we walked down to the sea & no one that has
not been there can have an idea of the terrible spectacle we saw all along the
way not one bit of road free from ruins.
At 4 o’clock the news came to Naples that Casamicciola was one mountain
of ruins & that no one was saved. My
brother started at once for Casem to find us if not alive at least
to recover our bodies & try to have them properly buried. When he arrived
Carlo & I had already embarked with all the people who had been saved &
a quantity of wounded. Fortunately some
friend of mine told my brother that Carlo & myself had come safe to Naples
& hearing that Filippo was yet to be found rushed at the Piccola Sintinella
getting with him a troop of Marines but before he had reached the place
quantity of the men had been stopped on the way to give assistance to the
people lying on the roads & that is how it is that the disinterment at the
P S lasted three days. On the 2nd
day among several dead bodies they found a man alive but on the third all
dead. While they were taking poor dear
Filippo out a big piece of the wall came down & the workmen were saved by
miracle. They begun again & it was not before 6 o’clock in the afternoon
that poor dear Filippos’s body was taken from under the ruins. Orazio tells me that Filippo had a big hole
just right on the head & blood from his mouth so that it is more than
certain that his death has been sudden.
He wanted to have dear Filippp here to have him buried at the cemetery
but all Arazio’s prayers were useless as the authorities would not allow it
fearing the cholera. Orazio knows […]
where the coffin has been interred & as soon as it will be allowed I shall
have it brought here. Imagine dear Lynch that if Filippo had gone to bed as
usual he would have been saved from such a terrible death. Our bedroom though much cracked were standing
up all right & if the earthquake had taken place 5 minutes before no one
would have suffered a bit as the dinning room was intact. Our drawing room was on the ground floor at
the same level than the garden & when the earthquake took place we stopped
where we were but on the three quarter of the room the two above stories came
down & were the cause of the death of 36 people in the room as also a great
difficulty to take the people out as the workmen could work only from above the
room having no under issue. Dear Mr
Lynch I have given you all these particulars certain that they would interest
you but I should be much obliged if you would send my letter to be read to my
sisters in law as I have no strength to do it over again. I shall write to you again tomorrow to send
you the papers you ask me for. I cannot
thank you enough for your affection & to have thought about the Masses for
my poor dear Filippo
My love to Anna & ask her to
pray for Filippo & also for us all
Yr v aff
Cecilia Green
61 Riviera de Chiaja Naples 8th August 1883
Dear Mifs Green
As Mrs Green is still very
poorly, after the fearful shock she has had I hasten to acknowledge the receipt
of your letter of the 3rd.
I have hope after a little time
& quiet she will regain her strength and spirits. The Doctor has especially forbidden any new
emotion. Mifs Pacca and her brothers
are staying with Mrs Green, and her mother arrives tomorrow from Rome. It is feared your arrival here would renew
again the dreadful moments she has passed through.
The boys are quite well, they
often speak of their dear father. Carlo is the one I find resembles poor Mr
Green most.
I cannot tell you how much we all
miss your poor brother his sweet intelligent countenance Oh! it is difficult to accustom oneself to
his absence. I wrote to you immediately
I received your telegram and directed to you at Hotel Pillou.
Kindly remember me to Mrs Falcon
Yours truly
Mary S Clayton
61 Riviera de Chiaja Naples
9th August 1883
Dear Mifs Green
I would have replied to your letter
before this but that Mrs Green told me she was writing to you herself. Your poor dear brother was not found till 5
o’clock on Monday evening and it was then strictly forbidden to remove the
bodies, had he been taken out on Sunday Mrs Green’s brother had a special
permission to take the dear remains away.
Mr Green had a large hole in the head and was very much swollen. He was
in the midst of about 30 persons. Mrs
Green’s brother in law […] was also there and escaped with a fractured leg.
Carlo was at the time in bed, and
sleeping soundly where his mother awoke him he therefore remembers nothing
whatever of the earthquake. He is
growing very tall and is most studious, he resembles his father more than the
others. Little Philip is such a handsome
boy, very intelligent and I find he speaks much more distinctly than his
brothers. Mrs Green’s wound on the face
is healed, but it will be some time before she recovers the shock. I shall never forget that fatal Sunday she
& Carlo came back. The latter in his
night shirt without boots. Mrs Green all
bleeding no bonnet her dress torn to pieces.
The 28th July will be always a sad sad rememberance in Naples
[this appears to be the only
sheet – need to check when at Bristol]